Moodle APIs 4.3
Moodle 4.3.6 (Build: 20240812)
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
 Nantivirus_clamavClamAV antivirus integration
 Nassignfeedback_editpdfThis file contains the annotation class for the assignfeedback_editpdf plugin
 Nauth_oauth2Class for loading/storing oauth2 linked logins from the DB
 Nauth_shibbolethContains a helper class for the Shibboleth authentication plugin
 Navailability_completionActivity completion condition
 Navailability_dateDate condition
 Navailability_gradeObserver handling events
 Navailability_groupCondition main class
 Navailability_groupingCondition main class
 Navailability_profileUser profile field condition
 Nblock_online_usersFile containing onlineusers class
 Ncontenttype_h5pH5P Content manager class
 Ncore_analyticsRepresentation of a suggested action
 Ncore_authContains helper class for digital consent
 Ncore_availabilityUsed while evaluating conditions in bulk
 Ncore_badgesCommunicate with backpacks
 Ncore_behatEditor interface for setting editor values
 Ncore_blogThis is the external API for blogs
 Ncore_cacheCache administration helper
 Ncore_calendarAction factory
 Ncore_competencyClass for loading/storing competency frameworks from the DB
 Ncore_contentbankContent manager class
 Ncore_courseformatContains the base definition class for any course format plugin
 Ncore_customfieldApi customfield package
 Ncore_favouritesContains the service_factory, a locator for services for the favourites subsystem
 Ncore_filesAbstraction of general file archives
 Ncore_filtersThis is the external API for the filter component
 Ncore_groupGroup visibility methods
 Ncore_h5pContains API class for the H5P area
 Ncore_messageContains class used to return information to display for the message area
 Ncore_paymentClass account
 Ncore_privacyThis file contains the core_privacy\manager class
 Ncore_searchSearch area category
 Ncore_webserviceProvides the {
 Ncustomfield_checkboxCustomfield Checkbox plugin
 Ncustomfield_dateCustomfield date plugin
 Ncustomfield_selectSelect plugin data controller
 Ncustomfield_textCustomfields text field plugin
 Ncustomfield_textareaCustomfields textarea plugin
 Ndataformat_csvCSV data format writer
 Ndataformat_excelExcel data format writer
 Ndataformat_htmlHtml data format writer
 Ndataformat_jsonJSON data format writer
 Ndataformat_odsODS data format writer
 Ndataformat_pdfPdf data format writer
 Nenrol_ltiExtends the IMS Tool provider library data connector for moodle
 Nenrol_paypalPayPal enrolment plugin utility class
 Nfileconverter_googledriveClass for converting files between different file formats using google drive
 Nfileconverter_unoconvClass for converting files between different file formats using unoconv
 Nforumreport_summaryThe class for displaying the forum report table
 Ngradereport_historyForm for grade history filters
 Nlogstore_databaseHelper class locally used
 Nmessage_emailContains an observer class containing methods for handling events
 Nmessage_popupContains class used to return information to display for the message popup
 Nmlbackend_phpPhp predictions processor
 Nmlbackend_pythonPython predictions processor
 Npaygw_paypalContains class for PayPal payment gateway
 Nprofilefield_socialContains class profilefield_social\networks
 Nqbank_editquestionQuestion bank column for the duplicate action icon
 Nqbank_exportquestionsLibrary functions used by qbank_exportquestions/export.php
 Nqbank_importquestionsPlugin entrypoint for navigation
 Nquizaccess_sebClass for generating and representing a Safe Exam Browser config key
 Nreport_outlineForm to filter the outline report
 Nrepository_contentbankUtility class for searching of content bank files
 Nrepository_dropboxDropbox Authentication exception
 Nrepository_nextcloudManages the creation and usage of access controlled links
 Nrepository_onedriveClass for loading/storing access records from the DB
 Nscormreport_basicCore Report class of basic reporting plugin
 Nscormreport_graphsCore Report class of graphs reporting plugin
 Nscormreport_interactionsCore Report class of basic reporting plugin
 Nscormreport_objectivesCore Report class of objectives SCORM report plugin
 Nsearch_simpledbSimple moodle database engine
 Nsearch_solrDocument representation
 Ntiny_equationTiny equation plugin
 Ntiny_htmlTiny TinyMCE HTML formatter plugin for Moodle
 Ntiny_linkTiny Link plugin
 Ntool_analyticsHelper class that contains helper functions for cli scripts
 Ntool_cohortrolesClass exposing the api for the cohortroles tool
 Ntool_dataprivacyClass containing helper methods for processing data requests
 Ntool_filetypesClass with static back-end methods used by the file type tool
 Ntool_httpsreplaceSite wide http -> https search-replace form
 Ntool_langimportLang import controller
 Ntool_lpCourse competency statistics class
 Ntool_lpimportcsvThis file contains the csv exporter for a competency framework
 Ntool_lpmigrateFramework mapper
 Ntool_messageinboundThe Mail Pickup Manager
 Ntool_mobileClass for Moodle Mobile tools
 Ntool_moodlenetThis is the external API for this component
 Ntool_policyView user acceptances to the policies
 Ntool_recyclebinThe main interface for recycle bin methods
 Ntool_taskRunning tasks table
 Ntool_templatelibraryClass for listing mustache templates
 Ntool_uploaduserClass cli_helper
 Ntool_usertoursCache manager
 Nwebservice_soapWSDL generator for the SOAP web service
 Nworkshopallocation_scheduledEvent observers for workshopallocation_scheduled
 Caction_event_test_factoryA test factory that will create action events
 Caction_linkData structure describing html link with special action attached
 Caction_menuAn action menu
 Caction_menu_fillerAn action menu filler
 Caction_menu_linkAn action menu action
 Caction_menu_link_primaryA primary action menu action
 Caction_menu_link_secondaryA secondary action menu action
 Cactivity_backup_settingAbstract class containing all the common stuff for activity backup settings
 Cadd_persistent_mandatoryAdd the mandatory fields for persistent to the table
 Cadmin_categoryThe object used to represent folders (a.k.a
 Cadmin_externalpageLinks external PHP pages into the admin tree
 Cadmin_page_manageblocksBlocks manage page
 Cadmin_page_managefiltersSpecial class for filter administration
 Cadmin_page_managemessageoutputsMessage outputs configuration
 Cadmin_page_managemodsModule manage page
 Cadmin_page_manageqbehavioursManage question behaviours page
 Cadmin_page_manageqtypesQuestion type manage page
 Cadmin_page_pluginsoverviewGeneral plugins manager
 Cadmin_rootRoot of admin settings tree, does not have any parent
 Cadmin_settingAdmin settings class
 Cadmin_setting_agedigitalconsentmapUsed to validate the content and format of the age of digital consent map and ensuring it is parsable
 Cadmin_setting_bloglevelSelect for blog's bloglevel setting: if set to 0, will set blog_menu block to hidden
 Cadmin_setting_configcheckbox_with_advancedCheckbox with an advanced checkbox that controls an additional $name
 Cadmin_setting_configcheckbox_with_lockCheckbox with an advanced checkbox that controls an additional $name
 Cadmin_setting_configcolourpickerColour picker
 Cadmin_setting_configdirectoryPath to directory
 Cadmin_setting_configdurationSeconds duration setting
 Cadmin_setting_configduration_with_advancedSeconds duration setting with an advanced checkbox, that controls a additional $name
 Cadmin_setting_configemptyEmpty setting used to allow flags (advanced) on settings that can have no sensible default
 Cadmin_setting_configexecutablePath to executable file
 Cadmin_setting_configfilePath to directory
 Cadmin_setting_confightmleditorGeneral text area with html editor
 Cadmin_setting_configiplistUsed to validate a textarea used for ip addresses
 Cadmin_setting_configmixedhostiplistUsed to validate a textarea used for domain names, wildcard domain names and IP addresses/ranges (both IPv4 and IPv6 format)
 Cadmin_setting_configmulticheckboxMultiple checkboxes, each represents different value, stored in csv format
 Cadmin_setting_configmulticheckbox2Multiple checkboxes 2, value stored as string 00101011
 Cadmin_setting_configmultiselectSelect multiple items from list
 Cadmin_setting_configmultiselect_modulesMultiselect for current modules
 Cadmin_setting_configpasswordunmaskPassword field, allows unmasking of password
 Cadmin_setting_configpasswordunmask_with_advancedPassword field, allows unmasking of password, with an advanced checkbox that controls an additional $name
 Cadmin_setting_configportlistUsed to validate a textarea used for port numbers
 Cadmin_setting_configselectSelect one value from list
 Cadmin_setting_configselect_autocompleteAutocomplete as you type form element
 Cadmin_setting_configselect_with_advancedDropdown menu with an advanced checkbox, that controls a additional $name
 Cadmin_setting_configselect_with_lockSelect with an advanced checkbox that controls an additional $name
 Cadmin_setting_configstoredfileClass used for uploading of one file into file storage, the file name is stored in config table
 Cadmin_setting_configtextThe most flexible setting, the user enters text
 Cadmin_setting_configtext_with_advancedText field with an advanced checkbox, that controls a additional $name
 Cadmin_setting_configtext_with_maxlengthText input with a maximum length constraint
 Cadmin_setting_configtextareaGeneral text area without html editor
 Cadmin_setting_configthemepresetUsed to validate theme presets code and ensuring they compile well
 Cadmin_setting_configtimeTime selector
 Cadmin_setting_countrycodesAllows to specify comma separated list of known country codes
 Cadmin_setting_courselist_frontpageSpecial select - lists on the frontpage - hacky
 Cadmin_setting_descriptionNo setting - just name and description in same row
 Cadmin_setting_devicedetectregexAdministration interface for user specified regular expressions for device detection
 Cadmin_setting_emoticonsAdministration interface for emoticon_manager settings
 Cadmin_setting_enablemobileserviceSpecial checkbox for enable mobile web service If enable then we store the service id of the mobile service into config table If disable then we unstore the service id from the config table
 Cadmin_setting_encryptedpasswordAdmin setting class for encrypted values using secure encryption
 Cadmin_setting_filetypesAdministration setting to define a list of file types
 Cadmin_setting_flagAn additional option that can be applied to an admin setting
 Cadmin_setting_forcetimezoneForced user timezone setting
 Cadmin_setting_grade_profilereportSelection of grade report in user profiles
 Cadmin_setting_gradecat_comboGrade category settings
 Cadmin_setting_headingNo setting - just heading and text
 Cadmin_setting_langlistSpecial setting for limiting of the list of available languages
 Cadmin_setting_manage_fileconverter_pluginsGeneric class for managing plugins in a table that allows re-ordering and enable/disable of each plugin
 Cadmin_setting_manage_pluginsGeneric class for managing plugins in a table that allows re-ordering and enable/disable of each plugin
 Cadmin_setting_manageantivirusesSpecial class for antiviruses administration
 Cadmin_setting_manageauthsSpecial class for authentication administration
 Cadmin_setting_managecontentbankcontenttypesContent bank content types manager
 Cadmin_setting_managecustomfieldsCustom fields manager
 Cadmin_setting_managedataformatsData formats manager
 Cadmin_setting_manageenrolsSpecial class for enrol plugins management
 Cadmin_setting_manageexternalservicesSpecial class for management of external services
 Cadmin_setting_manageformatsCourse formats manager
 Cadmin_setting_managemediaplayersSpecial class for media player plugins management
 Cadmin_setting_managerepositoryManage repository settings
 Cadmin_setting_managewebserviceprotocolsSpecial class for web service protocol administration
 Cadmin_setting_my_grades_reportProvides a selection of grade reports to be used for "grades"
 Cadmin_setting_php_extension_enabledAdmin setting to show if a php extension is enabled or not
 Cadmin_setting_pickfiltersAdmin setting that is a list of installed filter plugins
 Cadmin_setting_pickrolesAdmin setting that allows a user to pick appropriate roles for something
 Cadmin_setting_question_behaviourAdmin setting that allows a user to pick a behaviour
 Cadmin_setting_requiredpasswordunmaskThis type of field should be used for mandatory config settings where setting password is required
 Cadmin_setting_requiredtextThis type of field should be used for mandatory config settings
 Cadmin_setting_scsscodeUsed to validate the contents of SCSS code and ensuring they are parsable
 Cadmin_setting_searchsetupinfoSearch setup steps info
 Cadmin_setting_servertimezoneServer timezone setting
 Cadmin_setting_sitesetcheckboxSpecial checkbox for frontpage - stores data in course table
 Cadmin_setting_sitesetselectSpecial select for frontpage - stores data in course table
 Cadmin_setting_sitesettextSpecial text for frontpage - stores data in course table
 Cadmin_setting_special_adminseesallSpecial checkbox for calendar - resets SESSION vars
 Cadmin_setting_special_backup_auto_destinationSpecial setting for backup auto destination
 Cadmin_setting_special_backupdaysSpecial control for selecting days to backup
 Cadmin_setting_special_calendar_weekendSpecial admin control
 Cadmin_setting_special_coursecontactWhich roles to show on course description page
 Cadmin_setting_special_debugSpecial debug setting
 Cadmin_setting_special_frontpagedescSpecial text editor for site description
 Cadmin_setting_special_gradebookrolesGraded roles in gradebook
 Cadmin_setting_special_gradeexportPrimary grade export plugin - has state tracking
 Cadmin_setting_special_grademinmaxtouseSpecial setting for $CFG->grade_minmaxtouse
 Cadmin_setting_special_gradepointdefaultA setting for setting the default grade point value
 Cadmin_setting_special_gradepointmaxA setting for setting the maximum grade value
 Cadmin_setting_special_registerauthSpecial class for register auth selection
 Cadmin_setting_special_selectsetupSpecial select for settings that are altered in setup.php and can not be altered on the fly
 Cadmin_setting_users_with_capabilityAn admin setting for selecting one or more users who have a capability in the system context
 Cadmin_setting_webservicesoverviewSpecial class for overview of external services
 Cadmin_settingdependencyUsed to store details of the dependency between two settings elements
 Cadmin_settingpageUsed to group a number of admin_setting objects into a page and add them to the admin tree
 Cadmin_settings_country_selectSelection of one of the recognised countries using the list returned by get_list_of_countries()
 Cadmin_settings_coursecat_selectCourse category selection
 Cadmin_settings_h5plib_handler_selectSelection of plugins that can work as H5P libraries handlers
 Cadmin_settings_num_course_sectionsAdmin_setting_configselect for the default number of sections in a course, simply so we can lazy-load the choices
 Cadmin_settings_sitepolicy_handler_selectSelection of plugins that can work as site policy handlers
 Cadmin_uploaduser_form1Upload a file CVS file with user information
 Cadmin_uploaduser_form2Specify user upload details
 Cadvanced_testcaseAdvanced test case
 Calignment_formForm to edit alignment
 CannotableInterface to apply to all the classes we want to be annotable in the backup/restore process
 Canonymizer_final_elementImplementation of backup_final_element that provides one interceptor for anonymization of data
 Cantivirus_clamav_pathtounixsocket_settingAdmin setting for unix socket path, adds verification
 Cantivirus_clamav_runningmethod_settingAdmin setting for running, adds verification
 Cantivirus_clamav_socket_settingAbstract socket checking class
 Cantivirus_clamav_tcpsockethost_settingAdmin setting for Internet domain socket host, adds verification
 CassignStandard base class for mod_assign (assignment types)
 Cassign_admin_page_manage_assign_pluginsAdmin external page that displays a list of the installed submission plugins
 Cassign_attempt_historyUsed to output the attempt history for a particular assignment
 Cassign_attempt_history_chooserUsed to output the attempt history chooser for a particular assignment
 Cassign_course_index_summaryRenderable course index summary
 Cassign_feedback_commentsLibrary class for comment feedback plugin extending feedback plugin base class
 Cassign_feedback_editpdfLibrary class for editpdf feedback plugin extending feedback plugin base class
 Cassign_feedback_fileLibrary class for file feedback plugin extending feedback plugin base class
 Cassign_feedback_offlineLibrary class for file feedback plugin extending feedback plugin base class
 Cassign_feedback_pluginAbstract class for feedback_plugin inherited from assign_plugin abstract class
 Cassign_feedback_plugin_feedbackImplements a renderable feedback plugin feedback
 Cassign_feedback_statusRenderable feedback status
 Cassign_filesAn assign file class that extends rendererable class and is used by the assign module
 Cassign_formImplements a renderable grading options form
 Cassign_grading_summaryRenderable grading summary
 Cassign_grading_tableExtends table_sql to provide a table of assignment submissions
 Cassign_gradingmessageImplements a renderable message notification
 Cassign_override_formForm for editing settings overrides
 Cassign_pluginAbstract class for assign_plugin (submission/feedback)
 Cassign_plugin_headerRenderable header related to an individual subplugin
 Cassign_plugin_managerClass that handles the display and configuration of the list of submission plugins
 Cassign_portfolio_callerPortfolio caller class for mod_assign
 Cassign_submission_commentsLibrary class for comment submission plugin extending submission plugin base class
 Cassign_submission_fileLibrary class for file submission plugin extending submission plugin base class
 Cassign_submission_onlinetextLibrary class for onlinetext submission plugin extending submission plugin base class
 Cassign_submission_pluginAbstract base class for submission plugin types
 Cassign_submission_plugin_submissionImplements a renderable submission plugin submission
 Cassign_submission_status_compactRenderable submission status
 Cassign_submit_for_grading_pageThis class wraps the submit for grading confirmation page
 Cassign_user_summaryImplements a renderable user summary
 Cassignfeedback_editpdf_rendererA custom renderer class that extends the plugin_renderer_base and is used by the editpdf feedback plugin
 Cassignfeedback_editpdf_widgetA custom renderer class that extends the plugin_renderer_base and is used by the editpdf feedback plugin
 Cassignfeedback_file_batch_upload_files_formAssignment grading options form
 Cassignfeedback_file_import_summaryA renderable summary of the zip import
 Cassignfeedback_file_import_zip_formImport zip form
 Cassignfeedback_file_rendererA custom renderer class that extends the plugin_renderer_base and is used by the assign module
 Cassignfeedback_file_upload_zip_formUpload feedback zip
 Cassignfeedback_file_zip_importerLibrary class for importing feedback files from a zip
 Cassignfeedback_offline_grade_importerCSV Grade importer
 Cassignfeedback_offline_import_grades_formImport grades form
 Cassignfeedback_offline_upload_grades_formUpload modified grading worksheet
 Cassignsubmission_file_generatorOnline Text assignment submission subplugin data generator
 Cassignsubmission_onlinetext_generatorOnline Text assignment submission subplugin data generator
 Cassignsubmission_subplugin_generatorOnline Text assignment submission subplugin data generator
 Casync_helperHelper functions for asynchronous backups and restores
 Catto_managefiles_manage_formForm allowing to edit files in one draft area
 Catto_texteditorThis is the texteditor implementation
 Cauroramysql_native_moodle_databaseNative Aurora MySQL class representing moodle database interface
 Cauth_db_admin_setting_special_auth_configtextSpecial settings for auth_db password_link
 Cauth_email_externalAuth e-mail external functions
 Cauth_ldap_admin_setting_special_contexts_configtextSpecial setting for auth_ldap that cleans up context values on save
 Cauth_ldap_admin_setting_special_lowercase_configtextSpecial setting for auth_ldap that lowercases values on save
 Cauth_ldap_admin_setting_special_ntlm_configtextSpecial admin setting for auth_ldap that validates ntlm usernames
 Cauth_plugin_baseAbstract authentication plugin
 Cauth_plugin_casCAS authentication plugin
 Cauth_plugin_dbExternal database authentication plugin
 Cauth_plugin_emailEmail authentication plugin
 Cauth_plugin_ldapLDAP authentication plugin
 Cauth_plugin_ltiLTI Authentication plugin
 Cauth_plugin_manualManual authentication plugin
 Cauth_plugin_mnetMoodle Network authentication plugin
 Cauth_plugin_nologinPlugin for no authentication - disabled user
 Cauth_plugin_nonePlugin for no authentication
 Cauth_plugin_oauth2Plugin for oauth2 authentication
 Cauth_plugin_shibbolethShibboleth authentication plugin
 Cauth_plugin_webserviceWeb service auth plugin
 Cauth_shibboleth_admin_setting_convert_dataSpecial setting for auth_shibboleth convert_data
 Cauth_shibboleth_admin_setting_special_idp_configtextareaSpecial setting for auth_shibboleth WAYF
 Cauth_shibboleth_admin_setting_special_wayf_selectSpecial settings for auth_shibboleth WAYF
 Cautogroup_formAuto group form class
 Caward_criteriaAward criteria abstract definition
 Caward_criteria_activityBadge award criteria – award on activity completion
 Caward_criteria_badgeBadge award criteria – award on badge completion
 Caward_criteria_cohortBadge award criteria – award on cohort membership
 Caward_criteria_competencyBadge award criteria – award on competency completion
 Caward_criteria_courseBadge award criteria – award on course completion
 Caward_criteria_coursesetBadge award criteria – award on courseset completion
 Caward_criteria_manualManual badge award criteria
 Caward_criteria_overallOverall badge award criteria
 Caward_criteria_profileProfile completion badge award criteria
 CbackupAbstract class defining common stuff to be used by the backup stuff
 Cbackup_activities_settingRoot setting to control if backup will include activities or no
 Cbackup_activity_generic_settingGeneric activity setting to pass various settings between tasks and steps
 Cbackup_activity_included_settingActivity backup setting to control if activity will be included or no, depends of @backup_activities_setting and optionally parent section included setting
 Cbackup_activity_structure_stepAbstract structure step, parent of all the activity structure steps
 Cbackup_activity_taskProvides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of the activity
 Cbackup_activity_userinfo_settingActivity backup setting to control if activity will include user information or no, depends of @backup_users_setting
 Cbackup_anonymize_settingRoot setting to control if backup will generate anonymized user info or no, depends of @backup_users_setting so only is available if the former is enabled (apart from security that can change it
 Cbackup_anonymizer_helperHelper class for anonymization of data
 Cbackup_array_iteratorImplementation of iterator interface to work with common arrays
 Cbackup_assign_activity_structure_stepDefine the complete choice structure for backup, with file and id annotations
 Cbackup_assign_activity_taskAssign backup task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of the activity
 Cbackup_assignfeedback_comments_subpluginProvides the information to backup comments feedback
 Cbackup_assignfeedback_editpdf_subpluginProvides the information to backup feedback pdf annotations
 Cbackup_assignfeedback_file_subpluginProvides the information to backup feedback files
 Cbackup_assignsubmission_file_subpluginProvides the information to backup submission files
 Cbackup_assignsubmission_onlinetext_subpluginProvides the information to backup onlinetext submissions
 Cbackup_attributeInstantiable class representing one attribute atom (name/value) piece of information on backup
 Cbackup_badges_settingRoot setting to control if backup will include badges or not, depends on @backup_activities_setting
 Cbackup_bigbluebuttonbn_activity_structure_stepClass for the structure used for backup BigBlueButtonBN
 Cbackup_bigbluebuttonbn_activity_taskBackup task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of the activity
 Cbackup_block_taskAbstract block task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed when one block is being backup
 Cbackup_book_activity_structure_stepStructure step to backup one book activity
 Cbackup_calendarevents_settingRoot setting to control if backup will include calender events or no (any level), depends of @backup_users_setting exactly in the same way than @backup_anonymize_setting so we extend from it
 Cbackup_chat_activity_structure_stepDefine all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_chat_activity_task
 Cbackup_chat_activity_taskProvides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Chat instance
 Cbackup_checkNon instantiable helper class providing different backup checks
 Cbackup_choice_activity_structure_stepDefine all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_choice_activity_task
 Cbackup_choice_activity_taskProvides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Choice instance
 Cbackup_comments_settingRoot setting to control if backup will include comments or no (any level), depends of @backup_users_setting exactly in the same way than @backup_anonymize_setting so we extend from it
 Cbackup_competencies_settingRoot setting to control if backup will include competencies or not
 Cbackup_confirmation_formConfirmation backup user interface stage moodleform
 Cbackup_contentbankcontent_settingRoot setting to control if backup will include content bank content or no
 Cbackup_controllerBackup controller and related exception classes
 Cbackup_controller_dbopsNon instantiable helper class providing DB support to the @backup_controller
 Cbackup_controller_exceptionException class used by all the @backup_controller stuff
 Cbackup_course_taskDefines backup_course_task
 Cbackup_coursereport_pluginBase class for course report backup plugins
 Cbackup_cron_automated_helperThis class is an abstract class with methods that can be called to aid the running of automated backups over cron
 Cbackup_customfield_settingRoot setting to control if backup will include custom field information
 Cbackup_data_activity_structure_stepDefine all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_data_activity_task
 Cbackup_data_activity_taskProvides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Database instance
 Cbackup_dbopsBase abstract class for all the helper classes providing DB operations
 Cbackup_default_block_taskDefault block task to backup blocks that haven't own DB structures to be added when one block is being backup
 Cbackup_enrol_lti_pluginDefine all the backup steps
 Cbackup_enrol_pluginBase class for enrol backup plugins
 Cbackup_execution_stepAbstract class defining the needed stuff to execute code on backup
 Cbackup_factoryNon instantiable factory class providing different backup object instances
 Cbackup_feedback_activity_structure_stepDefine all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_feedback_activity_task
 Cbackup_feedback_activity_taskProvides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Feedback instance
 Cbackup_file_managerCollection of helper functions to handle files
 Cbackup_filename_settingRoot setting to handle backup file names (no dependencies nor anything else)
 Cbackup_files_edit_formManage backup files
 Cbackup_files_viewerData structure representing backup files viewer
 Cbackup_final_elementInstantiable class representing one final element atom (name/value/parent) piece of information on backup
 Cbackup_final_taskFinal task that provides all the final steps necessary in order to finish one backup (mainly gathering references and creating the main xml) apart from some final cleaning
 Cbackup_folder_activity_structure_stepDefine the complete folder structure for backup, with file and id annotations
 Cbackup_folder_activity_taskProvides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Folder instance
 Cbackup_format_pluginClass extending standard backup_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with the course formats (format plugin)
 Cbackup_forum_activity_structure_stepDefine all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_forum_activity_task
 Cbackup_forum_activity_taskProvides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Forum instance
 Cbackup_general_helperNon instantiable helper class providing general helper methods for backup/restore
 Cbackup_generic_settingDefines classes used to handle backup settings
 Cbackup_glossary_activity_structure_stepDefine all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_glossary_activity_task
 Cbackup_glossary_activity_taskProvides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Glossary instance
 Cbackup_gradingform_guide_pluginDefines marking guide backup structures
 Cbackup_gradingform_pluginBase class for backup all advanced grading form plugins
 Cbackup_gradingform_rubric_pluginDefines rubric backup structures
 Cbackup_groups_settingRoot setting to control if backup will include group information depends on @backup_users_setting
 Cbackup_h5pactivity_activity_structure_stepDefine the complete structure for backup, with file and id annotations
 Cbackup_h5pactivity_activity_taskThe class provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of mod_h5pactivity
 Cbackup_helperBase abstract class for all the helper classes providing various operations
 Cbackup_html_block_taskSpecialised backup task for the html block (requires encode_content_links in some configdata attrs)
 Cbackup_imscp_activity_structure_stepDefine the complete imscp structure for backup, with file and id annotations
 Cbackup_imscp_activity_taskProvides the steps to perform one complete backup of the IMSCP instance
 Cbackup_initial_formInitial backup user interface stage moodleform
 Cbackup_label_activity_structure_stepDefine all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_label_activity_task
 Cbackup_label_activity_taskProvides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Label instance
 Cbackup_lesson_activity_structure_stepThis file contains the backup structure for the lesson module
 Cbackup_lesson_activity_taskProvides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Lesson instance
 Cbackup_local_pluginClass extending standard backup_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with the local plugins
 Cbackup_logs_settingRoot setting to control if backup will include logs or no (any level), depends of @backup_users_setting exactly in the same way than @backup_anonymize_setting so we extend from it
 Cbackup_logstore_database_nested_elementCustom subclass of backup_nested_element that iterates over an external DB connection
 Cbackup_lti_activity_structure_stepDefine the complete assignment structure for backup, with file and id annotations
 Cbackup_lti_activity_taskProvides the steps to perform one complete backup of the LTI instance
 Cbackup_ltiservice_gradebookservices_subpluginProvides the information to backup gradebookservices lineitems
 Cbackup_mod_quiz_access_subpluginBase class for backing up all the quiz settings and attempt data for an access rule quiz sub-plugin
 Cbackup_moodleformBackup moodleform bridge
 Cbackup_nested_elementInstantiable class representing one nestable element (non final) piece of information on backup
 Cbackup_null_iteratorImplementation of iterator interface to work without information
 Cbackup_optigroupInstantiable class representing one optigroup element for conditional branching
 Cbackup_optigroup_elementInstantiable class representing one optigroup element for conditional branching
 Cbackup_page_activity_structure_stepDefine all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_page_activity_task
 Cbackup_page_activity_taskProvides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Page instance
 Cbackup_permissions_settingRoot setting to control if backup will include permission information by roles
 Cbackup_plagiarism_pluginClass extending standard backup_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with the plagiarism plugins (plagiarism plugin)
 Cbackup_planImplementable class defining the needed stuf for one backup plan
 Cbackup_plan_builderAbstract class defining the static method in charge of building the whole backup plan, based in @backup_controller preferences
 Cbackup_plan_dbopsNon instantiable helper class providing DB support to the @backup_plan class
 Cbackup_pluginClass implementing the plugins support for moodle2 backups
 Cbackup_processor_exceptionBackup_processor exception to control all the errors while working with backup_processors
 Cbackup_qbank_comment_pluginProvides the information to backup question comments
 Cbackup_qbank_customfields_pluginProvides the information to backup question custom field
 Cbackup_qbank_pluginDefines backup_qbank_plugin class
 Cbackup_qtype_calculated_pluginProvides the information to backup calculated questions
 Cbackup_qtype_calculatedmulti_pluginProvides the information to backup calculatedmulti questions
 Cbackup_qtype_calculatedsimple_pluginProvides the information to backup calculatedsimple questions
 Cbackup_qtype_ddimageortext_pluginProvides the information to backup ddimageortext questions
 Cbackup_qtype_ddmarker_pluginProvides the information to backup ddmarker questions
 Cbackup_qtype_ddwtos_pluginProvides the information to backup ddwtos questions
 Cbackup_qtype_essay_pluginProvides the information to backup essay questions
 Cbackup_qtype_extrafields_pluginClass extending backup_qtype_plugin in order to use extra fields method
 Cbackup_qtype_gapselect_pluginProvides the information to backup gapselect questions
 Cbackup_qtype_match_pluginProvides the information to backup match questions
 Cbackup_qtype_multianswer_pluginProvides the information to backup multianswer questions
 Cbackup_qtype_multichoice_pluginProvides the information to backup multichoice questions
 Cbackup_qtype_numerical_pluginProvides the information to backup numerical questions
 Cbackup_qtype_pluginClass extending standard backup_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with the questions (qtype plugin)
 Cbackup_qtype_randomsamatch_pluginProvides the information to backup randomsamatch questions
 Cbackup_qtype_shortanswer_pluginProvides the information to backup shortanswer questions
 Cbackup_qtype_truefalse_pluginProvides the information to backup truefalse questions
 Cbackup_question_dbopsNon instantiable helper class providing DB support to the questions backup stuff
 Cbackup_quiz_activity_structure_stepDefine all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_quiz_activity_task
 Cbackup_quiz_activity_taskProvides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Quiz instance
 Cbackup_quizaccess_seb_subpluginBackup instructions for the seb (Safe Exam Browser) quiz access subplugin
 Cbackup_report_pluginBase class for report backup plugins
 Cbackup_resource_activity_structure_stepDefine the complete resource structure for backup, with file and id annotations
 Cbackup_resource_activity_taskProvides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Resource instance
 Cbackup_role_assignments_settingRoot setting to control if backup will include role assignments or no (any level), depends of @backup_users_setting exactly in the same way than @backup_anonymize_setting so we extend from it
 Cbackup_root_taskStart task that provides all the settings common to all backups and some initialization steps
 Cbackup_rss_client_block_structure_stepDefine all the backup steps that wll be used by the backup_rss_client_block_task
 Cbackup_rss_client_block_taskSpecialised backup task for the rss_client block (has own DB structures to backup)
 Cbackup_schema_formSchema backup user interface stage moodleform
 Cbackup_scorm_activity_structure_stepDefine all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_scorm_activity_task
 Cbackup_scorm_activity_taskProvides the steps to perform one complete backup of the SCORM instance
 Cbackup_section_generic_settingGeneric section setting to pass various settings between tasks and steps
 Cbackup_section_included_settingSetting to define if one section is included or no
 Cbackup_section_taskSection task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed when one section is being backup
 Cbackup_section_userinfo_settingSection backup setting to control if section will include user information or no, depends of @backup_users_setting
 Cbackup_settingParent class for all backup settings
 Cbackup_setting_exceptionException class used by all the @backup_setting stuff
 Cbackup_setting_uiAbstract class to represent the user interface backup settings have
 Cbackup_setting_ui_checkboxA checkbox user interface element for backup settings (default)
 Cbackup_setting_ui_dateselectorA date selector user interface widget for backup settings
 Cbackup_setting_ui_defaultcustomA wrapper for defaultcustom form element - can have either text or date_selector type
 Cbackup_setting_ui_exceptionBackup setting UI exception class
 Cbackup_setting_ui_radioRadio button user interface element for backup settings
 Cbackup_setting_ui_selectA select box, drop down user interface for backup settings
 Cbackup_setting_ui_textA text input user interface element for backup settings
 Cbackup_stepAbstract class defining the needed stuf for one backup step
 Cbackup_structure_dbopsNon instantiable helper class providing DB support to the backup_structure stuff
 Cbackup_structure_processorInstantiable class defining the process of backup structures
 Cbackup_structure_stepAbstract class defining the needed stuff to backup one @backup_structure
 Cbackup_subpluginClass implementing the subplugins support for moodle2 backups
 Cbackup_survey_activity_structure_stepDefine all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_survey_activity_task
 Cbackup_survey_activity_taskProvides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of the activity
 Cbackup_taskAbstract class defining the needed stuf for one backup task (a collection of steps)
 Cbackup_theme_pluginBase class for theme backup plugins
 Cbackup_tool_log_logstore_subpluginParent class of all the logstore subplugin implementations
 Cbackup_tool_pluginAdmin tool backup plugin base class
 Cbackup_uiThis file contains the backup user interface class
 Cbackup_ui_exceptionBackup user interface exception
 Cbackup_ui_stageBackup user interface stages
 Cbackup_ui_stage_completeThe completed backup stage
 Cbackup_ui_stage_confirmationConfirmation stage
 Cbackup_ui_stage_finalFinal stage of backup
 Cbackup_ui_stage_initialClass representing the initial stage of a backup
 Cbackup_ui_stage_schemaSchema stage of backup process
 Cbackup_url_activity_structure_stepDefine the complete url structure for backup, with file and id annotations
 Cbackup_url_activity_taskProvides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of the activity
 Cbackup_users_settingRoot setting to control if backup will include user information A lot of other settings are dependent of this (module's user info, grades user info, messages, blogs..
 Cbackup_userscompletion_settingRoot setting to control if backup will include users completion data or no (any level), depends of @backup_users_setting exactly in the same way than @backup_anonymize_setting so we extend from it
 Cbackup_wiki_activity_structure_stepDefine all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_wiki_activity_task
 Cbackup_wiki_activity_taskProvides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of the activity
 Cbackup_workshop_activity_structure_stepDefines the complete workshop structure for backup, with file and id annotations
 Cbackup_workshop_activity_taskProvides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of workshop activity
 Cbackup_workshopeval_best_subpluginProvides the information to backup grading evaluation method 'Comparison with the best assessment'
 Cbackup_workshopform_accumulative_subpluginProvides the information to backup accumulative grading strategy information
 Cbackup_workshopform_comments_subpluginProvides the information to backup comments grading strategy information
 Cbackup_workshopform_numerrors_subpluginProvides the information to backup numerrors grading strategy information
 Cbackup_workshopform_rubric_subpluginProvides the information to backup rubric grading strategy information
 Cbackup_xapistate_settingRoot setting to control if backup will include xAPI state or not
 Cbackup_xml_transformerClass implementing the @xml_contenttransformed logic to be applied in moodle2 backups
 Cbadge_existing_users_selectorA user selector control for existing users to award badge
 Cbadge_potential_users_selectorA user selector control for potential users to award badge
 Cbase64_encode_final_elementImplementation of backup_final_element that provides base64 encoding
 Cbase_atomAbstract class representing one atom (name/value) piece of information
 Cbase_atom_content_exceptionBase_atom exception to control all the errors while setting the values
 Cbase_atom_exceptionBase_atom abstract exception class
 Cbase_atom_struct_exceptionBase_atom exception to control all the errors while creating the objects
 Cbase_attributeAbstract class representing one attribute atom (name/value) piece of information
 Cbase_controllerBase class with shared stuff between backup controller and restore controller
 Cbase_converterBase converter class
 Cbase_element_attribute_exceptionBase_element exception to control all the errors related with attributes handling
 Cbase_element_parent_exceptionBase_element exception to control all the errors related with parents handling
 Cbase_element_struct_exceptionBase_element exception to control all the errors while building the nested tree
 Cbase_final_elementAbstract class representing one final element atom (name/value/parent) piece of information
 Cbase_loggerBase abstract class for all the loggers to be used in backup/restore
 Cbase_moodleformBase moodleform bridge
 Cbase_nested_elementAbstract class representing one nestable element (non final) piece of information
 Cbase_optigroupAbstract class representing one optigroup for conditional branching
 Cbase_optigroup_exceptionBase_optigroup_exception to control all the errors while building the optigroups
 Cbase_planAbstract class defining the basis for one execution (backup/restore) plan
 Cbase_processorAbstract class representing the required implementation for classes able to process structure classes
 Cbase_processor_exceptionBase_processor abstract exception class
 Cbase_settingThis abstract class defines one basic setting
 Cbase_setting_uiThis file contains the setting user interface classes that all backup/restore settings use to represent the UI they have
 Cbase_setting_ui_exceptionBase setting UI exception class
 Cbase_stepAbstract class defining the basis for one execution (backup/restore) step
 Cbase_taskAbstract class defining the basis for one execution (backup/restore) task
 Cbase_testcaseBase test case class
 Cbase_uiThis file contains the backup user interface class
 Cbase_ui_exceptionBackup user interface exception
 Cbase_ui_stageBackup user interface stages
 Cbasic_testcaseBasic test case
 Cbbb_coverageClass bbb_coverage information for the core subsystem
 Cbehat_accessibilitySteps definitions to assist with accessibility testing
 Cbehat_action_menuSteps definitions to open and close action menus
 Cbehat_adminSteps definitions related with administration
 Cbehat_admin_presetsSteps definitions related with admin presets
 Cbehat_assignfeedback_editpdfBehat editpdf-related steps definitions
 Cbehat_authBasic authentication steps definitions
 Cbehat_auth_emailStep definition for auth_email
 Cbehat_availabilityAvailability related behat steps and selectors definitions
 Cbehat_availability_dateBehat availabilty-related steps definitions
 Cbehat_backupBackup and restore actions to help behat feature files writting
 Cbehat_baseBase class of all steps definitions
 Cbehat_block_commentsCommenting system steps definitions
 Cbehat_block_site_main_menuBehat steps definitions for block site main menu
 Cbehat_block_social_activitiesBehat steps definitions for block social activities
 Cbehat_blocksSteps definitions related with blocks
 Cbehat_calendarBehat calendar-related steps definitions
 Cbehat_calendar_deprecatedSteps definitions that are now deprecated and will be removed in the next releases
 Cbehat_cohortCohorts steps definitions
 Cbehat_commandBehat command related utils
 Cbehat_communicationClass behat_communication for behat custom steps and configuration for communication api
 Cbehat_communication_matrixClass behat_communication_matrix for behat custom steps and configuration for matrix
 Cbehat_completionCompletion steps definitions
 Cbehat_component_named_replacementA class for recording the definition of Mink replacements
 Cbehat_component_named_selectorClass representing a named selector that can be used in Behat tests
 Cbehat_config_managerBehat configuration manager
 Cbehat_config_utilBehat configuration manager
 Cbehat_context_helperHelper to get behat contexts
 Cbehat_core_badges_generatorBadges test generator for Behat
 Cbehat_core_blog_generatorBehat data generator for core_blog
 Cbehat_core_comment_generatorBehat data generator for comments
 Cbehat_core_competency_generatorBehat data generator for core_competency
 Cbehat_core_completion_generatorCompletion test generator for Behat
 Cbehat_core_formSteps definitions related to mod_quiz
 Cbehat_core_payment_generatorBehat data generator for core_payment
 Cbehat_core_questionSteps definitions related with the question bank management
 Cbehat_core_question_generatorBehat data generator for core_question
 Cbehat_core_reportbuilder_generatorBehat data generator for Report builder
 Cbehat_core_webservice_generatorBehat data generator for core_webservice
 Cbehat_courseBehat course-related steps definitions
 Cbehat_courseformatBehat step definitions for Course format
 Cbehat_data_generatorsData generators for acceptance testing
 Cbehat_deprecatedSteps definitions that are now deprecated and will be removed in the next releases
 Cbehat_deprecated_baseBase class for steps definitions classes that contain deprecated steps
 Cbehat_editor_attoSteps definitions to deal with the atto text editor
 Cbehat_editor_textareaMoodle textarea editor field
 Cbehat_editor_tinyTinyMCE custom behat step definitions
 Cbehat_enrolEnrolment steps definitions
 Cbehat_enrol_deprecatedSteps definitions that are now deprecated and will be removed in the next releases
 Cbehat_enrol_lti_generatorBehat data generator for enrol_lti
 Cbehat_exact_named_selectorMoodle-specific named exact selectors
 Cbehat_field_managerForm fields helper
 Cbehat_filepickerFilemanager and filepicker manipulation steps definitions
 Cbehat_filtersSteps definitions related to filters
 Cbehat_form_autocompleteAuto complete form field class
 Cbehat_form_availabilityAvailability form field class
 Cbehat_form_checkboxSingle checkbox form element
 Cbehat_form_dateDate form field
 Cbehat_form_date_timeDate time form field class
 Cbehat_form_editorMoodle editor field
 Cbehat_form_fieldRepresentation of a form field
 Cbehat_form_filemanagerFile manager form element
 Cbehat_form_groupGeneric group field class
 Cbehat_form_inplaceeditableCustom interaction with inplace editable elements
 Cbehat_form_inplaceeditable_selectCustom interaction with inplace editable elements of type select
 Cbehat_form_modvisibleSilly behat_form_select extension
 Cbehat_form_passwordunmaskAllows interaction with passwordunmask form fields
 Cbehat_form_radioRadio input form element
 Cbehat_form_selectSingle select form field class
 Cbehat_form_select_menuCustom interaction with select_menu elements
 Cbehat_form_selectyesnoSilly behat_form_select extension
 Cbehat_form_textText field class
 Cbehat_form_textareaTextarea field class
 Cbehat_gradeBehat grade related steps definitions
 Cbehat_grade_deprecatedSteps definitions that are now deprecated and will be removed in the next releases
 Cbehat_gradereport_graderBehat steps definitions for drag and drop onto image
 Cbehat_gradereport_grader_deprecatedSteps definitions that are now deprecated and will be removed in the next releases
 Cbehat_gradesBehat grade related steps definitions
 Cbehat_gradingGrading methods steps definitions
 Cbehat_gradingform_guideSteps definitions for marking guides
 Cbehat_gradingform_rubricSteps definitions to help with rubrics
 Cbehat_groupsBehat groups-related steps definitions
 Cbehat_init_contextLoads main subcontexts
 Cbehat_loginBehat login related steps definitions
 Cbehat_messageBehat message-related steps definitions
 Cbehat_message_popupBehat message popup related steps definitions
 Cbehat_mod_assignBehat custom steps and configuration for mod_assign
 Cbehat_mod_assign_generatorBehat data generator for mod_assign
 Cbehat_mod_bigbluebuttonbnBehat custom steps and configuration for mod_bigbluebuttonbn
 Cbehat_mod_bigbluebuttonbn_generatorBehat data generator for mod_bigbluebuttonbn
 Cbehat_mod_book_generatorBehat data generator for mod_book
 Cbehat_mod_chatSteps definitions related to mod_chat
 Cbehat_mod_choiceSteps definitions for choice activity
 Cbehat_mod_dataSteps definitions related with the database activity
 Cbehat_mod_data_generatorBehat data generator for mod_data
 Cbehat_mod_feedbackSteps definitions related to mod_feedback
 Cbehat_mod_feedback_generatorBehat data generator for mod_feedback
 Cbehat_mod_forumForum-related steps definitions
 Cbehat_mod_forum_generatorBehat data generator for mod_forum
 Cbehat_mod_glossarySteps definitions related with the glossary activity
 Cbehat_mod_glossary_generatorBehat data generator for mod_glossary
 Cbehat_mod_h5pactivity_generatorH5P-related steps definitions
 Cbehat_mod_lesson_behatStep definitions related mod_lesson
 Cbehat_mod_lesson_generatorBehat data generator for mod_lesson
 Cbehat_mod_lti_generatorDefine behat generator for mod_lti
 Cbehat_mod_quiz_generatorBehat data generator for mod_quiz
 Cbehat_mod_wikiSteps definitions related to mod_quiz
 Cbehat_mod_workshopSteps definitions related to mod_workshop
 Cbehat_moodlenetSteps definitions related to MoodleNet
 Cbehat_navigationSteps definitions to navigate through the navigation tree nodes
 Cbehat_partial_named_selectorMoodle-specific selectors
 Cbehat_permissionsSteps definitions related with permissions
 Cbehat_qbank_columnsortorderSteps definitions related with the drag and drop header
 Cbehat_qbank_commentCommenting system steps definitions for question
 Cbehat_qbank_statisticsBehat steps for qbank_statistics
 Cbehat_qbank_usageSteps definitions to deal with the usage in question
 Cbehat_qtype_ddimageortextBehat steps definitions for drag and drop onto image
 Cbehat_qtype_ddmarkerBehat steps definitions for drag and drop markers
 Cbehat_qtype_ddwtosBehat steps definitions for drag and drop into text
 Cbehat_qtype_gapselectBehat steps definitions for the select missing words question type
 Cbehat_qtype_multichoiceBehat qtype_multichoice-related steps definitions
 Cbehat_questionDeprecated class, only kept for backwards compatibility
 Cbehat_question_baseBehat question-related helper code
 Cbehat_quizaccess_seb_generatorBehat data generator for quizaccess_seb
 Cbehat_report_competencyBehat competency report definitions
 Cbehat_report_outlineCustom behat functions
 Cbehat_reportbuilderBehat step definitions for Report builder
 Cbehat_repository_uploadSteps definitions for the upload repository type
 Cbehat_searchBehat search-related step definitions
 Cbehat_selectorsMoodle selectors manager
 Cbehat_session_interfaceThe Interface for a behat root context
 Cbehat_theme_boost_behat_navigationStep definitions related to the navigation in the Boost theme
 Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_adminStep definitions related to administration overrides for the Classic theme
 Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_blocksStep definitions related to blocks overrides for the Classic theme
 Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_completionStep definitions related to blocks overrides for the Classic theme
 Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_core_questionStep definitions related to blocks overrides for the Classic theme
 Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_courseBehat course-related step definition overrides for the Classic theme
 Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_generalBehat grade related step definition overrides for the Classic theme
 Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_gradeBehat grade related step definition overrides for the Classic theme
 Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_gradingStep definitions related to blocks overrides for the Classic theme
 Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_navigationNavigation step definition overrides for the Classic theme
 Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_repository_uploadOverride definitions for the upload repository type for the Classic theme
 Cbehat_tiny_htmlTinyMCE HTML plugin custom behat steps definitions
 Cbehat_tool_admin_presets_generatorAdmin presets entity generators
 Cbehat_tool_dataprivacyStep definitions to generate database fixtures for the data privacy tool
 Cbehat_tool_langimportSteps definitions related with the Language import tool
 Cbehat_tool_lpStep definition to generate database fixtures for learning plan system
 Cbehat_tool_lp_data_generatorsStep definition to generate database fixtures for learning plan system
 Cbehat_tool_policyStep definition for tool_policy
 Cbehat_tool_taskBehat step definitions for scheduled task administration
 Cbehat_tool_task_generatorBehat data generator for tool_task
 Cbehat_tool_usertoursUser tour related steps definitions
 Cbehat_transformationsTransformations to apply to steps arguments
 Cbehat_userUser steps definition
 Cbehat_utilInit/reset utilities for Behat database and dataroot
 Cbehat_workshopallocation_manualSteps definitions related to workshopallocation_manual
 Cblock_accessreviewDefinition of the accessreview block
 Cblock_activity_resultsBlock activity_results class definition
 Cblock_activity_results_edit_formForm for editing activity results block instances
 Cblock_admin_bookmarksAdmin Bookmarks Block page
 Cblock_badgesBlock for displaying earned local badges to users
 Cblock_badges_edit_formForm for editing badges block instances
 Cblock_baseClass for describing a moodle block, all Moodle blocks derive from this class
 Cblock_blog_menuThe blog menu block class
 Cblock_blog_recentThis block simply outputs a list of links to recent blog entries, depending on the context of the current page
 Cblock_blog_recent_edit_formForm for editing tag block instances
 Cblock_blog_tags_edit_formForm for editing Blog tags block instances
 Cblock_calendar_monthHandles displaying the calendar block
 Cblock_calendar_upcomingHandles displaying the calendar upcoming events block
 Cblock_calendar_upcoming_generatorCalendar upcoming events block data generator class
 Cblock_commentsThe comments block
 Cblock_completionstatusBlock for displayed logged in user's course completion status
 Cblock_contentsThis class represents how a block appears on a page
 Cblock_course_listCourse list block
 Cblock_course_summaryCourse summary block
 Cblock_edit_formDefines the base class form used by blocks/edit.php to edit block instance configuration
 Cblock_globalsearchGlobal search block
 Cblock_glossary_random_edit_formForm for editing HTML block instances
 Cblock_htmlForm for editing HTML block instances
 Cblock_html_edit_formForm for editing HTML block instances
 Cblock_listSpecialized class for displaying a block with a list of icons/text labels
 Cblock_loginLogin block
 Cblock_lpBlock LP class
 Cblock_lp_generatorLearning plans block data generator class
 Cblock_managerThis class keeps track of the block that should appear on a moodle_page
 Cblock_menteesMentees block
 Cblock_mentees_edit_formForm for editing Mentees block instances
 Cblock_mnet_hostsMNet hosts block
 Cblock_move_targetThis class represents a target for where a block can go when it is being moved
 Cblock_myoverviewMy overview block class
 Cblock_myprofileDisplays the current user's profile information
 Cblock_myprofile_edit_formForm for editing profile block settings
 Cblock_navigationThis file contains classes used to manage the navigation structures in Moodle and was introduced as part of the changes occuring in Moodle 2.0
 Cblock_navigation_edit_formForm for editing global navigation instances
 Cblock_navigation_rendererOutputs the navigation tree
 Cblock_news_itemsThis file contains the news item block class, based upon block_base
 Cblock_not_on_page_exceptionException thrown when someone tried to do something with a block that does not exist on a page
 Cblock_online_usersThis block needs to be reworked
 Cblock_online_users_generatorOnline users block data generator class
 Cblock_private_filesManage user private area files
 Cblock_recent_activityClass block_recent_activity
 Cblock_recent_activity_observerEvent observer
 Cblock_recent_activity_rendererRecent_activity block rendrer
 Cblock_recentlyaccessedcoursesRecently accessed courses block class
 Cblock_recentlyaccessedcourses_generatorRecently accessed courses block data generator class
 Cblock_recentlyaccesseditemsRecently accessed items block class
 Cblock_rss_clientContains block_rss_client
 Cblock_rss_client_edit_formForm for editing RSS client block instances
 Cblock_search_forumsBlock to search forum posts
 Cblock_section_linksThis file contains the main class for the section links block
 Cblock_section_links_edit_formInstance configuration for the section links block
 Cblock_section_links_rendererRenderer for the section links block
 Cblock_selfcompletionSelf completion block
 Cblock_settingsThis file contains classes used to manage the navigation structures in Moodle and was introduced as part of the changes occuring in Moodle 2.0
 Cblock_settings_edit_formForm for editing settings navigation instances
 Cblock_settings_rendererSettings block
 Cblock_site_main_menuSite main menu block
 Cblock_social_activitiesSocial activities block
 Cblock_starredcoursesStarred courses block definition class
 Cblock_starredcourses_externalStarred courses block external functions
 Cblock_tag_flickr_edit_formForm for editing tag_flickr block instances
 Cblock_tag_youtube_edit_formForm for editing tag_youtube block instances
 Cblock_tagsTags block
 Cblock_tags_edit_formForm for editing tag block instances
 Cblock_timelineTimeline block class
 Cblock_treeSpecialized class for displaying a tree menu
 Cblog_entryBlog_entry class
 Cblog_entry_attachmentRenderable class to represent an entry attachment
 Cblog_filterAbstract class for blog_filter objects
 Cblog_filter_contextThis filter defines the context level of the blog entries being searched: site, course, module
 Cblog_filter_entryThis filter defines a specific blog entry id
 Cblog_filter_searchFilter used to perform full-text search on an entry's subject, summary and content
 Cblog_filter_sinceThis filter restricts the results to a time interval in seconds up to time()
 Cblog_filter_tagThis filter defines a tag by which blog entries should be searched
 Cblog_filter_userThis filter defines the user level of the blog entries being searched: a userid or a groupid
 Cblog_listingAbstract Blog_Listing class: used to gather blog entries and output them as listings
 Cbook_file_infoFile browsing support class
 Cbootstrap_rendererThis class solves the problem of how to initialise $OUTPUT
 Cbreadcrumb_navigation_nodeSubclass of navigation_node allowing different rendering for the breadcrumbs in particular adding extra metadata for search engine robots to leverage
 CcacheThe main cache class
 Ccache_applicationAn application cache
 Ccache_configCache configuration reader
 Ccache_config_disabledThe cache config class used when the Cache has been disabled
 Ccache_data_sourceCache Data Source
 Ccache_data_source_versionableVersionable cache data source
 Ccache_definitionThe cache definition class
 Ccache_definition_mappings_formForm to set definition mappings
 Ccache_definition_sharing_formForm to set definition sharing option
 Ccache_disabledRequired as it is needed for cache_config_disabled which extends cache_config_writer
 Ccache_factoryThe cache factory class
 Ccache_factory_disabledThe cache factory class used when the Cache has been disabled
 Ccache_helperThe cache helper class
 Ccache_is_configurableCache store feature: configurable
 Ccache_is_key_awareCache store feature: key awareness
 Ccache_is_lockableCache store feature: locking
 Ccache_is_searchableCache store feature: keys are searchable
 Ccache_loaderCache Loader
 Ccache_loader_with_lockingCache Loader supporting locking
 Ccache_lock_formForm to add a cache lock instance
 Ccache_lock_interfaceCache lock interface
 Ccache_mode_mappings_formForm to set the mappings for a mode
 Ccache_requestAn request cache
 Ccache_sessionA session cache
 Ccache_storeAbstract cache store class
 Ccache_store_interfaceCache store interface
 Ccacheable_objectCacheable object
 Ccached_cm_infoClass that is the return value for the _get_coursemodule_info module API function
 Ccachelock_fileFile locking plugin
 Ccachestore_addinstance_formAdd store instance form
 Ccachestore_apcuThe APCu cache store class
 Ccachestore_apcu_addinstance_formForm for adding a apcu instance
 Ccachestore_dummyThe cache dummy store
 Ccachestore_fileThe library file for the file cache store
 Ccachestore_file_addinstance_formThe library file for the file cache store
 Ccachestore_redisRedis Cache Store
 Ccachestore_redis_addinstance_formForm for adding instance of Redis Cache Store
 Ccachestore_sessionThe Session store class
 Ccachestore_staticThe static store class
 Ccalc_formulaThis class abstracts evaluation of spreadsheet formulas
 Ccalendar_informationCalendar information class
 Ccc_builder_creatorFactory pattern class Create the version class to use
 Ccc_helpersVarious helper utils
 Ccc_i_itemCC Item Interface
 Ccc_i_manifestCC Manifest Interface
 Ccc_i_metadata_fileCC Metadata File Interface
 Ccc_i_metadata_manifestCC Metadata Manifest Interface
 Ccc_i_metadata_resourceCC Metadata Resource Interface
 Ccc_i_organizationCC Organization Interface
 Ccc_i_resourceCC Resource Interface
 Ccc_itemItem Class
 Ccc_manifestManifest management
 Ccc_metadata_fileMetadata File
 Ccc_metadata_file_educationalMetadata management
 Ccc_metadata_generalMetadata General Type
 Ccc_metadata_lifecycleMetadata Lifecycle Type
 Ccc_metadata_manifestMetadata Manifest
 Ccc_metadata_resouceMetadata Resource
 Ccc_metadata_resouce_educationalMetadata managing
 Ccc_metadata_rightsMetadata Rights Type
 Ccc_metadata_technicalMetadata Technical Type
 Ccc_organizationOrganization Class
 Ccc_resourceResource Class
 Ccc_versionCommon Cartridge Version
 Ccc_version1Version 1 class of Common Cartridge
 Ccc_version11Version 1.1 class of Common Cartridge
 Ccc_version_baseAbstract Version Base class
 Ccheck_bigintsReporting about the ones not physically implemented as BIGINTs and providing one SQL script to fix all them
 Ccheck_defaultsThis class will check all the default values existing in the DB match those specified in the xml specs and providing one SQL script to fix all them
 Ccheck_foreign_keysThis class will look for data in the database that violates the foreign key definitions found in the XMLDB definitions
 Ccheck_indexesThis class will compare all the indexes found in the XMLDB definitions with the physical DB implementation, reporting about all the missing indexes to be created to be 100% ok
 Ccheck_oracle_semanticsThis class will check all the varchar2() columns in the Moodle installed DB, looking for incorrect (INT) length semanticas providing one SQL script to fix all them by changing to cross-db (CHAR) length semantics
 CchecksumableInterface to apply to all the classes we want to calculate their checksum
 Ccm_infoData about a single module on a course
 Ccoding_exceptionException indicating programming error, must be fixed by a programer
 Ccohort_candidate_selectorCohort assignment candidates
 Ccohort_existing_selectorCohort assignment candidates
 Ccohort_upload_formCohort upload form class
 Ccombined_progress_traceSpecial type of trace that can be used for redirecting to multiple other traces
 CcommentComment is helper class to add/delete comments anywhere in moodle
 Ccomment_exceptionComment exception class
 Ccompletion_aggregationCourse completion critieria aggregation
 Ccompletion_completionCourse completion status for a particular user/course
 Ccompletion_criteriaCompletion criteria abstract definition
 Ccompletion_criteria_activityCourse completion critieria - completion on activity completion
 Ccompletion_criteria_completionCompletion data for a specific user, course and critieria
 Ccompletion_criteria_courseCourse completion critieria - completion on course completion
 Ccompletion_criteria_dateCourse completion critieria - completion on specified date
 Ccompletion_criteria_durationCourse completion critieria - completion after specific duration from course enrolment
 Ccompletion_criteria_roleCourse completion critieria - marked by role
 Ccompletion_criteria_selfCourse completion critieria - student self marked
 Ccompletion_criteria_unenrolCourse completion critieria - completion on unenrolment
 Ccompletion_infoClass represents completion information for a course
 Ccomponent_actionHelper class used by other components that involve an action on the page (URL or JS)
 Ccomponent_generator_baseComponent generator base class
 Ccomponent_installerThis class is used to check, download and install items from to the moodledata directory
 Cconfirm_actionConfirm action
 Ccontext_headerRenderable for the main page header
 Cconvert_exceptionGeneral convert-related exception
 Cconvert_factoryFactory class to create new instances of backup converters
 Cconvert_helperProvides various functionality via its static methods
 Cconvert_helper_exceptionGeneral convert_helper related exception
 Cconvert_pathClass representing a path to be converted from XML file
 Cconvert_path_exceptionException being thrown by convert_path methods
 Ccopy_helperCopy helper class
 Ccore_admin_rendererStandard HTML output renderer for core_admin subsystem
 Ccore_adminpresets_generatorData generator for adminpresets component
 Ccore_auth_externalAuth external functions
 Ccore_availability_multiple_messagesRepresents multiple availability messages
 Ccore_availability_rendererRenderer for availability display
 Ccore_backup_backup_restore_base_testcaseBasic testcase class for backup / restore functionality
 Ccore_backup_externalBackup external functions
 Ccore_backup_html_loggerLogger that stores HTML log data in memory, ready for later display
 Ccore_backup_rendererThe primary renderer for the backup
 Ccore_badges_assertionOpen Badges Assertions specification 1.0
 Ccore_badges_externalBadges external functions
 Ccore_badges_generatorBadges test generator
 Ccore_badges_observerEvent observer for badges
 Ccore_badges_rendererStandard HTML output renderer for badges
 Ccore_block_externalBlocks external functions
 Ccore_blog_generatorBlog module test data generator class
 Ccore_blog_rendererBlog renderer
 Ccore_calendar_export_formThe mform class for creating and editing a calendar
 Ccore_calendar_externalCalendar external functions
 Ccore_calendar_rendererThis file contains the renderers for the calendar within Moodle
 Ccore_collatorA collator class with static methods that can be used for sorting
 Ccore_comment_externalExternal comment API functions
 Ccore_comment_generatorComment test generator
 Ccore_competency_generatorCompetency data generator class
 Ccore_completion_bulkedit_formBulk edit activity completion form
 Ccore_completion_defaultedit_formDefault activity completion form
 Ccore_completion_edit_base_formBase form for changing completion rules
 Ccore_completion_externalCompletion external functions
 Ccore_completion_generatorCompletion test generator
 Ccore_componentCollection of components related methods
 Ccore_contentbank_generatorGenerator for the core_contentbank subsystem
 Ccore_course_bulk_activity_completion_rendererMain renderer for the bulk activity completion stuff
 Ccore_course_categoryClass to store, cache, render and manage course category
 Ccore_course_create_categories_testclient_formForm class for create_categories() web service function test
 Ccore_course_delete_categories_testclient_formForm class for delete_categories() web service function test
 Ccore_course_deletecategory_formDelete category moodleform
 Ccore_course_editcategory_formEdit category form
 Ccore_course_externalCourse external functions
 Ccore_course_list_elementClass to store information about one course in a list of courses
 Ccore_course_management_rendererMain renderer for the course management pages
 Ccore_course_rendererRenderer for use with the course section and all the goodness that falls within it
 Ccore_course_update_categories_testclient_formForm class for create_categories() web service function test
 Ccore_cssparserMoodle CSS parser
 Ccore_customfield_externalExternal interface library for customfields component
 Ccore_customfield_generatorCustomfield data generator class
 Ccore_dateCore date and time related code
 Ccore_enrol_externalEnrol external functions
 Ccore_enrol_rendererThis is the main renderer for the enrol section
 Ccore_externalWeb service related functions
 Ccore_fetch_notifications_testclient_formTest class for WS function core_fetch_notifications
 Ccore_files_externalFiles external functions
 Ccore_files_rendererRendering of files viewer related widgets
 Ccore_filetypesClass to manage the custom filetypes list that is stored in a config variable
 Ccore_get_string_testclient_formTest class for WS function core_get_string
 Ccore_grades_externalCore grades functions
 Ccore_grades_rendererRenderer class for the grade pages
 Ccore_grading_externalCore grading functions
 Ccore_grading_generatorGenerator for the core_grading subsystem generator
 Ccore_grading_rendererStandard HTML output renderer for core_grading subsystem
 Ccore_group_externalGroup external functions
 Ccore_h5p_generatorGenerator for the core_h5p subsystem
 Ccore_media_managerManager for media files
 Ccore_media_playerBase class for media players
 Ccore_media_player_externalBase class for players which handle external links (YouTube etc)
 Ccore_media_player_nativeBase class for players which return native HTML5 <video> or <audio> tags
 Ccore_message_externalMessage external functions
 Ccore_message_rendererMessage Renderer
 Ccore_minifyCollection of JS and CSS compression methods
 Ccore_notes_generatorCore_notes data generator class
 Ccore_payment_generatorPayment module test data generator class
 Ccore_php_time_limitUtility class to manage PHP time limit
 Ccore_plugin_managerDefines classes used for plugins management
 Ccore_qrcodeClass for generating QR codes
 Ccore_question_bank_rendererThis renderer outputs parts of the question bank
 Ccore_question_externalQuestion external functions
 Ccore_question_generatorClass core_question_generator for generating question data
 Ccore_question_rendererThis renderer controls the overall output of questions
 Ccore_rating_externalRating external functions
 Ccore_rendererThe standard implementation of the core_renderer interface
 Ccore_renderer_ajaxA renderer that generates output for ajax scripts
 Ccore_renderer_cliA renderer that generates output for command-line scripts
 Ccore_renderer_maintenanceThe maintenance renderer
 Ccore_reportbuilder_generatorReport builder test generator
 Ccore_reportbuilder_testcaseHelper base class for reportbuilder unit tests
 Ccore_requirejsCollection of requirejs related methods
 Ccore_role_allow_assign_pageSubclass of role_allow_role_page for the Allow assigns tab
 Ccore_role_allow_override_pageSubclass of role_allow_role_page for the Allow overrides tab
 Ccore_role_allow_role_pageBase class for managing the data in the grid of checkboxes on the role allow allow/overrides/switch editing pages (allow.php)
 Ccore_role_allow_switch_pageSubclass of role_allow_role_page for the Allow switches tab
 Ccore_role_allow_view_pageSubclass of role_allow_role_page for the Allow views tab
 Ccore_role_assign_user_selector_baseBase class to avoid duplicating code
 Ccore_role_capability_table_baseThis class represents a table with one row for each of a list of capabilities where the first cell in the row contains the capability name, and there is arbitrary stuff in the rest of the row
 Ccore_role_capability_table_with_risksThis subclass is the bases for both the define roles and override roles pages
 Ccore_role_check_capability_tableSubclass of core_role_capability_table_base for use on the Check permissions page
 Ccore_role_check_users_selectorUser selector subclass for the selection of users in the check permissions page
 Ccore_role_define_role_table_advancedAs well as tracking the permissions information about the role we are creating or editing, we also track the other information about the role
 Ccore_role_existing_role_holdersUser selector subclass for the list of users who already have the role in question on the assign roles page
 Ccore_role_externalRole external functions
 Ccore_role_permissions_tableSubclass of core_role_capability_table_base for use on the Permissions page
 Ccore_role_potential_assignees_below_courseUser selector subclass for the list of potential users on the assign roles page, when we are assigning in a context below the course level
 Ccore_role_potential_assignees_course_and_aboveUser selector subclass for the list of potential users on the assign roles page, when we are assigning in a context at or above the course level
 Ccore_role_presetXML role file manipulation class
 Ccore_role_preset_formRole add/reset selection form
 Ccore_rss_rendererWeb service documentation renderer
 Ccore_rtlcssMoodle RTLCSS class
 Ccore_scssMoodle SCSS compiler class
 Ccore_search_generatorMock search area data generator class
 Ccore_shutdown_managerShutdown management class
 Ccore_string_managerInterface for string manager
 Ccore_string_manager_installFetches minimum strings for installation
 Ccore_string_manager_standardStandard string_manager implementation
 Ccore_tag_areaClass to manage tag areas
 Ccore_tag_areas_tableTable with the list of available tag areas for "Manage tags" page
 Ccore_tag_collections_tableTable with the list of tag collections for "Manage tags" page
 Ccore_tag_externalTags-related web services
 Ccore_tag_index_builderHelper to build tag index
 Ccore_tag_manage_tableClass core_tag_manage_table
 Ccore_tag_rendererClass core_tag_renderer
 Ccore_tag_tagRepresents one tag and also contains lots of useful tag-related methods as static functions
 Ccore_textDefines string api's for manipulating strings
 Ccore_upgrade_timeStatic class monitors performance of upgrade steps
 Ccore_userUser class to access user details
 Ccore_user_externalUser external functions
 Ccore_user_rendererProvides user rendering functionality such as printing private files tree and displaying a search utility
 Ccore_useragentEnvironment class to aid with the detection and establishment of the working environment
 Ccore_userfeedbackThis Class contains helper functions for user feedback functionality
 Ccore_webservice_externalWeb service related functions
 Ccore_webservice_generatorData generator for core_webservice plugin
 Ccore_webservice_get_site_info_testclient_formTest class for WS function get_site_info
 Ccore_webservice_rendererWeb service documentation renderer
 Ccore_xml_parserClass for parsing xml files
 Ccourse_backup_settingAbstract class containing all the common stuff for course backup settings
 Ccourse_completion_formDefines the course completion settings form
 Ccourse_edit_formThe form for handling editing a course
 Ccourse_enrolment_managerThis class provides a targeted tied together means of interfacing the enrolment tasks together with a course
 Ccourse_enrolment_other_users_tableTable used for other users
 Ccourse_enrolment_tableMain course enrolment table
 Ccourse_enrolment_users_tableTable control used for enrolled users
 Ccourse_modinfoInformation about a course that is cached in the course table 'modinfo' field (and then in memory) in order to reduce the need for other database queries
 Ccourse_requestThis class pertains to course requests and contains methods associated with create, approving, and removing course requests
 Ccourse_request_formA form for a user to request a course
 Ccourse_reset_formDefines the course reset settings form
 Ccourse_restore_formImport backup file form
 Ccourse_settings_formFirst implementation of the preferences in the form of a moodleform
 Ccoursecat_helperClass storing display options and functions to help display course category and/or courses lists
 Ccoursetags_formEdit course tags form
 Ccreate_and_clean_temp_stuffCreate the temp dir where backup/restore will happen and create temp ids table
 Ccreate_taskbasepath_directoryCreate the directory where all the task (activity/block...) information will be stored
 Ccsv_export_writerUtitily class for exporting of CSV files
 Ccsv_import_readerUtitily class for importing of CSV files
 CcurlRESTful cURL class
 Ccurl_cacheThis class is used by cURL class, use case:
 Ccustom_menuCustom menu class
 Ccustom_menu_itemCustom menu item
 Cdata_field_fileClass file field for database activity
 Cdata_field_pictureClass picture field for database activity
 Cdata_file_info_containerClass representing the virtual node with all itemids in the file browser
 Cdata_import_preset_zip_formImport preset class
 Cdata_loading_method_test_baseHelper base class for tests that need to simulate records loaded from the database
 Cdata_objectA data abstraction object that holds methods and attributes
 Cdata_portfolio_callerThe class to handle entry exports of a database module
 Cdata_preset_existing_importerData preset importer for existing presets
 Cdata_preset_importerAbstract class used for data preset importers
 Cdata_preset_upload_importerData preset importer for uploaded presets
 Cdata_privacy_testcaseParent class for tests which need data privacy functionality
 Cdatabase_column_infoDetailed database field information
 Cdatabase_driver_testcaseDatabase driver test case
 Cdatabase_export_formDefinition of db export settings form
 Cdatabase_exporterBase class for database export operations
 Cdatabase_importerBase class for database import operations
 Cdatabase_loggerLogger implementation that sends messages to database
 Cdatabase_managerDatabase manager instance is responsible for all database structure modifications
 Cdatabase_transfer_formDefinition of db transfer settings form
 Cdbtransfer_exceptionException class for db transfer
 Cddl_change_structure_exceptionError during changing db structure
 Cddl_dependency_exceptionError changing db structure, caused by some dependency found like trying to modify one field having related indexes
 Cddl_exceptionDDL exception class, use instead of throw new moodle_exception() and "return false;" in ddl code
 Cddl_field_missing_exceptionTable does not exist problem exception
 Cddl_table_missing_exceptionTable does not exist problem exception
 Cdefault_block_generatorDefault block generator class
 Cdelete_fieldThis class will delete completely one field
 Cdelete_indexThis class will delete completely one index
 Cdelete_keyThis class will delete completely one key
 Cdelete_tableThis class will delete completely one table
 Cdelete_xml_fileThis class will delete completely one XML file
 Cdml_connection_exceptionDML db connection exception - triggered if database not accessible
 Cdml_exceptionDML exception class, use instead of throw new moodle_exception() in dml code
 Cdml_missing_record_exceptionCaused by missing record that is required for normal operation
 Cdml_multiple_records_exceptionCaused by multiple records found in get_record() call
 Cdml_read_exceptionDML read exception - triggered by some SQL syntax errors, etc
 Cdml_sessionwait_exceptionDML db session wait exception - triggered when session lock request times out
 Cdml_transaction_exceptionDML transaction exception - triggered by problems related to DB transactions
 Cdml_write_exceptionDML write exception - triggered by some SQL syntax errors, etc
 Cdndupload_ajax_processorProcesses the upload, creating the course module and returning the result
 Cdndupload_handlerStores all the information about the available dndupload handlers
 Cdowngrade_exceptionException indicating downgrade error during upgrade
 Cdrop_and_clean_temp_stuffDelete the temp dir used by backup/restore (conditionally) and drop temp ids table
 Cdummy_question_engine_assumption_loggerSubclass of question_engine_assumption_logger that does nothing, for testing
 Cedit_criteria_formForm to edit badge criteria
 Cedit_fieldThis class will provide the interface for all the edit field actions
 Cedit_field_saveThis class verifies all the data introduced when editing a field for correctness, performing changes / displaying errors depending of the results
 Cedit_indexThis class will provide the interface for all the edit index actions
 Cedit_index_saveThis class verifies all the data introduced when editing an index for correctness, performing changes / displaying errors depending of the results
 Cedit_keyThis class will provide the interface for all the edit key actions
 Cedit_key_saveThis class verifies all the data introduced when editing a key for correctness, performing changes / displaying errors depending of the results
 Cedit_relatedbadge_formForm to edit badge details
 Cedit_tableThis class provides the interface for all the edit table actions
 Cedit_table_saveThis class will save changes in table name and/or comments
 Cedit_xml_fileThis class will edit one loaded XML file
 Cedit_xml_file_saveThis class will save the changes performed to the comment of one file
 Ceditor_atto_subplugins_settingSpecial class for Atto plugins administration
 Ceditor_atto_toolbar_settingAdmin setting for toolbar
 Ceditsection_formDefault form for editing course section
 Cemoticon_managerProvides core support for plugins that have to deal with emoticons (like HTML editor or emoticon filter)
 Cencrypted_final_elementImplementation of backup_final_element that provides symmetric-key AES-256 encryption of contents
 Cendorsement_formForm to edit endorsement
 Cenrol_bulk_enrolment_change_formA base class that can be used to easily construct a form for use with bulk operations
 Cenrol_bulk_enrolment_confirm_formA convenience class to allow the quick generation of a confirmation form for a bulk operation
 Cenrol_bulk_enrolment_operationThis class is used to manage a bulk operations for enrolment plugins
 Cenrol_category_observerEvent handler for category enrolment plugin
 Cenrol_category_pluginCategory enrolment plugin implementation
 Cenrol_cohort_handlerEvent handler for cohort enrolment plugin
 Cenrol_cohort_pluginCohort enrolment plugin implementation
 Cenrol_database_pluginDatabase enrolment plugin implementation
 Cenrol_fee_pluginFee enrolment plugin
 Cenrol_flatfile_pluginFlatfile enrolment plugin implementation
 Cenrol_flatfile_role_settingSetting class that stores only non-empty values
 Cenrol_guest_externalGuest enrolment method external API
 Cenrol_guest_pluginClass enrol_guest_plugin
 Cenrol_imsenterprise_pluginIMS Enterprise file enrolment plugin
 Cenrol_instance_edit_formStandard edit form shared by all enrol plugins
 Cenrol_ldap_admin_setting_categoryClass implements new specialized setting for course categories that are loaded only when required
 Cenrol_lti_generatorLTI Enrolment test data generator class
 Cenrol_lti_pluginLTI enrolment plugin class
 Cenrol_manual_current_participantEnrolled users
 Cenrol_manual_deleteselectedusers_formThe form to confirm the intention to bulk delete users enrolments
 Cenrol_manual_deleteselectedusers_operationA bulk operation for the manual enrolment plugin to delete selected users enrolments
 Cenrol_manual_editselectedusers_formThe form to collect required information when bulk editing users enrolments
 Cenrol_manual_editselectedusers_operationA bulk operation for the manual enrolment plugin to edit selected users
 Cenrol_manual_externalExternal course participation api
 Cenrol_manual_potential_participantEnrol candidates
 Cenrol_meta_handlerEvent handler for meta enrolment plugin
 Cenrol_meta_observerEvent observer for enrol_meta
 Cenrol_meta_pluginMeta course enrolment plugin
 Cenrol_mnet_mnetservice_enrolMNet server-side methods that are part of mnetservice_enrol
 Cenrol_mnet_pluginMNet enrolment plugin implementation for Moodle 2.x enrolment framework
 Cenrol_paypal_pluginPaypal enrolment plugin implementation
 Cenrol_pluginEnrolment plugins abstract class
 Cenrol_self_deleteselectedusers_formThe form to confirm the intention to bulk delete users enrolments
 Cenrol_self_deleteselectedusers_operationA bulk operation for the self enrolment plugin to delete selected users enrolments
 Cenrol_self_editselectedusers_formThe form to collect required information when bulk editing users enrolments
 Cenrol_self_editselectedusers_operationA bulk operation for the manual enrolment plugin to edit selected users
 Cenrol_self_externalSelf enrolment external functions
 Cenrol_self_pluginSelf enrolment plugin
 Cenrol_user_buttonA button that is used to enrol users in a course
 Cenrol_users_filter_formForm that lets users filter the enrolled user list
 Cenvironment_resultsHelper Class to return results to caller
 Cerror_log_loggerLogger implementation that sends messages to error_log()
 Cerror_log_progress_traceThis subclass of progress_trace outputs to error log
 Cerror_messagesProvides validation classes used by the imscc converters
 Cessay_grading_formEssay grading form
 Cevent_formThe mform class for creating and editing a calendar
 Cevent_messageA chat event such a user entering or leaving a chat activity
 CexecutableInterface to apply to all the classes we want to be executable (plan/part/task)
 Cexternal_service_authorised_user_settings_formWeb services admin UI forms
 Cexternallib_advanced_testcaseHelper base class for external tests
 Cfactor_email_rendererEmail renderer
 Cfeedback_edit_create_template_formThe feedback_edit_create_template_form
 Cfeedback_edit_use_template_formThe feedback_edit_use_template_form
 Cfile_access_exceptionNo file access exception
 Cfile_archiveEach file archive type must extend this class
 Cfile_browserThis class provides the main entry point for other code wishing to get information about files
 Cfile_exceptionBasic file related exception class
 Cfile_infoBase class for things in the tree navigated by file_browser
 Cfile_info_area_backup_sectionImplementation of course section backup area
 Cfile_info_area_course_legacySubclass of file_info_stored for files in the course files area
 Cfile_info_area_course_sectionRepresents a course category context in the tree navigated by file_browser
 Cfile_info_context_courseRepresents a course context in the tree navigated by file_browser
 Cfile_info_context_coursecatRepresents a course category context in the tree navigated by file_browser
 Cfile_info_context_moduleRepresents a module context in the tree navigated by file_browser
 Cfile_info_context_systemRepresents the system context in the tree navigated by file_browser
 Cfile_info_context_userRepresents a user context in the tree navigated by file_browser
 Cfile_info_storedRepresents an actual file or folder - a row in the file table in the tree navigated by file_browser
 Cfile_loggerLogger implementation that sends indented messages (depth option) to one file
 Cfile_packerAbstract class for archiving of files
 Cfile_pickerData structure representing a file picker
 Cfile_pool_content_exceptionHash file content problem exception
 Cfile_progressSimple interface for receiving progress during long-running file operations
 Cfile_reference_exceptionProblem with records in the {files_reference} table
 Cfile_serving_exceptionAn exception that indicates that file can not be served
 Cfile_storageFile storage class used for low level access to stored files
 Cfile_systemFile system class used for low level access to real files in filedir
 Cfile_system_filedirFile system class used for low level access to real files in filedir
 Cfile_xml_database_exporterXML format exporter class to file storage
 Cfile_xml_database_importerXML format importer class from file storage
 Cfile_xml_outputThis class implements one @xml_output able to send contents to one OS file
 Cfiles_tree_viewerData structure representing a general moodle file tree viewer
 Cfilter_activitynamesActivity name filtering
 Cfilter_codehighlighterCode highlighter filter
 Cfilter_displayh5pDisplay H5P filter
 Cfilter_glossaryGlossary linking filter class
 Cfilter_managerClass to manage the filtering of strings
 Cfilter_mathjaxloaderMathjax filtering
 Cfilter_mediapluginAutomatic media embedding filter class
 Cfilter_multilangImplementation of the Moodle filter API for the Multi-lang filter
 CfilterobjectThis is just a little object to define a phrase and some instructions for how to process it
 Cfindpaths_parser_processorFind paths progressive_parser_processor that will search for all the paths present in the chunks being returned
 Cflat_navigationClass used to generate a collection of navigation nodes most closely related to the current page
 Cflat_navigation_nodeSubclass of navigation_node allowing different rendering for the flat navigation in particular allowing dividers and indents
 Cflickr_clientSimple Flickr API client implementing the features needed by Moodle
 Cfolder_content_file_infoFile browsing support class
 Cform_filemanagerData structure representing a file manager
 Cformat_legacyCourse format class to allow plugins developed for Moodle 2.3 to work in the new API
 Cformat_singleactivityMain class for the singleactivity course format
 Cformat_singleactivity_admin_setting_activitytypeAdmin settings class for the format singleactivity activitytype choice
 Cformat_sitePseudo course format used for the site main page
 Cformat_socialMain class for the Social course format
 Cformat_topicsMain class for the Topics course format
 Cformat_weeksMain class for the Weeks course format
 Cformat_weeks_observerEvent observer for format_weeks
 Cforum_file_info_containerClass representing the virtual node with all itemids in the file browser
 Cforumreport_summary_rendererRenderer for the forum summary report
 Cfragment_requirements_managerThis requirements manager captures the appropriate html for creating a fragment to be inserted elsewhere
 Cgenerate_all_documentationThis class will produce the documentation for all the XMLDB files in the server, via XSL, performing the output in HTML format
 Cgenerate_documentationThis class will produce XSL documentation for the loaded XML file
 Cget_db_directoriesThis class will will check all the db directories existing under the current Moodle installation, sending them to the SESSION->dbdirs array
 Cglobal_navigationThe global navigation class used for... the global navigation
 Cglobal_navigation_for_ajaxThe global navigation class used especially for AJAX requests
 Cglossary_entry_portfolio_callerClass to export a single glossary entry
 Cglossary_file_info_containerClass representing the virtual node with all itemids in the file browser
 Cglossary_full_portfolio_callerLibrary of functions and constants for module glossary outside of what is required for the core moodle api
 Cgoogle_docsClass for manipulating google documents through the google data api
 Cgoogle_oauthOAuth 2.0 client for Google Services
 Cgoogledocs_content_testcaseBase class for the googledoc repository unit tests related to content browsing and searching
 Cgrade_categoryGrade_category is an object mapped to DB table {prefix}grade_categories
 Cgrade_edit_treeA library of classes used by the grade edit pages
 Cgrade_edit_tree_columnClass grade_edit_tree_column
 Cgrade_edit_tree_column_actionsClass grade_edit_tree_column_actions
 Cgrade_edit_tree_column_nameClass grade_edit_tree_column_name
 Cgrade_edit_tree_column_rangeClass grade_edit_tree_column_range
 Cgrade_edit_tree_column_selectClass grade_edit_tree_column_select
 Cgrade_edit_tree_column_statusClass grade_edit_tree_column_status
 Cgrade_edit_tree_column_weightClass grade_edit_tree_column_weight
 Cgrade_exportBase export class
 Cgrade_export_update_bufferThis class is used to update the exported field in grade_grades
 Cgrade_gradeGrade_grades is an object mapped to DB table {prefix}grade_grades
 Cgrade_helperGrade helper class
 Cgrade_itemClass representing a grade item
 Cgrade_objectAn abstract object that holds methods and attributes common to all grade_* objects defined here
 Cgrade_outcomeClass representing a grade outcome
 Cgrade_plugin_infoA simple class containing info about grade plugins
 Cgrade_plugin_returnUtility class used for return tracking when using edit and other forms in grade plugins
 Cgrade_reportAn abstract class containing variables and methods used by all or most reports
 Cgrade_report_graderDefinition of the grader report class
 Cgrade_report_overviewDefinition of the grade_overview_report class
 Cgrade_report_summaryDefinition of the summary report class
 Cgrade_scaleClass representing a grade scale
 Cgrade_seqFlat structure similar to grade tree
 Cgrade_structureGeneral structure representing grade items in course
 Cgrade_treeThis class represents a complete tree of categories, grade_items and final grades, organises as an array primarily, but which can also be converted to other formats
 Cgraded_users_iteratorThis class iterates over all users that are graded in a course
 Cgradeimport_csv_load_dataA class for loading and preparing grade data from import
 Cgradeimport_csv_rendererRenderers for the import of CSV files into the gradebook
 Cgradeimport_direct_import_formForm for copying and pasting from a spreadsheet
 Cgradeimport_direct_mapping_formForm for mapping columns to the fields in the table
 Cgrader_report_preferences_formFirst implementation of the preferences in the form of a moodleform
 Cgradereport_overview_externalExternal grade overview report API implementation
 Cgradereport_overview_rendererRenderer for the gradebook overview report
 Cgradereport_singleview_rendererCustom renderer for the single view report
 Cgradereport_user_rendererCustom renderer for the user grade report
 Cgrading_managerGeneral class providing access to common grading features
 Cgrading_search_template_formAllows to search for a specific shared template
 Cgradingform_controllerClass represents a grading form definition used in a particular area
 Cgradingform_guide_controllerThis controller encapsulates the guide grading logic
 Cgradingform_guide_editguideDefines the guide edit form
 Cgradingform_guide_generatorGenerator for the gradingforum_guide plugintype
 Cgradingform_guide_instanceClass to manage one guide grading instance
 Cgradingform_guide_rendererGrading method plugin renderer
 Cgradingform_instanceClass to manage one gradingform instance
 Cgradingform_rubric_controllerThis controller encapsulates the rubric grading logic
 Cgradingform_rubric_editrubricDefines the rubric edit form
 Cgradingform_rubric_generatorGenerator for the gradingforum_rubric plugintype
 Cgradingform_rubric_instanceClass to manage one rubric grading instance
 Cgradingform_rubric_rendererGrading method plugin renderer
 Cgroup_formGroup form class
 Cgroup_members_selectorUser selector subclass for the list of users who are in a certain group
 Cgroup_non_members_selectorUser selector subclass for the list of users who are not in a certain group
 Cgrouped_parser_processorAbstract xml parser processor able to group chunks as configured and dispatch them to other arbitrary methods
 Cgrouping_formGrouping form class
 Cgroups_import_formGroups import form class
 Cgroups_user_selector_baseBase class to avoid duplicating code
 Chelp_iconData structure representing a help icon
 Chtml_list_progress_traceHTML List Progress Tree
 Chtml_progress_traceThis subclass of progress_trace outputs as HTML
 Chtml_tableHolds all the information required to render a
 Chtml_table_cellComponent representing a table cell
 Chtml_table_rowComponent representing a table row
 Chtml_writerSimple html output class
 Cimage_iconData structure representing an activity icon
 Cimport_course_searchExtends the restore course search to search for import courses
 Cimport_uiThis file contains extension of the backup classes that override some methods and functionality in order to customise the backup UI for the purposes of import
 Cimport_ui_stage_confirmationExtends the confirmation stage
 Cimport_ui_stage_finalOverrides the final stage
 Cimport_ui_stage_initalExtends the initial stage
 Cimport_ui_stage_precheckClass representing the precheck/selection stage of a import
 Cimport_ui_stage_schemaExtends the schema stage
 Cimscc11_convert_exceptionException thrown by this converter
 Cimscc1_convert_exceptionException thrown by this converter
 Cimscp_file_infoFile browsing support class
 Cimsenterprise_coursesMapping between Moodle course attributes and IMS enterprise group description tags
 Cimsenterprise_rolesClass for dealing with role mappings in IMS Enterprise
 Cinitials_barComponent representing initials bar
 Cintended_user_roleDefined as specified in CC 1.1
 Cinvalid_dataroot_permissionsAn exception that indicates incorrect permissions in $CFG->dataroot
 Cinvalid_parameter_exceptionException indicating malformed parameter problem
 Cinvalid_response_exceptionException indicating malformed response problem
 Cinvalid_state_exceptionAn exception that indicates something really weird happened
 Cjs_writerSimple javascript output class
 Clang_installerEnd of component_installer class
 Clang_installer_exceptionException thrown by lang_installer
 Clang_stringThe lang_string class
 Clesson_add_page_form_baseAbstract class that page type's MUST inherit from
 Clesson_add_page_form_selectionQuestion selection form
 Clesson_add_page_form_unknownDummy class to represent an unknown question type and direct to the selection form
 Clesson_baseAbstract class to provide a core functions to the all lesson classes
 Clesson_import_formForm used to select a file and file format for the import
 Clesson_override_formForm for editing settings overrides
 Clesson_page_type_managerA management class for page types
 Clesson_page_without_answersInclude formslib if it has not already been included
 CLexerAccepts text and breaks it into tokens
 Cload_xml_fileThis class will load one XML file to memory if necessary
 Cload_xml_filesThis class will load every XML file to memory if necessary
 CloggableInterface to apply to all the classes we want to be able to write to logs
 Clogin_forgot_password_formReset forgotten password form definition
 Clogin_set_password_formSet forgotten password form definition
 Clti_advantage_testcaseParent class for LTI Advantage tests, providing environment setup and mock user launches
 Cmain_viewThis class will show all the actions available under the XMLDB editor interface
 Cmariadb_native_moodle_databaseNative MariaDB class representing moodle database interface
 Cmbz_packerUtility class - handles all packing/unpacking of .mbz files
 Cmedia_html5audio_pluginPlayer that creates HTML5 <audio> tag
 Cmedia_html5video_pluginPlayer that creates HTML5 <video> tag
 Cmedia_videojs_pluginPlayer that creates HTML5 <video> tag
 Cmedia_vimeo_pluginPlayer that embeds Vimeo links
 Cmedia_youtube_pluginPlayer that creates youtube embedding
 Cmemory_xml_outputThis class implements one @xml_output able to store and return output in memory
 Cmessage_airnotifier_externalExternal API for airnotifier web services
 Cmessage_airnotifier_managerAirnotifier helper manager class
 Cmessage_outputContains a base class for extension by message processors
 Cmessage_output_airnotifierAirnotifier message processor to send messages to the APNS provider: airnotfier
 Cmessage_output_emailContains the definiton of the email message processors (sends messages to users via email)
 Cmessage_popup_externalExternal message popup API
 Cmnet_environmentInfo about the local environment, wrt RPC
 Cmnet_profile_formSmall form to allow the administrator to configure (override) which profile fields are sent/imported over mnet
 Cmnet_review_host_formThe second step of the form - reviewing the host details This is also the same form that is used for editing an existing host
 Cmnet_server_exceptionMnet server exception
 Cmnet_simple_host_formThe very basic first step add new host form - just wwwroot & application The second form is loaded up with the information from this one
 Cmnet_xmlrpc_clientClass representing an XMLRPC request against a remote machine
 Cmnethosturl_final_elementImplementation of backup_final_element that provides special handling of mnethosturl
 Cmnetservice_enrolSingleton providing various functionality usable by plugin(s) implementing this MNet service
 Cmnetservice_enrol_existing_users_selectorSelector of our users enrolled into remote course via enrol_mnet plugin
 Cmnetservice_enrol_potential_users_selectorSelector of our users who could be enrolled into a remote course via their enrol_mnet
 Cmod_assign_batch_set_allocatedmarker_formSet allocated marker form
 Cmod_assign_batch_set_marking_workflow_state_formSet marking workflow form
 Cmod_assign_confirm_submission_formAssignment submission confirmation form
 Cmod_assign_extension_formAssignment extension dates form
 Cmod_assign_generatorAssign module data generator class
 Cmod_assign_grade_formAssignment grade form
 Cmod_assign_grading_batch_operations_formAssignment grading options form
 Cmod_assign_grading_options_formAssignment grading options form
 Cmod_assign_mod_formAssignment settings form
 Cmod_assign_quick_grading_formAssignment quick grading form
 Cmod_assign_submission_formAssign submission form
 Cmod_bigbluebuttonbn_generatorBigbluebuttonbn module data generator
 Cmod_bigbluebuttonbn_mod_formMoodle class for mod_form
 Cmod_book_externalBook external functions
 Cmod_book_generatorMod_book data generator class
 Cmod_chat_externalChat external functions
 Cmod_chat_generatorMod_chat data generator class
 Cmod_chat_rendererChat module renderer class
 Cmod_choice_externalChoice module external functions
 Cmod_choice_generatorMod_choice data generator class
 Cmod_choice_rendererMoodle renderer used to display special elements of the lesson module
 Cmod_data_externalDatabase module external functions
 Cmod_data_generatorData generator class for mod_data
 Cmod_feedback_complete_formClass mod_feedback_complete_form
 Cmod_feedback_completionCollects information and methods about feedback completion (either complete.php or show_entries.php)
 Cmod_feedback_course_map_formForm for mapping courses to the feedback
 Cmod_feedback_course_select_formForm for mapping courses to the feedback
 Cmod_feedback_externalFeedback external functions
 Cmod_feedback_generatorMod_feedback data generator class
 Cmod_feedback_observerEvent observers supported by this module
 Cmod_feedback_responses_anon_tableClass mod_feedback_responses_anon_table
 Cmod_feedback_responses_tableClass mod_feedback_responses_table
 Cmod_feedback_structureStores and manipulates the structure of the feedback or template (items, pages, etc.)
 Cmod_feedback_templates_tableClass mod_feedback_templates_table
 Cmod_feedback_use_templ_formThe mod_feedback_use_templ_form
 Cmod_folder_externalFolder external functions
 Cmod_folder_generatorMod_folder data generator class
 Cmod_forum_existing_subscriber_selectorUser selector control for removing subscribed users
 Cmod_forum_externalExternal forum API
 Cmod_forum_generatorForum module data generator class
 Cmod_forum_observerEvent observer for mod_forum
 Cmod_forum_post_formClass to post in a forum
 Cmod_forum_potential_subscriber_selectorA user selector control for potential subscribers to the selected forum
 Cmod_forum_prune_formForm which displays fields for splitting forum post to a separate threads
 Cmod_forum_rendererThis file contains a custom renderer class used by the forum module
 Cmod_forum_subscriber_selector_baseAbstract class used by forum subscriber selection controls
 Cmod_glossary_admin_setting_display_formatsClass for glossary display formats management
 Cmod_glossary_entry_query_builderEntry query builder class
 Cmod_glossary_generatorMod_glossary data generator class
 Cmod_h5pactivity_generatorH5pactivity module data generator class
 Cmod_h5pactivity_mod_formModule instance settings form
 Cmod_imscp_externalIMSCP external functions
 Cmod_imscp_generatorMod_imscp data generator class
 Cmod_imscp_mod_formIMS CP configuration form
 Cmod_label_externalLabel external functions
 Cmod_label_generatorLabel module data generator class
 Cmod_lesson_externalLesson external functions
 Cmod_lesson_file_infoFile browsing support class
 Cmod_lesson_generatorMod_lesson data generator class
 Cmod_lti_edit_types_formLTI Edit Form
 Cmod_lti_externalExternal tool module external functions
 Cmod_lti_generatorLTI module data generator class
 Cmod_lti_register_types_formThe mod_lti_register_types_form class
 Cmod_lti_testcaseAbstract base testcase for mod_lti unit tests
 Cmod_page_externalPage external functions
 Cmod_page_generatorPage module data generator class
 Cmod_quiz_externalQuiz external functions
 Cmod_quiz_generatorQuiz module test data generator class
 Cmod_quiz_mod_formSettings form for the quiz module
 Cmod_resource_externalResource external functions
 Cmod_resource_generatorResource module data generator class
 Cmod_scorm_attempt_barComponent representing a SCORM attempts bar
 Cmod_scorm_externalSCORM module external functions
 Cmod_scorm_generatorMod_scorm data generator class
 Cmod_scorm_rendererThe renderer for the scorm module
 Cmod_scorm_report_objectives_settingsA form that displays the objective report settings
 Cmod_survey_externalSurvey external functions
 Cmod_survey_generatorMod_survey data generator class
 Cmod_survey_rendererOutput the actionbar for this activity
 Cmod_url_externalURL external functions
 Cmod_url_generatorMod_url data generator class
 Cmod_wiki_externalWiki module external functions
 Cmod_wiki_generatorMod_wiki data generator class
 Cmod_workshop_externalWorkshop external functions
 Cmod_workshop_generatorMod_workshop data generator class
 Cmod_workshop_mod_formModule settings form for Workshop instances
 Cmod_workshop_portfolio_callerWorkshop portfolio caller class to integrate with portfolio API
 Cmod_workshop_rendererWorkshop module renderer class
 Cmoodle1_block_generic_handlerBase class for block generic handler
 Cmoodle1_block_handlerBase class for block handlers
 Cmoodle1_block_html_handlerBlock conversion handler for html
 Cmoodle1_block_rss_client_handlerBlock conversion handler for rss_client
 Cmoodle1_convert_empty_storage_exceptionException thrown by the temporary storage subsystem of moodle1_converter
 Cmoodle1_convert_exceptionException thrown by this converter
 Cmoodle1_convert_storage_exceptionException thrown by the temporary storage subsystem of moodle1_converter
 Cmoodle1_converterConverter of Moodle 1.9 backup into Moodle 2.x format
 Cmoodle1_course_header_handlerHandles the conversion of /MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/HEADER paths
 Cmoodle1_course_outline_handlerHandles the conversion of course sections and course modules
 Cmoodle1_file_managerThe class responsible for files migration
 Cmoodle1_files_handlerThe class responsible for course and site files migration
 Cmoodle1_gradebook_handlerHandles the conversion of the gradebook structures in the moodle.xml file
 Cmoodle1_handlerBase backup conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_handlers_factoryHandlers factory class
 Cmoodle1_info_handlerHandles the conversion of /MOODLE_BACKUP/INFO paths
 Cmoodle1_inforef_managerHelper class that handles ids annotations for inforef.xml files
 Cmoodle1_mod_book_handlerBook conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_mod_chat_handlerChat conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_mod_choice_handlerChoice conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_mod_data_handlerDatabase conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_mod_feedback_handlerFeedback module conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_mod_folder_handlerFolder conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_mod_forum_handlerForum conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_mod_glossary_handlerGlossary conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_mod_handlerBase class for activity module handlers
 Cmoodle1_mod_imscp_handlerImscp conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_mod_label_handlerLabel conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_mod_lesson_handlerLesson conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_mod_page_handlerPage conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_mod_quiz_handlerQuiz conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_mod_resource_handlerResource conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_mod_scorm_handlerScorm conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_mod_survey_handlerSurvey conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_mod_url_handlerURL conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_mod_wiki_handlerWiki conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_mod_workshop_handlerWorkshop conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_outcomes_handlerHandles the conversion of the outcomes
 Cmoodle1_parser_processorXML parser processor used for processing parsed moodle.xml
 Cmoodle1_plugin_handlerShared base class for activity modules, blocks and qtype handlers
 Cmoodle1_qtype_calculated_handlerCalculated question type conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_qtype_essay_handlerShort answer question type conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_qtype_handlerBase class for all question type handlers
 Cmoodle1_qtype_match_handlerMatching question type conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_qtype_multianswer_handlerMultianswer (aka embedded, cloze) question type conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_qtype_multichoice_handlerMultichoice question type conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_qtype_numerical_handlerMultichoice question type conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_qtype_randomsamatch_handlerRandom shortanswer matching question type conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_qtype_shortanswer_handlerShort answer question type conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_qtype_truefalse_handlerTrue/false question type conversion handler
 Cmoodle1_question_bank_handlerHandles the conversion of the question bank included in the moodle.xml file
 Cmoodle1_resource_successor_handlerBase class for all modules that are successors of the 1.9 resource module
 Cmoodle1_roles_definition_handlerHandles the conversion of the defined roles
 Cmoodle1_root_handlerProcess the root element of the backup file
 Cmoodle1_scales_handlerHandles the conversion of the scales included in the moodle.xml file
 Cmoodle1_submod_handlerBase class for the activity modules' subplugins
 Cmoodle1_workshopform_accumulative_handlerConversion handler for the accumulative grading strategy data
 Cmoodle1_workshopform_comments_handlerConversion handler for the comments grading strategy data
 Cmoodle1_workshopform_handlerBase class for the grading strategy subplugin handler
 Cmoodle1_workshopform_numerrors_handlerConversion handler for the numerrors grading strategy data
 Cmoodle1_workshopform_rubric_handlerConversion handler for the rubric grading strategy data
 Cmoodle1_xml_handlerBase backup conversion handler that generates an XML file
 Cmoodle1_xml_transformerXML transformer that modifies the content of the files being written during the conversion
 Cmoodle_databaseAbstract class representing moodle database interface
 Cmoodle_exceptionBase Moodle Exception class
 Cmoodle_imageMoodle_image class
 Cmoodle_listClues to reading this code:
 Cmoodle_page$PAGE is a central store of information about the current page we are generating in response to the user's request
 Cmoodle_quiz_exceptionClass for quiz exceptions
 Cmoodle_recordsetAbstract class for resultsets returned from database functions
 Cmoodle_text_filterBase class for text filters
 Cmoodle_transactionDelegated transaction class
 Cmoodle_urlClass for creating and manipulating urls
 CMoodleExcelFormatDefine and operate over one Format
 CMoodleExcelWorkbookDefine and operate over one Moodle Workbook
 CMoodleExcelWorksheetDefine and operate over one Worksheet
 CmoodleformWrapper that separates quickforms syntax from moodle code
 Cmoodleform_modThis class adds extra methods to form wrapper specific to be used for module add / update forms mod/{modname}/mod_form.php replaced deprecated mod/{modname}/mod.html Moodleform
 CMoodleODSCellODS Cell abstraction
 CMoodleODSFormatODS cell format abstraction
 CMoodleODSWorkbookODS workbook abstraction
 CMoodleODSWorksheetODS Worksheet abstraction
 CMoodleODSWriterODS file writer
 CMoodleQuickFormMoodleQuickForm implementation
 CMoodleQuickForm_advcheckboxAdvanced checkbox type form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_autocompleteAutocomplete as you type form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_buttonButton form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_cancelHTML class for a submit cancel type element
 CMoodleQuickForm_checkboxCheckbox form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_cohortForm field type for choosing a cohort
 CMoodleQuickForm_courseForm field type for choosing a course
 CMoodleQuickForm_date_selectorClass for a group of elements used to input a date
 CMoodleQuickForm_date_time_selectorElement used to input a date and time
 CMoodleQuickForm_defaultcustomCreates an element with a dropdown Default/Custom and an input for the value (text or date_selector)
 CMoodleQuickForm_durationDuration element
 CMoodleQuickForm_editorEditor element
 CMoodleQuickForm_filemanagerFilemanager form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_filepickerFilepicker form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_filetypesFile types and type groups selection form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_floatFloat type form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_gradingAdvance grading form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_groupForm element group
 Cmoodlequickform_guideeditorThe editor for the marking guide advanced grading plugin
 CMoodleQuickForm_headerHeader form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_hiddenHidden type form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_listingThe listing element is a simple customizable "select" without the input type=select
 CMoodleQuickForm_modgradeDrop down form element to select the grade
 CMoodleQuickForm_modvisibleDrop down form element to select visibility in an activity mod update form
 CMoodleQuickForm_passwordPassword type form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_passwordunmaskPassword type form element with unmask option
 CMoodleQuickForm_questioncategoryDrop down for question categories
 CMoodleQuickForm_radioRadio type form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_recaptchaRecaptcha type form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_rubriceditorForm element for handling rubric editor
 CMoodleQuickForm_searchableselectorForm field type for selecting from a list of options
 CMoodleQuickForm_selectSelect type form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_selectgroupsSelect type form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_selectwithlinkSelect type form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_selectyesnoYes/No drop down type form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_staticText type form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_submitSubmit type form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_tagsForm field type for editing tags
 CMoodleQuickForm_textText type form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_textareaTextarea type form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_urlUrl type form element
 CMoodleQuickForm_warningStatic warning element
 CMoodleQuickForm_wikieditorThis file contains all necessary code to define a wiki editor
 CMoodleQuickForm_wikifiletableThis file contains all necessary code to define a wiki file table form element
 Cmove_updown_fieldThis class will will move one field up/down
 Cmove_updown_indexThis class will will move one index up/down
 Cmove_updown_keyThis class will will move one key up/down
 Cmove_updown_tableThis class will will move table up/down
 Cmssql_sql_generatorThis class generate SQL code to be used against MSSQL It extends XMLDBgenerator so everything can be overridden as needed to generate correct SQL
 Cmysqli_native_moodle_databaseNative mysqli class representing moodle database interface
 Cmysqli_native_moodle_recordsetMysqli specific moodle recordset class
 Cnasty_stringsNasty strings manager
 CnavbarNavbar class
 Cnavigation_cacheThe cache class used by global navigation and settings navigation
 Cnavigation_jsonSimple class used to output a navigation branch in XML
 Cnavigation_nodeThis class is used to represent a node in a navigation tree
 Cnavigation_node_collectionNavigation node collection
 Cnew_fieldThis class will create a new default field to be edited
 Cnew_indexThis class will create a new default index to be edited
 Cnew_keyThis class will create a new default key to be edited
 Cnew_tableThis class will create a new default table to be edited
 Cnew_table_from_mysqlThis class will ask and retrofit all the information from one mysql table present in the Moodle DB to one xmldb_table structure
 Cnull_filter_managerFilter manager subclass that does nothing
 Cnull_parser_processorNull progressive_parser_processor that won't process chunks at all
 Cnull_progress_traceThis subclass of progress_trace does not ouput anything
 Coauth2_clientOAuth 2.0 Client for using web access tokens
 Coauth_helperOAuth helper class
 Coci_native_moodle_databaseNative oci class representing moodle database interface
 Coracle_sql_generatorThis class generate SQL code to be used against Oracle It extends XMLDBgenerator so everything can be overridden as needed to generate correct SQL
 Coutput_controllerThis class decides, based in environment/backup controller settings about the best way to send information to output, independently of the process and the loggers
 Coutput_indented_loggerLogger implementation that sends indented messages (depth option) to output
 Coutput_text_loggerLogger implementation that sends text messages to output
 Couwiki_change_rangeRepresents a changed area of file and where it is located in the two source files
 Couwiki_changesA more logical representation of the results from ouwiki_internal_diff()
 Couwiki_lineClass representing one 'line' of HTML content for the purpose of text comparison
 Couwiki_wordRepresents single word for html comparison
 Cpage_content_file_infoFile browsing support class
 Cpage_requirements_managerThis class tracks all the things that are needed by the current page
 Cpage_wikiClass page_wiki contains the common code between all pages
 Cpage_wiki_adminThis class will let user to delete wiki pages and page versions
 Cpage_wiki_commentsClass that models the behavior of wiki's view comments page
 Cpage_wiki_createClass that models the behavior of wiki's create page
 Cpage_wiki_deletecommentClass that models the behavior of wiki's delete comment confirmation page
 Cpage_wiki_diffClass that models the behavior of wiki's view differences
 Cpage_wiki_editWiki page editing page
 Cpage_wiki_editcommentClass that models the behavior of wiki's edit comment
 Cpage_wiki_historyClass that models the behavior of wiki's history page
 Cpage_wiki_mapClass that models the behavior of wiki's map page
 Cpage_wiki_restoreversionClass that models the behavior of wiki's restore version page
 Cpage_wiki_saveClass that models the behavior of wiki's save page
 Cpage_wiki_searchWiki page search page
 Cpage_wiki_viewView a wiki page
 Cpage_wiki_viewversionClass that models the behavior of wiki's view an old version of a page
 Cpaging_barComponent representing a paging bar
 Cparentable_part_of_admin_treeInterface implemented by any part_of_admin_tree that has children
 Cpart_of_admin_treeCLASS DEFINITIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 CpdfWrapper class that extends TCPDF (lib/tcpdf/tcpdf.php)
 Cpdo_moodle_databaseExperimental pdo database class
 Cpdo_moodle_recordsetExperimental pdo recordset
 Cperformance_measuring_filter_managerFilter manager subclass that tracks how much work it does
 Cpgsql_native_moodle_databaseNative pgsql class representing moodle database interface
 Cpgsql_native_moodle_recordsetPgsql specific moodle recordset class
 Cphpunit_constraint_object_is_equal_with_exceptionsConstraint that checks a simple object with an isEqual constrain, allowing for exceptions to be made for some fields
 Cphpunit_coverage_infoCoverage information for the core_block subsystem
 Cphpunit_datasetLightweight dataset class for phpunit, supports XML, CSV and array datasets
 Cphpunit_event_mockEvent mock
 Cphpunit_event_sinkEvent sink
 Cphpunit_message_sinkMessage sink
 Cphpunit_phpmailer_sinkPhpmailer message sink
 Cphpunit_utilUtility class
 Cpix_emoticonData structure representing an emoticon image
 Cpix_iconData structure representing an icon
 Cpix_icon_fontData structure representing an icon font
 Cpix_icon_fontawesomeData structure representing an icon subtype
 Cplagiarism_pluginLib.php - Contains Plagiarism base class used by plugins
 Cplugin_incompatible_exceptionException thrown when attempting to install a plugin that declares incompatibility with moodle version
 Cplugin_misplaced_exceptionMisplaced plugin exception
 Cplugin_renderer_baseBasis for all plugin renderers
 CPNG_MetaDataHandlerInformation on PNG file chunks can be found at Some other info on PNG that I used
 Cpopup_actionComponent action for a popup window
 Cportfolio_add_buttonUse this to add a portfolio button or icon or form to a page
 Cportfolio_admin_formAdmin config form
 Cportfolio_button_exceptionException for interacting with the button class
 Cportfolio_caller_baseBase class for callers
 Cportfolio_caller_exceptionException for callers to throw when they have a problem
 Cportfolio_exceptionTop level portfolio exception
 Cportfolio_export_exceptionException to throw during an export - will clean up session and tempdata
 Cportfolio_export_formDuring-export config form
 Cportfolio_exporterThe class that handles the various stages of the actual export and the communication between the caller and the portfolio plugin
 Cportfolio_formatBase class to inherit from
 Cportfolio_format_document'Document format', subtype of file
 Cportfolio_format_fileThe most basic type - pretty much everything is a subtype
 Cportfolio_format_imageImage format, subtype of file
 Cportfolio_format_leap2aClass used for leap2a format
 Cportfolio_format_leap2a_entryThis class represents a single leap2a entry
 Cportfolio_format_leap2a_exceptionLeap2a exception - for invalid api calls
 Cportfolio_format_leap2a_fileSubclass of entry, purely for dealing with files
 Cportfolio_format_leap2a_writerObject to encapsulate the writing of leap2a
 Cportfolio_format_pdf'PDF format', subtype of file
 Cportfolio_format_plainhtmlHTML format
 Cportfolio_format_presentation'Presentation format', subtype of file
 Cportfolio_format_richBase class for rich formats
 Cportfolio_format_richhtmlRichhtml - html with attachments
 Cportfolio_format_spreadsheet'Spreadsheet format', subtype of file
 Cportfolio_format_textClass for plain text format
 Cportfolio_format_videoVideo format
 Cportfolio_instance_selectForm that just contains the dropdown menu of available instances
 Cportfolio_module_caller_baseBase class for module callers
 Cportfolio_plugin_baseThe base class for portfolio plugins
 Cportfolio_plugin_exceptionException for portfolio plugins to throw when they have a problem
 Cportfolio_plugin_googledocsGoogle Documents Portfolio Plugin
 Cportfolio_plugin_pull_baseClass to inherit from for 'pull' type plugins
 Cportfolio_plugin_push_baseClass to inherit from for 'push' type plugins
 Cportfolio_user_formUser config form
 Cpostgres_sql_generatorThis class generate SQL code to be used against PostgreSQL It extends XMLDBgenerator so everything can be overridden as needed to generate correct SQL
 Cpreferences_groupRepresents a group of preferences page link
 Cpreferences_groupsRepresents a set of preferences groups
 CprocessableInterface to apply to all the classes we want to be processable by one @base_processor
 Cprofile_define_baseThis file contains the profile_define_base class
 Cprofile_define_checkboxCheckbox profile field
 Cprofile_define_datetimeThis file contains the datetime profile field definition class
 Cprofile_define_menuMenu profile field definition
 Cprofile_define_socialTextarea profile field define
 Cprofile_define_textText profile field definition
 Cprofile_define_textareaTextarea profile field define
 Cprofile_field_checkboxClass profile_field_checkbox
 Cprofile_field_datetimeThis file contains the datetime profile field class
 Cprofile_field_menuMenu profile field
 Cprofile_field_socialSocial profile field define
 Cprofile_field_textText profile field
 Cprofile_field_textareaTextarea profile field define
 Cprogress_barProgress bar class
 Cprogress_traceProgress trace class
 Cprogress_trace_bufferSpecial type of trace that can be used for catching of output of other traces
 Cprogressive_parserClass implementing one SAX progressive push parser
 Cprogressive_parser_processorThis abstract class implements one progressive_parser_processor
 Cqbehaviour_adaptiveQuestion behaviour for adaptive mode
 Cqbehaviour_adaptive_mark_detailsThis class encapsulates all the information about the current state-of-play scoring-wise
 Cqbehaviour_adaptive_rendererRenderer for outputting parts of a question belonging to the legacy adaptive behaviour
 Cqbehaviour_adaptive_typeQuestion behaviour type information for adaptive behaviour
 Cqbehaviour_adaptivenopenaltyQuestion behaviour for adaptive mode, with no penalties
 Cqbehaviour_adaptivenopenalty_rendererRenderer for outputting parts of a question belonging to the legacy adaptive (no penalties) behaviour
 Cqbehaviour_adaptivenopenalty_typeQuestion behaviour type information for adaptive behaviour, without penalties
 Cqbehaviour_deferredcbmQuestion behaviour for deferred feedback with certainty based marking
 Cqbehaviour_deferredcbm_rendererRenderer for outputting parts of a question belonging to the deferred feedback with certainty based marking behaviour
 Cqbehaviour_deferredcbm_typeQuestion behaviour type information for deferred feedback with CBM behaviour
 Cqbehaviour_deferredfeedbackQuestion behaviour for deferred feedback
 Cqbehaviour_deferredfeedback_rendererRenderer for outputting parts of a question belonging to the deferred feedback behaviour
 Cqbehaviour_deferredfeedback_typeQuestion behaviour type information for deferred feedback behaviour
 Cqbehaviour_immediatecbmQuestion behaviour for immediate feedback with CBM
 Cqbehaviour_immediatecbm_rendererRenderer for outputting parts of a question belonging to the immediate feedback with CBM behaviour
 Cqbehaviour_immediatecbm_typeQuestion behaviour type information for immediate feedback with CBM
 Cqbehaviour_immediatefeedbackQuestion behaviour for immediate feedback
 Cqbehaviour_immediatefeedback_rendererRenderer for outputting parts of a question belonging to the immediate feedback behaviour
 Cqbehaviour_immediatefeedback_typeQuestion behaviour type information for immediate feedback behaviour
 Cqbehaviour_informationitemQuestion behaviour informaiton items
 Cqbehaviour_informationitem_rendererRenderer for outputting parts of a question belonging to the information item behaviour
 Cqbehaviour_informationitem_typeQuestion behaviour type information for informationitem items
 Cqbehaviour_interactiveQuestion behaviour for the interactive model
 Cqbehaviour_interactive_rendererInteractive behaviour renderer
 Cqbehaviour_interactive_typeQuestion behaviour type information for interactive behaviour
 Cqbehaviour_interactivecountbackQuestion behaviour for interactive mode with count-back scoring
 Cqbehaviour_interactivecountback_rendererRenderer for outputting parts of a question belonging to the interactive with countback behaviour
 Cqbehaviour_interactivecountback_typeQuestion behaviour type information for interactive behaviour with count-back scoring
 Cqbehaviour_manualgradedQuestion behaviour for questions that can only be graded manually
 Cqbehaviour_manualgraded_rendererRenderer for outputting parts of a question belonging to the manual graded behaviour
 Cqbehaviour_manualgraded_typeQuestion behaviour type information for manually graded behaviour
 Cqbehaviour_missingFake question behaviour that is used when the actual behaviour is not available
 Cqbehaviour_missing_rendererRenderer for outputting parts of a question when the actual behaviour used is not available
 Cqbehaviour_missing_typeFake question behaviour type information that is used when the actual behaviour is not available
 Cqbehaviour_rendererRenderer base class for question behaviours
 Cqbehaviour_walkthrough_test_baseHelper base class for question walk-through tests
 Cqformat_aikenAiken format - a simple format for creating multiple choice questions (with only one correct choice, and no feedback)
 Cqformat_based_on_xmlSince the lesson module tries to re-use the question bank import classes in a crazy way, this is necessary to stop things breaking
 Cqformat_blackboard_sixBlackboard Six QTI file importer class
 Cqformat_blackboard_six_baseBase class question import format for zip files with images
 Cqformat_blackboard_six_fileClass to represent a Blackboard file
 Cqformat_blackboard_six_poolBlackboard pool question importer class
 Cqformat_blackboard_six_qtiBlackboard 6.0 question importer
 Cqformat_defaultBase class for question import and export formats
 Cqformat_giftThe GIFT import filter was designed as an easy to use method for teachers writing questions as a text file
 Cqformat_missingwordMissing word question importer
 Cqformat_multianswerImporter that imports a text file containing a single Multianswer question from a text file
 Cqformat_xmlImporter for Moodle XML question format
 Cqtype_calculatedThe calculated question type
 Cqtype_calculated_dataset_loaderThis class is responsible for loading the dataset that a question needs from the database
 Cqtype_calculated_edit_formCalculated question type editing form definition
 Cqtype_calculated_qe2_attempt_updaterClass for converting attempt data for calculated questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine
 Cqtype_calculated_questionRepresents a calculated question
 Cqtype_calculated_question_helperHelper class for questions that use datasets
 Cqtype_calculated_question_with_expressionsThis interface defines the method that a quetsion type must implement if it is to work with qtype_calculated_question_helper
 Cqtype_calculated_rendererGenerates the output for calculated questions
 Cqtype_calculated_test_dataset_loaderTest implementation of qtype_calculated_dataset_loader
 Cqtype_calculated_test_helperTest helper class for the calculated question type
 Cqtype_calculated_variable_substituterThis class holds the current values of all the variables used by a calculated question
 Cqtype_calculatedmultiThe calculated multiple-choice question type
 Cqtype_calculatedmulti_calculate_helperHelper to abstract common code between qtype_calculatedmulti_single_question and qtype_calculatedmulti_multi_question
 Cqtype_calculatedmulti_edit_formCalculated multiple-choice question editing form
 Cqtype_calculatedmulti_multi_questionRepresents a calculated multiple-choice multiple-response question
 Cqtype_calculatedmulti_qe2_attempt_updaterClass for converting attempt data for calculated multiple-choice questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine
 Cqtype_calculatedmulti_rendererGenerates the output for calculated multiple-choice questions
 Cqtype_calculatedmulti_single_questionRepresents a calculated multiple-choice multiple-response question
 Cqtype_calculatedmulti_test_helperTest helper class for the calculated multiple-choice question type
 Cqtype_calculatedsimpleThe simple calculated question type
 Cqtype_calculatedsimple_edit_formEditing form for the calculated simplequestion type
 Cqtype_calculatedsimple_qe2_attempt_updaterClass for converting attempt data for simple calculated questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine
 Cqtype_calculatedsimple_questionRepresents a simple calculated question
 Cqtype_calculatedsimple_rendererGenerates the output for simple calculated questions
 Cqtype_calculatedsimple_test_helperTest helper class for the simple calculated question type
 Cqtype_ddimageortextThe drag-and-drop onto image question type class
 Cqtype_ddimageortext_drag_itemRepresents one of the choices (draggable images)
 Cqtype_ddimageortext_drop_zoneRepresents one of the places (drop zones)
 Cqtype_ddimageortext_edit_formDrag-and-drop images onto images editing form definition
 Cqtype_ddimageortext_questionRepresents a drag-and-drop onto image question
 Cqtype_ddimageortext_rendererGenerates the output for drag-and-drop onto image questions
 Cqtype_ddimageortext_test_helperTest helper class for the drag-and-drop onto image question type
 Cqtype_ddmarkerThe drag-and-drop markers question type class
 Cqtype_ddmarker_drag_itemRepresents one of the choices (draggable markers)
 Cqtype_ddmarker_drop_zoneRepresents one of the places (drop zones)
 Cqtype_ddmarker_edit_formDrag-and-drop images onto images editing form definition
 Cqtype_ddmarker_pointClass to represent a point
 Cqtype_ddmarker_questionRepresents a drag-and-drop markers question
 Cqtype_ddmarker_rendererGenerates the output for drag-and-drop markers questions
 Cqtype_ddmarker_shapeDrag-and-drop markers classes for dealing with shapes on the server side
 Cqtype_ddmarker_shape_circleClass to represent a circle
 Cqtype_ddmarker_shape_polygonClass to represent a polygon
 Cqtype_ddmarker_shape_rectangleClass to represent a rectangle
 Cqtype_ddmarker_test_helperTest helper class for the drag-and-drop markers question type
 Cqtype_ddtoimage_baseThe drag-and-drop onto image question type class
 Cqtype_ddtoimage_edit_form_baseBase class for drag-and-drop onto images editing form definition
 Cqtype_ddtoimage_question_baseRepresents a drag-and-drop onto image question
 Cqtype_ddtoimage_renderer_baseGenerates the output for drag-and-drop onto image questions
 Cqtype_ddwtosThe drag-and-drop words into sentences question type class
 Cqtype_ddwtos_choiceRepresents one of the choices (draggable boxes)
 Cqtype_ddwtos_edit_formDrag-and-drop words into sentences editing form definition
 Cqtype_ddwtos_questionRepresents a drag-and-drop words into sentences question
 Cqtype_ddwtos_rendererGenerates the output for drag-and-drop words into sentences questions
 Cqtype_ddwtos_test_helperTest helper class for the drag-and-drop words into sentences question type
 Cqtype_descriptionThe description 'question' type
 Cqtype_description_edit_formDescription editing form definition
 Cqtype_description_qe2_attempt_updaterClass for converting attempt data for description questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine
 Cqtype_description_questionRepresents a description 'question'
 Cqtype_description_rendererGenerates the output for description 'question's
 Cqtype_description_test_helperTest helper class for the description question type
 Cqtype_elements_embedded_in_question_text_rendererRenders question types where the question includes embedded interactive elements
 Cqtype_essayThe essay question type
 Cqtype_essay_edit_formEssay question type editing form
 Cqtype_essay_format_editor_rendererAn essay format renderer for essays where the student should use the HTML editor without the file picker
 Cqtype_essay_format_editorfilepicker_rendererAn essay format renderer for essays where the student should use the HTML editor with the file picker
 Cqtype_essay_format_monospaced_rendererAn essay format renderer for essays where the student should use a plain input box with a monospaced font
 Cqtype_essay_format_noinline_rendererAn essay format renderer for essays where the student should not enter any inline response
 Cqtype_essay_format_plain_rendererAn essay format renderer for essays where the student should use a plain input box, but with a normal, proportional font
 Cqtype_essay_format_renderer_baseA base class to abstract out the differences between different type of response format
 Cqtype_essay_qe2_attempt_updaterClass for converting attempt data for essay questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine
 Cqtype_essay_questionRepresents an essay question
 Cqtype_essay_rendererGenerates the output for essay questions
 Cqtype_essay_test_helperTest helper class for the essay question type
 Cqtype_gapselectThe select missing words question type class
 Cqtype_gapselect_baseThe embedded element in question text question type class
 Cqtype_gapselect_choiceRepresents one of the choices (select box option)
 Cqtype_gapselect_edit_formSelect from drop down list question editing form definition
 Cqtype_gapselect_edit_form_baseElements embedded in question text editing form definition
 Cqtype_gapselect_questionRepresents select missing words question
 Cqtype_gapselect_question_baseRepresents embedded element in question text question
 Cqtype_gapselect_rendererGenerates the output for select missing words questions
 Cqtype_gapselect_test_helperTest helper class for the select missing words question type
 Cqtype_matchThe matching question type class
 Cqtype_match_edit_formMatch question type editing form definition
 Cqtype_match_qe2_attempt_updaterClass for converting attempt data for match questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine
 Cqtype_match_questionRepresents a matching question
 Cqtype_match_rendererGenerates the output for matching questions
 Cqtype_match_test_helperTest helper class for the match question type
 Cqtype_missingtypeMissing question type class
 Cqtype_missingtype_edit_formThis question renderer class is used when the actual question type of this question cannot be found
 Cqtype_missingtype_questionThis question definition class is used when the actual question type of this question cannot be found
 Cqtype_missingtype_rendererThis question renderer class is used when the actual question type of this question cannot be found
 Cqtype_multianswerThe multi-answer question type class
 Cqtype_multianswer_edit_formForm for editing multi-answer questions
 Cqtype_multianswer_multichoice_horizontal_rendererRender an embedded multiple-choice question vertically, like for a normal multiple-choice question
 Cqtype_multianswer_multichoice_inline_rendererRender an embedded multiple-choice question that is displayed as a select menu
 Cqtype_multianswer_multichoice_vertical_rendererRender an embedded multiple-choice question vertically, like for a normal multiple-choice question
 Cqtype_multianswer_multiresponse_horizontal_rendererRender an embedded multiple-response question horizontally
 Cqtype_multianswer_multiresponse_vertical_rendererClass qtype_multianswer_multiresponse_renderer
 Cqtype_multianswer_qe2_attempt_updaterClass for converting attempt data for multianswer questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine
 Cqtype_multianswer_questionMultianswer question definition class
 Cqtype_multianswer_rendererMultianswer question renderer classes
 Cqtype_multianswer_subq_renderer_baseSubclass for generating the bits of output specific to shortanswer subquestions
 Cqtype_multianswer_test_helperTest helper class for the multianswer question type
 Cqtype_multianswer_textfield_rendererSubclass for generating the bits of output specific to shortanswer subquestions
 Cqtype_multichoiceThe multiple choice question type
 Cqtype_multichoice_admin_setting_answernumberingAdmin settings class for the multichoice question type method
 Cqtype_multichoice_baseBase class for multiple choice questions
 Cqtype_multichoice_edit_formMultiple choice editing form definition
 Cqtype_multichoice_multi_questionRepresents a multiple choice question where multiple choices can be selected
 Cqtype_multichoice_multi_rendererSubclass for generating the bits of output specific to multiple choice multi=select questions
 Cqtype_multichoice_qe2_attempt_updaterClass for converting attempt data for multichoice questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine
 Cqtype_multichoice_renderer_baseBase class for generating the bits of output common to multiple choice single and multiple questions
 Cqtype_multichoice_single_questionRepresents a multiple choice question where only one choice should be selected
 Cqtype_multichoice_single_rendererSubclass for generating the bits of output specific to multiple choice single questions
 Cqtype_multichoice_test_helperTest helper class for the multiple choice question type
 Cqtype_numericalThe numerical question type class
 Cqtype_numerical_answerSubclass of question_answer with the extra information required by the numerical question type
 Cqtype_numerical_answer_processorThis class processes numbers with units
 Cqtype_numerical_edit_formNumerical editing form definition
 Cqtype_numerical_qe2_attempt_updaterClass for converting attempt data for numerical questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine
 Cqtype_numerical_questionRepresents a numerical question
 Cqtype_numerical_rendererNumerical question renderer class
 Cqtype_numerical_test_helperTest helper class for the numerical question type
 Cqtype_randomThe random question type
 Cqtype_random_edit_formRandom editing form definition
 Cqtype_random_test_helperTest helper class for the random question type
 Cqtype_randomsamatchThe randomsamatch question type class
 Cqtype_randomsamatch_edit_formRandomsamatch editing form definition
 Cqtype_randomsamatch_qe2_attempt_updaterClass for converting attempt data for randomsamatch questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine
 Cqtype_randomsamatch_questionRepresents a randomsamatch question
 Cqtype_randomsamatch_question_loaderThis class is responsible for loading the questions that a question needs from the database
 Cqtype_randomsamatch_rendererGenerates the output for randomsamatch questions
 Cqtype_randomsamatch_test_helperTest helper class for the randomsamatch question type
 Cqtype_randomsamatch_test_question_loaderTest implementation of qtype_randomsamatch_question_loader
 Cqtype_rendererRenderer base classes for question types
 Cqtype_shortanswerThe short answer question type
 Cqtype_shortanswer_edit_formShort answer question editing form definition
 Cqtype_shortanswer_qe2_attempt_updaterClass for converting attempt data for shortanswer questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine
 Cqtype_shortanswer_questionRepresents a short answer question
 Cqtype_shortanswer_rendererGenerates the output for short answer questions
 Cqtype_shortanswer_test_helperTest helper class for the shortanswer question type
 Cqtype_truefalseThe true-false question type class
 Cqtype_truefalse_edit_formTrue-false question editing form definition
 Cqtype_truefalse_qe2_attempt_updaterClass for converting attempt data for truefalse questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine
 Cqtype_truefalse_questionRepresents a true-false question
 Cqtype_truefalse_rendererGenerates the output for true-false questions
 Cqtype_truefalse_test_helperTest helper class for the truefalse question type
 Cqtype_with_combined_feedback_rendererRenderer base classes for question types
 Cqubaid_conditionThis class represents a restriction on the set of question_usage ids to include in a larger database query
 Cqubaid_joinThis class represents a restriction on the set of question_usage ids to include in a larger database query based on JOINing to some other tables
 Cqubaid_listThis class represents a restriction on the set of question_usage ids to include in a larger database query based on an explicit list of ids
 Cquestion_answerClass to represent a question answer, loaded from the question_answers table in the database
 Cquestion_attemptTracks an attempt at one particular question in a question_usage_by_activity
 Cquestion_attempt_iteratorA class abstracting access to the question_usage_by_activity::$questionattempts array
 Cquestion_attempt_pending_stepA subclass of {
 Cquestion_attempt_reverse_step_iteratorA variant of question_attempt_step_iterator that iterates through the steps in reverse order
 Cquestion_attempt_stepStores one step in a {
 Cquestion_attempt_step_iteratorA class abstracting access to the question_attempt::$states array
 Cquestion_attempt_step_read_onlyA subclass of {
 Cquestion_attempt_step_subquestion_adapterThis is an adapter class that wraps a {
 Cquestion_attempt_steps_with_submitted_response_iteratorA variant of question_attempt_step_iterator that iterates through the steps with submitted tries
 Cquestion_attempt_upgrader_test_baseBase class for tests that thest the upgrade of one particular attempt and one question
 Cquestion_attempt_with_restricted_historyThis subclass of question_attempt pretends that only part of the step history exists
 Cquestion_automatically_gradableInterface that a question_definition must implement to be usable by the various automatic grading behaviours
 Cquestion_automatically_gradable_with_countbackInterface that a question_definition must implement to be usable by the interactivecountback behaviour
 Cquestion_bankThis static class provides access to the other question bank
 Cquestion_behaviourThe base class for question behaviours
 Cquestion_behaviour_attempt_updaterBase class for managing the upgrade of a question using a particular behaviour
 Cquestion_behaviour_typeThis class represents the type of behaviour, rather than the instance of the behaviour which control a particular question attempt
 Cquestion_behaviour_type_fallbackThis class exists to allow behaviours that worked in Moodle 2.3 to continue to work
 Cquestion_behaviour_with_saveA subclass of question_behaviour that implements a save action that is suitable for most questions that implement the question_manually_gradable interface
 Cquestion_cbmThis helper class contains the constants and methods required for manipulating scores for certainty based marking
 Cquestion_classified_responseThis class is used in the return value from question_manually_gradable::classify_response()
 Cquestion_dataset_dependent_definitions_formCalculated question data set definitions editing form definition
 Cquestion_dataset_dependent_items_formCalculated question data set items editing form definition
 Cquestion_definitionThe definition of a question of a particular type
 Cquestion_display_optionsThis class contains all the options that controls how a question is displayed
 Cquestion_edit_formForm definition base class
 Cquestion_engineThis static class provides access to the other question engine classes
 Cquestion_engine_assumption_loggerThis class serves to record all the assumptions that the code had to make during the question engine database database upgrade, to facilitate reviewing them
 Cquestion_engine_attempt_upgraderThis class manages upgrading all the question attempts from the old database structure to the new question engine
 Cquestion_engine_data_mapperThis class controls the loading and saving of question engine data to and from the database
 Cquestion_engine_unit_of_workImplementation of the unit of work pattern for the question engine
 Cquestion_engine_upgrade_question_loaderThis class deals with loading (and caching) question definitions during the question engine upgrade
 Cquestion_file_loaderThis class is the mirror image of question_file_saver
 Cquestion_file_saverThis class represents the promise to save some files from a particular draft file area into a particular file area
 Cquestion_filter_test_helperProvide utility function for random question test
 Cquestion_finderClass for loading questions according to various criteria
 Cquestion_first_matching_answer_grading_strategyThis grading strategy is used by question types like shortanswer an numerical
 Cquestion_flagsContains the logic for handling question flags
 Cquestion_graded_automaticallyThis class represents a question that can be graded automatically
 Cquestion_graded_automatically_with_countbackThis class represents a question that can be graded automatically with countback grading in interactive mode
 Cquestion_graded_by_strategyThis class represents a question that can be graded automatically by using a question_grading_strategy
 Cquestion_grading_strategyThis question_grading_strategy interface
 Cquestion_hintClass to represent a hint associated with a question
 Cquestion_hint_ddmarkerQuestion hint for ddmarker
 Cquestion_hint_with_partsAn extension of question_hint for questions like match and multiple choice with multile answers, where there are options for whether to show the number of parts right at each stage, and to reset the wrong parts
 Cquestion_information_itemThis class represents a 'question' that actually does not allow the student to respond, like the description 'question' type
 Cquestion_manually_gradableInterface that a question_definition must implement to be usable by the manual graded behaviour
 Cquestion_null_stepA null {
 Cquestion_out_of_sequence_exceptionException thrown when the system detects that a student has done something out-of-order to a question
 Cquestion_possible_responseThis class is used in the return value from question_type::get_possible_responses()
 Cquestion_qtype_attempt_updaterBase class for the classes that convert the question-type specific bits of the attempt data
 Cquestion_response_answer_comparerThis interface defines the methods that a question_definition must implement if it is to be graded by the question_first_matching_answer_grading_strategy
 Cquestion_response_filesThe interface implemented by question_file_saver and question_file_loader
 Cquestion_stateAn enumeration representing the states a question can be in after a question_attempt_step
 Cquestion_state_notstarted#+ Specific question_state subclasses
 Cquestion_test_helperBase class for question type test helpers
 Cquestion_test_recordsetSimple class that implements the moodle_recordset API based on an array of test data
 Cquestion_typeThis is the base class for Moodle question types
 Cquestion_usage_by_activityThis class keeps track of a group of questions that are being attempted, and which state, and so on, each one is currently in
 Cquestion_usage_null_observerNull implmentation of the question_usage_watcher interface
 Cquestion_usage_observerInterface for things that want to be notified of signficant changes to a question_usage_by_activity
 Cquestion_utilsUseful functions for writing question types and behaviours
 Cquestion_variant_forced_choices_selection_strategyA question_variant_selection_strategy designed ONLY for testing
 Cquestion_variant_pseudorandom_no_repeats_strategyA question_variant_selection_strategy that is effectively random for the first attempt, and then after that cycles through the available variants so that the students will not get a repeated variant until they have seen them all
 Cquestion_variant_random_strategyA question_variant_selection_strategy that is completely random
 Cquestion_variant_selection_strategyThe interface for strategies for controlling which variant of each question is used
 Cquestion_with_responsesThis class represents a real question
 Cquiz_first_or_all_responses_tableThis is a table subclass for displaying the quiz responses report, showing first or all tries
 Cquiz_grading_rendererDefines the renderer for the quiz_grading module
 Cquiz_grading_reportQuiz report to help teachers manually grade questions that need it
 Cquiz_grading_settings_formQuiz grading report settings form
 Cquiz_last_responses_tableThis is a table subclass for displaying the quiz responses report
 Cquiz_overview_optionsClass to store the options for a quiz_overview_report
 Cquiz_overview_reportQuiz report subclass for the overview (grades) report
 Cquiz_overview_settings_formQuiz overview report settings form
 Cquiz_overview_tableThis is a table subclass for displaying the quiz grades report
 Cquiz_responses_optionsClass to store the options for a quiz_responses_report
 Cquiz_responses_reportQuiz report subclass for the responses report
 Cquiz_responses_settings_formQuiz responses report settings form
 Cquiz_statistics_question_tableThis table shows statistics about a particular question
 Cquiz_statistics_reportThe quiz statistics report provides summary information about each question in a quiz, compared to the whole quiz
 Cquiz_statistics_settings_formThis is the settings form for the quiz statistics report
 Cquiz_statistics_tableThis table has one row for each question in the quiz, with sub-rows when random questions and variants appear
 Cquizaccess_delaybetweenattemptsA rule imposing the delay between attempts settings
 Cquizaccess_ipaddressA rule implementing the ipaddress check against the ->subnet setting
 Cquizaccess_numattemptsA rule controlling the number of attempts allowed
 Cquizaccess_offlineattemptsA rule implementing the offlineattempts check
 Cquizaccess_openclosedateA rule enforcing open and close dates
 Cquizaccess_passwordA rule implementing the password check
 Cquizaccess_sebImplementation of the quizaccess_seb plugin
 Cquizaccess_seb_generatorData generator the quizaccess_seb plugin
 Cquizaccess_securewindowA rule for ensuring that the quiz is opened in a popup, with some JavaScript to prevent copying and pasting, etc
 Cquizaccess_timelimitA rule representing the time limit
 CratingSingle rating by a single user
 Crating_exceptionFor exceptions specific to the ratings system
 Crating_managerAbility to retrieve sets of ratings from the database
 Creconcile_filesList all the files needing reconcile because the definitions don't match the XML contents
 Creject_request_formA form for an administrator to reject a course request
 CrenderableInterface marking other classes as suitable for renderer_base\render()
 Crenderer_baseSimple base class for Moodle renderers
 Crenderer_factoryA renderer factory is just responsible for creating an appropriate renderer for any given part of Moodle
 Crenderer_factory_baseThis is a base class to help you implement the renderer_factory interface
 Creport_eventlist_filter_formEvent list filter form
 Creport_eventlist_list_generatorClass for returning system event information
 Creport_eventlist_rendererRenderer for event report
 Creport_log_renderableReport log renderable class
 Creport_log_rendererReport log renderer's for printing reports
 Creport_log_table_logTable log class for displaying logs
 Creport_loglive_renderableReport loglive renderable class
 Creport_loglive_rendererReport log renderer's for printing reports
 Creport_loglive_renderer_ajaxLog live report ajax renderer
 Creport_loglive_table_logTable log class for displaying logs
 Creport_loglive_table_log_ajaxTable log class for generating data in ajax mode
 CrepositoryThis is the base class of the repository class
 Crepository_areafilesMain class responsible for files listing in repostiory_areafiles
 Crepository_contentbankRepository_contentbank class is used to browse the content bank files
 Crepository_contentbank_generatorContent bank files repository data generator
 Crepository_coursefilesThis plugin is used to access coursefiles repository
 Crepository_coursefiles_generatorCourse files repository data generator
 Crepository_dropboxThis plugin is used to access user's dropbox files
 Crepository_dropbox_generatorDropbox repository data generator
 Crepository_equellaRepository_equella class implements equella_client
 Crepository_equella_generatorEquella repository data generator
 Crepository_exceptionException class for repository api
 Crepository_filesystemThis plugin is used to access files on server file system
 Crepository_filesystem_generatorFile system repository data generator
 Crepository_flickrThis plugin is used to access flickr pictures
 Crepository_flickr_generatorFlickr repository data generator
 Crepository_flickr_publicThis plugin is used to access flickr pictures
 Crepository_flickr_public_generatorFlickr Public repository data generator
 Crepository_googledocs_generatorGoogle Docs repository data generator class
 Crepository_googledocs_testcaseBase class for the googledoc repository unit tests
 Crepository_instance_formThis is a class used to define a repository instance form
 Crepository_localThis plugin is used to access local files
 Crepository_local_generatorLocal repository data generator
 Crepository_merlotThis plugin is used to access merlot files
 Crepository_merlot_generatorMerlot repository data generator
 Crepository_nextcloudNextcloud repository class
 Crepository_nextcloud_generatorData generator for repository plugin
 Crepository_onedriveMicrosoft onedrive repository plugin
 Crepository_recent_generatorRecent repository data generator
 Crepository_s3This plugin is used to access s3 files
 Crepository_s3_generatorAmazon S3 repository data generator
 Crepository_typeThis class is used to manage repository plugins
 Crepository_type_formThis is a class used to define a repository type setting form
 Crepository_uploadA repository plugin to allow user uploading files
 Crepository_upload_generatorUpload repository data generator
 Crepository_urlThis plugin is used to access files by providing an url
 Crepository_url_generatorURL repository data generator
 Crepository_userThis plugin is used to access user's private files
 Crepository_user_generatorUser private files repository data generator
 Crepository_webdavThis plugin is used to access webdav files
 Crepository_webdav_generatorWebDAV repository data generator
 Crepository_wikimediaThis plugin is used to access wikimedia files
 Crepository_wikimedia_generatorWikimedia repository data generator
 Crepository_youtubeThis plugin is used to access youtube videos
 Crepository_youtube_generatorYoutube repository data generator
 Crequire_login_exceptionCourse/activity access exception
 Crequire_login_session_timeout_exceptionSession timeout exception
 Crequired_capability_exceptionExceptions indicating user does not have permissions to do something and the execution can not continue
 Cresource_content_file_infoFile browsing support class
 Crestore_activities_settingRoot setting to control if restore will create activities A lot of other settings (_included at activity levels) are dependent of this setting
 Crestore_activity_competencies_structure_stepRestore activity competencies structure step
 Crestore_activity_generic_settingGeneric activity setting to pass various settings between tasks and steps
 Crestore_activity_grade_history_structure_stepStep in charge of restoring the grade history of an activity
 Crestore_activity_grades_structure_stepThis structure step restores the grade items associated with one activity All the grade items are made child of the "course" grade item but the original categoryid is saved as parentitemid in the backup_ids table, so, when restoring the complete gradebook (categories and calculations), that information is available there
 Crestore_activity_grading_structure_stepDefines the restore step for advanced grading methods attached to the activity module
 Crestore_activity_included_settingActivity backup setting to control if activity will be included or no, depends of @restore_activities_setting and optionally parent section included setting
 Crestore_activity_logs_structure_stepThis structure step restores activity logs, extending restore_course_logs_structure_step sharing its same structure but modifying the way records are handled
 Crestore_activity_logstores_structure_stepStructure step in charge of restoring the logstores.xml file for the activity logs
 Crestore_activity_results_block_taskSpecialised restore task for the activity_results block (using execute_after_tasks for recoding of target activity)
 Crestore_activity_structure_stepAbstract structure step, parent of all the activity structure steps
 Crestore_activity_taskAbstract activity task that provides all the properties and common tasks to be performed when one activity is being restored
 Crestore_activity_userinfo_settingActivity backup setting to control if activity will include user information or no, depends of @restore_users_setting
 Crestore_assign_activity_structure_stepDefine the complete assignment structure for restore, with file and id annotations
 Crestore_assign_activity_taskAssign restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_assignfeedback_comments_subpluginRestore subplugin class
 Crestore_assignfeedback_editpdf_subpluginRestore subplugin class
 Crestore_assignfeedback_file_subpluginRestore subplugin class
 Crestore_assignsubmission_file_subpluginThis file contains the class for restore of this submission plugin
 Crestore_assignsubmission_onlinetext_subpluginThis file contains the class for restore of this submission plugin
 Crestore_badges_settingRoot setting to control if restore will create badges or not, depends on @restore_activities_setting
 Crestore_badges_structure_stepThis structure steps restores the badges and their configs
 Crestore_bigbluebuttonbn_activity_structure_stepClass for the structure used for restore BigBlueButtonBN
 Crestore_bigbluebuttonbn_activity_taskRestore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_block_instance_structure_stepThis structure steps restores one instance + positions of one block Note: Positions corresponding to one existing context are restored here, but all the ones having unknown contexts are sent to backup_ids for a later chance to be restored at the end (final task)
 Crestore_block_taskAbstract block task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed when one block is being restored
 Crestore_book_activity_structure_stepStructure step to restore one book activity
 Crestore_calendarevents_settingRoot setting to control if restore will create events or no, depends of @restore_users_setting exactly in the same way than @restore_role_assignments_setting so we extend from it
 Crestore_calendarevents_structure_stepThis structure steps restores the calendar events
 Crestore_category_searchA category search component
 Crestore_chat_activity_structure_stepDefine all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_chat_activity_task
 Crestore_chat_activity_taskChat restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_checkNon instantiable helper class providing different restore checks
 Crestore_choice_activity_structure_stepDefine all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_choice_activity_task
 Crestore_choice_activity_taskChoice restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_comments_settingRoot setting to control if restore will create comments or no, depends of @restore_users_setting exactly in the same way than @restore_role_assignments_setting so we extend from it
 Crestore_comments_structure_stepThis structure steps restores the comments Note: Cannot use the comments API because defaults to USER->id
 Crestore_competencies_settingRoot setting to control if competencies will also be restored
 Crestore_contentbankcontent_settingRoot setting to control if restore will create content bank content or no
 Crestore_contentbankcontent_structure_stepThis structure steps restores the content bank content
 Crestore_controllerClass implementing the controller of any restore process
 Crestore_controller_dbopsNon instantiable helper class providing DB support to the @restore_controller
 Crestore_course_competencies_structure_stepRestore course competencies structure step
 Crestore_course_defaultcustom_settingSetting to switch between current and new course name/startdate
 Crestore_course_generic_settingGeneric course setting to pass various settings between tasks and steps
 Crestore_course_legacy_files_stepExecution step that will migrate legacy files if present
 Crestore_course_loglastaccess_structure_stepStructure step in charge of restoring the loglastaccess.xml file for the course logs
 Crestore_course_logs_structure_stepThis structure step restores course logs (cmid = 0), delegating the hard work to the corresponding restore_logs_processor passing the collection of restore_log_rule rules to be observed as they are defined by the task
 Crestore_course_logstores_structure_stepStructure step in charge of restoring the logstores.xml file for the course logs
 Crestore_course_overwrite_conf_settingSetting to define is we are going to overwrite course configuration
 Crestore_course_searchA course search component
 Crestore_course_structure_stepStructure step that will read the course.xml file, loading it and performing various actions depending of the site/restore settings
 Crestore_course_taskCourse task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed when one course is being restored
 Crestore_coursereport_pluginRestore for course plugin: course report
 Crestore_create_and_clean_temp_stuffDelete old directories and conditionally create backup_temp_ids table
 Crestore_create_categories_and_questionsStructure step in charge of creating/mapping all the qcats and qs by parsing the questions.xml file and checking it against the results calculated by restore_process_categories_and_questions and stored in backup_ids_temp
 Crestore_create_included_usersExecution step that will create all the needed users as calculated by @restore_process_included_users (those having newiteind = 0)
 Crestore_create_question_filesExecution step that will create all the question/answers/qtype-specific files for the restored questions
 Crestore_customfield_settingRoot setting to control if restore will include custom field information
 Crestore_data_activity_structure_stepDefine all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_data_activity_task
 Crestore_data_activity_taskData restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_date_testcaseAdvanced PHPUnit test case customised for testing restore dates in Moodle
 Crestore_dbopsBase abstract class for all the helper classes providing DB operations
 Crestore_decode_contentHelper class in charge of providing the contents to be processed by restore_decode_rules
 Crestore_decode_interlinksDecode all the interlinks present in restored content relying 100% in the restore_decode_processor that handles both the contents to modify and the rules to be applied
 Crestore_decode_processorHelper class that will perform all the necessary decoding tasks on restore
 Crestore_decode_ruleHelper class used to decode links back to their original form
 Crestore_default_block_taskDefault block task to restore blocks not having own DB structures to be added
 Crestore_default_enrolments_stepIf no instances yet add default enrol methods the same way as when creating new course in UI
 Crestore_drop_and_clean_temp_stuffDrop temp ids table and delete the temp dir used by backup/restore (conditionally)
 Crestore_enrol_lti_pluginDefine all the restore steps
 Crestore_enrol_pluginBase class for enrol backup plugins
 Crestore_enrolments_structure_stepThis structure steps restores the enrol plugins and their underlying enrolments, performing all the mappings and/or movements required
 Crestore_execute_after_restoreReview all the tasks having one after_restore method executing it to perform some final adjustments of information not available when the task was executed
 Crestore_execution_stepAbstract class defining the needed stuff to execute code on restore
 Crestore_factoryNon instantiable factory class providing different restore object instances
 Crestore_feedback_activity_structure_stepDefine all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_feedback_activity_task
 Crestore_feedback_activity_taskFeedback restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_filters_structure_stepThis structure steps restores the filters and their configs
 Crestore_final_taskFinal task that provides all the final steps necessary in order to finish one restore like gradebook, interlinks... apart from some final cleaning
 Crestore_fix_restorer_access_stepMake sure the user restoring the course can actually access it
 Crestore_folder_activity_structure_stepDefine all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_folder_activity_task
 Crestore_folder_activity_taskFolder restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_format_pluginClass extending standard restore_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with the course formats (format plugin)
 Crestore_format_topics_pluginSpecialised restore for Topics course format
 Crestore_format_weeks_pluginSpecialised restore for format_weeks
 Crestore_forum_activity_structure_stepDefine all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_forum_activity_task
 Crestore_forum_activity_taskForum restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_generic_settingRoot generic setting to store different things without dependencies
 Crestore_glossary_activity_structure_stepDefine all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_glossary_activity_task
 Crestore_glossary_activity_taskGlossary restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_glossary_random_block_taskSpecialised restore task for the glossary_random block (using execute_after_tasks for recoding of glossaryid)
 Crestore_grade_histories_settingRoot setting to control if restore will create grade_histories or no, depends of @restore_users_setting exactly in the same way than @restore_role_assignments_setting so we extend from it
 Crestore_grade_history_structure_stepStep in charge of restoring the grade history of a course
 Crestore_gradebook_structure_stepRestore calculated grade items, grade categories etc
 Crestore_gradingform_guide_pluginRestores the marking guide specific data from grading.xml file
 Crestore_gradingform_pluginBase class for restoring all advanced grading form plugins
 Crestore_gradingform_rubric_pluginRestores the rubric specific data from grading.xml file
 Crestore_groups_members_structure_stepStructure step that will create all the needed group memberships by loading them from the groups.xml file performing the required matches
 Crestore_groups_settingRoot setting to control if restore will create groups/grouping information
 Crestore_groups_structure_stepStructure step that will create all the needed groups and groupings by loading them from the groups.xml file performing the required matches
 Crestore_h5pactivity_activity_structure_stepDefines the structure step to restore one mod_h5pactivity activity
 Crestore_h5pactivity_activity_taskRestore task for mod_h5pactivity
 Crestore_html_block_decode_contentSpecialised restore_decode_content provider that unserializes the configdata field, to serve the configdata->text content to the restore_decode_processor packaging it back to its serialized form after process
 Crestore_html_block_taskSpecialised restore task for the html block (requires encode_content_links in some configdata attrs)
 Crestore_imscp_activity_structure_stepDefine all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_imscp_activity_task
 Crestore_imscp_activity_taskProvides the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_inforef_parser_processorHelper implementation of grouped_parser_processor that will load all the contents of one inforef.xml file to the backup_ids table
 Crestore_label_activity_structure_stepDefine all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_url_activity_task
 Crestore_label_activity_taskLabel restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_lesson_activity_structure_stepDefine all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_lesson_activity_task
 Crestore_lesson_activity_taskLesson restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_load_and_map_rolesExecution step that, conditionally (if there isn't preloaded information), will load all the needed roles to backup_temp_ids
 Crestore_load_categories_and_questionsExecution step that, conditionally (if there isn't preloaded information will load all the question categories and questions (header info only) to backup_temp_ids
 Crestore_load_included_usersExecution step that, conditionally (if there isn't preloaded information and users have been selected in settings, will load all the needed users to backup_temp_ids
 Crestore_local_pluginClass extending standard restore_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with local plugins
 Crestore_log_ruleHelper class used to restore logs, converting all the information as needed
 Crestore_logs_processorThis class is one varying singleton that, for all the logs corresponding to one task, is in charge of storing all its restore_log_rule rules, dispatching to the correct one and insert/log the resulting information
 Crestore_logs_settingRoot setting to control if restore will create logs or no, depends of @restore_users_setting exactly in the same way than @restore_role_assignments_setting so we extend from it
 Crestore_lti_activity_structure_stepStructure step to restore one lti activity
 Crestore_lti_activity_taskBasiclti restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_ltiservice_gradebookservices_subpluginRestore subplugin class
 Crestore_mod_quiz_access_subpluginBase class for restoring up all the quiz settings and attempt data for an access rule quiz sub-plugin
 Crestore_module_structure_stepStructure step to restore common course_module information
 Crestore_moodleformThis file contains the forms used by the restore stages
 Crestore_moodlexml_parser_processorHelper implementation of grouped_parser_processor that will return all the information present in the moodle_backup.xml file accumulating it for later generation of controller->info
 Crestore_move_module_questions_categoriesExecution step that will move all the CONTEXT_MODULE question categories created at early stages of restore in course context (because modules weren't created yet) to their target module (matching by old-new-contextid mapping)
 Crestore_outcomes_structure_stepStructure step that will create all the needed outocomes by loading them from the outcomes.xml
 Crestore_page_activity_structure_stepDefine all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_page_activity_task
 Crestore_page_activity_taskPage restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_path_elementClass representing one path to be restored from XML file
 Crestore_path_element_exceptionRestore_path_element exception class
 Crestore_permissions_settingRoot setting to control if restore will create override permission information by roles
 Crestore_plagiarism_pluginClass extending standard restore_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with the plagiarism plugins
 Crestore_planImplementable class defining the needed stuf for one restore plan
 Crestore_plan_builderAbstract class defining the static method in charge of building the whole restore plan, based in @restore_controller preferences
 Crestore_pluginClass implementing the plugins support for moodle2 restore
 Crestore_prechecks_helperNon instantiable helper class providing support for restore prechecks
 Crestore_process_categories_and_questionsExecution step that, conditionally (if there isn't preloaded information) will process all the needed categories and questions in order to decide and perform any action with them (create / map / error) Note: Any error will cause exception, as far as this is the same processing than the one into restore prechecks (that should have stopped process earlier)
 Crestore_process_course_modules_availabilityProcess legacy module availability records in backup_ids
 Crestore_process_file_aliases_queueTry to restore aliases and references to external files
 Crestore_process_included_usersExecution step that, conditionally (if there isn't preloaded information and users have been selected in settings, will process all the needed users in order to decide and perform any action with them (create / map / error) Note: Any error will cause exception, as far as this is the same processing than the one into restore prechecks (that should have stopped process earlier)
 Crestore_qbank_comment_pluginRestore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore comments for questions
 Crestore_qbank_customfields_pluginRestore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore comments for questions
 Crestore_qbank_pluginDefines restore_qbank_plugin class
 Crestore_qtype_calculated_pluginRestore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one calculated qtype plugin
 Crestore_qtype_calculatedmulti_pluginRestore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one calculatedmulti qtype plugin
 Crestore_qtype_calculatedsimple_pluginRestore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one calculatedsimple qtype plugin
 Crestore_qtype_ddimageortext_pluginRestore plugin class for the ddimageortext question type
 Crestore_qtype_ddmarker_pluginRestore plugin class for the ddmarker question type plugin
 Crestore_qtype_ddwtos_pluginRestore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one ddwtos qtype plugin
 Crestore_qtype_essay_pluginRestore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one essay qtype plugin
 Crestore_qtype_extrafields_pluginClass extending restore_qtype_plugin in order to use extra fields method
 Crestore_qtype_gapselect_pluginRestore plugin class for the gapselect question type plugin
 Crestore_qtype_match_pluginRestore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one match qtype plugin
 Crestore_qtype_multianswer_pluginRestore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one multianswer qtype plugin
 Crestore_qtype_multichoice_pluginRestore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one multichoice qtype plugin
 Crestore_qtype_numerical_pluginRestore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one numerical qtype plugin
 Crestore_qtype_pluginClass extending standard restore_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with the questions (qtype plugin)
 Crestore_qtype_random_pluginRestore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one random qtype plugin
 Crestore_qtype_randomsamatch_pluginRestore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one randomsamatch qtype plugin
 Crestore_qtype_shortanswer_pluginRestore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one shortanswer qtype plugin
 Crestore_qtype_truefalse_pluginRestore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one truefalse qtype plugin
 Crestore_questions_parser_processorHelper implementation of grouped_parser_processor that will load all the categories and questions (header info only) from the questions.xml file to the backup_ids table storing the whole structure there for later processing
 Crestore_quiz_activity_structure_stepStructure step to restore one quiz activity
 Crestore_quiz_activity_taskQuiz restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_quizaccess_seb_subpluginRestore instructions for the seb (Safe Exam Browser) quiz access subplugin
 Crestore_rebuild_course_cacheFirst, ensure that we have no gaps in section numbers and then, rebuid the course cache
 Crestore_report_pluginRestore for plugin report
 Crestore_resource_activity_structure_stepDefine all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_resource_activity_task
 Crestore_resource_activity_taskResource restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_review_formRestore complete process review form
 Crestore_review_pending_block_positionsReview all the (pending) block positions in backup_ids, matching by contextid, creating positions as needed
 Crestore_role_assignments_settingRoot setting to control if restore will create role assignments or no (any level), depends of @restore_users_setting
 Crestore_roles_parser_processorHelper implementation of grouped_parser_processor that will load all the contents of one roles.xml (roles description) file to the backup_ids table storing the whole structure there for later processing
 Crestore_root_taskStart task that provides all the settings common to all restores and other initial steps
 Crestore_rss_client_block_structure_stepDefine all the restore steps that wll be used by the restore_rss_client_block_task
 Crestore_rss_client_block_taskSpecialised restore task for the rss_client block (has own DB structures to backup)
 Crestore_scales_structure_stepStructure step that will create all the needed scales by loading them from the scales.xml
 Crestore_schema_formRestore schema review form
 Crestore_scorm_activity_structure_stepDefine all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_scorm_activity_task
 Crestore_scorm_activity_taskScorm restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_search_baseThis file contains components used by the restore UI
 Crestore_section_generic_settingGeneric section setting to pass various settings between tasks and steps
 Crestore_section_included_settingSetting to define if one section is included or no
 Crestore_section_structure_stepStructure step that will read the section.xml creating/updating sections as needed, rebuilding course cache and other friends
 Crestore_section_taskSection task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed when one section is being restored
 Crestore_section_userinfo_settingSection backup setting to control if section will include user information or no, depends of @restore_users_setting
 Crestore_settings_formRestore settings form
 Crestore_stepAbstract class defining the needed stuf for one restore step
 Crestore_structure_parser_processorHelper implementation of grouped_parser_processor that will support the process of all the moodle2 backup files, with complete specs about what to load (grouped or no), dispatching to corresponding methods and basic decoding of contents (NULLs and legacy file.php uses)
 Crestore_structure_stepAbstract class defining the needed stuff to restore one xml file
 Crestore_subpluginClass implementing the subplugins support for moodle2 restore
 Crestore_survey_activity_structure_stepDefine all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_survey_activity_task
 Crestore_survey_activity_taskSurvey restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_tags_block_taskSpecialised restore task for the tags block (using execute_after_tasks for recoding of tag collection id)
 Crestore_taskAbstract class defining the needed stuf for one restore task (a collection of steps)
 Crestore_theme_pluginRestore for course plugin: theme
 Crestore_tool_log_logstore_subpluginParent class of all the logstore subplugin implementations
 Crestore_tool_pluginAdmin tool restore plugin base class
 Crestore_uiThis file contains the restore user interface class
 Crestore_ui_exceptionRestore user interface exception
 Crestore_ui_independent_stageAbstract class used to represent a restore stage that is indenependent
 Crestore_ui_stageRestore user interface stages
 Crestore_ui_stage_completeThis is the completed stage
 Crestore_ui_stage_confirmThe confirmation stage
 Crestore_ui_stage_destinationThis is the destination stage
 Crestore_ui_stage_processFinal stage of backup
 Crestore_ui_stage_reviewConfirmation stage
 Crestore_ui_stage_schemaSchema stage of backup process
 Crestore_ui_stage_settingsThis stage is the settings stage
 Crestore_update_availabilityUpdates the availability data for course modules and sections
 Crestore_url_activity_structure_stepDefine all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_url_activity_task
 Crestore_url_activity_taskUrl restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_users_parser_processorHelper implementation of grouped_parser_processor that will load all the contents of one users.xml file to the backup_ids table storing the whole structure there for later processing
 Crestore_users_settingRoot setting to control if restore will create user information A lot of other settings are dependent of this (module's user info, grades user info, messages, blogs..
 Crestore_userscompletion_settingRoot setting to control if restore will create completion info or no, depends of @restore_users_setting exactly in the same way than @restore_role_assignments_setting so we extend from it
 Crestore_userscompletion_structure_stepStructure step that will process the user activity completion information if all these conditions are met:
 Crestore_wiki_activity_structure_stepDefine all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_wiki_activity_task
 Crestore_wiki_activity_taskWiki restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_workshop_activity_structure_stepDefine all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_workshop_activity_task
 Crestore_workshop_activity_taskWorkshop restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
 Crestore_workshopeval_best_subpluginRestore subplugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one workshopeval_best subplugin
 Crestore_workshopform_accumulative_subpluginRestore subplugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one workshopform_accumulative subplugin
 Crestore_workshopform_comments_subpluginRestore subplugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one workshopform_comments subplugin
 Crestore_workshopform_numerrors_subpluginRestore subplugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one workshopform_numerrors subplugin
 Crestore_workshopform_rubric_subpluginRestore subplugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one workshopform_rubric subplugin
 Crestore_xapistate_settingRoot setting to control if restore will create xAPI states or not
 Crestore_xapistate_structure_stepThis structure steps restores the xAPI states
 Crevert_changesThis class will revert changes (delete the editeddb)
 Croot_backup_settingAbstract class containing all the common stuff for root backup settings
 Csave_xml_fileThis class will save one edited xml file
 Csearch_lexerThis class does the heavy lifting of lexing the search string into tokens
 Csearch_parserThis class takes care of sticking the proper token type/value pairs into the parsed token array
 Csearch_tokenClass to hold token/value pairs after they're parsed
 Csection_backup_settingAbstract class containing all the common stuff for section backup settings
 Csection_infoData about a single section on a course
 Cselective_exact_parser_processorSelective progressive_parser_processor that will send chunks straight to output but only for chunks matching (in an exact way) some defined paths
 Cselective_like_parser_processorSelective progressive_parser_processor that will send chunks straight to output but only for chunks matching (in a left padded way - like) some defined paths
 Cservice_user_selectorWeb services admin library
 Csession_data_storeThe session data store class
 Csetting_dependencyGeneric abstract dependency class
 Csetting_dependency_disabledif_checkedA dependency that disables the secondary element if the primary element is true or checked
 Csetting_dependency_disabledif_emptyA dependency that disables the secondary setting if the value of the primary setting is empty
 Csetting_dependency_disabledif_equalsA dependency that disables the secondary setting if the primary setting is equal to the provided value
 Csetting_dependency_disabledif_equals2This class is here for backwards compatibility (terrible name)
 Csetting_dependency_disabledif_in_arrayDisable if a value is in a list
 Csetting_dependency_disabledif_not_checkedA dependency that disables the secondary element if the primary element is false or not checked
 Csetting_dependency_disabledif_not_emptyA dependency that disables the secondary setting if the value of the primary setting is not empty
 Csetting_dependency_disabledif_not_equalsA dependency that disables the secondary setting if the primary setting is not equal to the provided value
 Csettings_navigationClass used to manage the settings option for the current page
 Csettings_navigation_ajaxClass used to populate site admin navigation for ajax
 Csimple_parser_processorSimple progressive_parser_processor that will send chunks straight to output
 Csimplified_parser_processorAbstract xml parser processor to to simplify and dispatch parsed chunks
 Csingle_buttonData structure representing a simple form with only one button
 Csingle_selectSimple form with just one select field that gets submitted automatically
 Csql_generatorAbstract sql generator class, base for all db specific implementations
 Csqlite_sql_generatorThis class generate SQL code to be used against SQLite It extends XMLDBgenerator so everything can be overridden as needed to generate correct SQL
 Csqlsrv_native_moodle_databaseNative sqlsrv class representing moodle database interface
 Csqlsrv_native_moodle_temptablesThis class is not specific to the SQL Server Native Driver but rather to the family of Microsoft SQL Servers
 Cstandard_renderer_factoryThis is the default renderer factory for Moodle
 CStateStackStates for a stack machine
 Cstatic_data_storeThe static data store class
 Csteps_definitions_formForm to display the available steps definitions
 Cstored_fileClass representing local files stored in a sha1 file pool
 Cstored_file_creation_exceptionCannot create file exception
 Cstring_xml_database_exporterXML format exporter class to memory storage (i.e
 Cstring_xml_database_importerXML format importer class from memory storage (i.e
 Cswitchrole_formDefines the course completion settings form
 Ctable_dataformat_export_formatDataformat exporter
 CtabobjectStores one tab
 CtabtreeStores tabs list
 Ctag_edit_formDefines the form for editing tags
 CtemplatableInterface marking other classes having the ability to export their data for use by templates
 Ctest_lockTests lock
 Ctest_question_engine_attempt_upgraderSubclass of question_engine_attempt_upgrader to help with testing
 Ctest_question_engine_upgrade_question_loaderSubclass of question_engine_upgrade_question_loader for unit testing
 Ctest_question_makerThis class creates questions of various types, which can then be used when testing
 Ctestable_question_attemptMakes some protected methods of question_attempt public to facilitate testing
 Ctestable_question_engine_unit_of_workTest subclass to allow access to some protected data so that the correct behaviour can be verified
 Ctestable_quiz_attempts_reportMakes some protected methods of attempts_report public to facilitate testing
 Ctesting_block_generatorBlock generator base class
 Ctesting_db_record_builderHelper for tests that need to simulate records loaded from the database
 Ctesting_module_generatorModule generator base class
 Ctesting_repository_generatorRepository data generator class
 Ctesting_utilTesting util classes
 Ctests_finderTests finder
 Ctext_progress_traceThis subclass of progress_trace outputs to plain text
 CtexteditorBase abstract text editor class
 Ctgz_extractorExtracts .tar.gz files (POSIX format)
 Ctgz_extractor_handlerInterface for callback from tgz_extractor\extract
 Ctgz_packerUtility class - handles all packing/unpacking of .tar.gz files
 Ctgz_packer_extract_to_pathnameHandles extraction to pathname
 Ctgz_packer_extract_to_storageHandles extraction to file storage
 Ctheme_configThis class represents the configuration variables of a Moodle theme
 Ctheme_overridden_renderer_factoryThis is renderer factory allows themes to override the standard renderers using php code
 Ctool_admin_presets_generatorData generator the admin_presets tool
 Ctool_behatBehat commands manager
 Ctool_behat_rendererRenderer for behat tool web features
 Ctool_capability_rendererCapability tool renderer
 Ctool_capability_settings_formCapability tool settings form
 Ctool_customlang_filter_formForm for filtering the strings to customize
 Ctool_customlang_menuRepresents the action menu of the tool
 Ctool_customlang_translatorRepresents the translation tool
 Ctool_customlang_utilsProvides various utilities to be used by the plugin
 Ctool_dataprivacy_data_request_formThe contact form to the site's Data Protection Officer
 Ctool_dataprivacy_generatorData privacy tool data generator class
 Ctool_filetypes_formCustomised file types editing form
 Ctool_filetypes_rendererClass containing the renderer functions for displaying file types
 Ctool_generator_backendBackend generic code for all tool_generator commands
 Ctool_generator_course_backendBackend code for the 'make large course' tool
 Ctool_generator_make_course_formForm with options for creating large course
 Ctool_generator_make_testplan_formForm with options for creating large course
 Ctool_generator_site_backendBackend code for the site generator
 Ctool_generator_testplan_backendGenerates the files required by JMeter
 Ctool_installaddon_installfromzip_formDefines a simple form for uploading the add-on ZIP package
 Ctool_installaddon_rendererImplements the plugin renderer
 Ctool_lp_course_competencies_form_elementCourse competencies element
 Ctool_lp_course_competency_overridegrade_form_elementCourse competency override grade element
 Ctool_lp_course_competency_rule_form_elementCourse competency rule element
 Ctool_lp_site_competencies_form_elementSite competencies element
 Ctool_messageinbound_edit_handler_formForm to edit handlers
 Ctool_messageinbound_rendererImplements the plugin renderer
 Ctool_monitor_generatorEvent monitor data generator class
 Ctool_replace_formSite wide search-replace form
 Ctool_task_edit_scheduled_task_formEdit scheduled task form
 Ctool_task_generatorTool task test data generator class
 Ctool_task_rendererImplements the plugin renderer
 Ctool_uploadcourse_base_formBase import form
 Ctool_uploadcourse_courseCourse class
 Ctool_uploadcourse_helperClass containing a set of helpers
 Ctool_uploadcourse_processorProcessor class
 Ctool_uploadcourse_step1_formUpload a file CVS file with course information
 Ctool_uploadcourse_step2_formSpecify course upload details
 Ctool_uploadcourse_trackerClass output tracker
 Ctool_xmldb_externalTool_xmldb external function
 Cunload_xml_fileThis class will unload one loaded file completely
 Cupgrade_exceptionException indicating unknown error during upgrade
 Cupload_managerThis class handles all aspects of fileuploading
 Curl_selectSimple URL selection widget description
 Cuser_active_filter_formClass user_active_filter_form
 Cuser_add_filter_formThis file contains forms used to filter user
 Cuser_bulk_action_formBulk user action form
 Cuser_bulk_formBulk user form
 Cuser_edit_editor_formClass user_edit_editor_form
 Cuser_edit_formClass user_edit_form
 Cuser_edit_forum_formClass user_edit_forum_form
 Cuser_edit_language_formClass user_edit_form
 Cuser_editadvanced_formClass user_editadvanced_form
 Cuser_enrolment_actionUser enrolment action
 Cuser_filter_anycoursesUser filter to distinguish users with no or any enroled courses
 Cuser_filter_checkboxGeneric filter based for checkbox and can be used for disabling items
 Cuser_filter_cohortGeneric filter for cohort membership
 Cuser_filter_courseroleCourse role filter
 Cuser_filter_dateDate filter
 Cuser_filter_globalroleGlobal role filter
 Cuser_filter_profilefieldProfile field filter
 Cuser_filter_selectValue select filter
 Cuser_filter_simpleselectSimple value select filter
 Cuser_filter_textText field filter
 Cuser_filter_typeThe base user filter class
 Cuser_filter_yesnoYes/No (boolean) filter
 Cuser_filteringThis file contains the User Filter API
 Cuser_messageA chat message from a user
 Cuser_pictureData structure representing a user picture
 Cuser_selector_baseBase class for user selectors
 Cuu_progress_trackerTracking of processed users
 Cview_field_xmlThis class will display the XML for one field being edited
 Cview_index_xmlThis class will display the XML for one index being edited
 Cview_key_xmlThis class will display the XML for one key being edited
 Cview_reserved_wordsThis class will show all the reserved words in a format suitable to be pasted to: and Also, it introspects te DB looking for such words and informing about
 Cview_structure_phpThis class will show the PHP needed (upgrade block) to perform the desired DDL action with the specified table
 Cview_structure_sqlThis class will show the SQL generated for the selected RDBMS for the entire XMLDB file
 Cview_structure_xmlThis class will display the XML for one structure
 Cview_table_phpThis class will show the PHP needed (upgrade block) to perform the desired DDL action with the specified field/key/index
 Cview_table_sqlThis class will show the SQL generated for the selected RDBMS for one table
 Cview_table_xmlThis class will display the XML for one table being edited
 Cview_xmlThis class will display one XML file
 Cvirtual_root_fileRepresents the root directory of an empty file area in the tree navigated by file_browser
 Cwebdav_clientA Moodle-modified WebDAV client, based on webdav_client v0.1.5, a php based webdav client class
 CwebserviceGeneral web service library
 Cwebservice_access_exceptionException indicating access control problem in web service call This exception should return general errors about web service setup
 Cwebservice_parameter_exceptionWeb service parameter exception class
 Cwebservice_rest_clientMoodle REST library
 Cwebservice_rest_serverREST service server implementation
 Cwebservice_rest_test_clientREST test client class
 Cwebservice_serverAbstract web service base class
 Cwebservice_server_interfaceMandatory interface for all web service protocol classes
 Cwebservice_soap_clientMoodle SOAP library
 Cwebservice_soap_serverSOAP service server implementation
 Cwebservice_soap_test_clientSOAP test client class
 Cwebservice_test_client_base_formBase class for implementations of WS test client forms
 Cwebservice_test_client_interfaceMandatory interface for all test client classes
 Cwiki_parser_proxyGeneric parser implementation
 CworkshopFull-featured workshop API
 Cworkshop_accumulative_assessment_formClass representing a form for assessing submissions by accumulative grading strategy
 Cworkshop_accumulative_strategyAccumulative grading strategy logic
 Cworkshop_allocation_resultStores the information about the allocation process
 Cworkshop_allocatorAllocators are responsible for assigning submissions to reviewers for assessments
 Cworkshop_assessmentRepresents a rendarable full assessment
 Cworkshop_assessment_baseCommon base class for assessments rendering
 Cworkshop_assessment_formBase class for all assessment forms
 Cworkshop_best_evaluationDefines the computation login of the grading evaluation subplugin
 Cworkshop_best_evaluation_settings_formRepresents the settings form for this plugin
 Cworkshop_comments_assessment_formClass representing a form for assessing submissions by comments grading strategy
 Cworkshop_comments_strategyAccumulative grading strategy logic
 Cworkshop_edit_accumulative_strategy_formClass for editing accumulative grading strategy forms
 Cworkshop_edit_comments_strategy_formClass for editing comments grading strategy forms
 Cworkshop_edit_numerrors_strategy_formClass for editing "Number of errors" grading strategy forms
 Cworkshop_edit_rubric_strategy_formClass for editing rubric grading strategy forms
 Cworkshop_edit_strategy_formBase class for editing all the strategy grading forms
 Cworkshop_evaluationBase class for all grading evaluation subplugins
 Cworkshop_evaluation_settings_formBase form to hold eventual evaluation settings
 Cworkshop_example_assessmentRepresents a renderable training assessment of an example submission
 Cworkshop_example_reference_assessmentRepresents a renderable reference assessment of an example submission
 Cworkshop_example_submissionRenderable object containing all the information needed to display the example submission
 Cworkshop_example_submission_summaryRenderable object containing a basic set of information needed to display the example submission summary
 Cworkshop_feedbackBase class for renderable feedback for author and feedback for reviewer
 Cworkshop_feedback_authorRenderable feedback for the author of submission
 Cworkshop_feedback_reviewerRenderable feedback for the reviewer
 Cworkshop_file_info_overallfeedback_containerRepresents virtual root node for all files in overall feedbacks
 Cworkshop_file_info_submissions_containerRepresents virtual root node for all submissions
 Cworkshop_final_gradesHolds the final grades for the activity as are stored in the gradebook
 Cworkshop_grading_reportRenderable component containing all the data needed to display the grading report
 Cworkshop_manual_allocatorAllows users to allocate submissions for review manually
 Cworkshop_messageRenderable message to be displayed to the user
 Cworkshop_numerrors_assessment_formClass representing a form for assessing submissions by numerrors grading strategy
 Cworkshop_numerrors_strategy"Number of errors" grading strategy logic
 Cworkshop_random_allocatorAllocates the submissions randomly
 Cworkshop_random_allocator_formAllocator settings form
 Cworkshop_random_allocator_settingData object defining the settings structure for the random allocator
 Cworkshop_rubric_assessment_formBase class representing a form for assessing submissions by rubric grading strategy
 Cworkshop_rubric_grid_assessment_formClass representing a form for assessing submissions by rubric grading strategy - grid layout
 Cworkshop_rubric_list_assessment_formClass representing a form for assessing submissions by rubric grading strategy - list layout
 Cworkshop_rubric_strategyRubric grading strategy logic
 Cworkshop_scheduled_allocatorAllocates the submissions randomly in a cronjob task
 Cworkshop_scheduled_allocator_formAllocator settings form
 Cworkshop_strategyStrategy interface defines all methods that strategy subplugins has to implement
 Cworkshop_submissionRenderable object containing all the information needed to display the submission
 Cworkshop_submission_baseCommon base class for submissions and example submissions rendering
 Cworkshop_submission_summaryRenderable object containing a basic set of information needed to display the submission summary
 Cworkshop_user_planRepresents the user planner tool
 Cworkshopallocation_manual_allocationsContains all information needed to render current allocations and the allocator UI
 Cworkshopallocation_manual_rendererManual allocation renderer class
 Cxhtml_container_stackThis class keeps track of which HTML tags are currently open
 Cxml_contenttransformerAbstract class to extend in order to transform @xml_writer text contents
 Cxml_database_exporterXML format exporter class
 Cxml_database_importerXML format importer class (uses SAX for speed and low memory footprint)
 Cxml_outputThis abstract class outputs XML contents provided by @xml_writer
 Cxml_writerClass implementing one (more or less complete) UTF-8 XML writer
 CXMLDBActionMain xmldb action clasee
 CXMLDBCheckActionThis is a base class for the various actions that interate over all the tables and check some aspect of their definition
 CYUI_configThis class represents the YUI configuration
 Czip_archiveZip file archive class
 Czip_packerUtility class - handles all zipping and unzipping operations