Moodle APIs 4.3
Moodle 4.3.6 (Build: 20240812)
core_communication Namespace Reference



namespace  admin
namespace  form
 Configure communication for a given instance - the form definition.
namespace  privacy
namespace  task


class  api
 Class api is the public endpoint of the communication api. More...
interface  communication_provider
 A base communication provider. More...
interface  form_provider
 Interface form_provider to manage communication provider form options from provider plugins. More...
class  processor
 Class processor to manage the base operations of the providers. More...
interface  room_chat_provider
 Class communication_room_base to manage the room operations of communication providers. More...
interface  room_user_provider
 Class communication_user_base to manage communication provider users. More...
interface  user_provider
 Class communication_user_base to manage communication provider users. More...

Detailed Description