Moodle APIs 4.3
Moodle 4.3.6 (Build: 20240812)
tool_monitor Namespace Reference



namespace  event
 The tool_monitor rule created event.
namespace  privacy
 Privacy class for requesting user data.
namespace  task


class  eventlist
 Class for returning event information. More...
class  eventobservers
 Observer class containing methods monitoring various events. More...
class  notification_task
 Adhock class, used to send notifications to users. More...
class  rule
 Class represents a single rule. More...
class  rule_form
 The mform for creating and editing a rule. More...
class  rule_manager
 Rule manager class. More...
class  subscription
 Class represents a single subscription instance (i.e with all the subscription info). More...
class  subscription_manager
 Class to manage subscriptions. More...

Detailed Description


Class to manage subscriptions.

Class represents a single subscription.

Rule manager class.

The mform for creating and editing a rule.

Class represents a single rule.

This file defines an adhoc task to send notifications.

Observer class containing methods monitoring various events.

License GNU GPL v3 or later
License GNU GPL v3 or later