static | is_anonymous_user ($user) |
| Determine if the given user is an 'anonymous' user, based on their username, firstname, lastname and email address.
static | process_user_address ($value) |
static | process_user_alternatename ($value) |
| Anonymises user's alternate name field.
static | process_user_auth ($value) |
static | process_user_city ($value) |
static | process_user_country ($value) |
static | process_user_department ($value) |
static | process_user_description ($value) |
static | process_user_descriptionformat ($value) |
static | process_user_email ($value) |
static | process_user_firstname ($value) |
static | process_user_firstnamephonetic ($value) |
| Anonymises user's phonetic name field.
static | process_user_idnumber ($value) |
static | process_user_imagealt ($value) |
static | process_user_institution ($value) |
static | process_user_lastip ($value) |
static | process_user_lastname ($value) |
static | process_user_lastnamephonetic ($value) |
| Anonymises user's phonetic last name field.
static | process_user_middlename ($value) |
| Anonymises user's middle name field.
static | process_user_phone1 ($value) |
static | process_user_phone2 ($value) |
static | process_user_picture ($value) |
static | process_user_username ($value) |
Helper class for anonymization of data.
- Copyright
- 2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7)
- License
- http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
This functions includes a collection of methods that are invoked from the backup process when anonymization services have been requested.
The name of each method must be "process_parentname_name", as defined byt the @anonymizer_final_element final element class, where parentname is the name ob the parent tag and name the name of the tag contents to be anonymized (i.e. process_user_username) with one param being the value to anonymize.
Note: current implementation of anonymization is pretty simple, just some sequential values are used. If we want more elaborated generation, it can be replaced later (using generators or wathever). Don't forget we must ensure some fields (username, idnumber, email) are unique always.
TODO: Improve to use more advanced anonymization
TODO: Finish phpdocs