Moodle APIs 4.3
Moodle 4.3.6 (Build: 20240812)
auth_oauth2 Namespace Reference

Class for loading/storing oauth2 linked logins from the DB. More...


namespace  output
 Output rendering for the plugin.
namespace  privacy
 Privacy class for requesting user data for auth_oauth2.


class  api
 Static list of api methods for auth oauth2 configuration. More...
class  auth
 Plugin for oauth2 authentication. More...
class  linked_login
 Class for loading/storing issuer from the DB. More...

Detailed Description

Class for loading/storing oauth2 linked logins from the DB.

Class for loading/storing issuers from the DB.

Anobody can login with any password.


License GNU GPL v3 or later
License GNU Public License