Moodle APIs 4.3
Moodle 4.3.6 (Build: 20240812)
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 Nantivirus_clamavClamAV antivirus integration
 Nassignfeedback_editpdfThis file contains the annotation class for the assignfeedback_editpdf plugin
 Nauth_oauth2Class for loading/storing oauth2 linked logins from the DB
 Nauth_shibbolethContains a helper class for the Shibboleth authentication plugin
 Navailability_completionActivity completion condition
 Navailability_dateDate condition
 Navailability_gradeObserver handling events
 Navailability_groupCondition main class
 Navailability_groupingCondition main class
 Navailability_profileUser profile field condition
 Nblock_online_usersFile containing onlineusers class
 Ncontenttype_h5pH5P Content manager class
 Ncore_analyticsRepresentation of a suggested action
 Ncore_authContains helper class for digital consent
 Ncore_availabilityUsed while evaluating conditions in bulk
 Ncore_badgesCommunicate with backpacks
 Ncore_behatEditor interface for setting editor values
 Ncore_blogThis is the external API for blogs
 Ncore_cacheCache administration helper
 Ncore_calendarAction factory
 Ncore_competencyClass for loading/storing competency frameworks from the DB
 Ncore_contentbankContent manager class
 Ncore_courseformatContains the base definition class for any course format plugin
 Ncore_customfieldApi customfield package
 Ncore_favouritesContains the service_factory, a locator for services for the favourites subsystem
 Ncore_filesAbstraction of general file archives
 Ncore_filtersThis is the external API for the filter component
 Ncore_groupGroup visibility methods
 Ncore_h5pContains API class for the H5P area
 Ncore_messageContains class used to return information to display for the message area
 Ncore_paymentClass account
 Ncore_privacyThis file contains the core_privacy\manager class
 Ncore_searchSearch area category
 Ncore_webserviceProvides the {
 Ncustomfield_checkboxCustomfield Checkbox plugin
 Ncustomfield_dateCustomfield date plugin
 Ncustomfield_selectSelect plugin data controller
 Ncustomfield_textCustomfields text field plugin
 Ncustomfield_textareaCustomfields textarea plugin
 Ndataformat_csvCSV data format writer
 Ndataformat_excelExcel data format writer
 Ndataformat_htmlHtml data format writer
 Ndataformat_jsonJSON data format writer
 Ndataformat_odsODS data format writer
 Ndataformat_pdfPdf data format writer
 Nenrol_ltiExtends the IMS Tool provider library data connector for moodle
 Nenrol_paypalPayPal enrolment plugin utility class
 Nfileconverter_googledriveClass for converting files between different file formats using google drive
 Nfileconverter_unoconvClass for converting files between different file formats using unoconv
 Nforumreport_summaryThe class for displaying the forum report table
 Ngradereport_historyForm for grade history filters
 Nlogstore_databaseHelper class locally used
 Nmessage_emailContains an observer class containing methods for handling events
 Nmessage_popupContains class used to return information to display for the message popup
 Nmlbackend_phpPhp predictions processor
 Nmlbackend_pythonPython predictions processor
 Npaygw_paypalContains class for PayPal payment gateway
 Nprofilefield_socialContains class profilefield_social\networks
 Nqbank_editquestionQuestion bank column for the duplicate action icon
 Nqbank_exportquestionsLibrary functions used by qbank_exportquestions/export.php
 Nqbank_importquestionsPlugin entrypoint for navigation
 Nquizaccess_sebClass for generating and representing a Safe Exam Browser config key
 Nreport_outlineForm to filter the outline report
 Nrepository_contentbankUtility class for searching of content bank files
 Nrepository_dropboxDropbox Authentication exception
 Nrepository_nextcloudManages the creation and usage of access controlled links
 Nrepository_onedriveClass for loading/storing access records from the DB
 Nscormreport_basicCore Report class of basic reporting plugin
 Nscormreport_graphsCore Report class of graphs reporting plugin
 Nscormreport_interactionsCore Report class of basic reporting plugin
 Nscormreport_objectivesCore Report class of objectives SCORM report plugin
 Nsearch_simpledbSimple moodle database engine
 Nsearch_solrDocument representation
 Ntiny_equationTiny equation plugin
 Ntiny_htmlTiny TinyMCE HTML formatter plugin for Moodle
 Ntiny_linkTiny Link plugin
 Ntool_analyticsHelper class that contains helper functions for cli scripts
 Ntool_cohortrolesClass exposing the api for the cohortroles tool
 Ntool_dataprivacyClass containing helper methods for processing data requests
 Ntool_filetypesClass with static back-end methods used by the file type tool
 Ntool_httpsreplaceSite wide http -> https search-replace form
 Ntool_langimportLang import controller
 Ntool_lpCourse competency statistics class
 Ntool_lpimportcsvThis file contains the csv exporter for a competency framework
 Ntool_lpmigrateFramework mapper
 Ntool_messageinboundThe Mail Pickup Manager
 Ntool_mobileClass for Moodle Mobile tools
 Ntool_moodlenetThis is the external API for this component
 Ntool_policyView user acceptances to the policies
 Ntool_recyclebinThe main interface for recycle bin methods
 Ntool_taskRunning tasks table
 Ntool_templatelibraryClass for listing mustache templates
 Ntool_uploaduserClass cli_helper
 Ntool_usertoursCache manager
 Nwebservice_soapWSDL generator for the SOAP web service
 Nworkshopallocation_scheduledEvent observers for workshopallocation_scheduled