Moodle APIs  3.8
Moodle 3.8.6 (Build: 20201109)
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 Cadmin_settingAdmin settings class
 Cadmin_setting_flagAn additional option that can be applied to an admin setting
 Cadmin_settingdependencyUsed to store details of the dependency between two settings elements
 CannotableInterface to apply to all the classes we want to be annotable in the backup/restore process
 CassignStandard base class for mod_assign (assignment types)
 Cassign_pluginAbstract class for assign_plugin (submission/feedback)
 Cassign_plugin_managerClass that handles the display and configuration of the list of submission plugins
 Cassign_upgrade_managerClass to manage upgrades from mod_assignment to mod_assign
 Cassignfeedback_editpdf\annotationThis class adds and removes annotations from a page of a response
 Cassignfeedback_editpdf\combined_documentThe combined_document class for the assignfeedback_editpdf plugin
 Cassignfeedback_editpdf\commentThis class represents a comment box on a page of feedback
 Cassignfeedback_editpdf\comments_quick_listThis class performs crud operations on a users quicklist comments
 Cassignfeedback_editpdf\document_servicesFunctions for generating the annotated pdf
 Cassignfeedback_editpdf\event\observerAn event observer
 Cassignfeedback_editpdf\page_editorThis class performs crud operations on comments and annotations from a page of a response
 Cassignfeedback_file_zip_importerLibrary class for importing feedback files from a zip
 Cassignfeedback_offline_grade_importerCSV Grade importer
 Casync_helperHelper functions for asynchronous backups and restores
 Cauth_oauth2\apiStatic list of api methods for auth oauth2 configuration
 Cauth_plugin_baseAbstract authentication plugin
 Cauth_shibboleth\helperThe helper class for the Shibboleth authentication plugin
 Cavailability_grade\callbacksCallbacks handling grade changes (to clear cache)
 Caward_criteriaAward criteria abstract definition
 Cbackup_anonymizer_helperHelper class for anonymization of data
 Cbackup_checkNon instantiable helper class providing different backup checks
 Cbackup_cron_automated_helperThis class is an abstract class with methods that can be called to aid the running of automated backups over cron
 Cbackup_dbopsBase abstract class for all the helper classes providing DB operations
 Cbackup_factoryNon instantiable factory class providing different backup object instances
 Cbackup_file_managerCollection of helper functions to handle files
 Cbackup_helperBase abstract class for all the helper classes providing various operations
 Cbackup_plan_builderAbstract class defining the static method in charge of building the whole backup plan, based in @backup_controller preferences
 Cbackup_pluginClass implementing the plugins support for moodle2 backups
 Cbackup_subpluginClass implementing the subplugins support for moodle2 backups
 Cbase_atomAbstract class representing one atom (name/value) piece of information
 Cbase_processorAbstract class representing the required implementation for classes able to process structure classes
 Cbase_settingThis abstract class defines one basic setting
 Cbase_setting_uiAbstract class used to represent the user interface that a setting has
 Cbase_uiThis is the backup user interface class
 Cbase_ui_stageAbstract stage class
 Cbehat_config_utilBehat configuration manager
 Cblock_baseClass for describing a moodle block, all Moodle blocks derive from this class
 Cblock_managerThis class keeps track of the block that should appear on a moodle_page
 Cblock_online_users\fetcherClass used to list and count online users
 Cblock_recent_activity_observerEvent observer
 Cblock_recentlyaccesseditems\helperRecently accessed items helper
 Cblock_recentlyaccesseditems\observerEvents observer
 Cblog_filterAbstract class for blog_filter objects
 Cblog_listingAbstract Blog_Listing class: used to gather blog entries and output them as listings
 Cbootstrap_rendererThis class solves the problem of how to initialise $OUTPUT
 Ccache_factoryThe cache factory class
 Ccache_is_configurableCache store feature: configurable
 Ccache_is_key_awareCache store feature: key awareness
 Ccache_is_lockableCache store feature: locking
 Ccache_is_searchableCache store feature: keys are searchable
 Ccache_loaderCache Loader
 Ccache_loader_with_lockingCache Loader supporting locking
 Ccache_lock_interfaceCache lock interface
 Ccacheable_objectCacheable object
 Ccached_cm_infoClass that is the return value for the _get_coursemodule_info module API function
 Ccalc_formulaThis class abstracts evaluation of spreadsheet formulas
 Ccc_builder_creatorFactory pattern class Create the version class to use
 Ccc_helpersVarious helper utils
 Ccc_i_itemCC Item Interface
 Ccc_i_manifestCC Manifest Interface
 Ccc_i_metadata_fileCC Metadata File Interface
 Ccc_i_metadata_manifestCC Metadata Manifest Interface
 Ccc_i_metadata_resourceCC Metadata Resource Interface
 Ccc_i_organizationCC Organization Interface
 Ccc_i_resourceCC Resource Interface
 Ccc_metadata_file_educationalMetadata File Education Type
 Ccc_metadata_generalMetadata General Type
 Ccc_metadata_lifecycleMetadata Lifecycle Type
 Ccc_metadata_resouce_educationalMetadata Resource Educational Type
 Ccc_metadata_rightsMetadata Rights Type
 Ccc_metadata_technicalMetadata Technical Type
 Ccc_versionCommon Cartridge Version
 Ccc_version_baseAbstract Version Base class
 CchecksumableInterface to apply to all the classes we want to calculate their checksum
 Ccomment_managerComment_manager is helper class to manage moodle comments in admin page (Reports->Comments)
 Ccomponent_generator_baseComponent generator base class
 Ccomponent_installerThis class is used to check, download and install items from to the moodledata directory
 Ccontext_to_string_translatorConverts contextlevels to strings and back to help with reading/writing contexts to/from import/export files
 Cconvert_factoryFactory class to create new instances of backup converters
 Cconvert_helperProvides various functionality via its static methods
 Cconvert_pathClass representing a path to be converted from XML file
 Ccore\access\get_user_capability_course_helperHelper functions to implement the complex get_user_capability_course function
 Ccore\antivirus\managerClass used for various antivirus related stuff
 Ccore\antivirus\scannerBase abstract antivirus scanner class
 Ccore\dataformat\baseBase class for dataformat
 Ccore\dml\tableHelpers and methods relating to DML tables
 Ccore\event\managerClass used for event dispatching
 Ccore\external\exporterGeneric exporter to take a stdClass and prepare it for return by webservice, or as the context for a template
 Ccore\files\curl_security_helper_baseSecurity helper for the curl class
 Ccore\hub\apiProvides methods to communicate with the hub (sites directory) web services
 Ccore\hub\registrationMethods to use when registering the site at the moodle sites directory
 Ccore\ip_utilsStatic helper class providing some useful internet-protocol-related functions
 Ccore\log\managerInterface describing log readers
 Ccore\message\inbound\address_managerIncoming Message address manager
 Ccore\message\inbound\managerVariable Envelope Return Path manager class
 Ccore\message\messageNew messaging class
 Ccore\oauth2\apiStatic list of api methods for system oauth2 configuration
 Ccore\oauth2\restRest API base class mapping rest api methods to endpoints with http methods, args and post body
 Ccore\output\mustache_javascript_helperStore a list of JS calls to insert at the end of the page
 Ccore\output\mustache_pix_helperThis class will call pix_icon with the section content
 Ccore\output\mustache_quote_helperWrap content in quotes, and escape all quotes used
 Ccore\output\mustache_shorten_text_helperThis class will call shorten_text with the section content
 Ccore\output\mustache_string_helperThis class will load language strings in a template
 Ccore\output\mustache_template_finderGet information about valid locations for mustache templates
 Ccore\output\mustache_template_source_loaderLoad template source strings
 Ccore\output\mustache_uniqid_helperLazy create a uniqid per instance of the class
 Ccore\output\mustache_user_date_helperMustache helper that will convert a timestamp to a date string
 Ccore\output\url_rewriterURL rewriter interface
 Ccore\persistentAbstract class for core objects saved to the DB
 Ccore\session\handlerSession handler base
 Ccore\session\managerSession manager, this is the public Moodle API for sessions
 Ccore\task\logmanagerTask log manager
 Ccore\task\managerCollection of task related methods
 Ccore\task\task_baseAbstract class for common properties of scheduled_task and adhoc_task
 Ccore\task\task_loggerInterface for task logging
 Ccore\update\apiGeneral purpose client for
 Ccore\update\checkerSingleton class that handles checking for available updates
 Ccore\update\code_managerGeneral purpose class managing the plugins source code files deployment
 Ccore\update\infoDefines the structure of objects returned by ()
 Ccore\update\validatorValidates the contents of extracted plugin ZIP file
 Ccore\upgrade\utilCore upgrade utility class
 Ccore\uuidV4 UUID generator class
 Ccore_analytics\actionRepresentation of a suggested action
 Ccore_analytics\analysableAny element analysers can analyse
 Ccore_analytics\analysisRuns an analysis of the site
 Ccore_analytics\calculableCalculable dataset items abstract class
 Ccore_analytics\calculation_infoExtra information generated during the analysis by calculable elements
 Ccore_analytics\dataset_managerDatasets manager
 Ccore_analytics\default_bulk_actionsDefault list of bulk actions to reuse across different targets as presets
 Ccore_analytics\insights_generatorInsights generator
 Ccore_analytics\local\analyser\baseAnalysers base class
 Ccore_analytics\local\analysis\resultKeeps track of the analysis results
 Ccore_analytics\local\time_splitting\after_nowInterface for time-splitting methods whose ranges' times are after time()
 Ccore_analytics\local\time_splitting\baseBase time splitting method
 Ccore_analytics\local\time_splitting\before_nowInterface for time-splitting methods whose ranges' times are before time()
 Ccore_analytics\managerAnalytics basic actions manager
 Ccore_analytics\model_configModel configuration manager
 Ccore_analytics\packableExportable machine learning backend interface
 Ccore_analytics\predictionRepresentation of a prediction
 Ccore_analytics\predictorPredictors interface
 Ccore_analytics\statsProvides stats and meta information about the analytics usage on this site
 Ccore_auth\digital_consentHelper class for digital consent
 Ccore_availability\capability_checkerUsed while evaluating conditions in bulk
 Ccore_availability\frontendClass with front-end (editing form) functionality
 Ccore_availability\infoBase class for conditional availability information (for module or section)
 Ccore_availability\resultClass represents the result of an availability check for the user
 Ccore_availability\tree_nodeNode (base class) used to construct a tree of availability conditions
 Ccore_badges\backpack_apiClass for communicating with backpacks
 Ccore_badges\backpack_api_mappingRepresent a single method for the remote api
 Ccore_badges\badgeClass that represents badge
 Ccore_badges_assertionOpen Badges Assertions specification 1.0
 Ccore_badges_observerEvent observer for badges
 Ccore_calendar\external\events_related_objects_cacheClass to providing the related objects when exporting a list of calendar events
 Ccore_calendar\local\apiClass containing the local calendar API
 Ccore_calendar\local\event\containerCore container
 Ccore_calendar\local\event\data_access\event_vault_interfaceInterface for an event vault class
 Ccore_calendar\local\event\entities\action_interfaceInterface for a action class
 Ccore_calendar\local\event\entities\event_interfaceInterface for an event class
 Ccore_calendar\local\event\factories\event_factory_interfaceInterface for an event factory class
 Ccore_calendar\local\event\mappers\create_update_form_mapper_interfaceInterface for a create_update_form_mapper class
 Ccore_calendar\local\event\mappers\event_mapper_interfaceInterface for an event mapper class
 Ccore_calendar\local\event\proxies\proxy_interfaceInterface for a proxy class
 Ccore_calendar\local\event\strategies\raw_event_retrieval_strategy_interfaceInterface for an raw event retrival strategy class
 Ccore_calendar\local\event\value_objects\description_interfaceInterface for a description value object
 Ccore_calendar\local\event\value_objects\times_interfaceInterface for various times
 Ccore_calendar\rrule_managerDefines calendar class to manage recurrence rule (rrule) during ical imports
 Ccore_collatorA collator class with static methods that can be used for sorting
 Ccore_competency\apiClass for doing things with competency frameworks
 Ccore_competency\competency_ruleCompetency rule base abstract class
 Ccore_competency\external\performance_helperPerformance helper class
 Ccore_competency\urlURL manager class
 Ccore_completion\apiClass containing completion API
 Ccore_completion\progressClass used to return completion progress information
 Ccore_componentCollection of components related methods
 Ccore_course\management\helperCourse and category management interface helper class
 Ccore_customfield\apiClass api
 Ccore_customfield\category_controllerClass category
 Ccore_customfield\data_controllerBase class for custom fields data controllers
 Ccore_customfield\field_controllerBase class for custom fields controllers
 Ccore_customfield\handlerBase class for custom fields handlers
 Ccore_dateCore date and time related code
 Ccore_favourites\local\entity\favouriteContains the favourite class, each instance being a representation of a DB row for the 'favourite' table
 Ccore_favourites\local\repository\favourite_repository_interfaceThe favourite_repository interface, defining the basic CRUD operations for favourite type items within core_favourites
 Ccore_favourites\local\service\component_favourite_serviceClass service, providing an single API for interacting with the favourites subsystem, for all favourites of a specific component
 Ccore_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_serviceClass service, providing an single API for interacting with the favourites subsystem for a SINGLE USER
 Ccore_favourites\service_factoryClass service_factory, providing functions for location of service objects for the favourites subsystem
 Ccore_files\converterClass for converting files between different formats using unoconv
 Ccore_files\converter_interfaceClass for converting files between different file formats
 Ccore_filetypesClass to manage the custom filetypes list that is stored in a config variable
 Ccore_form\filetypes_utilUtility class for handling with file types in the forms
 Ccore_form\utilGeneral utility class for form-related methods
 Ccore_grades\component_gradeitemCompontent definition of a gradeitem
 Ccore_grades\component_gradeitemsHelper class to fetch information about component grade items
 Ccore_grades\local\gradeitem\advancedgrading_mappingGrade item, itemnumber mapping
 Ccore_grades\local\gradeitem\itemnumber_mappingGrade item, itemnumber mapping
 Ccore_h5p\autoloaderH5P Autoloader
 Ccore_h5p\factoryH5P factory class
 Ccore_h5p\helperHelper class for the H5P area
 Ccore_h5p\playerH5P player class, for displaying any local H5P content
 Ccore_media_managerManager for media files
 Ccore_media_playerBase class for media players
 Ccore_message\apiClass used to return information to display for the message area
 Ccore_message\helperHelper class for the message area
 Ccore_message\tests\helperThe helper class providing util methods for testing
 Ccore_minifyCollection of JS and CSS compression methods
 Ccore_php_time_limitUtility class to manage PHP time limit
 Ccore_plugin_managerSingleton class providing general plugins management functionality
 Ccore_privacy\local\deprecatedThe deprecated interface
 Ccore_privacy\local\metadata\collectionA collection of metadata items
 Ccore_privacy\local\metadata\providerINterface for main metadata provider interface
 Ccore_privacy\local\metadata\types\typeThe base type interface which all metadata types must implement
 Ccore_privacy\local\request\content_writerThe interface for a Moodle content writer
 Ccore_privacy\local\request\data_providerThe data_provider interface is used to describe a provider which services user requests in any fashion
 Ccore_privacy\local\request\helperWith useful shared functionality
 Ccore_privacy\local\request\transformA class containing a set of data transformations for core data types
 Ccore_privacy\local\request\userlist_providerThe interface is used to describe a provider which is capable of identifying the users who have data within it
 Ccore_privacy\local\request\writerThe writer factory class used to fetch and work with the content_writer
 Ccore_privacy\local\sitepolicy\handlerBase class for site policy handlers
 Ccore_privacy\local\sitepolicy\managerSite policy management class
 Ccore_privacy\managerThe core_privacy\manager class, providing a facade to describe, export and delete personal data across Moodle and its components
 Ccore_privacy\manager_observerThe interface for a Manager observer
 Ccore_question\bank\column_baseBase class for representing a column in a question_bank_view
 Ccore_question\bank\menuable_actionInterface to indicate that a question bank column can go in the action menu
 Ccore_question\bank\random_question_loaderThis class efficiently finds questions at random from the question bank
 Ccore_question\bank\search\conditionAn abstract class for filtering/searching questions
 Ccore_question\bank\viewThis class prints a view of the question bank, including
 Ccore_question\statistics\questions\all_calculated_for_qubaid_conditionA collection of all the question statistics calculated for an activity instance
 Ccore_question\statistics\questions\calculatedThis class is used to return the stats as calculated by core_question\statistics\questions\calculator
 Ccore_question\statistics\questions\calculatorThis class has methods to compute the question statistics from the raw data
 Ccore_question\statistics\responses\analyserThis class can compute, store and cache the analysis of the responses to a particular question
 Ccore_question\statistics\responses\analysis_for_actual_responseThe leafs of the analysis data structure
 Ccore_question\statistics\responses\analysis_for_classCounts a class of responses for this sub part of the question
 Ccore_question\statistics\responses\analysis_for_questionAnalysis for possible responses for parts of a question
 Ccore_question\statistics\responses\analysis_for_subpartRepresenting the analysis of each of the sub parts of each variant of the question
 Ccore_rating\external\utilRating external functions utility class
 Ccore_requirejsCollection of requirejs related methods
 Ccore_role_allow_role_pageBase class for managing the data in the grid of checkboxes on the role allow allow/overrides/switch editing pages (allow.php)
 Ccore_role_capability_table_baseThis class represents a table with one row for each of a list of capabilities where the first cell in the row contains the capability name, and there is arbitrary stuff in the rest of the row
 Ccore_role_presetXML role file manipulation class
 Ccore_search\area_categorySearch area category
 Ccore_search\baseBase search implementation
 Ccore_search\document_factorySearch document factory
 Ccore_search\document_iconRepresents a document icon
 Ccore_search\engineBase class for search engines
 Ccore_search\managerSearch subsystem manager
 Ccore_shutdown_managerShutdown management class
 Ccore_string_managerInterface for string manager
 Ccore_tag\external\utilTag external functions utility class
 Ccore_tag_areaClass to manage tag areas
 Ccore_tag_collectionClass to manage tag collections
 Ccore_tag_index_builderHelper to build tag index
 Ccore_userUser class to access user details
 Ccore_user\output\myprofile\managerDefines MAnager class for myprofile navigation tree
 Ccore_useragentThe user agent class
 Ccore_xml_parserClass for parsing xml files
 Ccourse_enrolment_managerThis class provides a targeted tied together means of interfacing the enrolment tasks together with a course
 Ccoursecat_helperClass storing display options and functions to help display course category and/or courses lists
 Ccsv_import_readerUtitily class for importing of CSV files
 Ccurl_cacheThis class is used by cURL class, use case:
 Cdata_preset_importerAbstract class used for data preset importers
 Cdatabase_exporterBase class for database export operations
 Cdatabase_importerBase class for database import operations
 Cdatabase_managerDatabase manager instance is responsible for all database structure modifications
 Cdndupload_ajax_processorProcesses the upload, creating the course module and returning the result
 Cdndupload_handlerStores all the information about the available dndupload handlers
 Cemoticon_managerProvides core support for plugins that have to deal with emoticons (like HTML editor or emoticon filter)
 Cenrol_bulk_enrolment_operationThis class is used to manage a bulk operations for enrolment plugins
 Cenrol_category_observerEvent handler for category enrolment plugin
 Cenrol_cohort_handlerEvent handler for cohort enrolment plugin
 Cenrol_lti\helperLTI enrolment plugin helper class
 Cenrol_meta_handlerEvent handler for meta enrolment plugin
 Cenrol_mnet_mnetservice_enrolMNet server-side methods that are part of mnetservice_enrol
 Cenrol_paypal\utilPayPal enrolment plugin utility class
 Cenrol_pluginEnrolment plugins abstract class
 Cenvironment_resultsHelper Class to return results to caller
 CexecutableInterface to apply to all the classes we want to be executable (plan/part/task)
 Cexternal_apiBase class for external api methods
 Cexternal_descriptionCommon ancestor of all parameter description classes
 Cexternal_settingsSingleton to handle the external settings
 Cexternal_utilUtility functions for the external API
 Cfile_infoBase class for things in the tree navigated by file_browser
 Cfile_packerAbstract class for archiving of files
 Cfilter_managerClass to manage the filtering of strings
 CfilterobjectThis is just a little object to define a phrase and some instructions for how to process it
 Cformat_baseBase class for course formats
 Cformat_weeks_observerEvent observer for format_weeks
 Cgoogle_docsClass for manipulating google documents through the google data api
 Cgoogle_picasaClass for manipulating picasa through the google data api
 Cgrade_edit_tree_columnClass grade_edit_tree_column
 Cgrade_export_update_bufferThis class is used to update the exported field in grade_grades
 Cgrade_helperGrade helper class
 Cgrade_plugin_infoA simple class containing info about grade plugins
 Cgrade_plugin_returnUtility class used for return tracking when using edit and other forms in grade plugins
 Cgrade_reportAn abstract class containing variables and methods used by all or most reports
 Cgrade_structureGeneral structure representing grade items in course
 Cgraded_users_iteratorThis class iterates over all users that are graded in a course
 Cgradeimport_csv_load_dataA class for loading and preparing grade data from import
 Cgradereport_history\helperHelper class for gradehistory report
 Cgradereport_singleview\local\screen\filterable_itemsThe gradebook interface for a filterable class
 Cgradereport_singleview\local\screen\screenAbstract class used as a base for the 3 screens
 Cgradereport_singleview\local\screen\selectable_itemsInterface for a list of selectable things
 Cgradereport_singleview\local\ui\attribute_formatClass that builds an element tree that can be converted to a string
 Cgradereport_singleview\local\ui\be_checkedIs this thing checked?
 Cgradereport_singleview\local\ui\be_disabledSimple interface implemented to add behaviour that an element can be checked to see if it should be disabled
 Cgradereport_singleview\local\ui\elementUI Element for an excluded grade_grade
 Cgradereport_singleview\local\ui\unique_nameA form element with a name field
 Cgradereport_singleview\local\ui\unique_valueSimple interface for an item with a value
 CifAdvance grading form element
 Cimsenterprise_coursesMapping between Moodle course attributes and IMS enterprise group description tags
 Cimsenterprise_rolesClass for dealing with role mappings in IMS Enterprise
 Cintended_user_roleDefined as specified in CC 1.1
 Clang_installerEnd of component_installer class
 Clesson_baseAbstract class to provide a core functions to the all lesson classes
 Clesson_page_type_managerA management class for page types
 CLexerAccepts text and breaks it into tokens
 CloggableInterface to apply to all the classes we want to be able to write to logs
 Clogstore_database\helperHelper class locally used
 Cmessage_airnotifier_managerAirnotifier helper manager class
 Cmessage_email\event_observersObserver class containing methods for handling events
 Cmessage_outputBase message processor class for extension by message processors
 Cmessage_popup\apiClass used to return information to display for the message popup
 Cmnet_xmlrpc_clientClass representing an XMLRPC request against a remote machine
 Cmnetservice_enrolSingleton providing various functionality usable by plugin(s) implementing this MNet service
 Cmod_assign\group_observersGroup observers class
 Cmod_assign\privacy\assign_plugin_request_dataAn object for fulfilling an assign plugin data request
 Cmod_assign\privacy\useridlistAn object for collecting user IDs related to a teacher
 Cmod_feedback_observerEvent observers supported by this module
 Cmod_feedback_structureStores and manipulates the structure of the feedback or template (items, pages, etc.)
 Cmod_forum\local\builders\exported_discussionExported discussion builder class
 Cmod_forum\local\builders\exported_discussion_summariesExported discussion summaries builder class
 Cmod_forum\local\builders\exported_postsExported post builder class
 Cmod_forum\local\containerContainer class
 Cmod_forum\local\data_mappers\legacy\authorConvert an author entity into an stdClass
 Cmod_forum\local\data_mappers\legacy\discussionConvert a discussion entity into an stdClass
 Cmod_forum\local\data_mappers\legacy\forumConvert a forum entity into an stdClass
 Cmod_forum\local\data_mappers\legacy\postConvert a post entity into an stdClass
 Cmod_forum\local\entities\authorAuthor class
 Cmod_forum\local\entities\discussionDiscussion class
 Cmod_forum\local\entities\discussion_summaryDiscussion summary class
 Cmod_forum\local\entities\forumForum class
 Cmod_forum\local\entities\postPost class
 Cmod_forum\local\entities\post_read_receipt_collectionPost read receipt collection class
 Cmod_forum\local\entities\sorterClass to sort lists of items
 Cmod_forum\local\factories\builderBuilder factory to construct any builders for forum
 Cmod_forum\local\factories\entityEntity factory to create the forum entities
 Cmod_forum\local\factories\exporterThe exporter factory class used to fetch an instance of the different exporter types
 Cmod_forum\local\factories\legacy_data_mapperLegacy data mapper factory
 Cmod_forum\local\factories\managerManagers factory
 Cmod_forum\local\factories\rendererRenderer factory
 Cmod_forum\local\factories\urlA URL factory for the forum
 Cmod_forum\local\factories\vaultVault factory
 Cmod_forum\local\managers\capabilityCapability manager for the forum
 Cmod_forum\local\renderers\discussionDiscussion renderer class
 Cmod_forum\local\renderers\discussion_listThe discussion list renderer
 Cmod_forum\local\renderers\postsPosts renderer class
 Cmod_forum\local\vaults\db_table_vaultAbstract class for loading records from the DB
 Cmod_forum\local\vaults\post_attachmentPost attachment vault class
 Cmod_forum\local\vaults\preprocessors\extract_contextExtract context vault preprocessor
 Cmod_forum\local\vaults\preprocessors\extract_recordExtract record vault preprocessor
 Cmod_forum\local\vaults\preprocessors\extract_userExtract user vault preprocessor
 Cmod_forum\subscriptionsForum subscription manager
 Cmod_forum_observerEvent observer for mod_forum
 Cmod_glossary\local\concept_cacheConcept caching for glossary filter
 Cmod_glossary_entry_query_builderEntry query builder class
 Cmod_lesson\group_observersGroup observers class
 Cmod_lesson\local\numeric\helperLesson numeric page helper
 Cmod_lti\local\ltiservice\resource_baseThe mod_lti\local\ltiservice\resource_base class
 Cmod_lti\local\ltiservice\responseThe mod_lti\local\ltiservice\response class
 Cmod_lti\local\ltiservice\service_baseThe mod_lti\local\ltiservice\service_base class
 Cmod_lti\service_exception_handlerHandles exceptions when handling incoming LTI messages
 Cmod_quiz\group_observersGroup observers class
 Cmod_quiz\local\structure\slot_randomClass slot_random, represents a random question slot type
 Cmod_quiz\privacy\helperPrivacy Subsystem implementation for mod_quiz
 Cmod_quiz\repaginateThe repaginate class will rearrange questions in pages
 Cmod_quiz\structureQuiz structure class
 Cmod_quiz_attempts_report_optionsBase class for the options that control what is visible in an quiz_attempts_report
 Cmod_quiz_overdue_attempt_updaterThis class holds all the code for automatically updating all attempts that have gone over their time limit
 Cmoodle1_handlers_factoryHandlers factory class
 Cmoodle1_inforef_managerHelper class that handles ids annotations for inforef.xml files
 Cmoodle_databaseAbstract class representing moodle database interface
 Cmoodle_listClues to reading this code:
 Cmoodle_text_filterBase class for text filters
 Cmoodle_transactionDelegated transaction class
 Cmoodle_urlClass for creating and manipulating urls
 CMoodleExcelFormatDefine and operate over one Format
 CMoodleExcelWorkbookDefine and operate over one Moodle Workbook
 CMoodleExcelWorksheetDefine and operate over one Worksheet
 CmoodleformWrapper that separates quickforms syntax from moodle code
 CMoodleODSCellODS Cell abstraction
 CMoodleODSFormatODS cell format abstraction
 CMoodleODSWorkbookODS workbook abstraction
 CMoodleODSWorksheetODS Worksheet abstraction
 CMoodleODSWriterODS file writer
 Cnull_filter_managerFilter manager subclass that does nothing
 Coutput_controllerThis class decides, based in environment/backup controller settings about the best way to send information to output, independently of the process and the loggers
 Couwiki_change_rangeRepresents a changed area of file and where it is located in the two source files
 Couwiki_changesA more logical representation of the results from ouwiki_internal_diff()
 Couwiki_lineClass representing one 'line' of HTML content for the purpose of text comparison
 Couwiki_wordRepresents single word for html comparison
 Cpage_wikiClass page_wiki contains the common code between all pages
 Cpart_of_admin_treeCLASS DEFINITIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 Cphpunit_coverage_infoCoverage information for the tool_dataprivacy plugin
 Cplagiarism_pluginPlagiarism base class used by plugins
 CPNG_MetaDataHandlerInformation on PNG file chunks can be found at Some other info on PNG that I used
 CprocessableInterface to apply to all the classes we want to be processable by one @base_processor
 Cprofile_define_baseClass profile_define_base
 Cprofile_field_baseBase class for the customisable profile fields
 Cprogress_traceProgress trace class
 Cprogressive_parserClass implementing one SAX progressive push parser
 Cprogressive_parser_processorThis abstract class implements one progressive_parser_processor
 Cqbehaviour_adaptive_mark_detailsThis class encapsulates all the information about the current state-of-play scoring-wise
 Cqformat_blackboard_six_fileClass to represent a Blackboard file
 Cqformat_defaultBase class for question import and export formats
 Cqtype_calculated_dataset_loaderThis class is responsible for loading the dataset that a question needs from the database
 Cqtype_calculated_question_helperHelper class for questions that use datasets
 Cqtype_calculated_question_with_expressionsThis interface defines the method that a quetsion type must implement if it is to work with qtype_calculated_question_helper
 Cqtype_calculated_variable_substituterThis class holds the current values of all the variables used by a calculated question
 Cqtype_calculatedmulti_calculate_helperHelper to abstract common code between qtype_calculatedmulti_single_question and qtype_calculatedmulti_multi_question
 Cqtype_ddimageortext_drag_itemRepresents one of the choices (draggable images)
 Cqtype_ddimageortext_drop_zoneRepresents one of the places (drop zones)
 Cqtype_ddmarker_drag_itemRepresents one of the choices (draggable markers)
 Cqtype_ddmarker_drop_zoneRepresents one of the places (drop zones)
 Cqtype_ddmarker_pointClass to represent a point
 Cqtype_ddmarker_shapeBase class to represent a shape
 Cqtype_ddwtos_choiceRepresents one of the choices (draggable boxes)
 Cqtype_gapselect_choiceRepresents one of the choices (select box option)
 Cqtype_numerical_answer_processorThis class processes numbers with units
 Cqtype_randomsamatch_question_loaderThis class is responsible for loading the questions that a question needs from the database
 Cqubaid_conditionThis class represents a restriction on the set of question_usage ids to include in a larger database query
 Cquestion_answerClass to represent a question answer, loaded from the question_answers table in the database
 Cquestion_attemptTracks an attempt at one particular question in a question_usage_by_activity
 Cquestion_attempt_stepStores one step in a question_attempt
 Cquestion_bankThis static class provides access to the other question bank
 Cquestion_behaviourThe base class for question behaviours
 Cquestion_behaviour_attempt_updaterBase class for managing the upgrade of a question using a particular behaviour
 Cquestion_behaviour_typeThis class represents the type of behaviour, rather than the instance of the behaviour which control a particular question attempt
 Cquestion_category_objectClass for performing operations on question categories
 Cquestion_cbmThis helper class contains the constants and methods required for manipulating scores for certainty based marking
 Cquestion_classified_responseThis class is used in the return value from question_manually_gradable::classify_response()
 Cquestion_definitionThe definition of a question of a particular type
 Cquestion_display_optionsThis class contains all the options that controls how a question is displayed
 Cquestion_edit_contextsTracks all the contexts related to the one where we are currently editing questions, and provides helper methods to check permissions
 Cquestion_engineThis static class provides access to the other question engine classes
 Cquestion_engine_assumption_loggerThis class serves to record all the assumptions that the code had to make during the question engine database database upgrade, to facilitate reviewing them
 Cquestion_engine_attempt_upgraderThis class manages upgrading all the question attempts from the old database structure to the new question engine
 Cquestion_engine_data_mapperThis class controls the loading and saving of question engine data to and from the database
 Cquestion_engine_upgrade_question_loaderThis class deals with loading (and caching) question definitions during the question engine upgrade
 Cquestion_flagsContains the logic for handling question flags
 Cquestion_grading_strategyThis question_grading_strategy interface
 Cquestion_hintClass to represent a hint associated with a question
 Cquestion_manually_gradableInterface that a question_definition must implement to be usable by the manual graded behaviour
 Cquestion_null_stepA null } returned from * question_attempt::get_last_step() etc
 Cquestion_possible_responseThis class is used in the return value from question_type::get_possible_responses()
 Cquestion_qtype_attempt_updaterBase class for the classes that convert the question-type specific bits of the attempt data
 Cquestion_response_answer_comparerThis interface defines the methods that a question_definition must implement if it is to be graded by the question_first_matching_answer_grading_strategy
 Cquestion_response_filesThe interface implemented by } and question_file_loader
 Cquestion_stateAn enumeration representing the states a question can be in after a question_attempt_step
 Cquestion_test_helperBase class for question type test helpers
 Cquestion_typeThis is the base class for Moodle question types
 Cquestion_usage_by_activityThis class keeps track of a group of questions that are being attempted, and which state, and so on, each one is currently in
 Cquestion_usage_observerInterface for things that want to be notified of signficant changes to a question_usage_by_activity
 Cquestion_utilsUseful functions for writing question types and behaviours
 Cquestion_variant_selection_strategyThe interface for strategies for controlling which variant of each question is used
 CquizA class encapsulating a quiz and the questions it contains, and making the information available to scripts like view.php
 Cquiz_access_managerThis class keeps track of the various access rules that apply to a particular quiz, with convinient methods for seeing whether access is allowed
 Cquiz_access_rule_baseA base class that defines the interface for the various quiz access rules
 Cquiz_attemptThis class extends the quiz class to hold data about the state of a particular attempt, in addition to the data about the quiz
 Cquiz_default_reportBase class for quiz report plugins
 Cquiz_nav_panel_baseRepresents the navigation panel, and builds a block_contents to allow it to be output
 Creport_eventlist_list_generatorClass for returning system event information
 Creport_insights\output\actions_exporterOutput helper to export actions for rendering
 Creport_performanceThis contains functions to get list of issues and there results
 Creport_performance_issueClass defining issue result
 Crepository_nextcloud\access_controlled_link_managerManages the creation and usage of access controlled links
 Crepository_nextcloud\issuer_managementProvide static functions for creating and validating issuers
 Crestore_checkNon instantiable helper class providing different restore checks
 Crestore_dbopsBase abstract class for all the helper classes providing DB operations
 Crestore_decode_processorHelper class that will perform all the necessary decoding tasks on restore
 Crestore_decode_ruleHelper class used to decode links back to their original form
 Crestore_factoryNon instantiable factory class providing different restore object instances
 Crestore_logs_processorThis class is one varying singleton that, for all the logs corresponding to one task, is in charge of storing all its restore_log_rule rules, dispatching to the correct one and insert/log the resulting information
 Crestore_path_elementClass representing one path to be restored from XML file
 Crestore_plan_builderAbstract class defining the static method in charge of building the whole restore plan, based in @restore_controller preferences
 Crestore_pluginClass implementing the plugins support for moodle2 restore
 Crestore_prechecks_helperNon instantiable helper class providing support for restore prechecks
 Crestore_subpluginClass implementing the subplugins support for moodle2 restore
 Crestore_ui_independent_stageAbstract class used to represent a restore stage that is indenependent
 Csearch_parserThis class takes care of sticking the proper token type/value pairs into the parsed token array
 Csearch_solr\schemaSchema class to interact with Solr schema
 Csearch_tokenClass to hold token/value pairs after they're parsed
 Csetting_dependencyGeneric abstract dependency class
 Csql_generatorAbstract sql generator class, base for all db specific implementations
 CStateStackStates for a stack machine
 Ctest_question_makerThis class creates questions of various types, which can then be used when testing
 Ctesting_db_record_builderHelper for tests that need to simulate records loaded from the database
 Ctests\gradingform_guide\generator\criterionConvenience class to create guide criterion
 Ctests\gradingform_rubric\generator\criterionConvenience class to create rubric criterion
 CtexteditorBase abstract text editor class
 Ctgz_extractorExtracts .tar.gz files (POSIX format)
 Ctgz_extractor_handlerInterface for callback from tgz_extractor::extract
 Ctheme_boost\autoprefixerAutoprefixer class
 Ctheme_classic\output\core_rendererRenderers to align Moodle's HTML with that expected by Bootstrap
 Ctool_analytics\clihelperHelper class that contains helper functions for cli scripts
 Ctool_analytics\output\helperHelper class with general purpose tiny functions
 Ctool_behatBehat commands manager
 Ctool_cohortroles\apiClass for doing things with cohort roles
 Ctool_customlang_utilsProvides various utilities to be used by the plugin
 Ctool_dataprivacy\apiClass containing helper methods for processing data requests
 Ctool_dataprivacy\data_registryData registry business logic methods
 Ctool_dataprivacy\event\user_deleted_observerEvent observers supported by this module
 Ctool_dataprivacy\expired_contexts_managerExpired contexts manager
 Ctool_dataprivacy\expiry_infoExpiry Data
 Ctool_dataprivacy\local\helperClass containing helper functions for the data privacy tool
 Ctool_dataprivacy\metadata_registryClass containing helper methods for processing data requests
 Ctool_dataprivacy\output\crud_elementAbstract renderer for independent renderable elements
 Ctool_dataprivacy\page_helperPage helper
 Ctool_filetypes\utilsClass with static back-end methods used by the file type tool
 Ctool_generator_backendBackend generic code for all tool_generator commands
 Ctool_httpsreplace\url_finderExamines DB for non-https src or data links
 Ctool_installaddon_installerImplements main plugin features
 Ctool_langimport\controllerLang import controller
 Ctool_log\local\privacy\helperPrivacy helper class
 Ctool_lp\course_competency_statisticsCourse competency statistics class
 Ctool_lp\page_helperPage helper
 Ctool_lp\template_statisticsTemplate statistics class
 Ctool_lp\url_resolverURL resolver class
 Ctool_lpimportcsv\framework_exporterExport Competency framework
 Ctool_lpimportcsv\framework_importerThis file contains the class to import a competency framework
 Ctool_lpmigrate\framework_mapperFramework mapper class
 Ctool_lpmigrate\framework_processorProcessor class
 Ctool_messageinbound\managerMail Pickup Manager
 Ctool_mobile\apiAPI exposed by tool_mobile, to be used mostly by external functions and the plugin settings
 Ctool_monitor\eventlistClass for returning event information
 Ctool_monitor\eventobserversObserver class containing methods monitoring various events
 Ctool_monitor\ruleClass represents a single rule
 Ctool_monitor\rule_managerRule manager class
 Ctool_monitor\subscriptionClass represents a single subscription instance (i.e with all the subscription info)
 Ctool_monitor\subscription_managerClass to manage subscriptions
 Ctool_policy\apiProvides the API of the policies plugin
 Ctool_policy\test\helperProvides some helper methods for unit-tests
 Ctool_recyclebin\base_binRepresents a recyclebin
 Ctool_task\run_from_cliRunning tasks from CLI
 Ctool_templatelibrary\apiAPI exposed by tool_templatelibrary
 Ctool_uploadcourse_courseCourse class
 Ctool_uploadcourse_helperClass containing a set of helpers
 Ctool_uploadcourse_processorProcessor class
 Ctool_uploadcourse_trackerClass output tracker
 Ctool_uploaduser\local\field_value_validatorsField validator class
 Ctool_usertours\cacheCache manager
 Ctool_usertours\configurationStep configuration detail class
 Ctool_usertours\helperTour helper
 Ctool_usertours\local\filter\baseFilter base
 Ctool_usertours\local\target\baseTarget base
 Ctool_usertours\managerTour manager
 Ctool_usertours\stepStep class
 Ctool_usertours\targetTarget class
 Ctool_usertours\tourTour class
 Cupload_managerThis class handles all aspects of fileuploading
 Cuser_filter_typeThe base user filter class
 Cuser_filteringUser filtering wrapper class
 Cuser_selector_baseBase class for user selectors
 Cuu_progress_trackerTracking of processed users
 Cvirtual_root_fileRepresents the root directory of an empty file area in the tree navigated by file_browser
 CwebserviceGeneral web service library
 Cwebservice_rest_clientMoodle REST client
 Cwebservice_server_interfaceMandatory interface for all web service protocol classes
 Cwebservice_soap\wsdlWSDL generator for the SOAP web service
 Cwebservice_soap_clientMoodle SOAP client
 Cwebservice_test_client_interfaceMandatory interface for all test client classes
 Cwebservice_xmlrpc_clientMoodle XML-RPC client
 CWikiDiffClass representing a 'diff' between two sequences of strings
 CWikiDiffFormatterA class to format WikiDiffs
 CworkshopFull-featured workshop API
 Cworkshop_allocatorAllocators are responsible for assigning submissions to reviewers for assessments
 Cworkshop_assessment_baseCommon base class for assessments rendering
 Cworkshop_evaluationBase class for all grading evaluation subplugins
 Cworkshop_feedbackBase class for renderable feedback for author and feedback for reviewer
 Cworkshop_random_allocator_settingData object defining the settings structure for the random allocator
 Cworkshop_strategyStrategy interface defines all methods that strategy subplugins has to implement
 Cworkshop_submission_baseCommon base class for submissions and example submissions rendering
 Cworkshopallocation_scheduled\observerClass for workshopallocation_scheduled observers
 Cxml_contenttransformerAbstract class to extend in order to transform @xml_writer text contents
 Cxml_outputThis abstract class outputs XML contents provided by @xml_writer
 Cxml_writerClass implementing one (more or less complete) UTF-8 XML writer
 CXMLDBActionMain xmldb action clasee