Moodle APIs
Moodle 3.8.6 (Build: 20201109)
C_WikiDiffEngine | |
►C_WikiDiffOp | |
C_WikiDiffOp_Add | |
C_WikiDiffOp_Change | |
C_WikiDiffOp_Copy | |
C_WikiDiffOp_Delete | |
C_WikiHWLDF_WordAccumulator | |
►Cadmin_setting | Admin settings class |
►Cadmin_setting_configcheckbox | Checkbox |
Cadmin_setting_configcheckbox_with_advanced | Checkbox with an advanced checkbox that controls an additional $name |
Cadmin_setting_configcheckbox_with_lock | Checkbox with an advanced checkbox that controls an additional $name |
Cadmin_setting_enablemobileservice | Special checkbox for enable mobile web service If enable then we store the service id of the mobile service into config table If disable then we unstore the service id from the config table |
Cadmin_setting_regradingcheckbox | |
Cadmin_setting_sitesetcheckbox | Special checkbox for frontpage - stores data in course table |
Cadmin_setting_special_adminseesall | Special checkbox for calendar - resets SESSION vars |
Cadmin_setting_special_gradelimiting | |
Cadmin_setting_configcolourpicker | Colour picker |
►Cadmin_setting_configduration | Seconds duration setting |
Cadmin_setting_configduration_with_advanced | Seconds duration setting with an advanced checkbox, that controls a additional $name |
►Cadmin_setting_configmulticheckbox | Multiple checkboxes, each represents different value, stored in csv format |
►Cadmin_setting_configmulticheckbox2 | Multiple checkboxes 2, value stored as string 00101011 |
Cadmin_setting_special_backupdays | Special control for selecting days to backup |
Cadmin_setting_pickfilters | Admin setting that is a list of installed filter plugins |
►Cadmin_setting_pickroles | Admin setting that allows a user to pick appropriate roles for something |
Cadmin_setting_special_coursecontact | Which roles to show on course description page |
Cadmin_setting_special_gradebookroles | Graded roles in gradebook |
Cadmin_setting_special_gradeexport | Primary grade export plugin - has state tracking |
►Cadmin_setting_configselect | Select one value from list |
Cadmin_setting_bloglevel | Select for blog's bloglevel setting: if set to 0, will set blog_menu block to hidden |
►Cadmin_setting_configmultiselect | Select multiple items from list |
Cadmin_setting_configmultiselect_modules | Multiselect for current modules |
Cadmin_setting_users_with_capability | An admin setting for selecting one or more users who have a capability in the system context |
►Cadmin_setting_configselect_with_advanced | Dropdown menu with an advanced checkbox, that controls a additional $name |
Cmod_quiz_admin_setting_browsersecurity | Admin settings class for the quiz browser security option |
Cmod_quiz_admin_setting_grademethod | Admin settings class for the quiz grading method |
Cmod_quiz_admin_setting_overduehandling | Admin settings class for the quiz overdue attempt handling method |
Cmod_quiz_admin_setting_user_image | Admin settings class for the choices for how to display the user's image |
Cadmin_setting_configselect_with_lock | Select with an advanced checkbox that controls an additional $name |
Cadmin_setting_forcetimezone | Forced user timezone setting |
Cadmin_setting_grade_profilereport | Selection of grade report in user profiles |
Cadmin_setting_my_grades_report | Provides a selection of grade reports to be used for "grades" |
Cadmin_setting_question_behaviour | Admin setting that allows a user to pick a behaviour |
Cadmin_setting_servertimezone | Server timezone setting |
Cadmin_setting_sitesetselect | Special select for frontpage - stores data in course table |
Cadmin_setting_special_debug | Special debug setting |
Cadmin_setting_special_grademinmaxtouse | Special setting for $CFG->grade_minmaxtouse |
Cadmin_setting_special_registerauth | Special class for register auth selection |
Cadmin_setting_special_selectsetup | Special select for settings that are altered in setup.php and can not be altered on the fly |
Cadmin_settings_country_select | Selection of one of the recognised countries using the list returned by get_list_of_countries() |
Cadmin_settings_coursecat_select | Course category selection |
Cadmin_settings_num_course_sections | Admin_setting_configselect for the default number of sections in a course, simply so we can lazy-load the choices |
Cadmin_settings_sitepolicy_handler_select | Selection of plugins that can work as site policy handlers |
Cantivirus_clamav_runningmethod_setting | Admin setting for running, adds verification |
Cauth_shibboleth_admin_setting_special_wayf_select | Special settings for auth_shibboleth WAYF |
Ccore_analytics\admin_setting_predictor | Extension to show an error message if the selected predictor is not available |
Cenrol_database_admin_setting_category | Class implements new specialized setting for course categories that are loaded only when required |
Cenrol_ldap_admin_setting_category | Class implements new specialized setting for course categories that are loaded only when required |
Cformat_singleactivity_admin_setting_activitytype | Admin settings class for the format singleactivity activitytype choice |
Cqtype_multichoice_admin_setting_answernumbering | Admin settings class for the multichoice question type method |
Cadmin_setting_configstoredfile | Class used for uploading of one file into file storage, the file name is stored in config table |
►Cadmin_setting_configtext | The most flexible setting, the user enters text |
Cadmin_setting_configempty | Empty setting used to allow flags (advanced) on settings that can have no sensible default |
►Cadmin_setting_configfile | Path to directory |
►Cadmin_setting_configdirectory | Path to directory |
Cadmin_setting_special_backup_auto_destination | Special setting for backup auto destination |
Cadmin_setting_configexecutable | Path to executable file |
►Cadmin_setting_configpasswordunmask | Password field, allows unmasking of password |
Cadmin_setting_configpasswordunmask_with_advanced | Password field, allows unmasking of password, with an advanced checkbox that controls an additional $name |
Cadmin_setting_configtext_trim_lower | |
Cadmin_setting_configtext_with_advanced | Text field with an advanced checkbox, that controls a additional $name |
Cadmin_setting_configtext_with_maxlength | Text input with a maximum length constraint |
►Cadmin_setting_configtextarea | General text area without html editor |
Cadmin_setting_agedigitalconsentmap | Used to validate the content and format of the age of digital consent map and ensuring it is parsable |
►Cadmin_setting_confightmleditor | General text area with html editor |
Cadmin_setting_special_frontpagedesc | Special text editor for site description |
Cadmin_setting_configiplist | Used to validate a textarea used for ip addresses |
Cadmin_setting_configmixedhostiplist | Used to validate a textarea used for domain names, wildcard domain names and IP addresses/ranges (both IPv4 and IPv6 format) |
Cadmin_setting_configportlist | Used to validate a textarea used for port numbers |
Cadmin_setting_scsscode | Used to validate the contents of SCSS code and ensuring they are parsable |
Cauth_shibboleth_admin_setting_special_idp_configtextarea | Special setting for auth_shibboleth WAYF |
Ceditor_atto_toolbar_setting | Admin setting for toolbar |
Ceditor_tinymce_json_setting_textarea | |
Cadmin_setting_countrycodes | |
Cadmin_setting_filetypes | Administration setting to define a list of file types |
Cadmin_setting_langlist | Special setting for limiting of the list of available languages |
Cadmin_setting_sitesettext | Special text for frontpage - stores data in course table |
Cadmin_setting_special_gradepointdefault | A setting for setting the default grade point value |
Cadmin_setting_special_gradepointmax | A setting for setting the maximum grade value |
Cantivirus_clamav_pathtounixsocket_setting | Admin setting for unix socket path, adds verification |
Cauth_db_admin_setting_special_auth_configtext | Special settings for auth_db password_link |
Cauth_ldap_admin_setting_special_contexts_configtext | Special setting for auth_ldap that cleans up context values on save |
Cauth_ldap_admin_setting_special_lowercase_configtext | Special setting for auth_ldap that lowercases values on save |
Cauth_ldap_admin_setting_special_ntlm_configtext | Special admin setting for auth_ldap that validates ntlm usernames |
Cenrol_flatfile_role_setting | Setting class that stores only non-empty values |
Cadmin_setting_configtime | Time selector |
Cadmin_setting_courselist_frontpage | Special select - lists on the frontpage - hacky |
Cadmin_setting_description | No setting - just name and description in same row |
Cadmin_setting_devicedetectregex | Administration interface for user specified regular expressions for device detection |
Cadmin_setting_emoticons | Administration interface for emoticon_manager settings |
Cadmin_setting_gradecat_combo | Grade category settings |
Cadmin_setting_heading | No setting - just heading and text |
Cadmin_setting_ldap_rolemapping | |
►Cadmin_setting_manage_plugins | Generic class for managing plugins in a table that allows re-ordering and enable/disable of each plugin |
Cadmin_setting_manage_fileconverter_plugins | Generic class for managing plugins in a table that allows re-ordering and enable/disable of each plugin |
Cadmin_setting_manageantiviruses | Special class for antiviruses administration |
Cadmin_setting_manageauths | Special class for authentication administration |
Cadmin_setting_managecustomfields | Custom fields manager |
Cadmin_setting_managedataformats | Data formats manager |
Cadmin_setting_manageeditors | Special class for authentication administration |
Cadmin_setting_manageenrols | Special class for enrol plugins management |
Cadmin_setting_manageexternalservices | Special class for management of external services |
Cadmin_setting_manageformats | Course formats manager |
Cadmin_setting_managelicenses | Special class for license administration |
Cadmin_setting_managemediaplayers | Special class for media player plugins management |
Cadmin_setting_managerepository | Manage repository settings |
Cadmin_setting_managewebserviceprotocols | Special class for web service protocol administration |
Cadmin_setting_managewebservicetokens | Special class for web service token administration |
Cadmin_setting_php_extension_enabled | Admin setting to show if a php extension is enabled or not |
Cadmin_setting_searchsetupinfo | Search setup steps info |
Cadmin_setting_special_calendar_weekend | Special admin control |
Cadmin_setting_webservicesoverview | Special class for overview of external services |
Ccore_admin\local\settings\filesize | An admin setting to support entering and displaying of file sizes in Bytes, KB, MB or GB |
Ceditor_atto_subplugins_setting | Special class for Atto plugins administration |
Cmod_quiz_admin_review_setting | Admin settings class for the quiz review options |
Ctiynce_subplugins_settings | Special class for TinyMCE subplugin administration |
Ctool_log_setting_managestores | |
Cadmin_setting_flag | An additional option that can be applied to an admin setting |
Cadmin_settingdependency | Used to store details of the dependency between two settings elements |
►Cannotable | Interface to apply to all the classes we want to be annotable in the backup/restore process |
Cbackup_attribute | Instantiable class representing one attribute atom (name/value) piece of information on backup |
►Cbackup_final_element | Instantiable class representing one final element atom (name/value/parent) piece of information on backup |
Canonymizer_final_element | Implementation of backup_final_element that provides one interceptor for anonymization of data |
Cbase64_encode_final_element | Implementation of backup_final_element that provides base64 encoding |
Cencrypted_final_element | Implementation of backup_final_element that provides symmetric-key AES-256 encryption of contents |
Cmnethosturl_final_element | Implementation of backup_final_element that provides special handling of mnethosturl |
►CArrayAccess | |
Cquestion_attempt_iterator | A class abstracting access to the question_usage_by_activity::$questionattempts array |
►Cquestion_attempt_step_iterator | A class abstracting access to the question_attempt::$states array |
Cquestion_attempt_reverse_step_iterator | A variant of question_attempt_step_iterator that iterates through the steps in reverse order |
Cquestion_attempt_steps_with_submitted_response_iterator | A variant of question_attempt_step_iterator that iterates through the steps with submitted tries |
►CArrayObject | |
Ccoursecat_sortable_records | An array of records that is sortable by many fields |
Cassign | Standard base class for mod_assign (assignment types) |
►Cassign_plugin | Abstract class for assign_plugin (submission/feedback) |
►Cassign_feedback_plugin | Abstract class for feedback_plugin inherited from assign_plugin abstract class |
Cassign_feedback_comments | Library class for comment feedback plugin extending feedback plugin base class |
Cassign_feedback_editpdf | Library class for editpdf feedback plugin extending feedback plugin base class |
Cassign_feedback_file | Library class for file feedback plugin extending feedback plugin base class |
Cassign_feedback_offline | Library class for file feedback plugin extending feedback plugin base class |
►Cassign_submission_plugin | Abstract base class for submission plugin types |
Cassign_submission_comments | Library class for comment submission plugin extending submission plugin base class |
Cassign_submission_file | Library class for file submission plugin extending submission plugin base class |
Cassign_submission_onlinetext | Library class for onlinetext submission plugin extending submission plugin base class |
Cassign_plugin_manager | Class that handles the display and configuration of the list of submission plugins |
Cassign_upgrade_manager | Class to manage upgrades from mod_assignment to mod_assign |
Cassignfeedback_editpdf\annotation | This class adds and removes annotations from a page of a response |
Cassignfeedback_editpdf\combined_document | The combined_document class for the assignfeedback_editpdf plugin |
Cassignfeedback_editpdf\comment | This class represents a comment box on a page of feedback |
Cassignfeedback_editpdf\comments_quick_list | This class performs crud operations on a users quicklist comments |
Cassignfeedback_editpdf\document_services | Functions for generating the annotated pdf |
Cassignfeedback_editpdf\event\observer | An event observer |
Cassignfeedback_editpdf\page_editor | This class performs crud operations on comments and annotations from a page of a response |
Cassignfeedback_file_zip_importer | Library class for importing feedback files from a zip |
Cassignfeedback_offline_grade_importer | CSV Grade importer |
Casync_helper | Helper functions for asynchronous backups and restores |
Cauth_oauth2\api | Static list of api methods for auth oauth2 configuration |
►Cauth_plugin_base | Abstract authentication plugin |
►Cauth_oauth2\auth | Plugin for oauth2 authentication |
Cauth_plugin_oauth2 | Plugin for oauth2 authentication |
Cauth_plugin_db | External database authentication plugin |
Cauth_plugin_email | Email authentication plugin |
►Cauth_plugin_ldap | LDAP authentication plugin |
Cauth_plugin_cas | CAS authentication plugin |
Cauth_plugin_lti | LTI Authentication plugin |
Cauth_plugin_manual | Manual authentication plugin |
Cauth_plugin_mnet | Moodle Network authentication plugin |
Cauth_plugin_nologin | Plugin for no authentication - disabled user |
Cauth_plugin_none | Plugin for no authentication |
Cauth_plugin_shibboleth | Shibboleth authentication plugin |
Cauth_plugin_webservice | Web service auth plugin |
Cauth_shibboleth\helper | The helper class for the Shibboleth authentication plugin |
Cavailability_grade\callbacks | Callbacks handling grade changes (to clear cache) |
►Caward_criteria | Award criteria abstract definition |
Caward_criteria_activity | Badge award criteria – award on activity completion |
Caward_criteria_badge | Badge award criteria – award on badge completion |
Caward_criteria_cohort | Badge award criteria – award on cohort membership |
Caward_criteria_competency | Badge award criteria – award on competency completion |
Caward_criteria_course | Badge award criteria – award on course completion |
Caward_criteria_courseset | Badge award criteria – award on courseset completion |
Caward_criteria_manual | Manual badge award criteria |
Caward_criteria_overall | Overall badge award criteria |
Caward_criteria_profile | Profile completion badge award criteria |
Cbackup_anonymizer_helper | Helper class for anonymization of data |
►Cbackup_block_structure_step | |
Cbackup_rss_client_block_structure_step | Define all the backup steps that wll be used by the backup_rss_client_block_task |
Cbackup_check | Non instantiable helper class providing different backup checks |
Cbackup_cron_automated_helper | This class is an abstract class with methods that can be called to aid the running of automated backups over cron |
►Cbackup_dbops | Base abstract class for all the helper classes providing DB operations |
Cbackup_controller_dbops | Non instantiable helper class providing DB support to the @backup_controller |
Cbackup_plan_dbops | Non instantiable helper class providing DB support to the @backup_plan class |
Cbackup_question_dbops | Non instantiable helper class providing DB support to the questions backup stuff |
Cbackup_structure_dbops | Non instantiable helper class providing DB support to the backup_structure stuff |
Cbackup_factory | Non instantiable factory class providing different backup object instances |
Cbackup_file_manager | Collection of helper functions to handle files |
►Cbackup_helper | Base abstract class for all the helper classes providing various operations |
Cbackup_general_helper | Non instantiable helper class providing general helper methods for backup/restore |
Cbackup_plan_builder | Abstract class defining the static method in charge of building the whole backup plan, based in @backup_controller preferences |
►Cbackup_plugin | Class implementing the plugins support for moodle2 backups |
Cbackup_coursereport_plugin | |
►Cbackup_enrol_plugin | Base class for enrol backup plugins |
Cbackup_enrol_lti_plugin | Define all the backup steps |
Cbackup_format_plugin | Class extending standard backup_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with the course formats (format plugin) |
►Cbackup_gradingform_plugin | |
Cbackup_gradingform_guide_plugin | Defines marking guide backup structures |
Cbackup_gradingform_rubric_plugin | Defines rubric backup structures |
Cbackup_local_plugin | Class extending standard backup_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with the local plugins |
Cbackup_plagiarism_plugin | Class extending standard backup_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with the plagiarism plugins (plagiarism plugin) |
►Cbackup_qtype_plugin | Class extending standard backup_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with the questions (qtype plugin) |
►Cbackup_qtype_calculated_plugin | Provides the information to backup calculated questions |
Cbackup_qtype_calculatedmulti_plugin | Provides the information to backup calculatedmulti questions |
Cbackup_qtype_calculatedsimple_plugin | Provides the information to backup calculatedsimple questions |
Cbackup_qtype_ddimageortext_plugin | Provides the information to backup ddimageortext questions |
Cbackup_qtype_ddmarker_plugin | Provides the information to backup ddmarker questions |
Cbackup_qtype_ddwtos_plugin | Provides the information to backup ddwtos questions |
Cbackup_qtype_essay_plugin | Provides the information to backup essay questions |
►Cbackup_qtype_extrafields_plugin | Class extending backup_qtype_plugin in order to use extra fields method |
Cbackup_qtype_shortanswer_plugin | Provides the information to backup shortanswer questions |
Cbackup_qtype_gapselect_plugin | Provides the information to backup gapselect questions |
Cbackup_qtype_match_plugin | Provides the information to backup match questions |
Cbackup_qtype_multianswer_plugin | Provides the information to backup multianswer questions |
Cbackup_qtype_multichoice_plugin | Provides the information to backup multichoice questions |
Cbackup_qtype_numerical_plugin | Provides the information to backup numerical questions |
Cbackup_qtype_randomsamatch_plugin | Provides the information to backup randomsamatch questions |
Cbackup_qtype_truefalse_plugin | Provides the information to backup truefalse questions |
Cbackup_report_plugin | |
Cbackup_theme_plugin | Base class for theme backup plugins |
Cbackup_tool_plugin | Admin tool backup plugin base class |
►Cbackup_questions_activity_structure_step | |
Cbackup_quiz_activity_structure_step | Define all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_quiz_activity_task |
►Cbackup_subplugin | Class implementing the subplugins support for moodle2 backups |
Cbackup_assignfeedback_comments_subplugin | Provides the information to backup comments feedback |
Cbackup_assignfeedback_editpdf_subplugin | Provides the information to backup feedback pdf annotations |
Cbackup_assignfeedback_file_subplugin | Provides the information to backup feedback files |
Cbackup_assignment_offline_subplugin | Backup subplugin class that provides the necessary information needed to backup one assignment->offline subplugin |
Cbackup_assignsubmission_file_subplugin | Provides the information to backup submission files |
Cbackup_assignsubmission_onlinetext_subplugin | Provides the information to backup onlinetext submissions |
Cbackup_ltiservice_gradebookservices_subplugin | Provides the information to backup gradebookservices lineitems |
Cbackup_mod_quiz_access_subplugin | Base class for backing up all the quiz settings and attempt data for an access rule quiz sub-plugin |
►Cbackup_tool_log_logstore_subplugin | Parent class of all the logstore subplugin implementations |
Cbackup_logstore_database_subplugin | |
Cbackup_logstore_standard_subplugin | |
Cbackup_workshopeval_best_subplugin | Provides the information to backup grading evaluation method 'Comparison with the best assessment' |
Cbackup_workshopform_accumulative_subplugin | Provides the information to backup accumulative grading strategy information |
Cbackup_workshopform_comments_subplugin | Provides the information to backup comments grading strategy information |
Cbackup_workshopform_numerrors_subplugin | Provides the information to backup numerrors grading strategy information |
Cbackup_workshopform_rubric_subplugin | Provides the information to backup rubric grading strategy information |
►Cbase_atom | Abstract class representing one atom (name/value) piece of information |
►Cbase_attribute | Abstract class representing one attribute atom (name/value) piece of information |
Cbackup_attribute | Instantiable class representing one attribute atom (name/value) piece of information on backup |
►Cbase_final_element | Abstract class representing one final element atom (name/value/parent) piece of information |
Cbackup_final_element | Instantiable class representing one final element atom (name/value/parent) piece of information on backup |
►Cbase_nested_element | Abstract class representing one nestable element (non final) piece of information |
►Cbackup_nested_element | Instantiable class representing one nestable element (non final) piece of information on backup |
Cbackup_logstore_database_nested_element | |
►Cbackup_optigroup_element | Instantiable class representing one optigroup element for conditional branching |
Cbackup_plugin_element | Implementation of backup_optigroup_element to be used by plugins stuff |
Cbackup_subplugin_element | Implementation of backup_optigroup_element to be used by subplugins stuff |
Cfile_nested_element | Implementation of backup_nested_element that provides special handling of files |
►Cbase_optigroup | Abstract class representing one optigroup for conditional branching |
Cbackup_optigroup | Instantiable class representing one optigroup element for conditional branching |
►Cbase_processor | Abstract class representing the required implementation for classes able to process structure classes |
Cbackup_structure_processor | Instantiable class defining the process of backup structures |
►Cbase_setting | This abstract class defines one basic setting |
►Cbackup_setting | Parent class for all backup settings |
►Cactivity_backup_setting | Abstract class containing all the common stuff for activity backup settings |
Cbackup_activity_generic_setting | Generic activity setting to pass various settings between tasks and steps |
Cbackup_activity_included_setting | Activity backup setting to control if activity will be included or no, depends of @backup_activities_setting and optionally parent section included setting |
Cbackup_activity_userinfo_setting | Activity backup setting to control if activity will include user information or no, depends of @backup_users_setting |
►Crestore_activity_generic_setting | Generic activity setting to pass various settings between tasks and steps |
Crestore_activity_included_setting | Activity backup setting to control if activity will be included or no, depends of @restore_activities_setting and optionally parent section included setting |
Crestore_activity_userinfo_setting | Activity backup setting to control if activity will include user information or no, depends of @restore_users_setting |
►Ccourse_backup_setting | Abstract class containing all the common stuff for course backup settings |
►Crestore_course_generic_setting | Generic course setting to pass various settings between tasks and steps |
Crestore_course_defaultcustom_setting | Setting to switch between current and new course name/startdate |
Crestore_course_generic_text_setting | |
Crestore_course_overwrite_conf_setting | Setting to define is we are going to overwrite course configuration |
►Croot_backup_setting | Abstract class containing all the common stuff for root backup settings |
►Cbackup_anonymize_setting | Root setting to control if backup will generate anonymized user info or no, depends of @backup_users_setting so only is available if the former is enabled (apart from security that can change it |
Cbackup_calendarevents_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include calender events or no (any level), depends of @backup_users_setting exactly in the same way than @backup_anonymize_setting so we extend from it |
Cbackup_comments_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include comments or no (any level), depends of @backup_users_setting exactly in the same way than @backup_anonymize_setting so we extend from it |
Cbackup_logs_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include logs or no (any level), depends of @backup_users_setting exactly in the same way than @backup_anonymize_setting so we extend from it |
Cbackup_role_assignments_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include role assignments or no (any level), depends of @backup_users_setting exactly in the same way than @backup_anonymize_setting so we extend from it |
Cbackup_userscompletion_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include users completion data or no (any level), depends of @backup_users_setting exactly in the same way than @backup_anonymize_setting so we extend from it |
►Cbackup_generic_setting | Root generic setting to store different things without dependencies |
Cbackup_activities_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include activities or no |
Cbackup_badges_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include badges or not, depends on @backup_activities_setting |
Cbackup_competencies_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include competencies or not |
Cbackup_customfield_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include custom field information |
Cbackup_filename_setting | Root setting to handle backup file names (no dependencies nor anything else) |
Cbackup_groups_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include group information depends on @backup_users_setting |
Cbackup_users_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include user information A lot of other settings are dependent of this (module's user info, grades user info, messages, blogs.. |
►Crestore_generic_setting | Root generic setting to store different things without dependencies |
Crestore_activities_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create activities A lot of other settings (_included at activity levels) are dependent of this setting |
Crestore_badges_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create badges or not, depends on @restore_activities_setting |
Crestore_competencies_setting | Root setting to control if competencies will also be restored |
Crestore_customfield_setting | Root setting to control if restore will include custom field information |
Crestore_groups_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create groups/grouping information |
Crestore_users_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create user information A lot of other settings are dependent of this (module's user info, grades user info, messages, blogs.. |
►Crestore_role_assignments_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create role assignments or no (any level), depends of @restore_users_setting |
Crestore_calendarevents_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create events or no, depends of @restore_users_setting exactly in the same way than @restore_role_assignments_setting so we extend from it |
Crestore_comments_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create comments or no, depends of @restore_users_setting exactly in the same way than @restore_role_assignments_setting so we extend from it |
Crestore_grade_histories_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create grade_histories or no, depends of @restore_users_setting exactly in the same way than @restore_role_assignments_setting so we extend from it |
Crestore_logs_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create logs or no, depends of @restore_users_setting exactly in the same way than @restore_role_assignments_setting so we extend from it |
Crestore_userscompletion_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create completion info or no, depends of @restore_users_setting exactly in the same way than @restore_role_assignments_setting so we extend from it |
►Csection_backup_setting | Abstract class containing all the common stuff for section backup settings |
Cbackup_section_generic_setting | Generic section setting to pass various settings between tasks and steps |
Cbackup_section_included_setting | Setting to define if one section is included or no |
Cbackup_section_userinfo_setting | Section backup setting to control if section will include user information or no, depends of @backup_users_setting |
►Crestore_section_generic_setting | Generic section setting to pass various settings between tasks and steps |
Crestore_section_included_setting | Setting to define if one section is included or no |
Crestore_section_userinfo_setting | Section backup setting to control if section will include user information or no, depends of @restore_users_setting |
►Cbase_setting_ui | Abstract class used to represent the user interface that a setting has |
►Cbackup_setting_ui | Abstract class to represent the user interface backup settings have |
Cbackup_setting_ui_checkbox | A checkbox user interface element for backup settings (default) |
Cbackup_setting_ui_radio | Radio button user interface element for backup settings |
Cbackup_setting_ui_select | A select box, drop down user interface for backup settings |
►Cbackup_setting_ui_text | A text input user interface element for backup settings |
Cbackup_setting_ui_dateselector | A date selector user interface widget for backup settings |
Cbackup_setting_ui_defaultcustom | A wrapper for defaultcustom form element - can have either text or date_selector type |
►Cbase_ui | This is the backup user interface class |
►Cbackup_ui | This is the backup user interface class |
Cimport_ui | Import UI class |
Crestore_ui | This is the restore user interface class |
►Cbase_ui_stage | Abstract stage class |
►Cbackup_ui_stage | Abstract stage class |
►Cbackup_ui_stage_confirmation | Confirmation stage |
Cimport_ui_stage_confirmation | Extends the confirmation stage |
►Cbackup_ui_stage_final | Final stage of backup |
Cbackup_ui_stage_complete | The completed backup stage |
Cimport_ui_stage_final | Overrides the final stage |
►Cbackup_ui_stage_initial | Class representing the initial stage of a backup |
Cimport_ui_stage_inital | Extends the initial stage |
►Cbackup_ui_stage_schema | Schema stage of backup process |
Cimport_ui_stage_schema | Extends the schema stage |
►Crestore_ui_stage | Abstract stage class |
►Crestore_ui_stage_process | Final stage of backup |
Crestore_ui_stage_complete | This is the completed stage |
Crestore_ui_stage_review | Confirmation stage |
Crestore_ui_stage_schema | Schema stage of backup process |
Crestore_ui_stage_settings | This stage is the settings stage |
►CExactNamedSelector | |
Cbehat_exact_named_selector | Moodle selectors manager |
►CPartialNamedSelector | |
Cbehat_partial_named_selector | |
►CRawMinkContext | |
►Cbehat_base | |
Cbehat_action_menu | |
►Cbehat_admin | |
Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_admin | |
Cbehat_app | |
Cbehat_assignfeedback_editpdf | |
Cbehat_auth | |
Cbehat_auth_email | |
Cbehat_backup | |
Cbehat_block_comments | |
Cbehat_block_site_main_menu | |
Cbehat_block_social_activities | |
►Cbehat_blocks | |
Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_blocks | |
Cbehat_calendar | |
Cbehat_cohort | |
Cbehat_completion | |
►Cbehat_course | |
Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_course | |
Cbehat_data_generators | |
Cbehat_deprecated | |
Cbehat_editor_atto | |
Cbehat_enrol | |
Cbehat_filepicker | |
Cbehat_filters | |
Cbehat_forms | |
Cbehat_general | |
►Cbehat_grade | |
Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_grade | |
Cbehat_gradereport_grader | Steps definitions related with the drag and drop onto image question type |
Cbehat_grading | |
Cbehat_gradingform_guide | |
Cbehat_gradingform_rubric | |
Cbehat_groups | |
Cbehat_login | |
Cbehat_message | |
Cbehat_message_popup | |
Cbehat_mod_choice | |
Cbehat_mod_data | |
Cbehat_mod_feedback | Steps definitions related to mod_feedback |
►Cbehat_mod_forum | |
Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_mod_forum | |
Cbehat_mod_glossary | |
Cbehat_mod_workshop | |
►Cbehat_navigation | |
Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_navigation | |
Cbehat_permissions | |
Cbehat_qtype_ddimageortext | Steps definitions related with the drag and drop onto image question type |
Cbehat_qtype_ddmarker | Steps definitions related with the drag and drop markers question type |
Cbehat_qtype_ddwtos | Steps definitions related with the drag and drop into text question type |
Cbehat_qtype_gapselect | Steps definitions related with for the select missing words question type |
►Cbehat_question_base | |
Cbehat_core_form | Steps definitions related to core_form |
►Cbehat_mod_quiz | Steps definitions related to mod_quiz |
Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_mod_quiz | |
Cbehat_question | |
Cbehat_report_outline | Class behat_report_outline custom Behat steps for report_outline |
►Cbehat_repository_upload | |
Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_repository_upload | |
Cbehat_search | |
Cbehat_tool_dataprivacy | |
Cbehat_tool_langimport | |
Cbehat_tool_lp | |
Cbehat_tool_lp_data_generators | |
Cbehat_tool_policy | |
Cbehat_tool_task | Behat step definitions for scheduled task administration |
Cbehat_tool_usertours | |
Cbehat_transformations | |
Cbehat_user | |
Cbehat_workshopallocation_manual | |
Cbehat_command | |
Cbehat_component_named_replacement | |
Cbehat_component_named_selector | |
Cbehat_config_manager | |
Cbehat_config_util | Behat configuration manager |
Cbehat_context_helper | |
Cbehat_field_manager | |
►Cbehat_form_field | |
►Cbehat_form_checkbox | |
Cbehat_form_radio | |
Cbehat_form_filemanager | |
►Cbehat_form_group | |
►Cbehat_form_date_selector | |
Cbehat_form_date_time_selector | |
►Cbehat_form_select | |
Cbehat_form_modvisible | |
Cbehat_form_selectyesno | |
►Cbehat_form_text | |
Cbehat_form_autocomplete | |
Cbehat_form_passwordunmask | |
►Cbehat_form_textarea | |
Cbehat_form_availability | |
Cbehat_form_editor | |
►Cbehat_generator_base | |
Cbehat_core_generator | |
Cbehat_core_question_generator | Behat data generator for core_question |
Cbehat_mod_quiz_generator | Behat data generator for mod_quiz |
Cbehat_selectors | |
►Cblock_base | Class for describing a moodle block, all Moodle blocks derive from this class |
Cblock_activity_results | Block activity_results class definition |
Cblock_admin_bookmarks | The admin bookmarks block class |
Cblock_badges | Displays recent badges |
Cblock_blog_menu | The blog menu block class |
Cblock_blog_recent | This block simply outputs a list of links to recent blog entries, depending on the context of the current page |
Cblock_blog_tags | |
Cblock_calendar_month | |
Cblock_calendar_upcoming | |
Cblock_comments | |
Cblock_completionstatus | Course completion status |
Cblock_course_summary | |
Cblock_globalsearch | Global search block |
Cblock_glossary_random | |
Cblock_html | |
►Cblock_list | Specialized class for displaying a block with a list of icons/text labels |
Cblock_activity_modules | |
Cblock_course_list | |
Cblock_feedback | |
Cblock_mnet_hosts | |
Cblock_site_main_menu | |
Cblock_social_activities | |
Cblock_tree | Specialized class for displaying a tree menu |
Cblock_login | |
Cblock_lp | Block LP class |
Cblock_mentees | |
Cblock_myoverview | My overview block class |
Cblock_myprofile | Displays the current user's profile information |
Cblock_navigation | |
Cblock_news_items | Class block_news_items |
Cblock_online_users | This block needs to be reworked |
Cblock_private_files | |
Cblock_quiz_results | Block quiz_results class definition |
Cblock_recent_activity | Class block_recent_activity |
Cblock_recentlyaccessedcourses | Recently accessed courses block class |
Cblock_recentlyaccesseditems | Recently accessed items block class |
Cblock_rss_client | A block which displays Remote feeds |
Cblock_search_forums | |
Cblock_section_links | Section links block class |
Cblock_selfcompletion | Self course completion marking Let's a user manually complete a course |
Cblock_settings | The settings navigation tree block class |
Cblock_starredcourses | Starred courses block definition class |
Cblock_tag_flickr | |
Cblock_tag_youtube | |
Cblock_tags | |
Cblock_timeline | Timeline block class |
Cblock_contents | |
►Cblock_manager | This class keeps track of the block that should appear on a moodle_page |
Cmy_syspage_block_manager | |
Cblock_move_target | |
Cblock_online_users\fetcher | Class used to list and count online users |
Cblock_recent_activity_observer | Event observer |
Cblock_recentlyaccesseditems\helper | Recently accessed items helper |
Cblock_recentlyaccesseditems\observer | Events observer |
►Cblog_filter | Abstract class for blog_filter objects |
Cblog_filter_context | This filter defines the context level of the blog entries being searched: site, course, module |
Cblog_filter_entry | This filter defines a specific blog entry id |
Cblog_filter_search | Filter used to perform full-text search on an entry's subject, summary and content |
Cblog_filter_since | This filter restricts the results to a time interval in seconds up to time() |
Cblog_filter_tag | This filter defines a tag by which blog entries should be searched |
Cblog_filter_user | This filter defines the user level of the blog entries being searched: a userid or a groupid |
Cblog_listing | Abstract Blog_Listing class: used to gather blog entries and output them as listings |
Cbootstrap_renderer | This class solves the problem of how to initialise $OUTPUT |
Cboxclient | |
Ccache_config | |
►Ccache_config_writer | |
Ccache_config_disabled | The cache config class used when the Cache has been disabled |
►Ccache_data_source | |
Ccore_message\time_last_message_between_users | |
Cquestion_finder | Class for loading questions according to various criteria |
Ccache_definition | |
►Ccache_factory | The cache factory class |
Ccache_factory_disabled | The cache factory class used when the Cache has been disabled |
Ccache_helper | |
►Ccache_is_configurable | Cache store feature: configurable |
Ccachestore_apcu | The APCu cache store class |
Ccachestore_file | The file store class |
Ccachestore_memcached | The memcached store |
Ccachestore_mongodb | The MongoDB Cache store |
Ccachestore_redis | Redis Cache Store |
►Ccache_is_key_aware | Cache store feature: key awareness |
Ccachestore_apcu | The APCu cache store class |
Ccachestore_file | The file store class |
Ccachestore_redis | Redis Cache Store |
Ccachestore_session | The Session store class |
Ccachestore_static | The static store class |
►Ccache_is_lockable | Cache store feature: locking |
Ccachestore_redis | Redis Cache Store |
►Ccache_is_searchable | Cache store feature: keys are searchable |
Ccachestore_file | The file store class |
Ccachestore_redis | Redis Cache Store |
Ccachestore_session | The Session store class |
Ccachestore_static | The static store class |
►Ccache_loader | Cache Loader |
►Ccache | |
Ccache_application | An application cache |
Ccache_disabled | Required as it is needed for cache_config_disabled which extends cache_config_writer |
Ccache_request | An request cache |
Ccache_session | A session cache |
►Ccache_loader_with_locking | Cache Loader supporting locking |
Ccache_application | An application cache |
►Ccache_lock_interface | Cache lock interface |
Ccachelock_file | File locking plugin |
►Ccache_store_interface | |
►Ccache_store | |
Ccachestore_apcu | The APCu cache store class |
Ccachestore_dummy | The cache dummy store |
Ccachestore_file | The file store class |
Ccachestore_memcached | The memcached store |
Ccachestore_mongodb | The MongoDB Cache store |
Ccachestore_redis | Redis Cache Store |
►Csession_data_store | The session data store class |
Ccachestore_session | The Session store class |
►Cstatic_data_store | The static data store class |
Ccachestore_static | The static store class |
►Ccacheable_object | Cacheable object |
Ccore_course_category | |
►Crepository | This is the base class of the repository class |
Crepository_areafiles | Main class responsible for files listing in repostiory_areafiles |
Crepository_boxnet | Repository_boxnet class implements client |
Crepository_coursefiles | Repository_coursefiles class is used to browse course files |
Crepository_dropbox | Repository to access Dropbox files |
Crepository_equella | Repository_equella class implements equella_client |
Crepository_filesystem | Repository_filesystem class |
Crepository_flickr | This plugin is used to access user's private flickr repository |
Crepository_flickr_public | Repository_flickr_public class This one is used to create public repository You can set up a public account in admin page, so everyone can access flickr photos from this plugin |
Crepository_googledocs | Google Docs Plugin |
Crepository_local | Repository_local class is used to browse moodle files |
Crepository_merlot | Repository_merlot is used to search in moodle |
Crepository_nextcloud | Nextcloud repository class |
Crepository_onedrive | Microsoft onedrive repository plugin |
Crepository_picasa | Picasa Repository Plugin |
Crepository_recent | |
Crepository_s3 | This is a repository class used to browse Amazon S3 content |
Crepository_skydrive | Microsoft skydrive repository plugin |
Crepository_upload | A repository plugin to allow user uploading files |
Crepository_url | Repository_url class A subclass of repository, which is used to download a file from a specific url |
Crepository_user | Repository_user class is used to browse user private files |
Crepository_webdav | Repository_webdav class |
Crepository_wikimedia | Repository_wikimedia class This is a class used to browse images from wikimedia |
Crepository_youtube | Repository_youtube class |
Crepository_type | This class is used to manage repository plugins |
Ccached_cm_info | Class that is the return value for the _get_coursemodule_info module API function |
Ccalc_formula | This class abstracts evaluation of spreadsheet formulas |
Ccalendar_event | |
Ccalendar_information | |
Ccc11_resource_type | |
Ccc1_resource_type | |
►Ccc2moodle | |
Ccc112moodle | |
Ccc_assesment_helper | |
Ccc_assesment_matbreak | |
►Ccc_assesment_matref | |
Ccc_assesment_response_matref | |
►Ccc_assesment_question_proc_base | |
Ccc_assesment_question_essay | |
Ccc_assesment_question_multichoice | |
Ccc_assesment_question_multichoice_multiresponse | |
Ccc_assesment_question_sfib | |
Ccc_assesment_question_truefalse | |
Ccc_builder_creator | Factory pattern class Create the version class to use |
Ccc_convert_moodle2 | |
►Ccc_converter | |
Ccc_converter_basiclti | |
Ccc_converter_folder | |
Ccc_converter_forum | |
Ccc_converter_label | |
Ccc_converter_lti | |
Ccc_converter_page | |
Ccc_converter_quiz | |
Ccc_converter_resource | |
Ccc_converter_url | |
Ccc_helpers | Various helper utils |
►Ccc_i_item | CC Item Interface |
Ccc_item | Item Class |
►Ccc_i_manifest | CC Manifest Interface |
Ccc_manifest | Manifest Class |
►Ccc_i_metadata_file | CC Metadata File Interface |
Ccc_metadata_file | Metadata File |
►Ccc_i_metadata_manifest | CC Metadata Manifest Interface |
Ccc_metadata_manifest | Metadata Manifest |
►Ccc_i_metadata_resource | CC Metadata Resource Interface |
Ccc_metadata_resouce | Metadata Resource |
►Ccc_i_organization | CC Organization Interface |
Ccc_organization | Organization Class |
►Ccc_i_resource | CC Resource Interface |
Ccc_resource | Resource Class |
Ccc_metadata_file_educational | Metadata File Education Type |
Ccc_metadata_general | Metadata General Type |
Ccc_metadata_lifecycle | Metadata Lifecycle Type |
Ccc_metadata_resouce_educational | Metadata Resource Educational Type |
Ccc_metadata_rights | Metadata Rights Type |
Ccc_metadata_technical | Metadata Technical Type |
Ccc_qti_metadata | |
Ccc_qti_profiletype | |
Ccc_qti_tags | |
Ccc_qti_values | |
►Ccc_question_metadata_base | |
Ccc_assesment_decvartype | |
Ccc_assesment_flow_labeltype | |
Ccc_assesment_flow_mat_base | |
Ccc_assesment_flow_mattype | |
Ccc_assesment_flowtype | |
►Ccc_assesment_itemfeedback_shintmaterial_base | |
Ccc_assesment_itemfeedback_hintmaterial | |
Ccc_assesment_itemfeedback_solutionmaterial | |
►Ccc_assesment_itemfeedback_shintype_base | |
Ccc_assesment_itemfeedbac_hinttype | |
Ccc_assesment_itemfeedback_solutiontype | |
Ccc_assesment_itemfeedbacktype | |
Ccc_assesment_itemmetadata | |
►Ccc_assesment_material_base | |
Ccc_assesment_altmaterial | |
Ccc_assesment_material | |
Ccc_assesment_mattext | |
Ccc_assesment_metadata | |
Ccc_assesment_presentation | |
Ccc_assesment_presentation_material_base | |
Ccc_assesment_render_choicetype | |
Ccc_assesment_render_fibtype | |
Ccc_assesment_respconditiontype | |
Ccc_assesment_response_labeltype | |
Ccc_assesment_resprocessingtype | |
Ccc_assesment_rubric_base | |
►Ccc_assesment_section | |
Ccc_assesment_section_item | |
Ccc_assignment_conditionvar | |
Ccc_assignment_conditionvar_andtype | |
Ccc_assignment_conditionvar_othertype | |
►Ccc_assignment_conditionvar_varequaltype | |
Ccc_assignment_conditionvar_varsubstringtype | |
Ccc_assignment_displayfeedbacktype | |
Ccc_assignment_setvartype | |
Ccc_question_metadata | |
►Ccc_response_lidtype | |
Ccc_assesment_response_strtype | |
Ccc_resource_location | |
►Ccc_validate_type | |
Cassesment_validator | |
Cblti_validator | |
Cdiscussion_validator | |
Cmanifest10_validator | |
Cmanifest_validator | |
Cweblink_validator | |
Ccc_version | Common Cartridge Version |
►Ccc_version_base | Abstract Version Base class |
►Ccc_version1 | Version 1 class of Common Cartridge |
Ccc_version11 | Version 1.1 class of Common Cartridge |
Ccc_xml_namespace | |
►Cchecksumable | Interface to apply to all the classes we want to calculate their checksum |
►Cbackup | Abstract class defining common stuff to be used by the backup stuff |
►Cbase_controller | |
Cbackup_controller | Class implementing the controller of any backup process |
Crestore_controller | Class implementing the controller of any restore process |
Cbackup_setting | Parent class for all backup settings |
►Cbase_logger | Base abstract class for all the loggers to be used in backup/restore |
Ccore_backup_html_logger | |
Cdatabase_logger | Logger implementation that sends messages to database |
Cerror_log_logger | Logger implementation that sends messages to error_log() |
Cfile_logger | Logger implementation that sends indented messages (depth option) to one file |
Coutput_indented_logger | Logger implementation that sends indented messages (depth option) to output |
Coutput_text_logger | Logger implementation that sends text messages to output |
►Cbase_plan | Abstract class defining the basis for one execution (backup/restore) plan |
Cbackup_plan | Implementable class defining the needed stuf for one backup plan |
Crestore_plan | Implementable class defining the needed stuf for one restore plan |
►Cbase_task | Abstract class defining the basis for one execution (backup/restore) task |
►Cbackup_task | Abstract class defining the needed stuf for one backup task (a collection of steps) |
►Cbackup_activity_task | Provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of the activity |
Cbackup_assign_activity_task | Assign backup task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of the activity |
Cbackup_assignment_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Assignment instance |
Cbackup_book_activity_task | |
Cbackup_chat_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Chat instance |
Cbackup_choice_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Choice instance |
Cbackup_data_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Database instance |
Cbackup_feedback_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Feedback instance |
Cbackup_folder_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Folder instance |
Cbackup_forum_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Forum instance |
Cbackup_glossary_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Glossary instance |
Cbackup_imscp_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the IMSCP instance |
Cbackup_label_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Label instance |
Cbackup_lesson_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Lesson instance |
Cbackup_lti_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the LTI instance |
Cbackup_page_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Page instance |
Cbackup_quiz_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Quiz instance |
Cbackup_resource_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Resource instance |
Cbackup_scorm_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the SCORM instance |
Cbackup_survey_activity_task | Provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of the activity |
Cbackup_url_activity_task | Provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of the activity |
Cbackup_wiki_activity_task | Provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of the activity |
Cbackup_workshop_activity_task | Provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of workshop activity |
►Cbackup_block_task | Abstract block task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed when one block is being backup |
Cbackup_default_block_task | Default block task to backup blocks that haven't own DB structures to be added when one block is being backup |
Cbackup_html_block_task | Specialised backup task for the html block (requires encode_content_links in some configdata attrs) |
Cbackup_rss_client_block_task | Specialised backup task for the rss_client block (has own DB structures to backup) |
Cbackup_course_task | Course task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed when one course is being backup |
Cbackup_final_task | Final task that provides all the final steps necessary in order to finish one backup (mainly gathering references and creating the main xml) apart from some final cleaning |
Cbackup_root_task | Start task that provides all the settings common to all backups and some initialization steps |
Cbackup_section_task | Section task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed when one section is being backup |
►Crestore_task | Abstract class defining the needed stuf for one restore task (a collection of steps) |
►Crestore_activity_task | Abstract activity task that provides all the properties and common tasks to be performed when one activity is being restored |
Crestore_assign_activity_task | Assign restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_assignment_activity_task | Assignment restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_book_activity_task | |
Crestore_chat_activity_task | Chat restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_choice_activity_task | Choice restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_data_activity_task | Data restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_feedback_activity_task | Feedback restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_folder_activity_task | Folder restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_forum_activity_task | Forum restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_glossary_activity_task | Glossary restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_imscp_activity_task | Provides the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_label_activity_task | Label restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_lesson_activity_task | Lesson restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_lti_activity_task | Basiclti restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_page_activity_task | Page restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_quiz_activity_task | Quiz restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_resource_activity_task | Resource restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_scorm_activity_task | Scorm restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_survey_activity_task | Survey restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_url_activity_task | Url restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_wiki_activity_task | Wiki restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_workshop_activity_task | Workshop restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
►Crestore_block_task | Abstract block task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed when one block is being restored |
Crestore_activity_results_block_task | Specialised restore task for the activity_results block (using execute_after_tasks for recoding of target activity) |
Crestore_default_block_task | Default block task to restore blocks not having own DB structures to be added |
Crestore_glossary_random_block_task | Specialised restore task for the glossary_random block (using execute_after_tasks for recoding of glossaryid) |
Crestore_html_block_task | Specialised restore task for the html block (requires encode_content_links in some configdata attrs) |
Crestore_quiz_results_block_task | Specialised restore task for the quiz_results block (using execute_after_tasks for recoding of target quiz) |
Crestore_rss_client_block_task | Specialised restore task for the rss_client block (has own DB structures to backup) |
Crestore_tags_block_task | Specialised restore task for the tags block (using execute_after_tasks for recoding of tag collection id) |
Crestore_course_task | Course task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed when one course is being restored |
Crestore_final_task | Final task that provides all the final steps necessary in order to finish one restore like gradebook, interlinks.. |
Crestore_root_task | Start task that provides all the settings common to all restores and other initial steps |
Crestore_section_task | Section task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed when one section is being restored |
Ccomment | |
Ccomment_manager | Comment_manager is helper class to manage moodle comments in admin page (Reports->Comments) |
Ccompletion_info | |
►Ccomponent_generator_base | Component generator base class |
Ccore_competency_generator | |
Ccore_customfield_generator | |
Ccore_grading_generator | |
Ccore_h5p_generator | |
Ccore_notes_generator | |
Ccore_question_generator | |
Ccore_search_generator | |
Cgradingform_guide_generator | |
Cgradingform_rubric_generator | |
►Ctesting_block_generator | |
Cblock_online_users_generator | |
►Ctesting_module_generator | |
Cmod_assign_generator | |
Cmod_assignment_generator | |
Cmod_book_generator | |
Cmod_chat_generator | |
Cmod_choice_generator | |
Cmod_data_generator | |
Cmod_feedback_generator | |
Cmod_folder_generator | |
Cmod_forum_generator | |
Cmod_glossary_generator | |
Cmod_imscp_generator | |
Cmod_label_generator | |
Cmod_lesson_generator | |
Cmod_lti_generator | |
Cmod_page_generator | |
Cmod_quiz_generator | |
Cmod_resource_generator | Resource module data generator class |
Cmod_scorm_generator | |
Cmod_survey_generator | |
Cmod_url_generator | |
Cmod_wiki_generator | |
Cmod_workshop_generator | |
Ctool_monitor_generator | |
►Ctesting_repository_generator | |
Crepository_boxnet_generator | |
Crepository_coursefiles_generator | |
Crepository_dropbox_generator | |
Crepository_equella_generator | |
Crepository_filesystem_generator | |
Crepository_flickr_generator | |
Crepository_flickr_public_generator | |
Crepository_googledocs_generator | |
Crepository_local_generator | |
Crepository_merlot_generator | |
Crepository_nextcloud_generator | Data generator for repository plugin |
Crepository_picasa_generator | |
Crepository_recent_generator | |
Crepository_s3_generator | |
Crepository_upload_generator | |
Crepository_url_generator | |
Crepository_user_generator | |
Crepository_webdav_generator | |
Crepository_wikimedia_generator | |
Crepository_youtube_generator | |
Ctool_dataprivacy_generator | |
Ccomponent_installer | This class is used to check, download and install items from to the moodledata directory |
Ccontext_to_string_translator | Converts contextlevels to strings and back to help with reading/writing contexts to/from import/export files |
Cconvert_factory | Factory class to create new instances of backup converters |
Cconvert_helper | Provides various functionality via its static methods |
Cconvert_path | Class representing a path to be converted from XML file |
Ccore\access\get_user_capability_course_helper | Helper functions to implement the complex get_user_capability_course function |
Ccore\antivirus\manager | Class used for various antivirus related stuff |
►Ccore\antivirus\scanner | Base abstract antivirus scanner class |
Cantivirus_clamav\scanner | Class implementing ClamAV antivirus |
►Ccore\dataformat\base | Base class for dataformat |
►Ccore\dataformat\spout_base | Common Spout class for dataformat |
Cdataformat_csv\writer | CSV data format writer |
Cdataformat_excel\writer | Excel data format writer |
Cdataformat_ods\writer | ODS data format writer |
Cdataformat_html\writer | Html data format writer |
Cdataformat_json\writer | JSON data format writer |
Cdataformat_pdf\writer | Pdf data format writer |
Ccore\dml\sql_join | |
Ccore\dml\table | Helpers and methods relating to DML tables |
Ccore\event\manager | Class used for event dispatching |
►Ccore\external\exporter | Generic exporter to take a stdClass and prepare it for return by webservice, or as the context for a template |
Ccore_competency\external\recentlyaccesseditems_item_exporter | Class for exporting the data needed to render a recent accessed item |
Ccore\external\coursecat_summary_exporter | Class for exporting a course summary from an stdClass |
Ccore\external\paged_content_exporter | Paged Content exporter |
►Ccore\external\persistent_exporter | Abstract exporter based on the persistent model |
Ccore_competency\external\competency_exporter | Class for exporting competency data |
Ccore_competency\external\competency_framework_exporter | Class for exporting competency_framework data |
Ccore_competency\external\course_competency_exporter | Class for exporting course competency data |
Ccore_competency\external\course_competency_settings_exporter | Class for exporting course_competency_settings data |
Ccore_competency\external\course_module_competency_exporter | Class for exporting course module competency data |
Ccore_competency\external\evidence_exporter | Class for exporting evidence data |
Ccore_competency\external\plan_competency_exporter | Class for exporting plan competency data |
Ccore_competency\external\plan_exporter | Class for exporting plan data |
Ccore_competency\external\related_competency_exporter | Class for exporting related competency data |
Ccore_competency\external\template_competency_exporter | Class for exporting template competency data |
Ccore_competency\external\template_exporter | Class for exporting template data |
Ccore_competency\external\user_competency_course_exporter | Class for exporting user competency course data |
Ccore_competency\external\user_competency_exporter | Class for exporting user competency data |
Ccore_competency\external\user_competency_plan_exporter | Class for exporting plan competency data |
Ccore_competency\external\user_evidence_competency_exporter | User evidence competency exporter class |
Ccore_competency\external\user_evidence_exporter | Class for exporting user_evidence data |
Ctool_dataprivacy\external\category_exporter | Class for exporting field data |
Ctool_dataprivacy\external\context_instance_exporter | Class for exporting context instance |
Ctool_dataprivacy\external\data_request_exporter | Class for exporting user evidence with all competencies |
Ctool_dataprivacy\external\purpose_exporter | Class for exporting field data |
Ctool_lp\external\user_evidence_summary_exporter | Class for exporting user evidence with all competencies |
Ccore_badges\external\alignment_exporter | Class for displaying a badge alignment |
Ccore_badges\external\assertion_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
Ccore_badges\external\backpack_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
Ccore_badges\external\badgeclass_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
Ccore_badges\external\collection_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
Ccore_badges\external\endorsement_exporter | Class for displaying a badge endorsement |
Ccore_badges\external\issuer_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
Ccore_badges\external\recipient_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
Ccore_badges\external\related_info_exporter | Class for displaying information of a related badge |
Ccore_badges\external\user_badge_exporter | Class for displaying a badge issued to a user |
Ccore_badges\external\verification_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
Ccore_blog\external\post_exporter | Class for exporting a blog post (entry) |
Ccore_calendar\external\calendar_day_exporter | Class for displaying the day view |
Ccore_calendar\external\calendar_upcoming_exporter | Class for displaying the day view |
Ccore_calendar\external\date_exporter | Class for normalising the date data |
►Ccore_calendar\external\day_exporter | Class for displaying the day view |
Ccore_calendar\external\week_day_exporter | Class for displaying the day on month view |
Ccore_calendar\external\day_name_exporter | Class for displaying the day view |
Ccore_calendar\external\event_action_exporter | Class for displaying a calendar event's action |
►Ccore_calendar\external\event_exporter_base | Class for displaying a calendar event |
Ccore_calendar\external\calendar_event_exporter | Class for displaying a calendar event |
Ccore_calendar\external\event_exporter | Class for displaying a calendar event |
Ccore_calendar\external\event_icon_exporter | Class for displaying a calendar event's icon |
Ccore_calendar\external\event_subscription_exporter | Class for displaying a calendar event's subscription |
►Ccore_calendar\external\events_exporter | Class for displaying a list of calendar events |
Ccore_calendar\external\events_same_course_exporter | Class for displaying a list of calendar events for a single course |
Ccore_calendar\external\events_grouped_by_course_exporter | Class for displaying a list of calendar events grouped by course id |
Ccore_calendar\external\footer_options_exporter | Class for exporting calendar footer view options data |
Ccore_calendar\external\month_exporter | Class for displaying the month view |
Ccore_calendar\external\week_exporter | Class for displaying the week view |
Ccore_cohort\external\cohort_summary_exporter | Class for exporting a cohort summary from an stdClass |
Ccore_comment\external\comment_area_exporter | Class for exporting a comment area |
Ccore_course\external\course_module_summary_exporter | Class for exporting a course module summary from a cm_info class |
Ccore_course\external\course_summary_exporter | Class for exporting a course summary from an stdClass |
Ccore_files\external\stored_file_exporter | Class for exporting stored_file data |
Ccore_question\external\question_icon_exporter | Class for exporting a question from an stdClass |
Ccore_question\external\question_summary_exporter | Class for exporting a question summary from an stdClass |
Ccore_tag\external\tag_area_exporter | Contains related class for displaying information of a tag area |
Ccore_tag\external\tag_collection_exporter | Contains related class for displaying information of a tag collection |
Ccore_tag\external\tag_item_exporter | Contains related class for displaying information of a tag item |
Ccore_competency\external\user_summary_exporter | Class for exporting a user summary from an stdClass |
Cmod_chat\external\chat_message_exporter | Class for exporting a chat message |
Cmod_data\external\content_exporter | Class for exporting content associated to a record |
Cmod_data\external\database_summary_exporter | Class for exporting partial database data (some fields are only viewable by admins) |
Cmod_data\external\field_exporter | Class for exporting field data |
Cmod_data\external\record_exporter | Class for exporting record data |
Cmod_feedback\external\feedback_completed_exporter | Class for exporting a feedback completion record |
Cmod_feedback\external\feedback_completedtmp_exporter | Class for exporting a feedback temporary completion record |
Cmod_feedback\external\feedback_item_exporter | Class for exporting a feedback item (question) |
Cmod_feedback\external\feedback_summary_exporter | Class for exporting partial feedback data (some fields are only viewable by admins) |
Cmod_feedback\external\feedback_value_exporter | Class for exporting a feedback response |
Cmod_feedback\external\feedback_valuetmp_exporter | Class for exporting a feedback tmp response |
Cmod_forum\local\exporters\author | Author exporter |
Cmod_forum\local\exporters\discussion | Discussion exporter class |
Cmod_forum\local\exporters\discussion_summaries | Discussion summaries exporter |
Cmod_forum\local\exporters\discussion_summary | Discussion summary exporter class |
Cmod_forum\local\exporters\forum | Forum class |
Cmod_forum\local\exporters\group | Group exporter |
Cmod_forum\local\exporters\post | Post exporter class |
Cmod_forum\local\exporters\posts | Posts exporter class |
Cmod_lesson\external\lesson_summary_exporter | Class for exporting partial lesson data (some fields are only viewable by admins) |
Cmod_workshop\external\assessment_exporter | Class for exporting assessment data |
Cmod_workshop\external\submission_exporter | Class for exporting submission data |
Cmod_workshop\external\workshop_summary_exporter | Class for exporting partial workshop data (some fields are only viewable by admins) |
Ctool_dataprivacy\external\name_description_exporter | Class that exports an object containing a name and a description |
Ctool_lp\external\competency_path_exporter | Class for exporting competency_path data |
Ctool_lp\external\competency_summary_exporter | Class for exporting competency data with additional related data |
Ctool_lp\external\course_competency_statistics_exporter | Class for exporting a course competency statistics summary |
Ctool_lp\external\path_node_exporter | Class for exporting path_node data |
Ctool_lp\external\template_statistics_exporter | Class for exporting a cohort summary from an stdClass |
Ctool_lp\external\user_competency_summary_exporter | Class for exporting user competency data with additional related data |
Ctool_lp\external\user_competency_summary_in_course_exporter | Class for exporting user competency data with additional related data in a plan |
Ctool_lp\external\user_competency_summary_in_plan_exporter | Class for exporting user competency data with additional related data in a plan |
Ctool_lp\external\user_evidence_competency_summary_exporter | Class for exporting user evidence competency data |
Ctool_policy\policy_exporter | Exporter of a policy document model |
Ctool_policy\policy_version_exporter | Exporter of a single policy document version |
►Ccore\files\curl_security_helper_base | Security helper for the curl class |
Ccore\files\curl_security_helper | Host and port checking for curl |
Ccore\hub\api | Provides methods to communicate with the hub (sites directory) web services |
Ccore\hub\registration | Methods to use when registering the site at the moodle sites directory |
Ccore\ip_utils | Static helper class providing some useful internet-protocol-related functions |
Ccore\lock\lock | |
Ccore\lock\lock_config | |
►Ccore\lock\lock_factory | |
Ccore\lock\db_record_lock_factory | |
Ccore\lock\file_lock_factory | |
Ccore\lock\installation_lock_factory | |
Ccore\lock\postgres_lock_factory | |
►Ccore\log\manager | Interface describing log readers |
Ccore\log\dummy_manager | |
Ctool_log\log\manager | |
►Ccore\log\reader | |
►Ccore\log\sql_reader | Log iterator reader interface |
►Ccore\log\sql_internal_table_reader | Sql internal table reader |
Clogstore_standard\log\store | |
Clogstore_database\log\store | |
Clogstore_legacy\log\store | |
Ccore\message\inbound\address_manager | Incoming Message address manager |
►Ccore\message\inbound\handler | |
Ccore\message\inbound\private_files_handler | A Handler to store attachments sent in e-mails as private files |
Cmod_forum\message\inbound\reply_handler | A Handler to process replies to forum posts |
Ctool_messageinbound\message\inbound\invalid_recipient_handler | A Handler to re-process messages which previously failed sender verification |
Ccore\message\inbound\manager | Variable Envelope Return Path manager class |
Ccore\message\message | New messaging class |
Ccore\notification | |
Ccore\oauth2\api | Static list of api methods for system oauth2 configuration |
►Ccore\oauth2\rest | Rest API base class mapping rest api methods to endpoints with http methods, args and post body |
Cfileconverter_googledrive\rest | Google Drive Rest API |
Crepository_googledocs\rest | Google Drive Rest API |
Crepository_nextcloud\ocs_client | REST interface to Nextcloud's implementation of Open Collaboration Services |
Crepository_onedrive\rest | Microsoft Graph API Rest Interface |
►Ccore\output\icon_system | |
►Ccore\output\icon_system_font | |
►Ccore\output\icon_system_fontawesome | |
Ctheme_classic\output\icon_system_fontawesome | Class overriding some of the Moodle default FontAwesome icons |
Ccore\output\icon_system_standard | |
Ccore\output\mustache_javascript_helper | Store a list of JS calls to insert at the end of the page |
Ccore\output\mustache_pix_helper | This class will call pix_icon with the section content |
Ccore\output\mustache_quote_helper | Wrap content in quotes, and escape all quotes used |
Ccore\output\mustache_shorten_text_helper | This class will call shorten_text with the section content |
Ccore\output\mustache_string_helper | This class will load language strings in a template |
Ccore\output\mustache_template_finder | Get information about valid locations for mustache templates |
Ccore\output\mustache_template_source_loader | Load template source strings |
Ccore\output\mustache_uniqid_helper | Lazy create a uniqid per instance of the class |
Ccore\output\mustache_user_date_helper | Mustache helper that will convert a timestamp to a date string |
Ccore\output\url_rewriter | URL rewriter interface |
►Ccore\persistent | Abstract class for core objects saved to the DB |
Cauth_oauth2\linked_login | Class for loading/storing issuer from the DB |
Ccore\oauth2\access_token | Loads/stores oauth2 access tokens in DB for system accounts in order to use a single token across multiple sessions |
Ccore\oauth2\endpoint | Class for loading/storing oauth2 endpoints from the DB |
Ccore\oauth2\issuer | Class for loading/storing issuer from the DB |
Ccore\oauth2\system_account | Class for loading/storing oauth2 refresh tokens from the DB |
Ccore\oauth2\user_field_mapping | Class for loading/storing oauth2 user field mappings from the DB |
►Ccore_competency\persistent | Abstract class for core_competency objects saved to the DB |
Ccore_competency\competency | Class for loading/storing competencies from the DB |
Ccore_competency\competency_framework | Class for loading/storing competency frameworks from the DB |
Ccore_competency\course_competency | Class for loading/storing course_competencies from the DB |
Ccore_competency\course_competency_settings | Class for course_competency_settings persistence |
Ccore_competency\course_module_competency | Class for loading/storing course_module_competencies from the DB |
Ccore_competency\evidence | Evidence persistent class |
Ccore_competency\plan | Class for loading/storing plans from the DB |
Ccore_competency\plan_competency | Class for managing competencies in the plan (add/remove competencies for given plan) |
Ccore_competency\related_competency | Class for loading/storing related_competencies from the DB |
Ccore_competency\template | Class for loading/storing learning plan templates from the DB |
Ccore_competency\template_cohort | Template cohort persistent |
Ccore_competency\template_competency | Class for loading/storing template_competencies from the DB |
Ccore_competency\user_competency | Class for loading/storing user_competency from the DB |
Ccore_competency\user_competency_course | Class for loading/storing user_competency_course from the DB |
Ccore_competency\user_competency_plan | Class for loading/storing user_competency_plan from the DB |
Ccore_competency\user_evidence | User evidence persistent class |
Ccore_competency\user_evidence_competency | User evidence competency persistent class |
Ctool_cohortroles\cohort_role_assignment | Class for loading/storing cohort_role_assignments from the DB |
Ccore_customfield\category | Class category |
Ccore_customfield\data | Class data |
Ccore_customfield\field | Class field |
Ccore_files\conversion | Class representing a conversion currently in progress |
Crepository_onedrive\access | Class for loading/storing issuer from the DB |
Ctool_dataprivacy\category | Class for loading/storing data categories from the DB |
Ctool_dataprivacy\context_instance | Class for loading/storing context instances data from the DB |
Ctool_dataprivacy\contextlevel | Class for loading/storing context level data from the DB |
Ctool_dataprivacy\data_request | Class for loading/storing data requests from the DB |
Ctool_dataprivacy\expired_context | Class that represents an expired context |
Ctool_dataprivacy\purpose | Class for loading/storing data purposes from the DB |
Ctool_dataprivacy\purpose_override | Class for loading/storing data purpose overrides from the DB |
Ctool_policy\policy_version | Persistent model representing a single policy document version |
►Ccore\plugininfo\base | |
Ccore\plugininfo\antivirus | Class for Antiviruses |
Ccore\plugininfo\auth | Class for authentication plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\availability | Class for availability plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\block | Class for page side blocks |
Ccore\plugininfo\cachelock | Class for admin tool plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\cachestore | Class for cache store plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\calendartype | Class for calendar type plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\coursereport | Class for admin tool plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\customfield | Class for admin tool plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\dataformat | Class for dataformats |
Ccore\plugininfo\editor | Class for HTML editors |
Ccore\plugininfo\enrol | Class for enrolment plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\fileconverter | Class for document converter plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\filter | Class for text filters |
Ccore\plugininfo\format | Class for course formats |
Ccore\plugininfo\general | General class for all plugin types that do not have their own class |
Ccore\plugininfo\gradeexport | Class for admin tool plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\gradeimport | Class for admin tool plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\gradereport | Class for admin tool plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\gradingform | Class for admin tool plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\local | Class for local plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\media | Class for media plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\message | Class for messaging processors |
Ccore\plugininfo\mlbackend | Class for analytics machine learning backend plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\mnetservice | Class representing an MNet service |
Ccore\plugininfo\mod | Class for activity modules |
Ccore\plugininfo\orphaned | Orphaned subplugins class |
Ccore\plugininfo\plagiarism | Class for plagiarism plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\portfolio | Class for portfolios |
Ccore\plugininfo\profilefield | Class for admin tool plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\qbehaviour | Class for question behaviours |
Ccore\plugininfo\qformat | Class for question types |
Ccore\plugininfo\qtype | Class for question types |
Ccore\plugininfo\report | Class for admin tool plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\repository | Class for repositories |
Ccore\plugininfo\search | Class for search plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\theme | Class for themes |
Ccore\plugininfo\tool | Class for admin tool plugins |
Ccore\plugininfo\webservice | Class for webservice protocols |
Ceditor_atto\plugininfo\atto | |
Ceditor_tinymce\plugininfo\tinymce | |
Cmod_assign\plugininfo\assignfeedback | |
Cmod_assign\plugininfo\assignsubmission | |
Cmod_assignment\plugininfo\assignment | |
Cmod_book\plugininfo\booktool | |
Cmod_data\plugininfo\datafield | |
Cmod_data\plugininfo\datapreset | |
Cmod_forum\plugininfo\forumreport | Forum report subplugin info class |
Cmod_lti\plugininfo\ltiservice | The mod_lti\plugininfo\ltiservice class |
Cmod_lti\plugininfo\ltisource | |
Cmod_quiz\plugininfo\quiz | |
Cmod_quiz\plugininfo\quizaccess | |
Cmod_scorm\plugininfo\scormreport | |
Cmod_workshop\plugininfo\workshopallocation | |
Cmod_workshop\plugininfo\workshopeval | |
Cmod_workshop\plugininfo\workshopform | |
Ctool_log\plugininfo\logstore | Plugin info class for logging store plugins |
►Ccore\progress\base | |
Ccore\progress\db_updater | Progress handler that updates a database table with the progress |
►Ccore\progress\display | |
Ccore\progress\display_if_slow | |
Ccore\progress\none | Progress handler that ignores progress entirely |
►Ccore\session\handler | Session handler base |
Ccore\session\database | Database based session handler |
Ccore\session\file | File based session handler |
Ccore\session\memcached | Memcached based session handler |
Ccore\session\redis | Redis based session handler |
Ccore\session\manager | Session manager, this is the public Moodle API for sessions |
Ccore\task\logmanager | Task log manager |
Ccore\task\manager | Collection of task related methods |
►Ccore\task\task_base | Abstract class for common properties of scheduled_task and adhoc_task |
►Ccore\task\adhoc_task | Abstract class defining an adhoc task |
Ccore\task\asynchronous_backup_task | Adhoc task that performs asynchronous backups |
Ccore\task\asynchronous_restore_task | Adhoc task that performs asynchronous restores |
Ccore\task\build_installed_themes_task | Class that builds and caches all of the site's installed themes |
Ccore\task\clean_up_deleted_search_area_task | Class that cleans up data related to deleted search area |
Ccore\task\refresh_mod_calendar_events_task | Class that updates all of the existing calendar events for modules that implement the *_refresh_events() hook |
Ccore_course\task\course_delete_modules | Class handling course module deletion |
Ccore_message\task\migrate_message_data | Class handling migrating data to the new messaging table schema |
Cmod_forum\task\refresh_forum_post_counts | Adhoc task that updates all of the existing forum_post records with no wordcount or no charcount |
Cmod_forum\task\send_user_digests | Adhoc task to send moodle forum digests for the specified user |
Cmod_forum\task\send_user_notifications | Adhoc task to send user forum notifications |
Ctool_dataprivacy\task\process_data_request_task | Class that processes an approved data request and prepares/deletes the user's data |
Ctool_monitor\notification_task | Adhock class, used to send notifications to users |
►Ccore\task\scheduled_task | Abstract class defining a scheduled task |
Cassignfeedback_editpdf\task\convert_submissions | Simple task to convert submissions to pdf in the background |
Cauth_cas\task\sync_task | A scheduled task class for CAS user sync |
Cauth_db\task\sync_users | Sync users task class |
Cauth_ldap\task\sync_roles | A scheduled task class for LDAP roles sync |
Cauth_ldap\task\sync_task | A scheduled task class for LDAP user sync |
Cauth_mnet\task\cron_task | |
Cblock_recent_activity\task\cleanup | Task for updating RSS feeds for rss client block |
Cblock_rss_client\task\refreshfeeds | Task for updating RSS feeds for rss client block |
Ccore\oauth2\refresh_system_tokens_task | Task to refresh system tokens regularly |
Ccore\task\analytics_cleanup_task | Delete stale records from analytics tables |
Ccore\task\automated_backup_task | Simple task to run the backup cron |
Ccore\task\backup_cleanup_task | Simple task to delete old backup records |
Ccore\task\badges_cron_task | Simple task to run the badges cron |
Ccore\task\badges_message_task | Simple task to run the badges cron |
Ccore\task\blog_cron_task | Simple task to run the blog cron |
Ccore\task\cache_cleanup_task | Simple task to delete old cache records |
Ccore\task\cache_cron_task | Simple task to run the cache cron |
Ccore\task\calendar_cron_task | Simple task to run the calendar cron |
Ccore\task\check_for_updates_task | Simple task to run the registration cron |
Ccore\task\complete_plans_task | Complete plans task class |
Ccore\task\completion_daily_task | Simple task to run the daily completion cron |
Ccore\task\completion_regular_task | Simple task to run the regular completion cron |
Ccore\task\context_cleanup_task | Simple task to delete old context records |
Ccore\task\create_contexts_task | Simple task to create missing contexts at all levels |
Ccore\task\delete_incomplete_users_task | Simple task to delete user accounts for users who have not completed their profile in time |
Ccore\task\delete_unconfirmed_users_task | Simple task to delete user accounts for users who have not confirmed in time |
Ccore\task\file_temp_cleanup_task | Simple task to delete temp files older than 1 week |
Ccore\task\file_trash_cleanup_task | Simple task to run the file trash cleanup cron |
Ccore\task\grade_cron_task | Simple task to run the grade cron |
Ccore\task\grade_history_cleanup_task | Simple task to clean grade history tables |
Ccore\task\h5p_get_content_types_task | A task to get the latest content types from the official H5P repository |
Ccore\task\legacy_plugin_cron_task | Simple task to run cron for all plugins |
Ccore\task\messaging_cleanup_task | Simple task to delete old messaging records |
Ccore\task\password_reset_cleanup_task | Simple task to delete old password reset records |
Ccore\task\plagiarism_cron_task | Simple task to run the plagiarism cron |
Ccore\task\portfolio_cron_task | Simple task to run the portfolio cron |
Ccore\task\question_preview_cleanup_task | A task to cleanup old question previews |
Ccore\task\question_stats_cleanup_task | A task to cleanup old question statistics cache |
Ccore\task\registration_cron_task | Simple task to run the registration cron |
Ccore\task\search_index_task | Runs global search indexing |
Ccore\task\search_optimize_task | Runs search index optimization |
Ccore\task\send_failed_login_notifications_task | Simple task to send notifications about failed login attempts |
Ccore\task\send_new_user_passwords_task | Simple task to create accounts and send password emails for new users |
Ccore\task\session_cleanup_task | Simple task to cleanup user sessions from a scheduled task |
Ccore\task\stats_cron_task | Simple task to run the stats cron |
Ccore\task\sync_plans_from_template_cohorts_task | Synchronise plans from template cohorts |
Ccore\task\tag_cron_task | Simple task to run the tag cron |
Ccore\task\task_log_cleanup_task | A task to cleanup log entries for tasks |
Ccore_files\task\conversion_cleanup_task | A scheduled task to clear up old conversion records |
Ceditor_atto\task\autosave_cleanup_task | Simple task to run the autosave cleanup task |
Cenrol_category\task\enrol_category_sync | Syncing enrolments task |
Cenrol_cohort\task\enrol_cohort_sync | Syncing enrolments task |
Cenrol_database\task\sync_enrolments | Class sync_enrolments |
Cenrol_flatfile\task\flatfile_sync_task | Simple task to run sync enrolments |
Cenrol_imsenterprise\task\cron_task | Simple task to run the IMS Enterprise enrolment cron |
Cenrol_ldap\task\sync_enrolments | Class sync_enrolments |
Cenrol_lti\task\sync_grades | Task for synchronising grades for the enrolment LTI |
Cenrol_lti\task\sync_members | Task for synchronising members using the enrolment LTI |
Cenrol_manual\task\send_expiry_notifications | The send expiry notifications task |
Cenrol_manual\task\sync_enrolments | Syncing enrolments task |
Cenrol_meta\task\enrol_meta_sync | Meta sync enrolments task |
Cenrol_paypal\task\process_expirations | Process expirations task |
Cenrol_self\task\send_expiry_notifications | Send expiry notifications task |
Cenrol_self\task\sync_enrolments | Sync enrolments task |
Clogstore_legacy\task\cleanup_task | |
Clogstore_standard\task\cleanup_task | |
Cltiservice_gradebookservices\task\cleanup_task | Class containing the scheduled task for gradebookservices |
Cmessage_email\task\send_email_task | Class responsible for sending emails as a digest |
Cmod_assign\task\cron_task | |
Cmod_chat\task\cron_task | The main schedule task for the chat module |
Cmod_forum\task\cron_task | The main scheduled task for the forum |
Cmod_lti\task\clean_access_tokens | Class containing the scheduled task for lti module |
Cmod_quiz\task\legacy_quiz_accessrules_cron | Legacy Cron Quiz Access Rules Task |
Cmod_quiz\task\legacy_quiz_reports_cron | Legacy Cron Quiz Reports Task |
Cmod_quiz\task\update_overdue_attempts | Update Overdue Attempts Task |
Cmod_scorm\task\cron_task | A cron_task class to be used by Tasks API |
Cmod_workshop\task\cron_task | The main scheduled task for the workshop |
Cmod_workshop\task\legacy_workshop_allocation_cron | Legacy workshop allocation plugins cron |
Cqtype_random\task\remove_unused_questions | A scheduled task to remove unneeded random questions |
Cquiz_statistics\task\quiz_statistics_cleanup | Legacy Cron Quiz Reports Task |
Crepository_dropbox\task\cron_task | |
Crepository_filesystem\task\cron_task | |
Crepository_onedrive\remove_temp_access_task | Simple task to delete temporary permission records |
Ctool_analytics\task\predict_models | Predict system models with new data available |
Ctool_analytics\task\train_models | Train system models with new data available |
Ctool_cohortroles\task\cohort_role_sync | Scheduled task for syncing cohort roles |
Ctool_dataprivacy\task\delete_existing_deleted_users | Scheduled task to create delete data request for pre-existing deleted users |
Ctool_dataprivacy\task\delete_expired_contexts | Scheduled task to delete expired context instances once they are approved for deletion |
Ctool_dataprivacy\task\delete_expired_requests | Scheduled task to delete files and update request statuses once they expire |
Ctool_dataprivacy\task\expired_retention_period | Scheduled task to flag contexts as expired |
Ctool_langimport\task\update_langpacks_task | A scheduled task for updating langpacks |
Ctool_messageinbound\task\cleanup_task | A scheduled task to handle cleanup of old, unconfirmed e-mails |
Ctool_messageinbound\task\pickup_task | A scheduled task to handle Inbound Message e-mail pickup |
Ctool_monitor\task\check_subscriptions | |
Ctool_monitor\task\clean_events | Simple task to clean the tool_monitor_events table |
Ctool_recyclebin\task\cleanup_category_bin | This task deletes expired category recyclebin items |
Ctool_recyclebin\task\cleanup_course_bin | This task deletes expired course recyclebin items |
Cworkshopallocation_scheduled\task\cron_task | The main schedule task for scheduled allocation cron |
►Ccore\task\task_logger | Interface for task logging |
Ccore\task\database_logger | Database logger for task logging |
Ccore\update\api | General purpose client for |
Ccore\update\checker | Singleton class that handles checking for available updates |
Ccore\update\code_manager | General purpose class managing the plugins source code files deployment |
Ccore\update\info | Defines the structure of objects returned by () |
Ccore\update\validator | Validates the contents of extracted plugin ZIP file |
Ccore\upgrade\util | Core upgrade utility class |
Ccore\uuid | V4 UUID generator class |
►Ccore_analytics\action | Representation of a suggested action |
Ccore_analytics\bulk_action | Representation of a suggested bulk action |
Ccore_analytics\prediction_action | Representation of a suggested action associated with a prediction |
►Ccore_analytics\analysable | Any element analysers can analyse |
Ccore_analytics\course | Moodle course analysable |
Ccore_analytics\site | Moodle site analysable |
Ccore_analytics\user | Moodle user analysable |
Ccore_analytics\analysis | Runs an analysis of the site |
►Ccore_analytics\calculable | Calculable dataset items abstract class |
►Ccore_analytics\local\indicator\base | Abstract base indicator |
►Ccore_analytics\local\indicator\discrete | Abstract discrete indicator |
►Ccore_analytics\local\indicator\binary | Abstract binary indicator |
Ccore\analytics\indicator\any_access_after_end | Any access after the official end of the course |
Ccore\analytics\indicator\any_access_before_start | Any access before the official start of the course |
Ccore\analytics\indicator\any_course_access | Any access indicator |
Ccore\analytics\indicator\any_write_action | Write actions indicator |
Ccore\analytics\indicator\any_write_action_in_course | Write actions in a course indicator |
Ccore_course\analytics\indicator\activities_due | Activities due indicator |
Ccore_course\analytics\indicator\completion_enabled | Completion enabled set indicator |
Ccore_course\analytics\indicator\no_student | No student indicator |
Ccore_course\analytics\indicator\no_teacher | No teacher indicator |
Ccore_user\analytics\indicator\user_track_forums | User tracks forums indicator |
►Ccore_analytics\local\indicator\linear | Abstract linear indicator |
Ccore\analytics\indicator\read_actions | Read actions indicator |
►Ccore_analytics\local\indicator\community_of_inquiry_activity | Community of inquire abstract indicator |
►Cmod_assign\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_assign\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - assign |
Cmod_assign\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - assign |
►Cmod_book\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_book\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - book |
Cmod_book\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - book |
►Cmod_chat\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_chat\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - chat |
Cmod_chat\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - chat |
►Cmod_choice\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_choice\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - choice |
Cmod_choice\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - choice |
►Cmod_data\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_data\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - data |
Cmod_data\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - data |
►Cmod_feedback\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_feedback\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - feedback |
Cmod_feedback\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - feedback |
►Cmod_folder\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_folder\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - folder |
Cmod_folder\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - folder |
►Cmod_forum\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_forum\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - forum |
Cmod_forum\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - forum |
►Cmod_glossary\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_glossary\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - glossary |
Cmod_glossary\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - glossary |
►Cmod_imscp\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_imscp\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - imscp |
Cmod_imscp\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - imscp |
►Cmod_label\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_label\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - label |
Cmod_label\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - label |
►Cmod_lesson\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_lesson\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - lesson |
Cmod_lesson\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - lesson |
►Cmod_lti\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_lti\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - lti |
Cmod_lti\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - lti |
►Cmod_page\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_page\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - page |
Cmod_page\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - page |
►Cmod_quiz\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_quiz\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - quiz |
Cmod_quiz\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - quiz |
►Cmod_resource\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_resource\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - resource |
Cmod_resource\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - resource |
►Cmod_scorm\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_scorm\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - scorm |
Cmod_scorm\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - scorm |
►Cmod_survey\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_survey\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - survey |
Cmod_survey\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - survey |
►Cmod_url\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_url\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - url |
Cmod_url\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - url |
►Cmod_wiki\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_wiki\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - wiki |
Cmod_wiki\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - wiki |
►Cmod_workshop\analytics\indicator\activity_base | Activity base class |
Cmod_workshop\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - workshop |
Cmod_workshop\analytics\indicator\social_breadth | Social breadth indicator - workshop |
Ccore_course\analytics\indicator\potential_cognitive_depth | Potential cognitive depth indicator |
Ccore_course\analytics\indicator\potential_social_breadth | Potential social breadth indicator |
Ccore_user\analytics\indicator\user_profile_set | User profile set indicator |
►Ccore_analytics\local\target\base | Abstract base target |
►Ccore_analytics\local\target\discrete | Discrete values target |
►Ccore_analytics\local\target\binary | Binary classifier target |
►Ccore_course\analytics\target\course_enrolments | Base class for targets whose analysable is a course using user enrolments as samples |
Ccore_course\analytics\target\course_competencies | Course competencies achievement target |
Ccore_course\analytics\target\course_completion | Course completion target |
Ccore_course\analytics\target\course_dropout | Drop out course target |
Ccore_course\analytics\target\course_gradetopass | Getting the minimum grade to pass target |
►Ccore_course\analytics\target\no_recent_accesses | No recent accesses |
Ccore_course\analytics\target\no_access_since_course_start | No accesses since the start of the course |
Ccore_course\analytics\target\no_teaching | No teaching target |
Ccore_user\analytics\target\upcoming_activities_due | Upcoming activities due target |
Ccore_analytics\local\target\linear | Linear values target |
Ccore_analytics\calculation_info | Extra information generated during the analysis by calculable elements |
Ccore_analytics\dataset_manager | Datasets manager |
Ccore_analytics\default_bulk_actions | Default list of bulk actions to reuse across different targets as presets |
Ccore_analytics\insights_generator | Insights generator |
►Ccore_analytics\local\analyser\base | Analysers base class |
Ccore\analytics\analyser\users | Users analyser (insights for users) |
►Ccore_analytics\local\analyser\by_course | Abstract analyser in course basis |
Ccore\analytics\analyser\courses | Courses analyser working at course level (insights for the course teachers) |
Ccore\analytics\analyser\student_enrolments | Student enrolments analyser |
►Ccore_analytics\local\analyser\sitewide | Site-level contents abstract analysable |
Ccore\analytics\analyser\site_courses | Site courses analyser working at system level (insights for the site admin) |
►Ccore_analytics\local\analysis\result | Keeps track of the analysis results |
Ccore_analytics\local\analysis\result_array | Keeps track of the analysis results by storing the results in an array |
Ccore_analytics\local\analysis\result_file | Keeps track of the analysis results by storing the results in files |
►Ccore_analytics\local\time_splitting\after_now | Interface for time-splitting methods whose ranges' times are after time() |
►Ccore_analytics\local\time_splitting\upcoming_periodic | Time splitting method that generates predictions periodically |
Ccore\analytics\time_splitting\upcoming_3_days | Time splitting method that generates insights every three days and calculates indicators using upcoming dates |
Ccore\analytics\time_splitting\upcoming_fortnight | Time splitting method that generates insights every fortnight and calculates indicators using upcoming dates |
Ccore\analytics\time_splitting\upcoming_week | Time splitting method that generates weekly predictions |
►Ccore_analytics\local\time_splitting\base | Base time splitting method |
Ccore\analytics\time_splitting\no_splitting | No time splitting method |
Ccore\analytics\time_splitting\single_range | Single time splitting method |
►Ccore_analytics\local\time_splitting\accumulative_parts | Range processor splitting the course in parts and accumulating data from the start |
Ccore\analytics\time_splitting\deciles_accum | Range processor splitting the course in ten parts and accumulating data |
Ccore\analytics\time_splitting\quarters_accum | Range processor splitting the course in quarters and accumulating data |
►Ccore_analytics\local\time_splitting\after_start | Time splitting method that generates predictions X days/weeks/months after the analysable start |
Ccore\analytics\time_splitting\one_month_after_start | Time splitting method that generates predictions one month after the analysable start |
Ccore\analytics\time_splitting\one_week_after_start | Time splitting method that generates predictions one week after the analysable start |
Ccore\analytics\time_splitting\ten_percent_after_start | Time splitting method that generates predictions 3 days after the analysable start |
►Ccore_analytics\local\time_splitting\equal_parts | X parts time splitting method |
Ccore\analytics\time_splitting\deciles | 10 parts time splitting method |
Ccore\analytics\time_splitting\quarters | Quarters time splitting method |
►Ccore_analytics\local\time_splitting\periodic | Time splitting method that generates predictions periodically |
►Ccore_analytics\local\time_splitting\past_periodic | Time splitting method that generates predictions periodically |
Ccore\analytics\time_splitting\past_3_days | Time splitting method that generates predictions every 3 days |
Ccore\analytics\time_splitting\past_month | Time splitting method that generates monthly predictions |
Ccore\analytics\time_splitting\past_week | Time splitting method that generates weekly predictions |
Ccore_analytics\local\time_splitting\upcoming_periodic | Time splitting method that generates predictions periodically |
►Ccore_analytics\local\time_splitting\before_now | Interface for time-splitting methods whose ranges' times are before time() |
Ccore\analytics\time_splitting\single_range | Single time splitting method |
Ccore_analytics\local\time_splitting\accumulative_parts | Range processor splitting the course in parts and accumulating data from the start |
Ccore_analytics\local\time_splitting\after_start | Time splitting method that generates predictions X days/weeks/months after the analysable start |
Ccore_analytics\local\time_splitting\equal_parts | X parts time splitting method |
Ccore_analytics\local\time_splitting\past_periodic | Time splitting method that generates predictions periodically |
Ccore_analytics\manager | Analytics basic actions manager |
Ccore_analytics\model_config | Model configuration manager |
►Ccore_analytics\packable | Exportable machine learning backend interface |
Cmlbackend_php\processor | PHP predictions processor |
Cmlbackend_python\processor | Python predictions processor |
Ccore_analytics\prediction | Representation of a prediction |
►Ccore_analytics\predictor | Predictors interface |
►Ccore_analytics\classifier | Classifier interface |
Cmlbackend_php\processor | PHP predictions processor |
Cmlbackend_python\processor | Python predictions processor |
►Ccore_analytics\regressor | Regressors interface |
Cmlbackend_php\processor | PHP predictions processor |
Cmlbackend_python\processor | Python predictions processor |
Ccore_analytics\stats | Provides stats and meta information about the analytics usage on this site |
Ccore_auth\digital_consent | Helper class for digital consent |
Ccore_availability\capability_checker | Used while evaluating conditions in bulk |
►Ccore_availability\frontend | Class with front-end (editing form) functionality |
Cavailability_completion\frontend | Front-end class |
Cavailability_date\frontend | Front-end class |
Cavailability_grade\frontend | Front-end class |
Cavailability_group\frontend | Front-end class |
Cavailability_grouping\frontend | Front-end class |
Cavailability_profile\frontend | Front-end class |
►Ccore_availability\info | Base class for conditional availability information (for module or section) |
Ccore_availability\info_module | Class handles conditional availability information for an activity |
Ccore_availability\info_section | Class handles conditional availability information for a section |
Ccore_availability\result | Class represents the result of an availability check for the user |
►Ccore_availability\tree_node | Node (base class) used to construct a tree of availability conditions |
►Ccore_availability\condition | Base class for a single availability condition |
Cavailability_completion\condition | Activity completion condition |
Cavailability_date\condition | Date condition |
Cavailability_grade\condition | Condition on grades of current user |
Cavailability_group\condition | Condition main class |
Cavailability_grouping\condition | Condition main class |
Cavailability_profile\condition | User profile field condition |
Ccore_availability\tree | Class that holds a tree of availability conditions |
Ccore_badges\backpack_api | Class for communicating with backpacks |
Ccore_badges\backpack_api_mapping | Represent a single method for the remote api |
Ccore_badges\badge | Class that represents badge |
Ccore_badges_assertion | Open Badges Assertions specification 1.0 |
Ccore_badges_observer | Event observer for badges |
Ccore_calendar\external\events_related_objects_cache | Class to providing the related objects when exporting a list of calendar events |
Ccore_calendar\local\api | Class containing the local calendar API |
Ccore_calendar\local\event\container | Core container |
►Ccore_calendar\local\event\data_access\event_vault_interface | Interface for an event vault class |
Ccore_calendar\local\event\data_access\event_vault | Event vault class |
►Ccore_calendar\local\event\entities\action_interface | Interface for a action class |
Ccore_calendar\local\event\value_objects\action | Class representing an action a user should take |
►Ccore_calendar\local\event\entities\event_interface | Interface for an event class |
►Ccore_calendar\local\event\entities\action_event_interface | Interface for an action event class |
Ccore_calendar\local\event\entities\action_event | Class representing an actionable event |
Ccore_calendar\local\event\entities\event | Class representing a calendar event |
►Ccore_calendar\local\event\factories\action_factory_interface | |
Ccore_calendar\action_factory | Action factory class |
►Ccore_calendar\local\event\factories\event_factory_interface | Interface for an event factory class |
Caction_event_test_factory | A test factory that will create action events |
►Ccore_calendar\local\event\factories\event_abstract_factory | Abstract factory for creating calendar events |
Ccore_calendar\local\event\factories\event_factory | Event factory class |
►Ccore_calendar\local\event\mappers\create_update_form_mapper_interface | Interface for a create_update_form_mapper class |
Ccore_calendar\local\event\mappers\create_update_form_mapper | Event create form and update form mapper class |
►Ccore_calendar\local\event\mappers\event_mapper_interface | Interface for an event mapper class |
Ccore_calendar\local\event\mappers\event_mapper | Event mapper class |
►Ccore_calendar\local\event\proxies\proxy_interface | Interface for a proxy class |
Ccore_calendar\local\event\proxies\cm_info_proxy | Course module stdClass proxy |
Ccore_calendar\local\event\proxies\coursecat_proxy | Course category proxy |
Ccore_calendar\local\event\proxies\std_proxy | StdClass proxy |
►Ccore_calendar\local\event\strategies\raw_event_retrieval_strategy_interface | Interface for an raw event retrival strategy class |
Ccore_calendar\local\event\strategies\raw_event_retrieval_strategy | Raw event retrieval strategy |
►Ccore_calendar\local\event\value_objects\description_interface | Interface for a description value object |
Ccore_calendar\local\event\value_objects\event_description | Class representing a description value object |
►Ccore_calendar\local\event\value_objects\times_interface | Interface for various times |
Ccore_calendar\local\event\value_objects\event_times | Class representing event times |
Ccore_calendar\rrule_manager | Defines calendar class to manage recurrence rule (rrule) during ical imports |
►Ccore_calendar\type_base | |
Ccalendartype_gregorian\structure | |
Ccalendartype_test_example\structure | |
Ccore_calendar\type_factory | |
Ccore_collator | A collator class with static methods that can be used for sorting |
Ccore_competency\api | Class for doing things with competency frameworks |
►Ccore_competency\competency_rule | Competency rule base abstract class |
Ccore_competency\competency_rule_all | Competency rule all class |
Ccore_competency\competency_rule_points | Competency rule points based class |
Ccore_competency\external\performance_helper | Performance helper class |
Ccore_competency\url | URL manager class |
Ccore_completion\api | Class containing completion API |
Ccore_completion\manager | |
Ccore_completion\progress | Class used to return completion progress information |
Ccore_component | Collection of components related methods |
Ccore_course\management\helper | Course and category management interface helper class |
Ccore_customfield\api | Class api |
Ccore_customfield\category_controller | Class category |
►Ccore_customfield\data_controller | Base class for custom fields data controllers |
Ccustomfield_checkbox\data_controller | Class data |
Ccustomfield_date\data_controller | Class data |
Ccustomfield_select\data_controller | Class data |
Ccustomfield_text\data_controller | Class data |
Ccustomfield_textarea\data_controller | Class data |
►Ccore_customfield\field_controller | Base class for custom fields controllers |
Ccustomfield_checkbox\field_controller | Class field |
Ccustomfield_date\field_controller | Class field |
Ccustomfield_select\field_controller | Class field |
Ccustomfield_text\field_controller | Class field |
Ccustomfield_textarea\field_controller | Class field |
►Ccore_customfield\handler | Base class for custom fields handlers |
Ccore_course\customfield\course_handler | Course handler for custom fields |
Ccore_date | Core date and time related code |
Ccore_favourites\local\entity\favourite | Contains the favourite class, each instance being a representation of a DB row for the 'favourite' table |
►Ccore_favourites\local\repository\favourite_repository_interface | The favourite_repository interface, defining the basic CRUD operations for favourite type items within core_favourites |
Ccore_favourites\local\repository\favourite_repository | Class favourite_repository |
Ccore_favourites\local\service\component_favourite_service | Class service, providing an single API for interacting with the favourites subsystem, for all favourites of a specific component |
Ccore_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_service | Class service, providing an single API for interacting with the favourites subsystem for a SINGLE USER |
Ccore_favourites\service_factory | Class service_factory, providing functions for location of service objects for the favourites subsystem |
Ccore_files\converter | Class for converting files between different formats using unoconv |
►Ccore_files\converter_interface | Class for converting files between different file formats |
Cfileconverter_googledrive\converter | Class for converting files between different formats using unoconv |
Cfileconverter_unoconv\converter | Class for converting files between different formats using unoconv |
Ccore_filetypes | Class to manage the custom filetypes list that is stored in a config variable |
Ccore_form\filetypes_util | Utility class for handling with file types in the forms |
Ccore_form\util | General utility class for form-related methods |
►Ccore_grades\component_gradeitem | Compontent definition of a gradeitem |
Cmod_forum\grades\forum_gradeitem | Grade item storage for mod_forum |
Ccore_grades\component_gradeitems | Helper class to fetch information about component grade items |
►Ccore_grades\local\gradeitem\advancedgrading_mapping | Grade item, itemnumber mapping |
Cmod_assign\grades\gradeitems | Grade item mappings for the activity |
Cmod_forum\grades\gradeitems | Grade item mappings for the activity |
►Ccore_grades\local\gradeitem\itemnumber_mapping | Grade item, itemnumber mapping |
Cmod_assign\grades\gradeitems | Grade item mappings for the activity |
Cmod_forum\grades\gradeitems | Grade item mappings for the activity |
Cmod_workshop\grades\gradeitems | Grade item mappings for the activity |
Ccore_h5p\autoloader | H5P Autoloader |
Ccore_h5p\factory | H5P factory class |
Ccore_h5p\helper | Helper class for the H5P area |
Ccore_h5p\player | H5P player class, for displaying any local H5P content |
Ccore_media_manager | Manager for media files |
►Ccore_media_player | Base class for media players |
►Ccore_media_player_external | Base class for players which handle external links (YouTube etc) |
Cmedia_vimeo_plugin | Player that embeds Vimeo links |
Cmedia_youtube_plugin | Player that creates youtube embedding |
►Ccore_media_player_native | Base class for players which return native HTML5 <video> or <audio> tags |
Cmedia_html5audio_plugin | Player that creates HTML5 <audio> tag |
Cmedia_html5video_plugin | Player that creates HTML5 <video> tag |
Cmedia_videojs_plugin | Player that creates HTML5 <video> tag |
Cmedia_swf_plugin | Media player for Flash SWF files |
Ccore_message\api | Class used to return information to display for the message area |
Ccore_message\helper | Helper class for the message area |
Ccore_message\tests\helper | The helper class providing util methods for testing |
Ccore_minify | Collection of JS and CSS compression methods |
Ccore_php_time_limit | Utility class to manage PHP time limit |
Ccore_plugin_manager | Singleton class providing general plugins management functionality |
►Ccore_privacy\local\deprecated | The deprecated interface |
Ccore_grading\privacy\gradingform_provider | |
Ccore_privacy\local\metadata\collection | A collection of metadata items |
►Ccore_privacy\local\metadata\null_provider | |
Cantivirus_clamav\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for antivirus_clamav implementing null_provider |
Cassignfeedback_offline\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cassignment_offline\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for assignment_offline |
Cassignment_online\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for assignment_online |
Cassignment_upload\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for assignment_upload |
Cassignment_uploadsingle\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for assignment_uploadsingle |
Catto_accessibilitychecker\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_accessibilitychecker implementing null_provider |
Catto_accessibilityhelper\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_accessibilityhelper implementing null_provider |
Catto_align\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_align implementing null_provider |
Catto_backcolor\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_backcolor implementing null_provider |
Catto_bold\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_bold implementing null_provider |
Catto_charmap\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_charmap implementing null_provider |
Catto_clear\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_clear implementing null_provider |
Catto_collapse\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_collapse implementing null_provider |
Catto_emojipicker\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_emojipicker implementing null_provider |
Catto_emoticon\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_emoticon implementing null_provider |
Catto_equation\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_equation implementing null_provider |
Catto_fontcolor\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_fontcolor implementing null_provider |
Catto_h5p\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_h5p implementing null_provider |
Catto_html\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_html implementing null_provider |
Catto_image\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_image implementing null_provider |
Catto_indent\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_indent implementing null_provider |
Catto_italic\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_italic implementing null_provider |
Catto_link\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_link implementing null_provider |
Catto_managefiles\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_managefiles implementing null_provider |
Catto_media\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_media implementing null_provider |
Catto_noautolink\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_noautolink implementing null_provider |
Catto_orderedlist\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_orderedlist implementing null_provider |
Catto_recordrtc\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_recordrtc implementing null_provider |
Catto_rtl\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_rtl implementing null_provider |
Catto_strike\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_strike implementing null_provider |
Catto_subscript\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_subscript implementing null_provider |
Catto_superscript\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_superscript implementing null_provider |
Catto_table\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_table implementing null_provider |
Catto_title\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_title implementing null_provider |
Catto_underline\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_underline implementing null_provider |
Catto_undo\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_undo implementing null_provider |
Catto_unorderedlist\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_unorderedlist implementing null_provider |
Cauth_cas\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_cas implementing null_provider |
Cauth_db\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_db implementing null_provider |
Cauth_email\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_email implementing null_provider |
Cauth_ldap\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_ldap implementing null_provider |
Cauth_lti\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_lti implementing null_provider |
Cauth_nologin\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_nologin implementing null_provider |
Cauth_none\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_none implementing null_provider |
Cauth_shibboleth\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_shibboleth implementing null_provider |
Cauth_webservice\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_webservice implementing null_provider |
Cavailability_completion\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for availability_completion implementing null_provider |
Cavailability_date\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for availability_date implementing null_provider |
Cavailability_grade\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for availability_grade implementing null_provider |
Cavailability_group\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for availability_group implementing null_provider |
Cavailability_grouping\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for availability_grouping implementing null_provider |
Cavailability_profile\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for availability_profile implementing null_provider |
Cblock_activity_modules\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_activity_modules implementing null_provider |
Cblock_activity_results\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_activity_results implementing null_provider |
Cblock_admin_bookmarks\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_admin_bookmarks implementing null_provider |
Cblock_badges\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_badges implementing null_provider |
Cblock_blog_menu\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_blog_menu implementing null_provider |
Cblock_blog_recent\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_blog_recent implementing null_provider |
Cblock_blog_tags\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_blog_tags implementing null_provider |
Cblock_calendar_month\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_calendar_month implementing null_provider |
Cblock_calendar_upcoming\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_calendar_upcoming implementing null_provider |
Cblock_completionstatus\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_completionstatus implementing null_provider |
Cblock_course_list\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_course_list implementing null_provider |
Cblock_course_summary\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_course_summary implementing null_provider |
Cblock_feedback\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_feedback implementing null_provider |
Cblock_globalsearch\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_globalsearch implementing null_provider |
Cblock_glossary_random\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_glossary_random implementing null_provider |
Cblock_login\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_login implementing null_provider |
Cblock_lp\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_lp implementing null_provider |
Cblock_mentees\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_mentees implementing null_provider |
Cblock_mnet_hosts\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_mnet_hosts implementing null_provider |
Cblock_myprofile\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_myprofile implementing null_provider |
Cblock_navigation\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_navigation implementing null_provider |
Cblock_news_items\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_news_items implementing null_provider |
Cblock_private_files\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_private_files implementing null_provider |
Cblock_quiz_results\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_quiz_results implementing null_provider |
Cblock_recentlyaccessedcourses\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for Recently accessed courses block |
Cblock_search_forums\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_search_forums implementing null_provider |
Cblock_section_links\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_section_links implementing null_provider |
Cblock_selfcompletion\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_selfcompletion implementing null_provider |
Cblock_settings\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_settings implementing null_provider |
Cblock_site_main_menu\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_site_main_menu implementing null_provider |
Cblock_social_activities\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_social_activities implementing null_provider |
Cblock_starredcourses\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_starredcourses |
Cblock_tag_youtube\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_tag_youtube implementing null_provider |
Cblock_tags\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_tags implementing null_provider |
Cbooktool_exportimscp\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for booktool_exportimscp |
Cbooktool_importhtml\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for booktool_importhtml |
Cbooktool_print\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for booktool_print |
Ccachelock_file\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for cachelock_file implementing null_provider |
Ccachestore_apcu\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_apcu implementing null_provider |
Ccachestore_file\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_file implementing null_provider |
Ccachestore_static\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_static implementing null_provider |
Ccalendartype_gregorian\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for calendartype_gregorian implementing null_provider |
Ccore_admin\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_admin implementing null_provider |
Ccore_antivirus\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_antivirus implementing null_provider |
Ccore_availability\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_availability implementing null_provider |
Ccore_filters\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_filters implementing null_provider |
Ccore_h5p\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for h5p core subsystem |
Ccore_media\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for core_media |
Ccore_mnet\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_mnet implementing null_provider |
Ccore_privacy\privacy\provider | The privacy subsystem does not store any data of it's own |
Ccore_search\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_search implementing null_provider |
Ccustomfield_checkbox\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_checkbox implementing null_provider |
Ccustomfield_date\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_date implementing null_provider |
Ccustomfield_select\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_select implementing null_provider |
Ccustomfield_text\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_text implementing null_provider |
Ccustomfield_textarea\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_textarea implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_checkbox\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_checkbox implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_date\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_date implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_file\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_file implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_latlong\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_latlong implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_menu\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_menu implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_multimenu\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_multimenu implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_number\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_number implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_picture\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_picture implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_radiobutton\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_radiobutton implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_text\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_text implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_textarea\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_textarea implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_url\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_url implementing null_provider |
Cdataformat_csv\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for dataformat_csv |
Cdataformat_excel\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for dataformat_excel |
Cdataformat_html\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for dataformat_html |
Cdataformat_json\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for dataformat_json |
Cdataformat_ods\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for dataformat_ods |
Cdataformat_pdf\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for dataformat_pdf |
Cdatapreset_imagegallery\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for datapreset_imagegallery |
Ceditor_textarea\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for editor_textarea implementing null_provider |
Ceditor_tinymce\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for editor_tinymce implementing null_provider |
Cenrol_category\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_category implementing null_provider |
Cenrol_database\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_database implementing null_provider |
Cenrol_guest\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_guest implementing null_provider |
Cenrol_imsenterprise\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_imsenterprise implementing null_provider |
Cenrol_ldap\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_ldap implementing null_provider |
Cenrol_manual\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_manual implementing null_provider |
Cenrol_mnet\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_mnet implementing null_provider |
Cenrol_self\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_self implementing null_provider |
Cfileconverter_unoconv\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for fileconverter_unoconv |
Cfilter_activitynames\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_activitynames implementing null_provider |
Cfilter_algebra\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_algebra implementing null_provider |
Cfilter_censor\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_censor implementing null_provider |
Cfilter_data\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_data implementing null_provider |
Cfilter_displayh5p\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_displayh5p implementing null_provider |
Cfilter_emailprotect\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_emailprotect implementing null_provider |
Cfilter_emoticon\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_emoticon implementing null_provider |
Cfilter_glossary\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_glossary implementing null_provider |
Cfilter_mathjaxloader\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_mathjaxloader implementing null_provider |
Cfilter_mediaplugin\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_mediaplugin implementing null_provider |
Cfilter_multilang\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_multilang implementing null_provider |
Cfilter_tex\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_tex implementing null_provider |
Cfilter_tidy\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_tidy implementing null_provider |
Cfilter_urltolink\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_urltolink implementing null_provider |
Cformat_singleactivity\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for format_singleactivity implementing null_provider |
Cformat_social\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for format_social implementing null_provider |
Cformat_topics\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for format_topics implementing null_provider |
Cformat_weeks\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for format_weeks implementing null_provider |
Cforumreport_summary\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for forumreport_summary subplugin, implementing null_provider |
Cgradeexport_ods\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeexport_ods implementing null_provider |
Cgradeexport_txt\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeexport_txt implementing null_provider |
Cgradeexport_xls\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeexport_xls implementing null_provider |
Cgradeexport_xml\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeexport_xml implementing null_provider |
Cgradeimport_csv\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeimport_csv implementing null_provider |
Cgradeimport_direct\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeimport_direct implementing null_provider |
Cgradeimport_xml\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeimport_xml implementing null_provider |
Cgradereport_history\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_history implementing null_provider |
Cgradereport_outcomes\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_outcomes implementing null_provider |
Cgradereport_overview\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_overview implementing null_provider |
Cgradereport_singleview\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_singleview implementing null_provider |
Cltiservice_profile\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_profile implementing null_provider |
Cltiservice_toolproxy\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_toolproxy implementing null_provider |
Cltiservice_toolsettings\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_toolsettings implementing null_provider |
Cmedia_html5audio\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for media_html5audio |
Cmedia_html5video\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for media_html5video |
Cmedia_swf\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for media_swf |
Cmedia_videojs\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for media_videojs |
Cmedia_vimeo\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for media_vimeo |
Cmedia_youtube\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for media_youtube |
Cmessage_popup\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for message_popup implementing null_provider |
Cmlbackend_php\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for mlbackend_php implementing null_provider |
Cmlbackend_python\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for mlbackend_python implementing null_provider |
Cmod_book\privacy\provider | The mod_book module does not store any data |
Cmod_folder\privacy\provider | The mod_folder module does not store any data |
Cmod_imscp\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for mod_imscp implementing null_provider |
Cmod_label\privacy\provider | The mod_label module does not store any data |
Cmod_page\privacy\provider | The mod_page module does not store any data |
Cmod_resource\privacy\provider | The mod_resource module does not store any data |
Cmod_url\privacy\provider | The mod_url module does not store any data |
Cportfolio_download\privacy\provider | Provider for the portfolio_download plugin |
Cqbehaviour_adaptive\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_adaptive implementing null_provider |
Cqbehaviour_adaptivenopenalty\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_adaptivenopenalty implementing null_provider |
Cqbehaviour_deferredcbm\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_deferredcbm implementing null_provider |
Cqbehaviour_deferredfeedback\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_deferredfeedback implementing null_provider |
Cqbehaviour_immediatecbm\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_immediatecbm implementing null_provider |
Cqbehaviour_immediatefeedback\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_immediatefeedback implementing null_provider |
Cqbehaviour_informationitem\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_informationitem implementing null_provider |
Cqbehaviour_interactive\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_interactive implementing null_provider |
Cqbehaviour_interactivecountback\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_interactivecountback implementing null_provider |
Cqbehaviour_manualgraded\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_manualgraded implementing null_provider |
Cqbehaviour_missing\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_missing implementing null_provider |
Cqformat_aiken\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qformat_aiken implementing null_provider |
Cqformat_blackboard_six\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qformat_blackboard_six implementing null_provider |
Cqformat_examview\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qformat_examview implementing null_provider |
Cqformat_gift\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qformat_gift implementing null_provider |
Cqformat_missingword\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qformat_missingword implementing null_provider |
Cqformat_multianswer\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qformat_multianswer implementing null_provider |
Cqformat_webct\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qformat_webct implementing null_provider |
Cqformat_xhtml\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qformat_xhtml implementing null_provider |
Cqformat_xml\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qformat_xml implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_calculated\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_calculated implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_calculatedmulti\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_calculatedmulti implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_calculatedsimple\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_calculatedsimple implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_ddimageortext\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_ddimageortext implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_ddmarker\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_ddmarker implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_ddwtos\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_ddwtos implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_description\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_description implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_essay\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_essay implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_gapselect\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_gapselect implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_match\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_match implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_missingtype\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_missingtype implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_multianswer\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_multianswer implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_multichoice\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_multichoice implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_numerical\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_numerical implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_random\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_random implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_randomsamatch\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_randomsamatch implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_shortanswer\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_shortanswer implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_truefalse\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_truefalse implementing null_provider |
Cquiz_grading\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for quiz_grading implementing null_provider |
Cquiz_statistics\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for quiz_statistics implementing null_provider |
Cquizaccess_delaybetweenattempts\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for quizaccess_delaybetweenattempts implementing null_provider |
Cquizaccess_ipaddress\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for quizaccess_ipaddress implementing null_provider |
Cquizaccess_numattempts\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for quizaccess_numattempts implementing null_provider |
Cquizaccess_offlineattempts\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for quizaccess_offlineattempts implementing null_provider |
Cquizaccess_openclosedate\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for quizaccess_openclosedate implementing null_provider |
Cquizaccess_password\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for quizaccess_password implementing null_provider |
Cquizaccess_safebrowser\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for quizaccess_safebrowser implementing null_provider |
Cquizaccess_securewindow\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for quizaccess_securewindow implementing null_provider |
Cquizaccess_timelimit\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for quizaccess_timelimit implementing null_provider |
Creport_backups\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for report_backups implementing null_provider |
Creport_competency\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for report_competency implementing null_provider |
Creport_completion\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for report_completion |
Creport_configlog\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for report_configlog implementing null_provider |
Creport_courseoverview\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for report_courseoverview implementing null_provider |
Creport_eventlist\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for report_eventlist implementing null_provider |
Creport_insights\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for report_insights implementing null_provider |
Creport_log\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for report_log implementing null_provider |
Creport_loglive\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for report_loglive implementing null_provider |
Creport_outline\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for report_outline implementing null_provider |
Creport_participation\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for report_participation implementing null_provider |
Creport_performance\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for report_performance implementing null_provider |
Creport_progress\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for report_progress |
Creport_questioninstances\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for report_questioninstances implementing null_provider |
Creport_security\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for report_security implementing null_provider |
Creport_usersessions\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for report_usersessions implementing null_provider |
Crepository_areafiles\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_areafiles implementing null_provider |
Crepository_coursefiles\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_coursefiles implementing null_provider |
Crepository_equella\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_equella implementing null_provider |
Crepository_filesystem\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_filesystem implementing null_provider |
Crepository_local\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_local implementing null_provider |
Crepository_nextcloud\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementing null_provider |
Crepository_recent\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_recent implementing null_provider |
Crepository_s3\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_s3 implementing null_provider |
Crepository_skydrive\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_skydrive implementing null_provider |
Crepository_upload\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_upload implementing null_provider |
Crepository_url\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_url implementing null_provider |
Crepository_user\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_user implementing null_provider |
Crepository_webdav\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_webdav implementing null_provider |
Cscormreport_graphs\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for scormreport_graphs implementing null_provider |
Ctheme_classic\privacy\provider | The classic theme does not store any data |
Ctool_analytics\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_analytics implementing null_provider |
Ctool_availabilityconditions\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_availabilityconditions implementing null_provider |
Ctool_behat\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_behat implementing null_provider |
Ctool_capability\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_capability implementing null_provider |
Ctool_customlang\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_customlang implementing null_provider |
Ctool_dbtransfer\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_dbtransfer implementing null_provider |
Ctool_filetypes\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_filetypes implementing null_provider |
Ctool_generator\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_generator implementing null_provider |
Ctool_health\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_health implementing null_provider |
Ctool_httpsreplace\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_httpsreplace implementing null_provider |
Ctool_innodb\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_innodb implementing null_provider |
Ctool_installaddon\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_installaddon implementing null_provider |
Ctool_langimport\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_langimport implementing null_provider |
Ctool_lp\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_lp implementing null_provider |
Ctool_lpimportcsv\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_lpimportcsv implementing null_provider |
Ctool_lpmigrate\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_lpmigrate implementing null_provider |
Ctool_multilangupgrade\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_multilangupgrade implementing null_provider |
Ctool_oauth2\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_oauth2 implementing null_provider |
Ctool_phpunit\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_phpunit implementing null_provider |
Ctool_profiling\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_profiling implementing null_provider |
Ctool_recyclebin\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_recyclebin implementing null_provider |
Ctool_replace\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_replace implementing null_provider |
Ctool_spamcleaner\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_spamcleaner implementing null_provider |
Ctool_task\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_task implementing null_provider |
Ctool_templatelibrary\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_templatelibrary implementing null_provider |
Ctool_unsuproles\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_unsuproles implementing null_provider |
Ctool_uploadcourse\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_uploadcourse implementing null_provider |
Ctool_uploaduser\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_uploaduser implementing null_provider |
Ctool_xmldb\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_xmldb implementing null_provider |
Cwebservice_rest\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for webservice_rest |
Cwebservice_soap\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for webservice_soap |
Cwebservice_xmlrpc\privacy\provider | Privacy provider implementation for webservice_xmlrpc |
Cworkshopallocation_random\privacy\provider | Privacy API implementation for the Random allocation method |
Cworkshopallocation_scheduled\privacy\provider | Privacy API implementation for the Scheduled allocation method |
Cworkshopeval_best\privacy\provider | Privacy API implementation for the Comparison with the best assessment method |
Cworkshopform_accumulative\privacy\provider | Privacy API implementation for the Accumulative grading strategy |
Cworkshopform_comments\privacy\provider | Privacy API implementation for the Comments grading strategy |
Cworkshopform_numerrors\privacy\provider | Privacy API implementation for the Number of errors strategy |
Cworkshopform_rubric\privacy\provider | Privacy API implementation for the Rubric strategy |
►Ccore_privacy\local\metadata\provider | INterface for main metadata provider interface |
Cassignfeedback_comments\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cassignfeedback_editpdf\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cassignfeedback_file\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cassignsubmission_comments\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cassignsubmission_file\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cassignsubmission_onlinetext\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cauth_manual\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for the authentication manual |
Cauth_mnet\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for the mnet authentication |
Cauth_oauth2\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for auth_oauth2 |
Cblock_comments\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for block_comments |
Cblock_html\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for block_html |
Cblock_myoverview\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_myoverview |
Cblock_online_users\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_online_users |
Cblock_recent_activity\privacy\provider | The block_recent_activity does not keep any data for more than COURSE_MAX_RECENT_PERIOD |
Cblock_recentlyaccesseditems\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_recentlyaccesseditems |
Cblock_rss_client\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cblock_tag_flickr\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_tag_flickr implementing metadata and plugin provider |
Cblock_timeline\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_timeline |
Ccachestore_memcached\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_memcached |
Ccachestore_mongodb\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_mongodb |
Ccachestore_redis\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_redis |
Ccachestore_session\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_session |
Ccore\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_analytics\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_analytics implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Ccore_auth\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_backup\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_backup |
Ccore_badges\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_block\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_blog\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_cache\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_cache |
Ccore_calendar\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_calendar implementing metadata, plugin, and user_preference providers |
Ccore_cohort\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_comment\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_competency\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_completion\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_course\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_customfield\privacy\provider | Class provider |
Ccore_editor\privacy\provider | Provider for the editor API |
Ccore_enrol\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_enrol implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Ccore_favourites\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_fileconverter\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_files\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_form\privacy\provider | Implements the privacy API for the core_form subsystem |
Ccore_grades\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_grading\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_group\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_group |
Ccore_message\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_message |
Ccore_my\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_my implementing metadata, plugin, and user_preference providers |
Ccore_notes\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for core_notes |
Ccore_plagiarism\privacy\provider | Provider for the plagiarism API |
Ccore_portfolio\privacy\provider | Provider for the portfolio API |
Ccore_question\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_question |
Ccore_rating\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_ratings |
Ccore_repository\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_repository implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Ccore_role\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for core_role |
Ccore_rss\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_tag\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_tag |
Ccore_user\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_userkey\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_webservice\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ceditor_atto\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for editor_atto |
Cenrol_cohort\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for enrol_cohort |
Cenrol_flatfile\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_flatfile implementing null_provider |
Cenrol_lti\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_lti |
Cenrol_meta\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for enrol_meta |
Cenrol_paypal\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for enrol_paypal |
Cfileconverter_googledrive\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cgradereport_grader\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_grader implementing null_provider |
Cgradereport_user\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_user implementing null_provider |
Cgradingform_guide\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cgradingform_rubric\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Clogstore_database\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Clogstore_legacy\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Clogstore_standard\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Cltiservice_basicoutcomes\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_basicoutcomes |
Cltiservice_gradebookservices\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_gradebookservices |
Cltiservice_memberships\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_memberships |
Cmessage_airnotifier\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cmessage_email\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cmessage_jabber\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cmnetservice_enrol\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for mnetservice_enrol implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Cmod_assign\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cmod_assignment\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for mod_assignment |
Cmod_chat\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Cmod_choice\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the choice activity module |
Cmod_data\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the database activity module |
Cmod_feedback\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Cmod_forum\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the forum activity module |
Cmod_glossary\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the glossary activity module |
Cmod_lesson\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Cmod_lti\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for mod_lti |
Cmod_quiz\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for mod_quiz |
Cmod_scorm\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cmod_survey\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Cmod_wiki\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Cmod_workshop\privacy\provider | Privacy API implementation for the Workshop activity module |
Cportfolio_boxnet\privacy\provider | Provider for the portfolio_boxnet plugin |
Cportfolio_flickr\privacy\provider | Provider for the portfolio_flickr plugin |
Cportfolio_googledocs\privacy\provider | Provider for the portfolio_googledocs plugin |
Cportfolio_mahara\privacy\provider | Provider for the portfolio_mahara plugin |
Cportfolio_picasa\privacy\provider | Provider for the portfolio_picasa plugin |
Cprofilefield_checkbox\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cprofilefield_datetime\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cprofilefield_menu\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cprofilefield_text\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cprofilefield_textarea\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cquiz_overview\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for quiz_overview |
Cquiz_responses\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for quiz_responses with user preferences |
Creport_stats\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for report_stats implementing provider |
Crepository_boxnet\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_boxnet implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_dropbox\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_dropbox implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_flickr\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_flickr implementing metadata, plugin, and user_preference providers |
Crepository_flickr_public\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_flickr_public implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_googledocs\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_googledocs implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_merlot\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_merlot implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_onedrive\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_onedrive implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_picasa\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_picasa implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_wikimedia\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_wikimedia implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_youtube\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_youtube implementing metadata, plugin providers |
Cscormreport_basic\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for scormreport_basic |
Cscormreport_interactions\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for scormreport_interactions |
Cscormreport_objectives\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for scormreport_objectives |
Csearch_simpledb\privacy\provider | Provider for the search_simpledb plugin |
Csearch_solr\privacy\provider | Provider for the search_solr plugin |
Ctheme_boost\privacy\provider | The boost theme stores a user preference data |
Ctool_cohortroles\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_cohortroles implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Ctool_dataprivacy\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ctool_log\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ctool_messageinbound\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ctool_mobile\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for tool_mobile |
Ctool_monitor\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for tool_monitor |
Ctool_policy\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the policy tool |
Ctool_usertours\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the user tours feature |
Cworkshopallocation_manual\privacy\provider | Privacy API implementation for the Manual allocation method |
►Ccore_privacy\local\metadata\types\type | The base type interface which all metadata types must implement |
Ccore_privacy\local\metadata\types\database_table | The database_table type |
Ccore_privacy\local\metadata\types\external_location | The external_location type |
Ccore_privacy\local\metadata\types\plugintype_link | The plugintype link |
Ccore_privacy\local\metadata\types\subsystem_link | The subsystem link type |
Ccore_privacy\local\metadata\types\user_preference | The user_preference type |
►Ccore_privacy\local\request\content_writer | The interface for a Moodle content writer |
Ccore_privacy\local\request\moodle_content_writer | The moodle_content_writer is the default Moodle implementation of a content writer |
Ccore_privacy\tests\request\content_writer | An implementation of the content_writer for use in unit tests |
►Ccore_privacy\local\request\data_provider | The data_provider interface is used to describe a provider which services user requests in any fashion |
►Ccore_privacy\local\request\core_data_provider | The core_data_provider interface is used to describe a provider which services user requests between components and core |
►Ccore_privacy\local\request\context_aware_provider | The provider interface for plugins which need access to all approved contexts to fill in relevant contextual data |
Ccore_course\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Ccore_privacy\local\request\core_user_data_provider | The core_user_data_provider interface is used to describe a provider which services user requests between components and core |
►Ccore_privacy\local\request\plugin\provider | The provider interface for plugins which provide data from a plugin directly to the Privacy subsystem |
Cauth_mnet\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for the mnet authentication |
Cauth_oauth2\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for auth_oauth2 |
Cblock_comments\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for block_comments |
Cblock_html\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for block_html |
Cblock_recent_activity\privacy\provider | The block_recent_activity does not keep any data for more than COURSE_MAX_RECENT_PERIOD |
Cblock_recentlyaccesseditems\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_recentlyaccesseditems |
Cblock_rss_client\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cblock_tag_flickr\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_tag_flickr implementing metadata and plugin provider |
Ccachestore_memcached\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_memcached |
Ccachestore_mongodb\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_mongodb |
Ccachestore_redis\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_redis |
Ccachestore_session\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_session |
Ccore_analytics\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_analytics implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Ccore_calendar\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_calendar implementing metadata, plugin, and user_preference providers |
Ccore_cohort\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_course\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_grading\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_notes\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for core_notes |
Ccore_portfolio\privacy\provider | Provider for the portfolio API |
Ccore_repository\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_repository implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Ccore_tag\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_tag |
Ceditor_atto\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for editor_atto |
Cenrol_cohort\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for enrol_cohort |
Cenrol_flatfile\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_flatfile implementing null_provider |
Cenrol_lti\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_lti |
Cenrol_meta\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for enrol_meta |
Cenrol_paypal\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for enrol_paypal |
Cfileconverter_googledrive\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cltiservice_basicoutcomes\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_basicoutcomes |
Cltiservice_gradebookservices\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_gradebookservices |
Cltiservice_memberships\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_memberships |
Cmessage_airnotifier\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cmessage_email\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cmessage_jabber\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cmnetservice_enrol\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for mnetservice_enrol implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Cmod_assign\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cmod_assignment\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for mod_assignment |
Cmod_chat\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Cmod_choice\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the choice activity module |
Cmod_data\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the database activity module |
Cmod_feedback\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Cmod_forum\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the forum activity module |
Cmod_glossary\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the glossary activity module |
Cmod_lesson\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Cmod_lti\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for mod_lti |
Cmod_quiz\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for mod_quiz |
Cmod_scorm\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cmod_survey\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Cmod_wiki\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Cmod_workshop\privacy\provider | Privacy API implementation for the Workshop activity module |
Cprofilefield_checkbox\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cprofilefield_datetime\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cprofilefield_menu\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cprofilefield_text\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cprofilefield_textarea\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Crepository_boxnet\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_boxnet implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_dropbox\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_dropbox implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_flickr\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_flickr implementing metadata, plugin, and user_preference providers |
Crepository_flickr_public\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_flickr_public implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_googledocs\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_googledocs implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_merlot\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_merlot implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_onedrive\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_onedrive implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_picasa\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_picasa implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_wikimedia\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_wikimedia implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_youtube\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_youtube implementing metadata, plugin providers |
Csearch_simpledb\privacy\provider | Provider for the search_simpledb plugin |
Csearch_solr\privacy\provider | Provider for the search_solr plugin |
Ctool_cohortroles\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_cohortroles implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Ctool_dataprivacy\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ctool_messageinbound\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ctool_mobile\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for tool_mobile |
Ctool_monitor\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for tool_monitor |
Ctool_policy\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the policy tool |
►Ccore_privacy\local\request\subsystem\provider | The provider interface for plugins which provide data from a subsystem directly to the Privacy subsystem |
Ccore\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_backup\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_backup |
Ccore_badges\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_block\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_blog\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_competency\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_enrol\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_enrol implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Ccore_fileconverter\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_files\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_grades\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_grading\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_group\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_group |
Ccore_message\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_message |
Ccore_question\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_question |
Ccore_role\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for core_role |
Ccore_rss\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_user\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_webservice\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Creport_stats\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for report_stats implementing provider |
Ctool_log\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
►Ccore_privacy\local\request\user_preference_provider | The user_preference_provider interface is an interface designed to be implemented by components directly to describe a case where that component is responsible for storing some form of system-wide user preference |
Cauth_manual\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for the authentication manual |
Cblock_myoverview\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_myoverview |
Cblock_online_users\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_online_users |
Cblock_timeline\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_timeline |
Ccore_auth\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_block\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_calendar\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_calendar implementing metadata, plugin, and user_preference providers |
Ccore_course\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_editor\privacy\provider | Provider for the editor API |
Ccore_form\privacy\provider | Implements the privacy API for the core_form subsystem |
Ccore_message\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_message |
Ccore_my\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_my implementing metadata, plugin, and user_preference providers |
Ccore_role\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for core_role |
Cgradereport_grader\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_grader implementing null_provider |
Cgradereport_user\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_user implementing null_provider |
Cgradingform_guide\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cmod_assign\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cmod_assignment\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for mod_assignment |
Cmod_forum\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the forum activity module |
Cmod_lesson\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Cmod_workshop\privacy\provider | Privacy API implementation for the Workshop activity module |
Cquiz_overview\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for quiz_overview |
Cquiz_responses\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for quiz_responses with user preferences |
Crepository_flickr\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_flickr implementing metadata, plugin, and user_preference providers |
Crepository_wikimedia\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_wikimedia implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Cscormreport_basic\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for scormreport_basic |
Cscormreport_interactions\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for scormreport_interactions |
Cscormreport_objectives\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for scormreport_objectives |
Ctheme_boost\privacy\provider | The boost theme stores a user preference data |
Ctool_dataprivacy\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ctool_mobile\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for tool_mobile |
Ctool_usertours\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the user tours feature |
Cworkshopallocation_manual\privacy\provider | Privacy API implementation for the Manual allocation method |
►Ccore_privacy\local\request\shared_data_provider | The shared_data_provider interface is used to describe a provider which services user requests between components and and other components |
►Ccore_privacy\local\request\plugin\subplugin_provider | The subplugin_provider interface is for plugins which are sub-plugins of a plugin |
►Ccore_customfield\privacy\customfield_provider | Interface customfield_provider, all customfield plugins need to implement it |
Ccustomfield_checkbox\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_checkbox implementing null_provider |
Ccustomfield_date\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_date implementing null_provider |
Ccustomfield_select\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_select implementing null_provider |
Ccustomfield_text\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_text implementing null_provider |
Ccustomfield_textarea\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_textarea implementing null_provider |
►Cmod_assign\privacy\assignfeedback_provider | |
Cassignfeedback_comments\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cassignfeedback_editpdf\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cassignfeedback_file\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Cmod_assign\privacy\assignfeedback_user_provider | |
Cassignfeedback_comments\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cassignfeedback_editpdf\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cassignfeedback_file\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Cmod_assign\privacy\assignsubmission_provider | |
Cassignsubmission_comments\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cassignsubmission_file\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cassignsubmission_onlinetext\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Cmod_assign\privacy\assignsubmission_user_provider | |
Cassignsubmission_comments\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cassignsubmission_file\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cassignsubmission_onlinetext\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Cmod_data\privacy\datafield_provider | Interface datafield_provider, all datafield plugins need to implement it |
Cdatafield_checkbox\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_checkbox implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_date\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_date implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_file\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_file implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_latlong\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_latlong implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_menu\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_menu implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_multimenu\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_multimenu implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_number\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_number implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_picture\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_picture implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_radiobutton\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_radiobutton implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_text\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_text implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_textarea\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_textarea implementing null_provider |
Cdatafield_url\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_url implementing null_provider |
Cmod_quiz\privacy\quizaccess_provider | The quizaccess_provider interface provides the expected interface for all 'quizaccess' quizaccesss |
Cmod_quiz\privacy\quizaccess_user_provider | |
►Cmod_workshop\privacy\workshopform_provider | Interface for grading strategy subplugins implementing the privacy API |
Cworkshopform_accumulative\privacy\provider | Privacy API implementation for the Accumulative grading strategy |
Cworkshopform_comments\privacy\provider | Privacy API implementation for the Comments grading strategy |
Cworkshopform_numerrors\privacy\provider | Privacy API implementation for the Number of errors strategy |
Cworkshopform_rubric\privacy\provider | Privacy API implementation for the Rubric strategy |
►Ctool_log\local\privacy\logstore_provider | Logstore provider interface |
Clogstore_database\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Clogstore_legacy\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Clogstore_standard\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
►Ctool_log\local\privacy\logstore_userlist_provider | Logstore userlist provider interface |
Clogstore_database\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Clogstore_legacy\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Clogstore_standard\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
►Ccore_privacy\local\request\plugin\subsystem_provider | The subsystem_provider interface is for plugins which may not necessarily be called directly, but instead via a subsystem |
Ccore_grading\privacy\gradingform_provider | |
►Ccore_grading\privacy\gradingform_provider_v2 | |
Cgradingform_guide\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cgradingform_rubric\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_plagiarism\privacy\plagiarism_provider | Provider for the plagiarism API |
Ccore_plagiarism\privacy\plagiarism_user_provider | Interface for the plagiarism system |
►Ccore_portfolio\privacy\portfolio_provider | Provider for the portfolio API |
Cportfolio_boxnet\privacy\provider | Provider for the portfolio_boxnet plugin |
Cportfolio_flickr\privacy\provider | Provider for the portfolio_flickr plugin |
Cportfolio_googledocs\privacy\provider | Provider for the portfolio_googledocs plugin |
Cportfolio_mahara\privacy\provider | Provider for the portfolio_mahara plugin |
Cportfolio_picasa\privacy\provider | Provider for the portfolio_picasa plugin |
►Ccore_privacy\local\request\subsystem\plugin_provider | The plugin_provider interface for subsystems which provide data directly to a plugin |
Ccore_cache\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_cache |
Ccore_comment\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_completion\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_customfield\privacy\provider | Class provider |
Ccore_favourites\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_files\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_group\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_group |
Ccore_message\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_message |
Ccore_plagiarism\privacy\provider | Provider for the plagiarism API |
Ccore_portfolio\privacy\provider | Provider for the portfolio API |
Ccore_question\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_question |
Ccore_rating\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_ratings |
Ccore_role\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for core_role |
Ccore_tag\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_tag |
Ccore_userkey\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_privacy\local\request\helper | With useful shared functionality |
Ccore_privacy\local\request\transform | A class containing a set of data transformations for core data types |
►Ccore_privacy\local\request\userlist_provider | The interface is used to describe a provider which is capable of identifying the users who have data within it |
►Ccore_privacy\local\request\core_userlist_provider | The interface is used to describe a provider which is capable of identifying the users who have data within it |
Cauth_mnet\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for the mnet authentication |
Cauth_oauth2\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for auth_oauth2 |
Cblock_comments\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for block_comments |
Cblock_html\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for block_html |
Cblock_recent_activity\privacy\provider | The block_recent_activity does not keep any data for more than COURSE_MAX_RECENT_PERIOD |
Cblock_recentlyaccesseditems\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_recentlyaccesseditems |
Cblock_rss_client\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cblock_tag_flickr\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for block_tag_flickr implementing metadata and plugin provider |
Ccachestore_memcached\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_memcached |
Ccachestore_mongodb\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_mongodb |
Ccachestore_redis\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_redis |
Ccachestore_session\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_session |
Ccore\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_analytics\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_analytics implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Ccore_backup\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_backup |
Ccore_badges\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_block\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_blog\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_calendar\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_calendar implementing metadata, plugin, and user_preference providers |
Ccore_cohort\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_competency\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_course\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_enrol\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_enrol implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Ccore_fileconverter\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_files\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_grades\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_grading\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_group\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_group |
Ccore_message\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_message |
Ccore_notes\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for core_notes |
Ccore_portfolio\privacy\provider | Provider for the portfolio API |
Ccore_question\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_question |
Ccore_repository\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for core_repository implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Ccore_role\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for core_role |
Ccore_rss\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_tag\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_tag |
Ccore_user\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_webservice\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ceditor_atto\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for editor_atto |
Cenrol_cohort\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for enrol_cohort |
Cenrol_flatfile\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_flatfile implementing null_provider |
Cenrol_lti\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_lti |
Cenrol_meta\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for enrol_meta |
Cenrol_paypal\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for enrol_paypal |
Cfileconverter_googledrive\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cltiservice_basicoutcomes\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_basicoutcomes |
Cltiservice_gradebookservices\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_gradebookservices |
Cltiservice_memberships\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_memberships |
Cmessage_airnotifier\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cmessage_email\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cmessage_jabber\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cmnetservice_enrol\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for mnetservice_enrol implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Cmod_assign\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cmod_assignment\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for mod_assignment |
Cmod_chat\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Cmod_choice\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the choice activity module |
Cmod_data\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the database activity module |
Cmod_feedback\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Cmod_forum\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the forum activity module |
Cmod_glossary\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the glossary activity module |
Cmod_lesson\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Cmod_lti\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for mod_lti |
Cmod_quiz\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for mod_quiz |
Cmod_scorm\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cmod_survey\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Cmod_wiki\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Cmod_workshop\privacy\provider | Privacy API implementation for the Workshop activity module |
Cprofilefield_checkbox\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cprofilefield_datetime\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cprofilefield_menu\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cprofilefield_text\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cprofilefield_textarea\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Creport_stats\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for report_stats implementing provider |
Crepository_boxnet\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_boxnet implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_dropbox\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_dropbox implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_flickr\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_flickr implementing metadata, plugin, and user_preference providers |
Crepository_flickr_public\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_flickr_public implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_googledocs\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_googledocs implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_merlot\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_merlot implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_onedrive\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_onedrive implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_picasa\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_picasa implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_wikimedia\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_wikimedia implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Crepository_youtube\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_youtube implementing metadata, plugin providers |
Csearch_simpledb\privacy\provider | Provider for the search_simpledb plugin |
Csearch_solr\privacy\provider | Provider for the search_solr plugin |
Ctool_cohortroles\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_cohortroles implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Ctool_dataprivacy\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ctool_log\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ctool_messageinbound\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ctool_mobile\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for tool_mobile |
Ctool_monitor\privacy\provider | Privacy provider for tool_monitor |
Ctool_policy\privacy\provider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the policy tool |
►Ccore_privacy\local\request\shared_userlist_provider | The interface is used to describe a provider which is capable of identifying the users who have data within it |
Ccore_cache\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_cache |
Ccore_comment\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_completion\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_customfield\privacy\customfield_provider | Interface customfield_provider, all customfield plugins need to implement it |
Ccore_customfield\privacy\provider | Class provider |
Ccore_favourites\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Ccore_files\privacy\provider | Data provider class |
Ccore_grading\privacy\gradingform_provider_v2 | |
Ccore_group\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_group |
Ccore_plagiarism\privacy\plagiarism_user_provider | Interface for the plagiarism system |
Ccore_plagiarism\privacy\provider | Provider for the plagiarism API |
Ccore_portfolio\privacy\portfolio_provider | Provider for the portfolio API |
Ccore_portfolio\privacy\provider | Provider for the portfolio API |
Ccore_question\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_question |
Ccore_rating\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_ratings |
Ccore_tag\privacy\provider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_tag |
Ccore_userkey\privacy\provider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cmod_assign\privacy\assignfeedback_user_provider | |
Cmod_assign\privacy\assignsubmission_user_provider | |
Cmod_data\privacy\datafield_provider | Interface datafield_provider, all datafield plugins need to implement it |
Cmod_workshop\privacy\workshopform_provider | Interface for grading strategy subplugins implementing the privacy API |
Ctool_log\local\privacy\logstore_userlist_provider | Logstore userlist provider interface |
Ccore_privacy\local\request\writer | The writer factory class used to fetch and work with the content_writer |
►Ccore_privacy\local\sitepolicy\handler | Base class for site policy handlers |
Ccore_privacy\local\sitepolicy\default_handler | Default (core) handler for site policies |
Ctool_policy\privacy\local\sitepolicy\handler | Class implementation for a site policy handler |
Ccore_privacy\local\sitepolicy\manager | Site policy management class |
Ccore_privacy\manager | The core_privacy\manager class, providing a facade to describe, export and delete personal data across Moodle and its components |
►Ccore_privacy\manager_observer | The interface for a Manager observer |
Ctool_dataprivacy\manager_observer | A failure observer for the core_privacy\manager |
►Ccore_question\bank\column_base | Base class for representing a column in a question_bank_view |
►Ccore_question\bank\action_column_base | A base class for actions that are an icon that lets you manipulate the question in some way |
►Ccore_question\bank\menu_action_column_base | Base class to make it easier to implement actions that are menuable_actions |
Ccore_question\bank\copy_action_column | Question bank column for the duplicate action icon |
Ccore_question\bank\delete_action_column | Action to delete (or hide) a question, or restore a previously hidden question |
Ccore_question\bank\edit_action_column | Base class for question bank columns that just contain an action icon |
Ccore_question\bank\export_xml_action_column | Question bank column export the question in Moodle XML format |
Ccore_question\bank\preview_action_column | Question bank columns for the preview action icon |
Ccore_question\bank\tags_action_column | Action to add and remove tags to questions |
Cmod_quiz\question\bank\add_action_column | A column type for the add this question to the quiz action |
Ccore_question\bank\checkbox_column | A column with a checkbox for each question with name q{questionid} |
Ccore_question\bank\creator_name_column | A column type for the name of the question creator |
Ccore_question\bank\edit_menu_column | A question bank column which gathers together all the actions into a menu |
Ccore_question\bank\modifier_name_column | A column type for the name of the question last modifier |
►Ccore_question\bank\question_name_column | A column type for the name of the question name |
Ccore_question\bank\question_name_idnumber_tags_column | A question bank column showing the question name with idnumber and tags |
Cmod_quiz\question\bank\question_name_text_column | A column type for the name followed by the start of the question text |
Ccore_question\bank\question_type_column | A column type for the name of the question type |
►Ccore_question\bank\row_base | Base class for 'columns' that are actually displayed as a row following the main question row |
Ccore_question\bank\question_text_row | A column type for the name of the question name |
►Ccore_question\bank\menuable_action | Interface to indicate that a question bank column can go in the action menu |
Ccore_question\bank\menu_action_column_base | Base class to make it easier to implement actions that are menuable_actions |
Ccore_question\bank\preview_action_column | Question bank columns for the preview action icon |
Ccore_question\bank\tags_action_column | Action to add and remove tags to questions |
Ccore_question\bank\random_question_loader | This class efficiently finds questions at random from the question bank |
►Ccore_question\bank\search\condition | An abstract class for filtering/searching questions |
Ccore_question\bank\search\category_condition | This class controls from which category questions are listed |
Ccore_question\bank\search\hidden_condition | This class controls whether hidden / deleted questions are hidden in the list |
Ccore_question\bank\search\tag_condition | Question bank search class to allow searching/filtering by tags on a question |
►Ccore_question\bank\view | This class prints a view of the question bank, including |
Cmod_quiz\question\bank\custom_view | Subclass to customise the view of the question bank for the quiz editing screen |
Ccore_question\statistics\questions\all_calculated_for_qubaid_condition | A collection of all the question statistics calculated for an activity instance |
►Ccore_question\statistics\questions\calculated | This class is used to return the stats as calculated by core_question\statistics\questions\calculator |
Ccore_question\statistics\questions\calculated_for_subquestion | A class to store calculated stats for a sub question |
Ccore_question\statistics\questions\calculated_question_summary | Class calculated_question_summary |
Ccore_question\statistics\questions\calculator | This class has methods to compute the question statistics from the raw data |
Ccore_question\statistics\responses\analyser | This class can compute, store and cache the analysis of the responses to a particular question |
Ccore_question\statistics\responses\analysis_for_actual_response | The leafs of the analysis data structure |
Ccore_question\statistics\responses\analysis_for_class | Counts a class of responses for this sub part of the question |
►Ccore_question\statistics\responses\analysis_for_question | Analysis for possible responses for parts of a question |
Ccore_question\statistics\responses\analysis_for_question_all_tries | Analysis for possible responses for parts of a question with multiple submitted responses |
Ccore_question\statistics\responses\analysis_for_subpart | Representing the analysis of each of the sub parts of each variant of the question |
Ccore_rating\external\util | Rating external functions utility class |
Ccore_requirejs | Collection of requirejs related methods |
►Ccore_role_allow_role_page | Base class for managing the data in the grid of checkboxes on the role allow allow/overrides/switch editing pages (allow.php) |
Ccore_role_allow_assign_page | Subclass of role_allow_role_page for the Allow assigns tab |
Ccore_role_allow_override_page | Subclass of role_allow_role_page for the Allow overrides tab |
Ccore_role_allow_switch_page | Subclass of role_allow_role_page for the Allow switches tab |
Ccore_role_allow_view_page | Subclass of role_allow_role_page for the Allow views tab |
►Ccore_role_capability_table_base | This class represents a table with one row for each of a list of capabilities where the first cell in the row contains the capability name, and there is arbitrary stuff in the rest of the row |
►Ccore_role_capability_table_with_risks | This subclass is the bases for both the define roles and override roles pages |
►Ccore_role_define_role_table_advanced | As well as tracking the permissions information about the role we are creating or editing, we also track the other information about the role |
Ccore_role_define_role_table_basic | |
Ccore_role_view_role_definition_table | |
Ccore_role_override_permissions_table_advanced | |
Ccore_role_check_capability_table | Subclass of core_role_capability_table_base for use on the Check permissions page |
Ccore_role_permissions_table | Subclass of core_role_capability_table_base for use on the Permissions page |
Ccore_role_preset | XML role file manipulation class |
Ccore_search\area_category | Search area category |
►Ccore_search\base | Base search implementation |
Ccore_course\search\course | Search area for Moodle courses |
Ccore_course\search\customfield | Search area for course custom fields |
Ccore_course\search\section | Search area for course sections (title and summary) |
►Ccore_message\search\base_message | Search area base class for messages |
Ccore_message\search\message_received | Search area for received messages |
Ccore_message\search\message_sent | Search area for sent messages |
►Ccore_search\base_block | Search area base class for blocks |
Cblock_html\search\content | Search area for block_html blocks |
►Ccore_search\base_mod | Base implementation for search areas working at module level |
►Ccore_search\base_activity | Base implementation for activity modules |
Cmod_assign\search\activity | Search area for mod_assign activities |
Cmod_book\search\activity | Search area for mod_book activities |
Cmod_chat\search\activity | Search area for mod_chat activities |
Cmod_choice\search\activity | Search area for mod_choice activities |
Cmod_data\search\activity | Search area for mod_data activities |
Cmod_feedback\search\activity | Search area for mod_feedback activities |
Cmod_folder\search\activity | Search area for mod_folder activities |
Cmod_forum\search\activity | Forum activities search area |
Cmod_glossary\search\activity | Search area for mod_glossary activities |
Cmod_imscp\search\activity | Search area for mod_imscp activities |
Cmod_label\search\activity | Search area for mod_label activities |
Cmod_lesson\search\activity | Search area for mod_lesson activities |
Cmod_lti\search\activity | Search area for mod_lti activities |
Cmod_page\search\activity | Search area for mod_page activities |
Cmod_quiz\search\activity | Search area for mod_quiz activities |
Cmod_resource\search\activity | Search area for mod_resource activities |
Cmod_scorm\search\activity | Search area for mod_scorm activities |
Cmod_survey\search\activity | Search area for mod_survey activities |
Cmod_url\search\activity | Search area for mod_url activities |
Cmod_wiki\search\activity | Search area for mod_wiki activities |
Cmod_workshop\search\activity | Search area for mod_workshop activities |
Cmod_book\search\chapter | Search area for mod_book chapters |
Cmod_data\search\entry | Search area for mod_data activity entries |
Cmod_forum\search\post | Forum posts search area |
Cmod_glossary\search\entry | Glossary entries search |
Cmod_wiki\search\collaborative_page | Search area for mod_wiki collaborative pages |
Ccore_user\search\user | Search area for Users for whom I have access to view profile |
Ccore_search\document_factory | Search document factory |
Ccore_search\document_icon | Represents a document icon |
►Ccore_search\engine | Base class for search engines |
Csearch_simpledb\engine | Simple moodle database engine |
Csearch_solr\engine | Solr engine |
Ccore_search\manager | Search subsystem manager |
Ccore_shutdown_manager | Shutdown management class |
►Ccore_string_manager | Interface for string manager |
Ccore_string_manager_install | Fetches minimum strings for installation |
Ccore_string_manager_standard | Standard string_manager implementation |
Ccore_tag\external\util | Tag external functions utility class |
Ccore_tag_area | Class to manage tag areas |
Ccore_tag_collection | Class to manage tag collections |
Ccore_tag_index_builder | Helper to build tag index |
Ccore_tag_tag | |
Ccore_text | |
Ccore_user | User class to access user details |
Ccore_user\output\myprofile\manager | Defines MAnager class for myprofile navigation tree |
Ccore_useragent | The user agent class |
Ccore_xml_parser | Class for parsing xml files |
►CCountable | |
►Ccore_privacy\local\request\contextlist_base | Base implementation of a contextlist used to store a set of contexts |
►Ccore_privacy\local\request\approved_contextlist | An implementation of a contextlist which has been filtered and approved |
Ccore_privacy\tests\request\approved_contextlist | Privacy Fetch Result Set |
Ccore_privacy\local\request\contextlist | Privacy Fetch Result Set |
Ccore_privacy\local\request\contextlist_collection | A collection of contextlist items |
►Ccore_privacy\local\request\userlist_base | Base implementation of a userlist used to store a set of users |
►Ccore_privacy\local\request\approved_userlist | An implementation of a userlist which has been filtered and approved |
Ctool_dataprivacy\filtered_userlist | An implementation of a userlist which can be filtered by role |
Ccore_privacy\local\request\userlist | List of users from the Privacy API Search functions |
Ccore_privacy\local\request\userlist_collection | A collection of userlist items |
►Cnavigation_node_collection | |
Cflat_navigation | Class used to generate a collection of navigation nodes most closely related to the current page |
Cquestion_attempt_steps_with_submitted_response_iterator | A variant of question_attempt_step_iterator that iterates through the steps with submitted tries |
Ccourse_enrolment_manager | This class provides a targeted tied together means of interfacing the enrolment tasks together with a course |
Ccourse_modinfo | |
Ccourse_request | |
Ccoursecat_helper | Class storing display options and functions to help display course category and/or courses lists |
Ccssparser | |
Ccsv_export_writer | |
Ccsv_import_reader | Utitily class for importing of CSV files |
►Ccurl | |
►Coauth2_client | OAuth 2.0 Client for using web access tokens |
Cboxnet_client | client class |
Ccore\oauth2\client | Configurable oauth2 client class |
Cgoogle_oauth | OAuth 2.0 client for Google Services |
Cmicrosoft_skydrive | A helper class to access microsoft live resources using the api |
Crepository_dropbox\dropbox | Dropbox V2 API |
Ccurl_cache | This class is used by cURL class, use case: |
►Cdata_field_base | |
Cdata_field_checkbox | |
Cdata_field_date | |
Cdata_field_file | |
Cdata_field_latlong | |
Cdata_field_menu | |
Cdata_field_multimenu | |
Cdata_field_number | |
Cdata_field_picture | |
Cdata_field_radiobutton | |
Cdata_field_text | |
Cdata_field_textarea | |
Cdata_field_url | |
►Cdata_object | |
Ccompletion_aggregation | |
Ccompletion_completion | |
►Ccompletion_criteria | |
Ccompletion_criteria_activity | |
Ccompletion_criteria_course | |
Ccompletion_criteria_date | |
Ccompletion_criteria_duration | |
Ccompletion_criteria_grade | |
Ccompletion_criteria_role | |
Ccompletion_criteria_self | |
Ccompletion_criteria_unenrol | |
Ccompletion_criteria_completion | |
►Cdata_preset_importer | Abstract class used for data preset importers |
Cdata_preset_existing_importer | Data preset importer for existing presets |
Cdata_preset_upload_importer | Data preset importer for uploaded presets |
Cdatabase_column_info | |
►Cdatabase_exporter | Base class for database export operations |
Cdatabase_mover | |
►Cxml_database_exporter | XML format exporter class |
Cfile_xml_database_exporter | XML format exporter class to file storage |
Cstring_xml_database_exporter | XML format exporter class to memory storage (i.e |
►Cdatabase_importer | Base class for database import operations |
►Cxml_database_importer | XML format importer class (uses SAX for speed and low memory footprint) |
Cfile_xml_database_importer | XML format importer class from file storage |
Cstring_xml_database_importer | XML format importer class from memory storage (i.e |
Cdatabase_manager | Database manager instance is responsible for all database structure modifications |
Cdndupload_ajax_processor | Processes the upload, creating the course module and returning the result |
Cdndupload_handler | Stores all the information about the available dndupload handlers |
Ceditor_tinymce_plugin | |
Cemoticon_manager | Provides core support for plugins that have to deal with emoticons (like HTML editor or emoticon filter) |
►Cenrol_bulk_enrolment_operation | This class is used to manage a bulk operations for enrolment plugins |
Cenrol_manual_deleteselectedusers_operation | A bulk operation for the manual enrolment plugin to delete selected users enrolments |
Cenrol_manual_editselectedusers_operation | A bulk operation for the manual enrolment plugin to edit selected users |
Cenrol_self_deleteselectedusers_operation | A bulk operation for the self enrolment plugin to delete selected users enrolments |
Cenrol_self_editselectedusers_operation | A bulk operation for the manual enrolment plugin to edit selected users |
Cenrol_category_observer | Event handler for category enrolment plugin |
Cenrol_cohort_handler | Event handler for cohort enrolment plugin |
Cenrol_lti\helper | LTI enrolment plugin helper class |
►Cenrol_meta_handler | Event handler for meta enrolment plugin |
Cenrol_meta_observer | Event observer for enrol_meta |
Cenrol_mnet_mnetservice_enrol | MNet server-side methods that are part of mnetservice_enrol |
Cenrol_paypal\util | PayPal enrolment plugin utility class |
►Cenrol_plugin | Enrolment plugins abstract class |
Cenrol_category_plugin | Category enrolment plugin implementation |
Cenrol_cohort_plugin | Cohort enrolment plugin implementation |
Cenrol_database_plugin | Database enrolment plugin implementation |
Cenrol_flatfile_plugin | Flatfile enrolment plugin implementation |
Cenrol_guest_plugin | Class enrol_guest_plugin |
Cenrol_imsenterprise_plugin | IMS Enterprise file enrolment plugin |
Cenrol_ldap_plugin | |
Cenrol_lti_plugin | LTI enrolment plugin class |
Cenrol_manual_plugin | |
Cenrol_meta_plugin | Meta course enrolment plugin |
Cenrol_mnet_plugin | MNet enrolment plugin implementation for Moodle 2.x enrolment framework |
Cenrol_paypal_plugin | Paypal enrolment plugin implementation |
Cenrol_self_plugin | Self enrolment plugin implementation |
►Centities | |
Ccc_forum | |
Ccc_label | |
Ccc_quiz | |
►Centities11 | |
Ccc11_basiclti | |
Ccc11_forum | |
Ccc11_lti | |
Ccc11_quiz | |
Ccc11_resource | |
Cenvironment_results | Helper Class to return results to caller |
Cerror_messages | |
►Cexecutable | Interface to apply to all the classes we want to be executable (plan/part/task) |
Cbase_plan | Abstract class defining the basis for one execution (backup/restore) plan |
►Cbase_step | Abstract class defining the basis for one execution (backup/restore) step |
►Cbackup_step | Abstract class defining the needed stuf for one backup step |
►Cbackup_execution_step | Abstract class defining the needed stuff to execute code on backup |