lesson restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
| add_result ($result) |
| Add the given info to the current plan's results. More...
| add_step ($step) |
| after_restore () |
| Re-map the dependency and activitylink information If a depency or activitylink has no mapping in the backup data then it could either be a duplication of a lesson, or a backup/restore of a single lesson. More...
| build () |
| Create all the steps that will be part of this task.
| calculate_checksum () |
| This function will return one unique and stable checksum for one instance of the class implementing it. More...
| destroy () |
| Destroy all circular references. More...
| execute () |
| Exceptionally override the execute method, so, based in the activity_included setting, we are able to skip the execution of one task completely.
| execute_after_restore () |
| If the task has been executed, launch its after_restore() method if available.
| get_activityid () |
| get_basepath () |
| get_comment_mapping_itemname ($commentarea) |
| Given a commment area, return the itemname that contains the itemid mappings. More...
| get_contextid () |
| get_courseid () |
| get_decoder () |
| get_info () |
| get_logger () |
| get_moduleid () |
| get_modulename () |
| get_name () |
| get_old_activityid () |
| get_old_contextid () |
| get_old_courseid () |
| get_old_moduleversion () |
| get_old_system_contextid () |
| get_preloaded_information () |
| get_progress () |
| Gets the progress reporter, which can be used to report progress within the backup or restore process. More...
| get_restoreid () |
| get_results () |
| Return the current plan's results. More...
| get_setting ($name) |
| Specialisation that, first of all, looks for the setting within the task with the the prefix added and later, delegates to parent without adding anything.
| get_setting_value ($name) |
| get_settings () |
| get_steps () |
| get_target () |
| get_taskbasepath () |
| Activity tasks have their own directory to read files.
| get_tempdir () |
| get_userid () |
| get_weight () |
| Returns the weight of this task, an approximation of the amount of time it will take. More...
| is_checksum_correct ($checksum) |
| Given one checksum, returns if matches object's checksum (true) or no (false)
| is_excluding_activities () |
| is_missing_modules () |
| is_samesite () |
| log ($message, $level, $a=null, $depth=null, $display=false) |
| This function will be responsible for handling the params, and to call to the corresponding logger->process() once all modifications in params have been performed.
| set_activityid ($activityid) |
| set_contextid ($contextid) |
| set_moduleid ($moduleid) |
| set_old_activityid ($activityid) |
| set_old_contextid ($contextid) |
| set_old_moduleversion ($oldmoduleversion) |
| set_plan ($plan) |
| set_preloaded_information () |
| setting_exists ($name) |
lesson restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity
restore_lesson_activity_task::after_restore |
( |
| ) |
Re-map the dependency and activitylink information If a depency or activitylink has no mapping in the backup data then it could either be a duplication of a lesson, or a backup/restore of a single lesson.
We have no way to determine which and whether this is the same site and/or course. Therefore we try and retrieve a mapping, but fallback to the original value if one was not found. We then test to see whether the value found is valid for the course being restored into.