Moodle APIs
Moodle 3.8.6 (Build: 20201109)
►Nantivirus_clamav | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for antivirus_clamav implementing null_provider |
Cscanner | Class implementing ClamAV antivirus |
►Nassignfeedback_comments | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nassignfeedback_editpdf | |
►Nevent | |
Cobserver | An event observer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Ntask | |
Cconvert_submissions | Simple task to convert submissions to pdf in the background |
Cannotation | This class adds and removes annotations from a page of a response |
Ccombined_document | The combined_document class for the assignfeedback_editpdf plugin |
Ccomment | This class represents a comment box on a page of feedback |
Ccomments_quick_list | This class performs crud operations on a users quicklist comments |
Cdocument_services | Functions for generating the annotated pdf |
Cpage_editor | This class performs crud operations on comments and annotations from a page of a response |
Cpdf | Library code for manipulating PDFs |
►Nassignfeedback_file | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nassignfeedback_offline | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nassignment_offline | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for assignment_offline |
►Nassignment_online | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for assignment_online |
►Nassignment_upload | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for assignment_upload |
►Nassignment_uploadsingle | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for assignment_uploadsingle |
►Nassignsubmission_comments | |
►Nevent | |
Ccomment_created | The assignsubmission_comments comment created event class |
Ccomment_deleted | The assignsubmission_comments comment deleted event |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nassignsubmission_file | |
►Nevent | |
Cassessable_uploaded | The assignsubmission_file assessable uploaded event class |
Csubmission_created | |
Csubmission_updated | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nassignsubmission_onlinetext | |
►Nevent | |
Cassessable_uploaded | |
Csubmission_created | |
Csubmission_updated | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Natto_accessibilitychecker | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_accessibilitychecker implementing null_provider |
►Natto_accessibilityhelper | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_accessibilityhelper implementing null_provider |
►Natto_align | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_align implementing null_provider |
►Natto_backcolor | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_backcolor implementing null_provider |
►Natto_bold | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_bold implementing null_provider |
►Natto_charmap | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_charmap implementing null_provider |
►Natto_clear | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_clear implementing null_provider |
►Natto_collapse | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_collapse implementing null_provider |
►Natto_emojipicker | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_emojipicker implementing null_provider |
►Natto_emoticon | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_emoticon implementing null_provider |
►Natto_equation | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_equation implementing null_provider |
►Natto_fontcolor | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_fontcolor implementing null_provider |
►Natto_h5p | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_h5p implementing null_provider |
►Natto_html | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_html implementing null_provider |
►Natto_image | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_image implementing null_provider |
►Natto_indent | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_indent implementing null_provider |
►Natto_italic | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_italic implementing null_provider |
►Natto_link | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_link implementing null_provider |
►Natto_managefiles | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_managefiles implementing null_provider |
►Natto_media | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_media implementing null_provider |
►Natto_noautolink | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_noautolink implementing null_provider |
►Natto_orderedlist | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_orderedlist implementing null_provider |
►Natto_recordrtc | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_recordrtc implementing null_provider |
►Natto_rtl | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_rtl implementing null_provider |
►Natto_strike | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_strike implementing null_provider |
►Natto_subscript | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_subscript implementing null_provider |
►Natto_superscript | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_superscript implementing null_provider |
►Natto_table | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_table implementing null_provider |
►Natto_title | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_title implementing null_provider |
►Natto_underline | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_underline implementing null_provider |
►Natto_undo | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_undo implementing null_provider |
►Natto_unorderedlist | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_unorderedlist implementing null_provider |
►Nauth_cas | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_cas implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Csync_task | A scheduled task class for CAS user sync |
►Nauth_db | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_db implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Csync_users | Sync users task class |
►Nauth_email | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_email implementing null_provider |
►Nauth_ldap | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_ldap implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Csync_roles | A scheduled task class for LDAP roles sync |
Csync_task | A scheduled task class for LDAP user sync |
►Nauth_lti | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_lti implementing null_provider |
►Nauth_manual | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider for the authentication manual |
►Nauth_mnet | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider for the mnet authentication |
►Ntask | |
Ccron_task | |
►Nauth_nologin | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_nologin implementing null_provider |
►Nauth_none | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_none implementing null_provider |
►Nauth_oauth2 | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | Implements the plugin renderer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider for auth_oauth2 |
Capi | Static list of api methods for auth oauth2 configuration |
Cauth | Plugin for oauth2 authentication |
Clinked_login | Class for loading/storing issuer from the DB |
►Nauth_shibboleth | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_shibboleth implementing null_provider |
Chelper | The helper class for the Shibboleth authentication plugin |
►Nauth_webservice | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_webservice implementing null_provider |
►Navailability_completion | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for availability_completion implementing null_provider |
Ccondition | Activity completion condition |
Cfrontend | Front-end class |
►Navailability_date | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for availability_date implementing null_provider |
Ccondition | Date condition |
Cfrontend | Front-end class |
►Navailability_grade | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for availability_grade implementing null_provider |
Ccallbacks | Callbacks handling grade changes (to clear cache) |
Ccondition | Condition on grades of current user |
Cfrontend | Front-end class |
►Navailability_group | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for availability_group implementing null_provider |
Ccondition | Condition main class |
Cfrontend | Front-end class |
►Navailability_grouping | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for availability_grouping implementing null_provider |
Ccondition | Condition main class |
Cfrontend | Front-end class |
►Navailability_profile | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for availability_profile implementing null_provider |
Ccondition | User profile field condition |
Cfrontend | Front-end class |
►Nblock_activity_modules | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_activity_modules implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_activity_results | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_activity_results implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_admin_bookmarks | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_admin_bookmarks implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_badges | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_badges implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_blog_menu | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_blog_menu implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_blog_recent | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_blog_recent implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_blog_tags | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_blog_tags implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_calendar_month | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_calendar_month implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_calendar_upcoming | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_calendar_upcoming implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_comments | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for block_comments |
►Nblock_completionstatus | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_completionstatus implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_course_list | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_course_list implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_course_summary | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_course_summary implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_feedback | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_feedback implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_globalsearch | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_globalsearch implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_glossary_random | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_glossary_random implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_html | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for block_html |
►Nsearch | |
Ccontent | Search area for block_html blocks |
►Nblock_login | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_login implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_lp | |
►Noutput | |
Ccompetencies_to_review_page | Competencies to review renderable class |
Cplans_to_review_page | Plans to review renderable class |
Crenderer | Block LP renderer class |
Csummary | Summary renderable class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_lp implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_mentees | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_mentees implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_mnet_hosts | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_mnet_hosts implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_myoverview | |
►Noutput | |
Cmain | Class containing data for my overview block |
Crenderer | Myoverview block renderer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_myoverview |
►Nblock_myprofile | |
►Noutput | |
Cmyprofile | Class containing data for myprofile block |
Crenderer | Myprofile block renderer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_myprofile implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_navigation | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_navigation implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_news_items | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_news_items implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_online_users | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_online_users |
►Nblock_private_files | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_private_files implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_quiz_results | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_quiz_results implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_recent_activity | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | The block_recent_activity does not keep any data for more than COURSE_MAX_RECENT_PERIOD |
►Ntask | |
Ccleanup | Task for updating RSS feeds for rss client block |
►Nblock_recentlyaccessedcourses | |
►Noutput | |
Cmain | Class containing data for Recently accessed courses block |
Crenderer | Recently accessed courses block renderer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for Recently accessed courses block |
►Nblock_recentlyaccesseditems | |
►Noutput | |
Cmain | Class containing data for Recently accessed items block |
Crenderer | Recently accessed items block renderer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_recentlyaccesseditems |
►Nblock_rss_client | |
►Noutput | |
Cblock | Class to help display an RSS Feeds block |
Cchannel_image | Class to display RSS channel images |
Cfeed | Class to help display an RSS Feed |
Cfooter | Class to help display an RSS Block footer |
Citem | Class to help display an RSS Item |
Crenderer | Renderer for RSS Client block |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Ntask | |
Crefreshfeeds | Task for updating RSS feeds for rss client block |
►Nblock_search_forums | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | Block search forums renderer |
Csearch_form | Search form renderable class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_search_forums implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_section_links | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_section_links implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_selfcompletion | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_selfcompletion implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_settings | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_settings implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_site_main_menu | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_site_main_menu implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_social_activities | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_social_activities implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_starredcourses | |
►Noutput | |
Cmain | Class containing data for starred courses block |
Crenderer | Starred courses block renderer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_starredcourses |
►Nblock_tag_flickr | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_tag_flickr implementing metadata and plugin provider |
►Nblock_tag_youtube | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_tag_youtube implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_tags | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_tags implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_timeline | |
►Noutput | |
Cmain | Class containing data for timeline block |
Crenderer | Timeline block renderer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_timeline |
►Nbooktool_exportimscp | |
►Nevent | |
Cbook_exported | Booktool_exportimscp book exported event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for booktool_exportimscp |
►Nbooktool_importhtml | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for booktool_importhtml |
►Nbooktool_print | |
►Nevent | |
Cbook_printed | Booktool_print book printed event class |
Cchapter_printed | Booktool_print chapter printed event class |
►Noutput | |
Cprint_book_chapter_page | Class containing data for the print book page |
Cprint_book_page | Class containing data for the print book page |
Crenderer | The renderer for the book print tool |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for booktool_print |
►Ncachelock_file | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for cachelock_file implementing null_provider |
►Ncachestore_apcu | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_apcu implementing null_provider |
►Ncachestore_file | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_file implementing null_provider |
►Ncachestore_memcached | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_memcached |
►Ncachestore_mongodb | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_mongodb |
►Ncachestore_redis | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_redis |
►Ncachestore_session | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_session |
►Ncachestore_static | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_static implementing null_provider |
►Ncalendartype_gregorian | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for calendartype_gregorian implementing null_provider |
Cstructure | |
►Ncalendartype_test_example | |
Cstructure | |
►Ncore | |
►Naccess | |
Cget_user_capability_course_helper | Helper functions to implement the complex get_user_capability_course function |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nanalyser | |
Ccourses | Courses analyser working at course level (insights for the course teachers) |
Csite_courses | Site courses analyser working at system level (insights for the site admin) |
Cstudent_enrolments | Student enrolments analyser |
Cusers | Users analyser (insights for users) |
►Nindicator | |
Cany_access_after_end | Any access after the official end of the course |
Cany_access_before_start | Any access before the official start of the course |
Cany_course_access | Any access indicator |
Cany_write_action | Write actions indicator |
Cany_write_action_in_course | Write actions in a course indicator |
Cread_actions | Read actions indicator |
►Ntime_splitting | |
Cdeciles | 10 parts time splitting method |
Cdeciles_accum | Range processor splitting the course in ten parts and accumulating data |
Cno_splitting | No time splitting method |
Cone_month_after_start | Time splitting method that generates predictions one month after the analysable start |
Cone_week_after_start | Time splitting method that generates predictions one week after the analysable start |
Cpast_3_days | Time splitting method that generates predictions every 3 days |
Cpast_month | Time splitting method that generates monthly predictions |
Cpast_week | Time splitting method that generates weekly predictions |
Cquarters | Quarters time splitting method |
Cquarters_accum | Range processor splitting the course in quarters and accumulating data |
Csingle_range | Single time splitting method |
Cten_percent_after_start | Time splitting method that generates predictions 3 days after the analysable start |
Cupcoming_3_days | Time splitting method that generates insights every three days and calculates indicators using upcoming dates |
Cupcoming_fortnight | Time splitting method that generates insights every fortnight and calculates indicators using upcoming dates |
Cupcoming_week | Time splitting method that generates weekly predictions |
►Nantivirus | |
Cmanager | Class used for various antivirus related stuff |
Cscanner | Base abstract antivirus scanner class |
Cscanner_exception | An antivirus scanner exception class |
►Ndataformat | |
Cbase | Base class for dataformat |
Cspout_base | Common Spout class for dataformat |
►Ndml | |
Crecordset_walk | |
Csql_join | |
Ctable | Helpers and methods relating to DML tables |
►Nevent | |
Cassessable_submitted | Abstract assessable submitted event class |
Cassessable_uploaded | |
Cbadge_archived | Event triggered after a badge is archived |
Cbadge_awarded | Event triggered after a badge is awarded to a user |
Cbadge_created | Event triggered after a badge is created |
Cbadge_criteria_created | |
Cbadge_criteria_deleted | |
Cbadge_criteria_updated | |
Cbadge_deleted | Event triggered after a badge is deleted |
Cbadge_disabled | Event triggered after a badge is disabled |
Cbadge_duplicated | Event triggered after a badge is duplicated |
Cbadge_enabled | Event triggered after a badge is enabled |
Cbadge_listing_viewed | |
Cbadge_revoked | Event triggered after a badge is revoked from a user |
Cbadge_updated | Event triggered after a badge is updated |
Cbadge_viewed | |
Cbase | |
Cblog_association_created | |
Cblog_association_deleted | |
Cblog_comment_created | The blog comment created event class |
Cblog_comment_deleted | The blog comment deleted event class |
Cblog_entries_viewed | |
Cblog_entry_created | Class blog_entry_created |
Cblog_entry_deleted | Class blog_entry_deleted |
Cblog_entry_updated | Class blog_entry_updated |
Cblog_external_added | |
Cblog_external_removed | Class for event to be triggered when an external blog is removed from moodle |
Cblog_external_updated | |
Cblog_external_viewed | |
Ccalendar_event_created | |
Ccalendar_event_deleted | |
Ccalendar_event_updated | |
Ccalendar_subscription_created | |
Ccalendar_subscription_deleted | |
Ccalendar_subscription_updated | |
Ccapability_assigned | Capability assigned event class |
Ccapability_unassigned | Capability unassigned event class |
Ccohort_created | Cohort created event class |
Ccohort_deleted | Cohort deleted event class |
Ccohort_member_added | User added to a cohort event class |
Ccohort_member_removed | User removed from a cohort event class |
Ccohort_updated | Cohort updated event class |
Ccomment_created | |
Ccomment_deleted | |
Ccomments_viewed | Abstract comments viewed event class |
Ccompetency_comment_created | Comment created event class for core_competency areas |
Ccompetency_comment_deleted | Comment deleted event class for core_competency areas |
Ccompetency_created | Competency created event class |
Ccompetency_deleted | Competency deleted event class |
Ccompetency_evidence_created | |
Ccompetency_framework_created | |
Ccompetency_framework_deleted | |
Ccompetency_framework_updated | |
Ccompetency_framework_viewed | Competency framework viewed event class |
Ccompetency_plan_approved | |
Ccompetency_plan_completed | |
Ccompetency_plan_created | |
Ccompetency_plan_deleted | |
Ccompetency_plan_reopened | |
Ccompetency_plan_review_request_cancelled | |
Ccompetency_plan_review_requested | |
Ccompetency_plan_review_started | |
Ccompetency_plan_review_stopped | |
Ccompetency_plan_unapproved | |
Ccompetency_plan_unlinked | Plan unlinked event class |
Ccompetency_plan_updated | |
Ccompetency_plan_viewed | |
Ccompetency_template_created | |
Ccompetency_template_deleted | |
Ccompetency_template_updated | |
Ccompetency_template_viewed | |
Ccompetency_updated | Competency updated event class |
Ccompetency_user_competency_plan_viewed | |
Ccompetency_user_competency_rated | |
Ccompetency_user_competency_rated_in_course | |
Ccompetency_user_competency_rated_in_plan | |
Ccompetency_user_competency_review_request_cancelled | User competency review requested event class |
Ccompetency_user_competency_review_requested | User competency review requested event class |
Ccompetency_user_competency_review_started | User competency review started event class |
Ccompetency_user_competency_review_stopped | User competency review stopped event class |
Ccompetency_user_competency_viewed | |
Ccompetency_user_competency_viewed_in_course | |
Ccompetency_user_competency_viewed_in_plan | |
Ccompetency_user_evidence_created | |
Ccompetency_user_evidence_deleted | |
Ccompetency_user_evidence_updated | |
Ccompetency_viewed | Competency viewed event class |
Ccompletion_defaults_updated | Default completion for activity in a course updated event |
Cconfig_log_created | |
Ccontent_viewed | |
Ccontext_locked | Event triggered after a context has been frozen |
Ccontext_unlocked | Event triggered after a context has been unfrozen |
Ccourse_backup_created | |
Ccourse_category_created | Course category created event class |
Ccourse_category_deleted | |
Ccourse_category_updated | Course category updated event class |
Ccourse_category_viewed | Course category viewed event class |
Ccourse_completed | |
Ccourse_completion_updated | Course module completion updated event class |
Ccourse_content_deleted | |
Ccourse_created | |
Ccourse_deleted | |
Ccourse_information_viewed | Course information viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_completion_updated | |
Ccourse_module_created | |
Ccourse_module_deleted | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | Course module instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_instances_list_viewed | This class has been deprecated, please use core\event\course_module_instance_list_viewed |
Ccourse_module_updated | |
Ccourse_module_viewed | Abstract Course module viewed event class |
Ccourse_reset_ended | |
Ccourse_reset_started | |
Ccourse_resources_list_viewed | Event for viewing the list of course resources |
Ccourse_restored | |
Ccourse_section_created | |
Ccourse_section_deleted | |
Ccourse_section_updated | |
Ccourse_updated | |
Ccourse_user_report_viewed | |
Ccourse_viewed | |
Ccourses_searched | |
Cdashboard_reset | |
Cdashboard_viewed | Dashboard viewed event class |
Cdashboards_reset | |
Cdatabase_text_field_content_replaced | |
Cemail_failed | |
Cenrol_instance_created | |
Cenrol_instance_deleted | |
Cenrol_instance_updated | |
Cgrade_deleted | |
Cgrade_exported | Grade report viewed event class |
Cgrade_item_created | Grade item created event class |
Cgrade_item_updated | Grade item updated event class |
Cgrade_letter_created | Grade letter created event class |
Cgrade_letter_deleted | Grade letter deleted event class |
Cgrade_letter_updated | Grade letter updated event class |
Cgrade_report_viewed | Grade report viewed event class |
Cgroup_created | Group created event class |
Cgroup_deleted | Group deleted event class |
Cgroup_member_added | |
Cgroup_member_removed | Group member removed event class |
Cgroup_message_sent | |
Cgroup_updated | Group updated event class |
Cgrouping_created | Grouping created event class |
Cgrouping_deleted | Grouping deleted event class |
Cgrouping_group_assigned | Group assigned to grouping event class |
Cgrouping_group_unassigned | Group unassigned from grouping event class |
Cgrouping_updated | Grouping updated event class |
Cinsights_viewed | Event triggered after a user views the insights page |
Cmanager | Class used for event dispatching |
Cmessage_contact_added | Message contact added event class |
Cmessage_contact_blocked | Message contact blocked event class |
Cmessage_contact_removed | Message contact removed event class |
Cmessage_contact_unblocked | Message contact unblocked event class |
Cmessage_deleted | |
Cmessage_sent | |
Cmessage_user_blocked | Message user blocked event class |
Cmessage_user_unblocked | Message users unblocked event class |
Cmessage_viewed | |
Cmnet_access_control_created | |
Cmnet_access_control_updated | |
Cnote_created | |
Cnote_deleted | |
Cnote_updated | |
Cnotes_viewed | Class note_viewed |
Cnotification_sent | |
Cnotification_viewed | Notification viewed event class |
Cprediction_action_started | Event triggered after a user clicked on one of the prediction suggested actions |
Cquestion_base | Base class for question events |
Cquestion_category_base | Base class for question category events |
Cquestion_category_created | Question category created event class |
Cquestion_category_deleted | Question category deleted event class |
Cquestion_category_moved | Question category moved event class |
Cquestion_category_updated | Question category updated event class |
Cquestion_category_viewed | Question category viewed event class |
Cquestion_created | |
Cquestion_deleted | |
Cquestion_moved | |
Cquestion_updated | |
Cquestion_viewed | |
Cquestions_exported | |
Cquestions_imported | |
Crecent_activity_viewed | Event for recent activity page |
Crole_allow_assign_updated | Role assignments updated event class |
Crole_allow_override_updated | Role allow override updated event class |
Crole_allow_switch_updated | Role allow switch updated event class |
Crole_allow_view_updated | Role allow view updated event class |
Crole_assigned | |
Crole_capabilities_updated | Role updated event class |
Crole_deleted | |
Crole_unassigned | |
Crole_updated | Role updated event class |
Cscale_created | Scale created event class |
Cscale_deleted | Scale deleted event class |
Cscale_updated | Scale updated event class |
Csearch_indexed | Event when new data has been indexed |
Csearch_results_viewed | |
Ctag_added | |
Ctag_collection_created | Tag collection created event class |
Ctag_collection_deleted | Tag collection deleted event class |
Ctag_collection_updated | Tag collection updated event class |
Ctag_created | |
Ctag_deleted | |
Ctag_flagged | |
Ctag_removed | |
Ctag_unflagged | |
Ctag_updated | |
Cunknown_logged | Unknown event class |
Cuser_created | Event when new user profile is created |
Cuser_deleted | |
Cuser_enrolment_created | |
Cuser_enrolment_deleted | |
Cuser_enrolment_updated | |
Cuser_graded | |
Cuser_info_category_created | |
Cuser_info_category_deleted | |
Cuser_info_category_updated | |
Cuser_info_field_created | |
Cuser_info_field_deleted | |
Cuser_info_field_updated | |
Cuser_list_viewed | |
Cuser_loggedin | |
Cuser_loggedinas | |
Cuser_loggedout | |
Cuser_login_failed | |
Cuser_password_updated | |
Cuser_profile_viewed | |
Cuser_updated | Event when user profile is updated |
Cwebservice_function_called | |
Cwebservice_login_failed | |
Cwebservice_service_created | |
Cwebservice_service_deleted | Web service service deleted event class |
Cwebservice_service_updated | Web service service updated event class |
Cwebservice_service_user_added | Web service service user added event class |
Cwebservice_service_user_removed | Web service service user removed event class |
Cwebservice_token_created | |
Cwebservice_token_sent | Webservice token sent event class |
►Nexternal | |
►Noutput | |
►Nicon_system | |
Cload_fontawesome_map | |
Ccoursecat_summary_exporter | Class for exporting a course summary from an stdClass |
Cexporter | Generic exporter to take a stdClass and prepare it for return by webservice, or as the context for a template |
Cpaged_content_exporter | Paged Content exporter |
Cpersistent_exporter | Abstract exporter based on the persistent model |
►Nfiles | |
Ccurl_security_helper | Host and port checking for curl |
Ccurl_security_helper_base | Security helper for the curl class |
►Nform | |
Cpersistent | Persistent form abstract class |
►Nhub | |
Capi | Provides methods to communicate with the hub (sites directory) web services |
Cregistration | Methods to use when registering the site at the moodle sites directory |
Csite_registration_form | The site registration form |
►Nlock | |
Cdb_record_lock_factory | |
Cfile_lock_factory | |
Cinstallation_lock_factory | |
Clock | |
Clock_config | |
Clock_factory | |
Cpostgres_lock_factory | |
►Nlog | |
Cdummy_manager | |
Cmanager | Interface describing log readers |
Creader | |
Csql_internal_table_reader | Sql internal table reader |
Csql_reader | Log iterator reader interface |
►Nmessage | |
►Ninbound | |
Caddress_manager | Incoming Message address manager |
Chandler | |
Cmanager | Variable Envelope Return Path manager class |
Cprivate_files_handler | A Handler to store attachments sent in e-mails as private files |
Cprocessing_failed_exception | Variable Envelope Return Path message processing failure exception |
Cmessage | New messaging class |
►Noauth2 | |
Caccess_token | Loads/stores oauth2 access tokens in DB for system accounts in order to use a single token across multiple sessions |
Capi | Static list of api methods for system oauth2 configuration |
Cclient | Configurable oauth2 client class |
Cendpoint | Class for loading/storing oauth2 endpoints from the DB |
Cissuer | Class for loading/storing issuer from the DB |
Crefresh_system_tokens_task | Task to refresh system tokens regularly |
Crest | Rest API base class mapping rest api methods to endpoints with http methods, args and post body |
Crest_exception | Rest Exception class containing error code and message |
Csystem_account | Class for loading/storing oauth2 refresh tokens from the DB |
Cuser_field_mapping | Class for loading/storing oauth2 user field mappings from the DB |
►Noutput | |
Ccheckbox_toggleall | The checkbox-toggleall renderable class |
Cchooser | The chooser renderable class |
Cchooser_item | The chooser_item renderable class |
Cchooser_section | The chooser_section renderable class |
Cexternal | This class contains a list of webservice functions related to output |
Cicon_system | |
Cicon_system_font | |
Cicon_system_fontawesome | |
Cicon_system_standard | |
Cinplace_editable | |
Cmustache_engine | Custom Moodle engine for mustache |
Cmustache_filesystem_loader | Perform some custom name mapping for template file names |
Cmustache_helper_collection | Custom Moodle helper collection for mustache |
Cmustache_javascript_helper | Store a list of JS calls to insert at the end of the page |
Cmustache_pix_helper | This class will call pix_icon with the section content |
Cmustache_quote_helper | Wrap content in quotes, and escape all quotes used |
Cmustache_shorten_text_helper | This class will call shorten_text with the section content |
Cmustache_string_helper | This class will load language strings in a template |
Cmustache_template_finder | Get information about valid locations for mustache templates |
Cmustache_template_source_loader | Load template source strings |
Cmustache_uniqid_helper | Lazy create a uniqid per instance of the class |
Cmustache_user_date_helper | Mustache helper that will convert a timestamp to a date string |
Cnotification | |
Curl_rewriter | URL rewriter interface |
►Nplugininfo | |
Cantivirus | Class for Antiviruses |
Cauth | Class for authentication plugins |
Cavailability | Class for availability plugins |
Cbase | |
Cblock | Class for page side blocks |
Ccachelock | Class for admin tool plugins |
Ccachestore | Class for cache store plugins |
Ccalendartype | Class for calendar type plugins |
Ccoursereport | Class for admin tool plugins |
Ccustomfield | Class for admin tool plugins |
Cdataformat | Class for dataformats |
Ceditor | Class for HTML editors |
Cenrol | Class for enrolment plugins |
Cfileconverter | Class for document converter plugins |
Cfilter | Class for text filters |
Cformat | Class for course formats |
Cgeneral | General class for all plugin types that do not have their own class |
Cgradeexport | Class for admin tool plugins |
Cgradeimport | Class for admin tool plugins |
Cgradereport | Class for admin tool plugins |
Cgradingform | Class for admin tool plugins |
Clocal | Class for local plugins |
Cmedia | Class for media plugins |
Cmessage | Class for messaging processors |
Cmlbackend | Class for analytics machine learning backend plugins |
Cmnetservice | Class representing an MNet service |
Cmod | Class for activity modules |
Corphaned | Orphaned subplugins class |
Cplagiarism | Class for plagiarism plugins |
Cportfolio | Class for portfolios |
Cprofilefield | Class for admin tool plugins |
Cqbehaviour | Class for question behaviours |
Cqformat | Class for question types |
Cqtype | Class for question types |
Creport | Class for admin tool plugins |
Crepository | Class for repositories |
Csearch | Class for search plugins |
Ctheme | Class for themes |
Ctool | Class for admin tool plugins |
Cwebservice | Class for webservice protocols |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nprogress | |
Cbase | |
Cdb_updater | Progress handler that updates a database table with the progress |
Cdisplay | |
Cdisplay_if_slow | |
Cnone | Progress handler that ignores progress entirely |
►Nsession | |
Cdatabase | Database based session handler |
Cexception | Session related exception class |
Cexternal | This class contains a list of webservice functions related to session |
Cfile | File based session handler |
Chandler | Session handler base |
Cmanager | Session manager, this is the public Moodle API for sessions |
Cmemcached | Memcached based session handler |
Credis | Redis based session handler |
►Ntask | |
Cadhoc_task | Abstract class defining an adhoc task |
Canalytics_cleanup_task | Delete stale records from analytics tables |
Casynchronous_backup_task | Adhoc task that performs asynchronous backups |
Casynchronous_restore_task | Adhoc task that performs asynchronous restores |
Cautomated_backup_task | Simple task to run the backup cron |
Cbackup_cleanup_task | Simple task to delete old backup records |
Cbadges_cron_task | Simple task to run the badges cron |
Cbadges_message_task | Simple task to run the badges cron |
Cblog_cron_task | Simple task to run the blog cron |
Cbuild_installed_themes_task | Class that builds and caches all of the site's installed themes |
Ccache_cleanup_task | Simple task to delete old cache records |
Ccache_cron_task | Simple task to run the cache cron |
Ccalendar_cron_task | Simple task to run the calendar cron |
Ccheck_for_updates_task | Simple task to run the registration cron |
Cclean_up_deleted_search_area_task | Class that cleans up data related to deleted search area |
Ccomplete_plans_task | Complete plans task class |
Ccompletion_daily_task | Simple task to run the daily completion cron |
Ccompletion_regular_task | Simple task to run the regular completion cron |
Ccontext_cleanup_task | Simple task to delete old context records |
Ccreate_contexts_task | Simple task to create missing contexts at all levels |
Cdatabase_logger | Database logger for task logging |
Cdelete_incomplete_users_task | Simple task to delete user accounts for users who have not completed their profile in time |
Cdelete_unconfirmed_users_task | Simple task to delete user accounts for users who have not confirmed in time |
Cfile_temp_cleanup_task | Simple task to delete temp files older than 1 week |
Cfile_trash_cleanup_task | Simple task to run the file trash cleanup cron |
Cgrade_cron_task | Simple task to run the grade cron |
Cgrade_history_cleanup_task | Simple task to clean grade history tables |
Ch5p_get_content_types_task | A task to get the latest content types from the official H5P repository |
Clegacy_plugin_cron_task | Simple task to run cron for all plugins |
Clogmanager | Task log manager |
Cmanager | Collection of task related methods |
Cmessaging_cleanup_task | Simple task to delete old messaging records |
Cpassword_reset_cleanup_task | Simple task to delete old password reset records |
Cplagiarism_cron_task | Simple task to run the plagiarism cron |
Cportfolio_cron_task | Simple task to run the portfolio cron |
Cquestion_preview_cleanup_task | A task to cleanup old question previews |
Cquestion_stats_cleanup_task | A task to cleanup old question statistics cache |
Crefresh_mod_calendar_events_task | Class that updates all of the existing calendar events for modules that implement the *_refresh_events() hook |
Cregistration_cron_task | Simple task to run the registration cron |
Cscheduled_task | Abstract class defining a scheduled task |
Csearch_index_task | Runs global search indexing |
Csearch_optimize_task | Runs search index optimization |
Csend_failed_login_notifications_task | Simple task to send notifications about failed login attempts |
Csend_new_user_passwords_task | Simple task to create accounts and send password emails for new users |
Csession_cleanup_task | Simple task to cleanup user sessions from a scheduled task |
Cstats_cron_task | Simple task to run the stats cron |
Csync_plans_from_template_cohorts_task | Synchronise plans from template cohorts |
Ctag_cron_task | Simple task to run the tag cron |
Ctask_base | Abstract class for common properties of scheduled_task and adhoc_task |
Ctask_log_cleanup_task | A task to cleanup log entries for tasks |
Ctask_logger | Interface for task logging |
►Nupdate | |
Capi | General purpose client for |
Cchecker | Singleton class that handles checking for available updates |
Cchecker_exception | General exception thrown by the core\update\checker class |
Ccode_manager | General purpose class managing the plugins source code files deployment |
Cinfo | Defines the structure of objects returned by () |
Cremote_info | Thin wrapper for data structures returned by api::get_plugin_info() |
Cvalidator | Validates the contents of extracted plugin ZIP file |
►Nupgrade | |
Cutil | Core upgrade utility class |
Cchart_axis | Chart axis class |
Cchart_bar | Chart bar class |
Cchart_base | Chart base class |
Cchart_line | Chart line class |
Cchart_pie | Chart pie class |
Cchart_series | Chart series class |
Cinvalid_persistent_exception | Invalid persistent exception class |
Cip_utils | Static helper class providing some useful internet-protocol-related functions |
Cnotification | |
Cpersistent | Abstract class for core objects saved to the DB |
Cuuid | V4 UUID generator class |
►Ncore_admin | |
►Nform | |
Cpurge_caches | Form for selecting which caches to purge on admin/purgecaches.php |
Ctestoutgoingmailconf_form | Test mail form |
►Nlocal | |
►Nsettings | |
Cfilesize | An admin setting to support entering and displaying of file sizes in Bytes, KB, MB or GB |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_admin implementing null_provider |
Ctask_log_table | Table to display list of task logs |
►Ncore_analytics | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nanalyser | |
Cbase | Analysers base class |
Cby_course | Abstract analyser in course basis |
Csitewide | Site-level contents abstract analysable |
►Nanalysis | |
Cresult | Keeps track of the analysis results |
Cresult_array | Keeps track of the analysis results by storing the results in an array |
Cresult_file | Keeps track of the analysis results by storing the results in files |
►Nindicator | |
Cbase | Abstract base indicator |
Cbinary | Abstract binary indicator |
Ccommunity_of_inquiry_activity | Community of inquire abstract indicator |
Cdiscrete | Abstract discrete indicator |
Clinear | Abstract linear indicator |
►Ntarget | |
Cbase | Abstract base target |
Cbinary | Binary classifier target |
Cdiscrete | Discrete values target |
Clinear | Linear values target |
►Ntime_splitting | |
Caccumulative_parts | Range processor splitting the course in parts and accumulating data from the start |
Cafter_now | Interface for time-splitting methods whose ranges' times are after time() |
Cafter_start | Time splitting method that generates predictions X days/weeks/months after the analysable start |
Cbase | Base time splitting method |
Cbefore_now | Interface for time-splitting methods whose ranges' times are before time() |
Cequal_parts | X parts time splitting method |
Cpast_periodic | Time splitting method that generates predictions periodically |
Cperiodic | Time splitting method that generates predictions periodically |
Cupcoming_periodic | Time splitting method that generates predictions periodically |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_analytics implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Caction | Representation of a suggested action |
Cadmin_setting_predictor | Extension to show an error message if the selected predictor is not available |
Canalysable | Any element analysers can analyse |
Canalysis | Runs an analysis of the site |
Cbulk_action | Representation of a suggested bulk action |
Ccalculable | Calculable dataset items abstract class |
Ccalculation_info | Extra information generated during the analysis by calculable elements |
Cclassifier | Classifier interface |
Ccourse | Moodle course analysable |
Cdataset_manager | Datasets manager |
Cdefault_bulk_actions | Default list of bulk actions to reuse across different targets as presets |
Cinsights_generator | Insights generator |
Cmanager | Analytics basic actions manager |
Cmodel_config | Model configuration manager |
Cpackable | Exportable machine learning backend interface |
Cprediction | Representation of a prediction |
Cprediction_action | Representation of a suggested action associated with a prediction |
Cpredictor | Predictors interface |
Cregressor | Regressors interface |
Crequirements_exception | Dummy class to identify model requirements exceptions |
Csite | Moodle site analysable |
Cstats | Provides stats and meta information about the analytics usage on this site |
Cuser | Moodle user analysable |
►Ncore_antivirus | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_antivirus implementing null_provider |
►Ncore_auth | |
►Nform | |
Cverify_age_location_form | Age and location verification mform class |
►Noutput | |
Cdigital_minor_page | Digital minor renderable class |
Clogin | Login renderable class |
Cverify_age_location_page | Age and location verification renderable class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
Cdigital_consent | Helper class for digital consent |
►Ncore_availability | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_availability implementing null_provider |
Ccapability_checker | Used while evaluating conditions in bulk |
Ccondition | Base class for a single availability condition |
Cfrontend | Class with front-end (editing form) functionality |
Cinfo | Base class for conditional availability information (for module or section) |
Cinfo_module | Class handles conditional availability information for an activity |
Cinfo_section | Class handles conditional availability information for a section |
Cresult | Class represents the result of an availability check for the user |
Ctree | Class that holds a tree of availability conditions |
Ctree_node | Node (base class) used to construct a tree of availability conditions |
►Ncore_backup | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_backup |
►Ncore_badges | |
►Nexternal | |
Calignment_exporter | Class for displaying a badge alignment |
Cassertion_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
Cbackpack_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
Cbadgeclass_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
Ccollection_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
Cendorsement_exporter | Class for displaying a badge endorsement |
Cissuer_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
Crecipient_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
Crelated_info_exporter | Class for displaying information of a related badge |
Cuser_badge_exporter | Class for displaying a badge issued to a user |
Cverification_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
►Nform | |
Cbackpack | Form to edit backpack initial details |
Cbadge | Form to edit badge details |
Ccollections | Form to select backpack collections |
Cexternal_backpack | Backpack form class |
Cmessage | Form to edit badge message |
►Noutput | |
Cbadge_alignments | Link to external resources this badge is aligned with |
Cbadge_collection | Collection of all badges for view.php page |
Cbadge_management | Collection of badges used at the index.php page |
Cbadge_recipients | Badge recipients rendering class |
Cbadge_related | Collection of all related badges |
Cbadge_user_collection | Collection of user badges used at the mybadges.php page |
Cexternal_backpacks_page | Manage enabled backpacks renderable |
Cexternal_backpacks_table | Backpacks table class |
Cexternal_badge | An external badges for external.php page |
Cissued_badge | An issued badges for badge.php page |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
Cbackpack_api | Class for communicating with backpacks |
Cbackpack_api_mapping | Represent a single method for the remote api |
Cbadge | Class that represents badge |
►Ncore_block | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Ncore_blog | |
►Nexternal | |
Cpost_exporter | Class for exporting a blog post (entry) |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
Cexternal | This is the external API for blogs |
►Ncore_cache | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_cache |
►Ncore_calendar | |
►Nexternal | |
Ccalendar_day_exporter | Class for displaying the day view |
Ccalendar_event_exporter | Class for displaying a calendar event |
Ccalendar_upcoming_exporter | Class for displaying the day view |
Cdate_exporter | Class for normalising the date data |
Cday_exporter | Class for displaying the day view |
Cday_name_exporter | Class for displaying the day view |
Cevent_action_exporter | Class for displaying a calendar event's action |
Cevent_exporter | Class for displaying a calendar event |
Cevent_exporter_base | Class for displaying a calendar event |
Cevent_icon_exporter | Class for displaying a calendar event's icon |
Cevent_subscription_exporter | Class for displaying a calendar event's subscription |
Cevents_exporter | Class for displaying a list of calendar events |
Cevents_grouped_by_course_exporter | Class for displaying a list of calendar events grouped by course id |
Cevents_related_objects_cache | Class to providing the related objects when exporting a list of calendar events |
Cevents_same_course_exporter | Class for displaying a list of calendar events for a single course |
Cfooter_options_exporter | Class for exporting calendar footer view options data |
Cmonth_exporter | Class for displaying the month view |
Cweek_day_exporter | Class for displaying the day on month view |
Cweek_exporter | Class for displaying the week view |
►Nlocal | |
►Nevent | |
►Ndata_access | |
Cevent_vault | Event vault class |
Cevent_vault_interface | Interface for an event vault class |
►Nentities | |
►Nevent | |
Ccomment_created | Block_comments comment created event |
Ccomment_deleted | Block_comments comment deleted event |
Caction_event | Class representing an actionable event |
Caction_event_interface | Interface for an action event class |
Caction_interface | Interface for a action class |
Cevent | Class representing a calendar event |
Cevent_collection_interface | Interface for an event collection class |
Cevent_interface | Interface for an event class |
Crepeat_event_collection | Class representing a collection of repeat events |
►Nexceptions | |
Cinvalid_callback_exception | Invalid callback exception |
Cinvalid_parameter_exception | General invalid parameter exception |
Climit_invalid_parameter_exception | Invalid limit parameter exception |
Cmember_does_not_exist_exception | Member does not exist exception |
Ctimesort_invalid_parameter_exception | Invalid timesort parameter exception |
►Nfactories | |
Caction_factory_interface | |
Cevent_abstract_factory | Abstract factory for creating calendar events |
Cevent_factory | Event factory class |
Cevent_factory_interface | Interface for an event factory class |
►Nforms | |
Ccreate | The mform class for creating a calendar event |
Cmanagesubscriptions | Form for adding a subscription to a Moodle course calendar |
Cupdate | The mform class for updating a calendar event |
►Nmappers | |
Ccreate_update_form_mapper | Event create form and update form mapper class |
Ccreate_update_form_mapper_interface | Interface for a create_update_form_mapper class |
Cevent_mapper | Event mapper class |
Cevent_mapper_interface | Interface for an event mapper class |
►Nproxies | |
Ccm_info_proxy | Course module stdClass proxy |
Ccoursecat_proxy | Course category proxy |
Cproxy_interface | Interface for a proxy class |
Cstd_proxy | StdClass proxy |
►Nstrategies | |
Craw_event_retrieval_strategy | Raw event retrieval strategy |
Craw_event_retrieval_strategy_interface | Interface for an raw event retrival strategy class |
►Nvalue_objects | |
Caction | Class representing an action a user should take |
Cdescription_interface | Interface for a description value object |
Cevent_description | Class representing a description value object |
Cevent_times | Class representing event times |
Ctimes_interface | Interface for various times |
Ccontainer | Core container |
Capi | Class containing the local calendar API |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_calendar implementing metadata, plugin, and user_preference providers |
Caction_factory | Action factory class |
Crrule_manager | Defines calendar class to manage recurrence rule (rrule) during ical imports |
Ctype_base | |
Ctype_factory | |
►Ncore_cohort | |
►Nexternal | |
Ccohort_summary_exporter | Class for exporting a cohort summary from an stdClass |
►Noutput | |
Ccohortidnumber | Class to prepare a cohort idnumber for display |
Ccohortname | Class to prepare a cohort name for display |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Ncore_comment | |
►Nexternal | |
Ccomment_area_exporter | Class for exporting a comment area |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Ncore_competency | |
►Nexternal | |
Crecentlyaccesseditems_item_exporter | Class for exporting the data needed to render a recent accessed item |
Ccompetency_exporter | Class for exporting competency data |
Ccompetency_framework_exporter | Class for exporting competency_framework data |
Ccourse_competency_exporter | Class for exporting course competency data |
Ccourse_competency_settings_exporter | Class for exporting course_competency_settings data |
Ccourse_module_competency_exporter | Class for exporting course module competency data |
Cevidence_exporter | Class for exporting evidence data |
Cperformance_helper | Performance helper class |
Cplan_competency_exporter | Class for exporting plan competency data |
Cplan_exporter | Class for exporting plan data |
Crelated_competency_exporter | Class for exporting related competency data |
Ctemplate_competency_exporter | Class for exporting template competency data |
Ctemplate_exporter | Class for exporting template data |
Cuser_competency_course_exporter | Class for exporting user competency course data |
Cuser_competency_exporter | Class for exporting user competency data |
Cuser_competency_plan_exporter | Class for exporting plan competency data |
Cuser_evidence_competency_exporter | User evidence competency exporter class |
Cuser_evidence_exporter | Class for exporting user_evidence data |
Cuser_summary_exporter | Class for exporting a user summary from an stdClass |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
Capi | Class for doing things with competency frameworks |
Ccompetency | Class for loading/storing competencies from the DB |
Ccompetency_framework | Class for loading/storing competency frameworks from the DB |
Ccompetency_rule | Competency rule base abstract class |
Ccompetency_rule_all | Competency rule all class |
Ccompetency_rule_points | Competency rule points based class |
Ccourse_competency | Class for loading/storing course_competencies from the DB |
Ccourse_competency_settings | Class for course_competency_settings persistence |
Ccourse_module_competency | Class for loading/storing course_module_competencies from the DB |
Cevidence | Evidence persistent class |
Cexternal | External API class |
Cinvalid_persistent_exception | Invalid persistent exception class |
Cpersistent | Abstract class for core_competency objects saved to the DB |
Cplan | Class for loading/storing plans from the DB |
Cplan_competency | Class for managing competencies in the plan (add/remove competencies for given plan) |
Crelated_competency | Class for loading/storing related_competencies from the DB |
Ctemplate | Class for loading/storing learning plan templates from the DB |
Ctemplate_cohort | Template cohort persistent |
Ctemplate_competency | Class for loading/storing template_competencies from the DB |
Curl | URL manager class |
Cuser_competency | Class for loading/storing user_competency from the DB |
Cuser_competency_course | Class for loading/storing user_competency_course from the DB |
Cuser_competency_plan | Class for loading/storing user_competency_plan from the DB |
Cuser_evidence | User evidence persistent class |
Cuser_evidence_competency | User evidence competency persistent class |
►Ncore_completion | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Capi | Class containing completion API |
Cmanager | |
Cprogress | Class used to return completion progress information |
►Ncore_course | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivities_due | Activities due indicator |
Ccompletion_enabled | Completion enabled set indicator |
Cno_student | No student indicator |
Cno_teacher | No teacher indicator |
Cpotential_cognitive_depth | Potential cognitive depth indicator |
Cpotential_social_breadth | Potential social breadth indicator |
►Ntarget | |
Ccourse_competencies | Course competencies achievement target |
Ccourse_completion | Course completion target |
Ccourse_dropout | Drop out course target |
Ccourse_enrolments | Base class for targets whose analysable is a course using user enrolments as samples |
Ccourse_gradetopass | Getting the minimum grade to pass target |
Cno_access_since_course_start | No accesses since the start of the course |
Cno_recent_accesses | No recent accesses |
Cno_teaching | No teaching target |
►Ncustomfield | |
Ccourse_handler | Course handler for custom fields |
►Nexternal | |
Ccourse_module_summary_exporter | Class for exporting a course module summary from a cm_info class |
Ccourse_summary_exporter | Class for exporting a course summary from an stdClass |
►Nmanagement | |
Chelper | Course and category management interface helper class |
►Noutput | |
Cactivity_navigation | The class activity navigation renderable |
Ccourse_module_name | Class to prepare a course module name for display and in-place editing |
Cmodchooser | The modchooser renderable class |
Cmodchooser_item | The modchooser_item renderable class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nsearch | |
Ccourse | Search area for Moodle courses |
Ccustomfield | Search area for course custom fields |
Csection | Search area for course sections (title and summary) |
►Ntask | |
Ccourse_delete_modules | Class handling course module deletion |
►Ncore_customfield | |
►Nevent | |
Ccategory_created | Custom field category created event class |
Ccategory_deleted | Custom field category created event class |
Ccategory_updated | Custom field category updated event class |
Cfield_created | Custom field created event class |
Cfield_deleted | Custom field updated event class |
Cfield_updated | Custom field updated event class |
►Noutput | |
Cfield_data | Core_customfield field value renderable class |
Cmanagement | Class management |
Crenderer | Renderer class |
►Nprivacy | |
Ccustomfield_provider | Interface customfield_provider, all customfield plugins need to implement it |
Cprovider | Class provider |
Capi | Class api |
Ccategory | Class category |
Ccategory_controller | Class category |
Cdata | Class data |
Cdata_controller | Base class for custom fields data controllers |
Cfield | Class field |
Cfield_config_form | Class field_config_form |
Cfield_controller | Base class for custom fields controllers |
Chandler | Base class for custom fields handlers |
►Ncore_editor | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Provider for the editor API |
►Ncore_enrol | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_enrol implementing metadata and plugin providers |
►Ncore_favourites | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nentity | |
Cfavourite | Contains the favourite class, each instance being a representation of a DB row for the 'favourite' table |
►Nrepository | |
Cfavourite_repository | Class favourite_repository |
Cfavourite_repository_interface | The favourite_repository interface, defining the basic CRUD operations for favourite type items within core_favourites |
►Nservice | |
Ccomponent_favourite_service | Class service, providing an single API for interacting with the favourites subsystem, for all favourites of a specific component |
Cuser_favourite_service | Class service, providing an single API for interacting with the favourites subsystem for a SINGLE USER |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cservice_factory | Class service_factory, providing functions for location of service objects for the favourites subsystem |
►Ncore_fileconverter | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Ncore_files | |
►Nexternal | |
Cstored_file_exporter | Class for exporting stored_file data |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Ntask | |
Cconversion_cleanup_task | A scheduled task to clear up old conversion records |
Cconversion | Class representing a conversion currently in progress |
Cconverter | Class for converting files between different formats using unoconv |
Cconverter_interface | Class for converting files between different file formats |
►Ncore_filters | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_filters implementing null_provider |
Cexternal | This is the external API for the filter component |
►Ncore_form | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Implements the privacy API for the core_form subsystem |
Cexternal | Implements the external functions provided by the core_form subsystem |
Cfiletypes_util | Utility class for handling with file types in the forms |
Cutil | General utility class for form-related methods |
►Ncore_grades | |
►Ngrades | |
►Ngrader | |
►Ngradingpanel | |
►Npoint | |
►Nexternal | |
Cfetch | External grading panel point API |
Cstore | External grading panel point API |
►Nscale | |
►Nexternal | |
Cfetch | External grading panel scale API |
Cstore | External grading panel scale API |
►Nlocal | |
►Ngradeitem | |
Cadvancedgrading_mapping | Grade item, itemnumber mapping |
Citemnumber_mapping | Grade item, itemnumber mapping |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
Ccomponent_gradeitem | Compontent definition of a gradeitem |
Ccomponent_gradeitems | Helper class to fetch information about component grade items |
►Ncore_grading | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cgradingform_provider | |
Cgradingform_provider_v2 | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Ncore_group | |
►Noutput | |
Cgroup_details | Group details page class |
Cindex_page | Group index page class |
Crenderer | Renderer class |
Cuser_groups_editable | Class to display list of user groups |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_group |
►Ncore_h5p | |
►Nevent | |
Ch5p_deleted | H5P viewed event class |
Ch5p_viewed | H5P viewed event class |
►Nform | |
Cuploadlibraries_form | Upload a zip or h5p content to update the content libraries |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for h5p core subsystem |
Cautoloader | H5P Autoloader |
Ccore | H5P core class, containing functions and storage shared by the other H5P classes |
Cexternal | This is the external API for this component |
Cfactory | H5P factory class |
Cfile_storage | Class to handle storage and export of H5P Content |
Cframework | Moodle's implementation of the H5P framework interface |
Chelper | Helper class for the H5P area |
Cplayer | H5P player class, for displaying any local H5P content |
►Ncore_media | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for core_media |
►Ncore_message | |
►Noutput | |
►Nmessagearea | |
Ccontact | Class to prepare a contact for display |
Ccontacts | Class to prepare the contacts for display |
Cmessage | Class to prepare a message for display |
Cmessage_area | Class to prepare the message area for display |
Cmessages | Class to prepare the messages for display |
Cprofile | Class to prepare a profile for display |
Cuser_search_results | Class used to display user search results |
►Npreferences | |
Cmessage_notification_list | Class to create context for the list of notifications on the message preferences page |
Cmessage_notification_list_component | Class to create context for a notification component on the message preferences page |
Cnotification_list | Class to create context for the list of notifications on the message preferences page |
Cnotification_list_component | Class to create context for a notification component on the message preferences page |
Cnotification_list_processor | Class to create context for a notification component on the message preferences page |
Cprocessor | Class to create context for one of the message processors settings on the message preferences page |
Cprocessor | Class to prepare a message processor for display |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_message |
►Nsearch | |
Cbase_message | Search area base class for messages |
Cmessage_received | Search area for received messages |
Cmessage_sent | Search area for sent messages |
►Ntask | |
Cmigrate_message_data | Class handling migrating data to the new messaging table schema |
►Ntests | |
Chelper | The helper class providing util methods for testing |
Capi | Class used to return information to display for the message area |
Chelper | Helper class for the message area |
Ctime_last_message_between_users | |
►Ncore_mnet | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_mnet implementing null_provider |
►Ncore_my | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_my implementing metadata, plugin, and user_preference providers |
►Ncore_notes | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for core_notes |
►Ncore_plagiarism | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cplagiarism_provider | Provider for the plagiarism API |
Cplagiarism_user_provider | Interface for the plagiarism system |
Cprovider | Provider for the plagiarism API |
►Ncore_portfolio | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cportfolio_provider | Provider for the portfolio API |
Cprovider | Provider for the portfolio API |
►Ncore_privacy | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nmetadata | |
►Ntypes | |
Cdatabase_table | The database_table type |
Cexternal_location | The external_location type |
Cplugintype_link | The plugintype link |
Csubsystem_link | The subsystem link type |
Ctype | The base type interface which all metadata types must implement |
Cuser_preference | The user_preference type |
Ccollection | A collection of metadata items |
Cnull_provider | |
Cprovider | INterface for main metadata provider interface |
►Nrequest | |
►Nplugin | |
Cprovider | The provider interface for plugins which provide data from a plugin directly to the Privacy subsystem |
Csubplugin_provider | The subplugin_provider interface is for plugins which are sub-plugins of a plugin |
Csubsystem_provider | The subsystem_provider interface is for plugins which may not necessarily be called directly, but instead via a subsystem |
►Nsubsystem | |
Cplugin_provider | The plugin_provider interface for subsystems which provide data directly to a plugin |
Cprovider | The provider interface for plugins which provide data from a subsystem directly to the Privacy subsystem |
Capproved_contextlist | An implementation of a contextlist which has been filtered and approved |
Capproved_userlist | An implementation of a userlist which has been filtered and approved |
Ccontent_writer | The interface for a Moodle content writer |
Ccontext_aware_provider | The provider interface for plugins which need access to all approved contexts to fill in relevant contextual data |
Ccontextlist | Privacy Fetch Result Set |
Ccontextlist_base | Base implementation of a contextlist used to store a set of contexts |
Ccontextlist_collection | A collection of contextlist items |
Ccore_data_provider | The core_data_provider interface is used to describe a provider which services user requests between components and core |
Ccore_user_data_provider | The core_user_data_provider interface is used to describe a provider which services user requests between components and core |
Ccore_userlist_provider | The interface is used to describe a provider which is capable of identifying the users who have data within it |
Cdata_provider | The data_provider interface is used to describe a provider which services user requests in any fashion |
Chelper | With useful shared functionality |
Cmoodle_content_writer | The moodle_content_writer is the default Moodle implementation of a content writer |
Cshared_data_provider | The shared_data_provider interface is used to describe a provider which services user requests between components and and other components |
Cshared_userlist_provider | The interface is used to describe a provider which is capable of identifying the users who have data within it |
Ctransform | A class containing a set of data transformations for core data types |
Cuser_preference_provider | The user_preference_provider interface is an interface designed to be implemented by components directly to describe a case where that component is responsible for storing some form of system-wide user preference |
Cuserlist | List of users from the Privacy API Search functions |
Cuserlist_base | Base implementation of a userlist used to store a set of users |
Cuserlist_collection | A collection of userlist items |
Cuserlist_provider | The interface is used to describe a provider which is capable of identifying the users who have data within it |
Cwriter | The writer factory class used to fetch and work with the content_writer |
►Nsitepolicy | |
Cdefault_handler | Default (core) handler for site policies |
Chandler | Base class for site policy handlers |
Cmanager | Site policy management class |
Cdeprecated | The deprecated interface |
►Noutput | |
Cexported_html_page | Class containing the navigation renderable |
Cexported_navigation_page | Class containing the navigation renderable |
Crenderer | Privacy renderer's for privacy stuff |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | The privacy subsystem does not store any data of it's own |
►Ntests | |
►Nrequest | |
Capproved_contextlist | Privacy Fetch Result Set |
Ccontent_writer | An implementation of the content_writer for use in unit tests |
Cprovider_testcase | Testcase for providers implementing parts of the core_privacy subsystem |
Cmanager | The core_privacy\manager class, providing a facade to describe, export and delete personal data across Moodle and its components |
Cmanager_observer | The interface for a Manager observer |
►Ncore_question | |
►Nbank | |
►Nsearch | |
Ccategory_condition | This class controls from which category questions are listed |
Ccondition | An abstract class for filtering/searching questions |
Chidden_condition | This class controls whether hidden / deleted questions are hidden in the list |
Ctag_condition | Question bank search class to allow searching/filtering by tags on a question |
Caction_column_base | A base class for actions that are an icon that lets you manipulate the question in some way |
Ccheckbox_column | A column with a checkbox for each question with name q{questionid} |
Ccolumn_base | Base class for representing a column in a question_bank_view |
Ccopy_action_column | Question bank column for the duplicate action icon |
Ccreator_name_column | A column type for the name of the question creator |
Cdelete_action_column | Action to delete (or hide) a question, or restore a previously hidden question |
Cedit_action_column | Base class for question bank columns that just contain an action icon |
Cedit_menu_column | A question bank column which gathers together all the actions into a menu |
Cexport_xml_action_column | Question bank column export the question in Moodle XML format |
Cmenu_action_column_base | Base class to make it easier to implement actions that are menuable_actions |
Cmenuable_action | Interface to indicate that a question bank column can go in the action menu |
Cmodifier_name_column | A column type for the name of the question last modifier |
Cpreview_action_column | Question bank columns for the preview action icon |
Cquestion_name_column | A column type for the name of the question name |
Cquestion_name_idnumber_tags_column | A question bank column showing the question name with idnumber and tags |
Cquestion_text_row | A column type for the name of the question name |
Cquestion_type_column | A column type for the name of the question type |
Crandom_question_loader | This class efficiently finds questions at random from the question bank |
Crow_base | Base class for 'columns' that are actually displayed as a row following the main question row |
Ctags_action_column | Action to add and remove tags to questions |
Cview | This class prints a view of the question bank, including |
►Nengine | |
►Nvariants | |
Cleast_used_strategy | A question_variant_selection_strategy that randomly selects variants that were not used yet |
►Nexternal | |
Cquestion_icon_exporter | Class for exporting a question from an stdClass |
Cquestion_summary_exporter | Class for exporting a question summary from an stdClass |
►Nform | |
Ctags | The mform class for manage question tags |
►Noutput | |
Cqbank_chooser | The qbank_chooser renderable class |
Cqbank_chooser_item | The qbank_chooser_item renderable class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_question |
►Nstatistics | |
►Nquestions | |
Call_calculated_for_qubaid_condition | A collection of all the question statistics calculated for an activity instance |
Ccalculated | This class is used to return the stats as calculated by core_question\statistics\questions\calculator |
Ccalculated_for_subquestion | A class to store calculated stats for a sub question |
Ccalculated_question_summary | Class calculated_question_summary |
Ccalculator | This class has methods to compute the question statistics from the raw data |
►Nresponses | |
Canalyser | This class can compute, store and cache the analysis of the responses to a particular question |
Canalysis_for_actual_response | The leafs of the analysis data structure |
Canalysis_for_class | Counts a class of responses for this sub part of the question |
Canalysis_for_question | Analysis for possible responses for parts of a question |
Canalysis_for_question_all_tries | Analysis for possible responses for parts of a question with multiple submitted responses |
Canalysis_for_subpart | Representing the analysis of each of the sub parts of each variant of the question |
►Ncore_rating | |
►Nexternal | |
Cutil | Rating external functions utility class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_ratings |
►Ncore_repository | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_repository implementing metadata and plugin providers |
►Ncore_role | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider for core_role |
►Ncore_rss | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Ncore_search | |
►Noutput | |
►Nform | |
Csearch | |
Crenderer | Search renderer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_search implementing null_provider |
Carea_category | Search area category |
Cbase | Base search implementation |
Cbase_activity | Base implementation for activity modules |
Cbase_block | Search area base class for blocks |
Cbase_mod | Base implementation for search areas working at module level |
Cdocument | Represents a document to index |
Cdocument_factory | Search document factory |
Cdocument_icon | Represents a document icon |
Cengine | Base class for search engines |
Cengine_exception | Dummy class to identify search engine exceptions |
Cexternal | Handles external (web service) function calls related to search |
Cmanager | Search subsystem manager |
Cskip_future_documents_iterator | Iterator for skipping search recordset documents that are in the future |
►Ncore_tag | |
►Nexternal | |
Ctag_area_exporter | Contains related class for displaying information of a tag area |
Ctag_collection_exporter | Contains related class for displaying information of a tag collection |
Ctag_item_exporter | Contains related class for displaying information of a tag item |
Cutil | Tag external functions utility class |
►Noutput | |
Ctag | Class to help display tag |
Ctagareacollection | Class to display collection select for the tag area |
Ctagareaenabled | Class to display tag area enabled control |
Ctagareashowstandard | Class to display tag area show standard control |
Ctagcloud | Class to display a tag cloud - set of tags where each has a weight |
Ctagcollname | Class to preapare a tag name for display |
Ctagcollsearchable | Class to display tag collection searchable control |
Ctagfeed | Class to display feed of tagged items |
Ctagflag | Class to display tag flag toggle |
Ctagindex | Class to display items tagged with a specific tag |
Ctagisstandard | Class to display/toggle tag isstandard attribute |
Ctaglist | Class to preapare a list of tags for display, usually the list of tags some entry is tagged with |
Ctagname | Class to preapare a tag name for display |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_tag |
►Ncore_user | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cuser_profile_set | User profile set indicator |
Cuser_track_forums | User tracks forums indicator |
►Ntarget | |
Cupcoming_activities_due | Upcoming activities due target |
►Nform | |
Ccalendar_form | Class user_edit_calendar_form |
Cdefaulthomepage_form | Form class |
►Noutput | |
►Nmyprofile | |
Ccategory | Defines a category in my profile page navigation |
Cmanager | Defines MAnager class for myprofile navigation tree |
Cnode | Defines a node in my profile page navigation |
Crenderer | Report log renderer's for printing reports |
Ctree | Defines my profile page navigation tree |
Cstatus_field | Class containing the data for the status field |
Cunified_filter | Class containing the filter options data for rendering the unified filter autocomplete element for the course participants page |
Cuser_roles_editable | Class to display list of user roles |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nsearch | |
Cuser | Search area for Users for whom I have access to view profile |
►Ncore_userkey | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Ncore_webservice | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Ncustomfield_checkbox | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_checkbox implementing null_provider |
Cdata_controller | Class data |
Cfield_controller | Class field |
►Ncustomfield_date | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_date implementing null_provider |
Cdata_controller | Class data |
Cfield_controller | Class field |
►Ncustomfield_select | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_select implementing null_provider |
Cdata_controller | Class data |
Cfield_controller | Class field |
►Ncustomfield_text | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_text implementing null_provider |
Cdata_controller | Class data |
Cfield_controller | Class field |
►Ncustomfield_textarea | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_textarea implementing null_provider |
Cdata_controller | Class data |
Cfield_controller | Class field |
►Ndatafield_checkbox | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_checkbox implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_date | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_date implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_file | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_file implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_latlong | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_latlong implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_menu | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_menu implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_multimenu | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_multimenu implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_number | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_number implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_picture | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_picture implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_radiobutton | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_radiobutton implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_text | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_text implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_textarea | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_textarea implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_url | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_url implementing null_provider |
►Ndataformat_csv | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for dataformat_csv |
Cwriter | CSV data format writer |
►Ndataformat_excel | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for dataformat_excel |
Cwriter | Excel data format writer |
►Ndataformat_html | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for dataformat_html |
Cwriter | Html data format writer |
►Ndataformat_json | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for dataformat_json |
Cwriter | JSON data format writer |
►Ndataformat_ods | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for dataformat_ods |
Cwriter | ODS data format writer |
►Ndataformat_pdf | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for dataformat_pdf |
Cwriter | Pdf data format writer |
►Ndatapreset_imagegallery | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for datapreset_imagegallery |
►Neditor_atto | |
►Nplugininfo | |
Catto | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for editor_atto |
►Ntask | |
Cautosave_cleanup_task | Simple task to run the autosave cleanup task |
►Neditor_textarea | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for editor_textarea implementing null_provider |
►Neditor_tinymce | |
►Nplugininfo | |
Ctinymce | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for editor_tinymce implementing null_provider |
►Nenrol_category | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_category implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Cenrol_category_sync | Syncing enrolments task |
►Nenrol_cohort | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider for enrol_cohort |
►Ntask | |
Cenrol_cohort_sync | Syncing enrolments task |
►Nenrol_database | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_database implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Csync_enrolments | Class sync_enrolments |
►Nenrol_flatfile | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_flatfile implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Cflatfile_sync_task | Simple task to run sync enrolments |
►Nenrol_guest | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_guest implementing null_provider |
►Nenrol_imsenterprise | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_imsenterprise implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Ccron_task | Simple task to run the IMS Enterprise enrolment cron |
►Nenrol_ldap | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_ldap implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Csync_enrolments | Class sync_enrolments |
►Nenrol_lti | |
►Noutput | |
Cregistration | Tool registration page class |
Crenderer | Renderer class for LTI enrolment |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_lti |
►Ntask | |
Csync_grades | Task for synchronising grades for the enrolment LTI |
Csync_members | Task for synchronising members using the enrolment LTI |
Cdata_connector | Extends the IMS Tool provider library data connector for moodle |
Chelper | LTI enrolment plugin helper class |
Cmanage_table | Handles displaying enrolment LTI instances |
Ctool_provider | Extends the IMS Tool provider library for the LTI enrolment |
►Nenrol_manual | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_manual implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Csend_expiry_notifications | The send expiry notifications task |
Csync_enrolments | Syncing enrolments task |
►Nenrol_meta | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider for enrol_meta |
►Ntask | |
Cenrol_meta_sync | Meta sync enrolments task |
►Nenrol_mnet | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_mnet implementing null_provider |
►Nenrol_paypal | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for enrol_paypal |
►Ntask | |
Cprocess_expirations | Process expirations task |
Cutil | PayPal enrolment plugin utility class |
►Nenrol_self | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_self implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Csend_expiry_notifications | Send expiry notifications task |
Csync_enrolments | Sync enrolments task |
►Nfileconverter_googledrive | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cconverter | Class for converting files between different formats using unoconv |
Crest | Google Drive Rest API |
►Nfileconverter_unoconv | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for fileconverter_unoconv |
Cconverter | Class for converting files between different formats using unoconv |
►Nfilter_activitynames | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_activitynames implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_algebra | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_algebra implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_censor | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_censor implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_data | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_data implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_displayh5p | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_displayh5p implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_emailprotect | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_emailprotect implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_emoticon | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_emoticon implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_glossary | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_glossary implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_mathjaxloader | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_mathjaxloader implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_mediaplugin | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_mediaplugin implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_multilang | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_multilang implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_tex | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_tex implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_tidy | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_tidy implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_urltolink | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_urltolink implementing null_provider |
►Nformat_singleactivity | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for format_singleactivity implementing null_provider |
►Nformat_social | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for format_social implementing null_provider |
►Nformat_topics | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for format_topics implementing null_provider |
►Nformat_weeks | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for format_weeks implementing null_provider |
►Nforumreport_summary | |
►Nevent | |
Creport_downloaded | The forum summary report downloaded event class |
Creport_viewed | The forum summary report viewed event class |
►Nform | |
Cdates_filter_form | The mform class for creating the forum summary report dates filter |
►Noutput | |
Cfilters | Forum summary report filters renderable |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for forumreport_summary subplugin, implementing null_provider |
Csummary_table | The class for displaying the forum report table |
►Ngradeexport_ods | |
►Nevent | |
Cgrade_exported | Grade export event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeexport_ods implementing null_provider |
►Ngradeexport_txt | |
►Nevent | |
Cgrade_exported | Grade export event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeexport_txt implementing null_provider |
►Ngradeexport_xls | |
►Nevent | |
Cgrade_exported | Grade export event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeexport_xls implementing null_provider |
►Ngradeexport_xml | |
►Nevent | |
Cgrade_exported | Grade export event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeexport_xml implementing null_provider |
►Ngradeimport_csv | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeimport_csv implementing null_provider |
►Ngradeimport_direct | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeimport_direct implementing null_provider |
►Ngradeimport_xml | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeimport_xml implementing null_provider |
►Ngradereport_grader | |
►Nevent | |
Cgrade_report_viewed | Grader report viewed event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_grader implementing null_provider |
►Ngradereport_history | |
►Nevent | |
Cgrade_report_viewed | Grade history report viewed event class |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | Renderer for history grade report |
Ctablelog | Renderable class for gradehistory report |
Cuser_button | A button that is used to select users for a form |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_history implementing null_provider |
Cfilter_form | Form for grade history filters |
Chelper | Helper class for gradehistory report |
►Ngradereport_outcomes | |
►Nevent | |
Cgrade_report_viewed | Outcomes report viewed event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_outcomes implementing null_provider |
►Ngradereport_overview | |
►Nevent | |
Cgrade_report_viewed | Overview report viewed event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_overview implementing null_provider |
►Ngradereport_singleview | |
►Nevent | |
Cgrade_report_viewed | User report viewed event class |
►Nlocal | |
►Nscreen | |
Cfilterable_items | The gradebook interface for a filterable class |
Cgrade | The screen with a list of users |
Cscreen | Abstract class used as a base for the 3 screens |
Cselect | The gradebook simple view - initial view to select your search options |
Cselectable_items | Interface for a list of selectable things |
Ctablelike | The gradebook simple view - base class for the table |
Cuser | The user screen |
►Nui | |
Cattribute_format | Class that builds an element tree that can be converted to a string |
Cbe_checked | Is this thing checked? |
Cbe_disabled | Simple interface implemented to add behaviour that an element can be checked to see if it should be disabled |
Cbulk_insert | Checkbox element used for bulk inserting values in the gradebook |
Ccheckbox_attribute | A checkbox ui element |
Cdropdown_attribute | Drop down list (select list) element |
Celement | UI Element for an excluded grade_grade |
Cempty_element | Element that just generates some text |
Cexclude | Class that represents the exclude checkbox on a grade_grade |
Cfeedback | Class used to render a feedback input box |
Cfinalgrade | UI element representing the finalgrade column |
Cgrade_attribute_format | Abstract class for a form element representing something about a grade_grade |
Coverride | An override grade checkbox element |
Crange | UI element that generates a grade_item min/max range (text only) |
Ctext_attribute | UI element for a text input field |
Cunique_name | A form element with a name field |
Cunique_value | Simple interface for an item with a value |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_singleview implementing null_provider |
►Ngradereport_user | |
►Nevent | |
Cgrade_report_viewed | User report viewed event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_user implementing null_provider |
►Ngradingform_guide | |
►Ngrades | |
►Ngrader | |
►Ngradingpanel | |
►Nexternal | |
Cfetch | Web services relating to fetching of a marking guide for the grading panel |
Cstore | Web services relating to storing of a marking guide for the grading panel |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Ngradingform_rubric | |
►Ngrades | |
►Ngrader | |
►Ngradingpanel | |
►Nexternal | |
Cfetch | Web services relating to fetching of a rubric for the grading panel |
Cstore | Web services relating to storing of a rubric for the grading panel |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nlogstore_database | |
►Nlog | |
Cstore | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
Chelper | Helper class locally used |
►Nlogstore_legacy | |
►Nevent | |
Clegacy_logged | |
►Nlog | |
Cstore | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Ntask | |
Ccleanup_task | |
►Nlogstore_standard | |
►Nlog | |
Cstore | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Ntask | |
Ccleanup_task | |
►Nltiservice_basicoutcomes | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nresources | |
Cbasicoutcomes | A resource implementing the Basic Outcomes service |
►Nservice | |
Cbasicoutcomes | A service implementing Basic Outcomes |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_basicoutcomes |
►Nltiservice_gradebookservices | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nresources | |
Clineitem | A resource implementing LineItem |
Clineitems | A resource implementing LineItem container |
Cresults | A resource implementing LISResult container |
Cscores | A resource implementing LISResult container |
►Nservice | |
Cgradebookservices | A service implementing LTI Gradebook Services |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_gradebookservices |
►Ntask | |
Ccleanup_task | Class containing the scheduled task for gradebookservices |
►Nltiservice_memberships | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nresources | |
Ccontextmemberships | A resource implementing Context Memberships |
Clinkmemberships | A resource implementing Link Memberships |
►Nservice | |
Cmemberships | A service implementing Memberships |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_memberships |
►Nltiservice_profile | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nservice | |
Cprofile | A service implementing the Tool Consumer Profile |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_profile implementing null_provider |
►Nltiservice_toolproxy | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nresources | |
Ctoolproxy | A resource implementing the Tool Proxy |
►Nservice | |
Ctoolproxy | A service implementing the Tool Proxy |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_toolproxy implementing null_provider |
►Nltiservice_toolsettings | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nresources | |
Ccontextsettings | A resource implementing the Context-level (ToolProxyBinding) Settings |
Clinksettings | A resource implementing the Context-level (ToolProxyBinding) Settings |
Csystemsettings | A resource implementing the System-level (ToolProxy) Settings |
►Nservice | |
Ctoolsettings | A service implementing Tool Settings |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_toolsettings implementing null_provider |
►Nmedia_html5audio | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for media_html5audio |
►Nmedia_html5video | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for media_html5video |
►Nmedia_swf | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for media_swf |
►Nmedia_videojs | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for media_videojs |
►Nmedia_vimeo | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for media_vimeo |
►Nmedia_youtube | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for media_youtube |
►Nmessage_airnotifier | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nmessage_email | |
►Noutput | |
►Nemail | |
Crenderer | Email digest as html renderer |
Crenderer_textemail | Email digest as text renderer |
Cemail_digest | Email digest renderable |
Crenderer | Renderer class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Ntask | |
Csend_email_task | Class responsible for sending emails as a digest |
Cevent_observers | Observer class containing methods for handling events |
►Nmessage_jabber | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nmessage_popup | |
►Noutput | |
Cpopup_notification | Class to prepare a popup notification for display |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for message_popup implementing null_provider |
Capi | Class used to return information to display for the message popup |
►Nmlbackend_php | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for mlbackend_php implementing null_provider |
Cprocessor | PHP predictions processor |
►Nmlbackend_python | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for mlbackend_python implementing null_provider |
Cprocessor | Python predictions processor |
►Nmnetservice_enrol | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for mnetservice_enrol implementing metadata and plugin providers |
►Nmod_assign | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - assign |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - assign |
►Nevent | |
Call_submissions_downloaded | The mod_assign all submissions downloaded event class |
Cassessable_submitted | |
Cbase | The mod_assign abstract base event class |
Cbatch_set_marker_allocation_viewed | |
Cbatch_set_workflow_state_viewed | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_assign instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_assign course module viewed event class |
Cextension_granted | The mod_assign extension granted event class |
Cfeedback_viewed | |
Cgrading_form_viewed | |
Cgrading_table_viewed | |
Cgroup_override_created | |
Cgroup_override_deleted | |
Cgroup_override_updated | |
Cidentities_revealed | The mod_assign identities revealed event class |
Cmarker_updated | |
Cremove_submission_form_viewed | The mod_assign remove submission form viewed event class |
Creveal_identities_confirmation_page_viewed | |
Cstatement_accepted | The mod_assign statement accepted event class |
Csubmission_confirmation_form_viewed | |
Csubmission_created | |
Csubmission_duplicated | The mod_assign submission duplicated event class |
Csubmission_form_viewed | |
Csubmission_graded | The mod_assign submission graded event class |
Csubmission_locked | The mod_assign submission locked event class |
Csubmission_status_updated | |
Csubmission_status_viewed | |
Csubmission_unlocked | The mod_assign submission unlocked event class |
Csubmission_updated | |
Csubmission_viewed | |
Cuser_override_created | |
Cuser_override_deleted | |
Cuser_override_updated | |
Cworkflow_state_updated | |
►Ngrades | |
Cgradeitems | Grade item mappings for the activity |
►Noutput | |
Cgrading_app | Grading app renderable |
►Nplugininfo | |
Cassignfeedback | |
Cassignsubmission | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cassign_plugin_request_data | An object for fulfilling an assign plugin data request |
Cassignfeedback_provider | |
Cassignfeedback_user_provider | |
Cassignsubmission_provider | |
Cassignsubmission_user_provider | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cuseridlist | An object for collecting user IDs related to a teacher |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_assign activities |
►Ntask | |
Ccron_task | |
Cgroup_observers | Group observers class |
►Nmod_assignment | |
►Nplugininfo | |
Cassignment | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for mod_assignment |
►Nmod_book | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - book |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - book |
►Nevent | |
Cchapter_created | The mod_book chapter created event class |
Cchapter_deleted | The mod_book chapter deleted event class |
Cchapter_updated | The mod_book chapter updated event class |
Cchapter_viewed | The mod_book chapter viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_book instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_book course module viewed event class |
►Nplugininfo | |
Cbooktool | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | The mod_book module does not store any data |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_book activities |
Cchapter | Search area for mod_book chapters |
►Nmod_chat | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - chat |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - chat |
►Nevent | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_chat instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_chat course module viewed event class |
Cmessage_sent | The mod_chat message sent event class |
Csessions_viewed | |
►Nexternal | |
Cchat_message_exporter | Class for exporting a chat message |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_chat activities |
►Ntask | |
Ccron_task | The main schedule task for the chat module |
►Nmod_choice | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - choice |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - choice |
►Nevent | |
Canswer_created | |
Canswer_deleted | |
Canswer_submitted | |
Canswer_updated | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_choice instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_choice course module viewed event class |
Creport_downloaded | |
Creport_viewed | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the choice activity module |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_choice activities |
►Nmod_data | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - data |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - data |
►Nevent | |
Ccomment_created | The mod_data comment created event class |
Ccomment_deleted | The mod_data comment deleted event class |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_data instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_data course module viewed event class |
Cfield_created | |
Cfield_deleted | |
Cfield_updated | |
Crecord_created | |
Crecord_deleted | |
Crecord_updated | |
Ctemplate_updated | |
Ctemplate_viewed | |
►Nexternal | |
Ccontent_exporter | Class for exporting content associated to a record |
Cdatabase_summary_exporter | Class for exporting partial database data (some fields are only viewable by admins) |
Cfield_exporter | Class for exporting field data |
Crecord_exporter | Class for exporting record data |
►Nplugininfo | |
Cdatafield | |
Cdatapreset | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cdatafield_provider | Interface datafield_provider, all datafield plugins need to implement it |
Cprovider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the database activity module |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_data activities |
Centry | Search area for mod_data activity entries |
Csortedcontentqueue | Priority Queue class to sort out db entry contents |
►Nmod_feedback | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - feedback |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - feedback |
►Nevent | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_feedback instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | |
Cresponse_deleted | |
Cresponse_submitted | |
►Nexternal | |
Cfeedback_completed_exporter | Class for exporting a feedback completion record |
Cfeedback_completedtmp_exporter | Class for exporting a feedback temporary completion record |
Cfeedback_item_exporter | Class for exporting a feedback item (question) |
Cfeedback_summary_exporter | Class for exporting partial feedback data (some fields are only viewable by admins) |
Cfeedback_value_exporter | Class for exporting a feedback response |
Cfeedback_valuetmp_exporter | Class for exporting a feedback tmp response |
►Noutput | |
Csummary | Class to help display feedback summary |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_feedback activities |
►Nmod_folder | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - folder |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - folder |
►Nevent | |
Call_files_downloaded | The mod_folder course module viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_folder instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_folder course module viewed event class |
Cfolder_updated | The mod_folder folder updated event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | The mod_folder module does not store any data |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_folder activities |
►Nmod_forum | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - forum |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - forum |
►Nevent | |
Cassessable_uploaded | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_forum instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_forum course module viewed event class |
Ccourse_searched | |
Cdiscussion_created | |
Cdiscussion_deleted | |
Cdiscussion_moved | |
Cdiscussion_pinned | The mod_forum discussion pinned event |
Cdiscussion_subscription_created | |
Cdiscussion_subscription_deleted | |
Cdiscussion_unpinned | The mod_forum discussion unpinned event |
Cdiscussion_updated | |
Cdiscussion_viewed | The mod_forum discussion viewed event class |
Cpost_created | |
Cpost_deleted | |
Cpost_updated | |
Creadtracking_disabled | |
Creadtracking_enabled | |
Csubscribers_viewed | |
Csubscription_created | |
Csubscription_deleted | |
Cuser_report_viewed | |
►Nform | |
Cexport_form | Export discussion form |
►Ngrades | |
Cforum_gradeitem | Grade item storage for mod_forum |
Cgradeitems | Grade item mappings for the activity |
►Nlocal | |
►Nbuilders | |
Cexported_discussion | Exported discussion builder class |
Cexported_discussion_summaries | Exported discussion summaries builder class |
Cexported_posts | Exported post builder class |
►Ndata_mappers | |
►Nlegacy | |
Cauthor | Convert an author entity into an stdClass |
Cdiscussion | Convert a discussion entity into an stdClass |
Cforum | Convert a forum entity into an stdClass |
Cpost | Convert a post entity into an stdClass |
►Nentities | |
Cauthor | Author class |
Cdiscussion | Discussion class |
Cdiscussion_summary | Discussion summary class |
Cforum | Forum class |
Cpost | Post class |
Cpost_read_receipt_collection | Post read receipt collection class |
Csorter | Class to sort lists of items |
►Nexporters | |
Cauthor | Author exporter |
Cdiscussion | Discussion exporter class |
Cdiscussion_summaries | Discussion summaries exporter |
Cdiscussion_summary | Discussion summary exporter class |
Cforum | Forum class |
Cgroup | Group exporter |
Cpost | Post exporter class |
Cposts | Posts exporter class |
►Nfactories | |
Cbuilder | Builder factory to construct any builders for forum |
Centity | Entity factory to create the forum entities |
Cexporter | The exporter factory class used to fetch an instance of the different exporter types |
Clegacy_data_mapper | Legacy data mapper factory |
Cmanager | Managers factory |
Crenderer | Renderer factory |
Curl | A URL factory for the forum |
Cvault | Vault factory |
►Nmanagers | |
Ccapability | Capability manager for the forum |
►Nrenderers | |
Cdiscussion | Discussion renderer class |
Cdiscussion_list | The discussion list renderer |
Cposts | Posts renderer class |
►Nvaults | |
►Npreprocessors | |
Cextract_context | Extract context vault preprocessor |
Cextract_record | Extract record vault preprocessor |
Cextract_user | Extract user vault preprocessor |
Cauthor | Author vault class |
Cdb_table_vault | Abstract class for loading records from the DB |
Cdiscussion | Discussion vault class |
Cdiscussion_list | Discussion list vault |
Cforum | Forum vault class |
Cpost | Post vault class |
Cpost_attachment | Post attachment vault class |
Cpost_read_receipt_collection | Post read receipt collection class |
Ccontainer | Container class |
►Nmessage | |
►Ninbound | |
Creply_handler | A Handler to process replies to forum posts |
►Noutput | |
►Nemail | |
Crenderer | Forum post renderable |
Crenderer_textemail | Forum post renderable |
►Nemaildigestbasic | |
Crenderer | Forum post renderable |
Crenderer_textemail | Forum post renderable |
►Nemaildigestfull | |
Crenderer | Forum post renderable |
Crenderer_textemail | Forum post renderable |
Cbig_search_form | Big search form class |
Cforum_post | |
Cforum_post_email | Forum post renderable for use in e-mail |
Cquick_search_form | Quick search form renderable class |
►Nplugininfo | |
Cforumreport | Forum report subplugin info class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the forum activity module |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Forum activities search area |
Cpost | Forum posts search area |
►Ntask | |
Ccron_task | The main scheduled task for the forum |
Crefresh_forum_post_counts | Adhoc task that updates all of the existing forum_post records with no wordcount or no charcount |
Csend_user_digests | Adhoc task to send moodle forum digests for the specified user |
Csend_user_notifications | Adhoc task to send user forum notifications |
Csubscriptions | Forum subscription manager |
►Nmod_glossary | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - glossary |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - glossary |
►Nevent | |
Ccategory_created | The mod_glossary glossary category created event class |
Ccategory_deleted | The mod_glossary glossary category deleted event class |
Ccategory_updated | The mod_glossary glossary category updated event class |
Ccomment_created | The mod_glossary comment created event class |
Ccomment_deleted | The mod_glossary comment deleted event class |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_glossary instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | |
Centry_approved | The mod_glossary entry approved event class |
Centry_created | |
Centry_deleted | |
Centry_disapproved | The mod_glossary entry disapproved event |
Centry_updated | |
Centry_viewed | The mod_glossary entry viewed event class |
►Nlocal | |
Cconcept_cache | Concept caching for glossary filter |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the glossary activity module |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_glossary activities |
Centry | Glossary entries search |
►Nmod_imscp | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - imscp |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - imscp |
►Nevent | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_imscp instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_imscp course module viewed event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for mod_imscp implementing null_provider |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_imscp activities |
►Nmod_label | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - label |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - label |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | The mod_label module does not store any data |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_label activities |
►Nmod_lesson | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - lesson |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - lesson |
►Nevent | |
Ccontent_page_viewed | The mod_lesson content page viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_lesson instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_lesson course module viewed event class |
Cessay_assessed | |
Cessay_attempt_viewed | The mod_lesson essay attempt viewed event class |
Cgroup_override_created | |
Cgroup_override_deleted | |
Cgroup_override_updated | |
Chighscore_added | |
Chighscores_viewed | The mod_lesson highscores viewed class |
Clesson_ended | The mod_lesson lesson ended event class |
Clesson_restarted | The mod_lesson lesson restarted event class |
Clesson_resumed | The mod_lesson lesson resumed event class |
Clesson_started | The mod_lesson lesson started event class |
Cpage_created | |
Cpage_deleted | |
Cpage_moved | |
Cpage_updated | |
Cquestion_answered | |
Cquestion_viewed | |
Cuser_override_created | |
Cuser_override_deleted | |
Cuser_override_updated | |
►Nexternal | |
Clesson_summary_exporter | Class for exporting partial lesson data (some fields are only viewable by admins) |
►Nlocal | |
►Nnumeric | |
Chelper | Lesson numeric page helper |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_lesson activities |
Cgroup_observers | Group observers class |
►Nmod_lti | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - lti |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - lti |
►Nevent | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_lti instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_lti course module viewed event class |
Cunknown_service_api_called | The mod_lti unknown service api called event class |
►Nlocal | |
►Nltiservice | |
Cresource_base | The mod_lti\local\ltiservice\resource_base class |
Cresponse | The mod_lti\local\ltiservice\response class |
Cservice_base | The mod_lti\local\ltiservice\service_base class |
►Noutput | |
Cexternal_registration_return_page | Class containing data for tool_configure page |
Crenderer | Renderer class for template library |
Ctool_configure_page | Class containing data for tool_configure page |
►Nplugininfo | |
Cltiservice | The mod_lti\plugininfo\ltiservice class |
Cltisource | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for mod_lti |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_lti activities |
►Ntask | |
Cclean_access_tokens | Class containing the scheduled task for lti module |
Cservice_exception_handler | Handles exceptions when handling incoming LTI messages |
►Nmod_page | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - page |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - page |
►Nevent | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_page instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_page course module viewed event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | The mod_page module does not store any data |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_page activities |
►Nmod_quiz | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - quiz |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - quiz |
►Nevent | |
Cattempt_abandoned | |
Cattempt_becameoverdue | |
Cattempt_deleted | |
Cattempt_preview_started | |
Cattempt_regraded | |
Cattempt_reviewed | |
Cattempt_started | |
Cattempt_submitted | |
Cattempt_summary_viewed | |
Cattempt_viewed | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_quiz instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_quiz course module viewed event class |
Cedit_page_viewed | |
Cgroup_override_created | |
Cgroup_override_deleted | |
Cgroup_override_updated | |
Cquestion_manually_graded | |
Creport_viewed | |
Cuser_override_created | |
Cuser_override_deleted | |
Cuser_override_updated | |
►Nform | |
Crandomquestion_form | Class randomquestion_form |
►Nlocal | |
►Nstructure | |
Cslot_random | Class slot_random, represents a random question slot type |
►Noutput | |
Cedit_renderer | Renderer outputting the quiz editing UI |
Cquestion_chooser | The question_chooser renderable class |
►Nplugininfo | |
Cquiz | |
Cquizaccess | |
►Nprivacy | |
Chelper | Privacy Subsystem implementation for mod_quiz |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for mod_quiz |
Cquizaccess_provider | The quizaccess_provider interface provides the expected interface for all 'quizaccess' quizaccesss |
Cquizaccess_user_provider | |
►Nquestion | |
►Nbank | |
Cadd_action_column | A column type for the add this question to the quiz action |
Ccustom_view | Subclass to customise the view of the question bank for the quiz editing screen |
Cquestion_name_text_column | A column type for the name followed by the start of the question text |
Cqubaids_for_users_attempts | A qubaid_condition representing all the attempts by one user at a given quiz |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_quiz activities |
►Ntask | |
Clegacy_quiz_accessrules_cron | Legacy Cron Quiz Access Rules Task |
Clegacy_quiz_reports_cron | Legacy Cron Quiz Reports Task |
Cupdate_overdue_attempts | Update Overdue Attempts Task |
Cgroup_observers | Group observers class |
Crepaginate | The repaginate class will rearrange questions in pages |
Cstructure | Quiz structure class |
►Nmod_resource | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - resource |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - resource |
►Nevent | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_resource instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_resource course module viewed event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | The mod_resource module does not store any data |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_resource activities |
►Nmod_scorm | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - scorm |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - scorm |
►Nevent | |
Cattempt_deleted | |
Ccmielement_submitted | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_scorm instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_scorm course module viewed event class |
Cinteractions_viewed | |
Creport_viewed | |
Csco_launched | |
Cscoreraw_submitted | |
Cstatus_submitted | |
Ctracks_viewed | |
Cuser_report_viewed | |
►Nplugininfo | |
Cscormreport | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_scorm activities |
►Ntask | |
Ccron_task | A cron_task class to be used by Tasks API |
Creport | |
►Nmod_survey | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - survey |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - survey |
►Nevent | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_survey instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | |
Creport_downloaded | |
Creport_viewed | |
Cresponse_submitted | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_survey activities |
►Nmod_url | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - url |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - url |
►Nevent | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_url instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_url course module viewed event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | The mod_url module does not store any data |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_url activities |
►Nmod_wiki | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - wiki |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - wiki |
►Nevent | |
Ccomment_created | The mod_wiki comment created event class |
Ccomment_deleted | The mod_wiki comment deleted event class |
Ccomments_viewed | The mod_wiki comments viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_wiki instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_wiki course module viewed event class |
Cpage_created | The mod_wiki page created event class |
Cpage_deleted | |
Cpage_diff_viewed | |
Cpage_history_viewed | The mod_wiki history viewed event class |
Cpage_locks_deleted | |
Cpage_map_viewed | |
Cpage_updated | |
Cpage_version_deleted | |
Cpage_version_restored | |
Cpage_version_viewed | |
Cpage_viewed | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_wiki activities |
Ccollaborative_page | Search area for mod_wiki collaborative pages |
►Nmod_workshop | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - workshop |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - workshop |
►Nevent | |
Cassessable_uploaded | The mod_workshop assessable uploaded event class |
Cassessment_evaluated | |
Cassessment_evaluations_reset | |
Cassessment_reevaluated | |
Cassessments_reset | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_workshop instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_workshop course module viewed event class |
Cphase_switched | |
Csubmission_assessed | |
Csubmission_created | |
Csubmission_deleted | |
Csubmission_reassessed | |
Csubmission_updated | |
Csubmission_viewed | |
►Nexternal | |
Cassessment_exporter | Class for exporting assessment data |
Csubmission_exporter | Class for exporting submission data |
Cworkshop_summary_exporter | Class for exporting partial workshop data (some fields are only viewable by admins) |
►Ngrades | |
Cgradeitems | Grade item mappings for the activity |
►Nplugininfo | |
Cworkshopallocation | |
Cworkshopeval | |
Cworkshopform | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy API implementation for the Workshop activity module |
Cworkshopform_provider | Interface for grading strategy subplugins implementing the privacy API |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_workshop activities |
►Ntask | |
Ccron_task | The main scheduled task for the workshop |
Clegacy_workshop_allocation_cron | Legacy workshop allocation plugins cron |
►Nmoodle | |
►Nmod | |
►Nlti | |
COAuthConsumer | |
COAuthDataStore | |
COAuthException | |
COAuthRequest | |
COAuthServer | |
COAuthSignatureMethod | |
COAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1 | |
COAuthSignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT | |
COAuthSignatureMethod_RSA_SHA1 | |
COAuthToken | |
COAuthUtil | |
CTrivialOAuthDataStore | A Trivial memory-based store - no support for tokens |
►Nportfolio_boxnet | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Provider for the portfolio_boxnet plugin |
►Nportfolio_download | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Provider for the portfolio_download plugin |