Moodle APIs  3.8
Moodle 3.8.6 (Build: 20201109)
lib Directory Reference


directory  antivirus
directory  editor
directory  mlbackend
directory  userkey


file  accesslib.php
 This file contains functions for managing user access.
file  adminlib.php
 Functions and classes used during installation, upgrades and for admin settings.
file  authlib.php
 Multiple plugin authentication Support library.
file  badgeslib.php
 Contains classes, functions and constants used in badges.
file  blocklib.php
 Block Class and Functions.
file  boxlib.php client.
file  clilib.php
 Command line utility functions and classes.
file  completionlib.php
 Contains classes, functions and constants used during the tracking of activity completion for users.
file  componentlib.class.php
 This library includes all the necessary stuff to use the one-click download and install feature of Moodle, used to keep updated some items like languages, pear, enviroment...
file  conditionlib.php
file  configonlylib.php
 Minimalistic library, usable even when no other moodle libs are loaded.
file  coursecatlib.php
 Deprecated file, classes moved to autoloaded locations.
file  cronlib.php
 Cron functions.
file  csslib.php
 This file contains CSS file serving functions.
file  csvlib.class.php
 This is a one-line short description of the file.
file  customcheckslib.php
 This is a place to put custom environment checks, if there is not a better place.
file  dataformatlib.php
 dataformatlib.php - Contains core dataformat related functions.
file  datalib.php
 Library of functions for database manipulation.
file  ddllib.php
 This library includes all the required functions used to handle the DB structure (DDL) independently of the underlying RDBMS in use.
file  deprecatedlib.php
 deprecatedlib.php - Old functions retained only for backward compatibility
file  dmllib.php
 This library contains all the Data Manipulation Language (DML) functions used to interact with the DB.
file  dtllib.php
 DTL == Database Transfer Library.
file  editorlib.php
 Utility classes and functions for text editor integration.
file  emptyfile.php
 This is an empty file.
file  enrollib.php
 This library includes the basic parts of enrol api.
file  environmentlib.php
 This library includes all the necessary stuff to execute some standard tests of required versions and libraries to run Moodle.
file  excellib.class.php
 Excel writer abstraction layer.
file  externallib.php
 Support for external API.
file  filelib.php
 Functions for file handling.
file  filterlib.php
 Library functions for managing text filter plugins.
file  flickrclient.php
 Provides flickr_client class.
file  formslib.php
 formslib.php - library of classes for creating forms in Moodle, based on PEAR QuickForms.
file  gdlib.php
 gdlib.php - Collection of routines in Moodle related to processing images using GD
file  googleapi.php
 Simple implementation of some Google API functions for Moodle.
file  gradelib.php
 Library of functions for gradebook - both public and internal.
file  grouplib.php
file  installlib.php
 Functions to support installation process.
file  jslib.php
 This file contains various javascript related functions, all functions here are self contained and can be used in ABORT_AFTER_CONFIG scripts.
file  licenselib.php
 A namespace contains license specific functions.
file  listlib.php
 Classes for displaying and editing a nested list of items.
file  mathslib.php
 @subpackage lib
file  messagelib.php
 Functions for interacting with the message system.
file  modinfolib.php
 modinfolib.php - Functions/classes relating to cached information about module instances on a course.
file  moodlelib.php
 moodlelib.php - Moodle main library
file  myprofilelib.php
 Defines core nodes for my profile navigation tree.
file  navigationlib.php
 This file contains classes used to manage the navigation structures within Moodle.
file  oauthlib.php
 OAuth helper class.
file  odslib.class.php
 ODS file writer.
file  outputactions.php
 Classes representing JS event handlers, used by output components.
file  outputcomponents.php
 Classes representing HTML elements, used by $OUTPUT methods.
file  outputfactories.php
 Interface and classes for creating appropriate renderers for various parts of Moodle.
file  outputfragmentrequirementslib.php
 Library functions to facilitate the use of JavaScript in Moodle.
file  outputlib.php
 Functions for generating the HTML that Moodle should output.
file  outputrenderers.php
 Classes for rendering HTML output for Moodle.
file  outputrequirementslib.php
 Library functions to facilitate the use of JavaScript in Moodle.
file  pagelib.php
 This file contains the moodle_page class.
file  pdflib.php
 pdflib.php - Moodle PDF library
file  phpminimumversionlib.php
 A set of PHP-compatible convenience functions to check Moodle minimum PHP version in a unified place.
file  plagiarismlib.php
 plagiarismlib.php - Contains core Plagiarism related functions.
file  portfoliolib.php
 This file contains all global functions to do with manipulating portfolios.
file  questionlib.php
 Code for handling and processing questions.
file  recaptchalib_v2.php
 This is a PHP library that handles calling reCAPTCHA v2.
file  resourcelib.php
 Recourse module like helper functions.
file  rsslib.php
 This file contains all the common stuff to be used in RSS System.
file  searchlib.php
 @subpackage search
file  sessionlib.php
 @subpackage session
file  setuplib.php
 These functions are required very early in the Moodle setup process, before any of the main libraries are loaded.
file  soaplib.php
 Web services wrapper library script.
file  statslib.php
 @subpackage stats
file  tablelib.php
 @subpackage lib
file  tokeniserlib.php
 Based on Drupal's search.module version 1.224.
file  uploadlib.php
 uploadlib.php - This class handles all aspects of fileuploading
file  webdavlib.php
 A Moodle-modified WebDAV client, based on webdav_client v0.1.5, a php based webdav client class.
file  weblib.php
 Library of functions for web output.
file  wiki_to_markdown.php
 Utility function to convert wiki-like to Markdown format.
file  womenslib.php
file  xmlize.php
 Code for parsing xml files.
file  xsendfilelib.php
 X-Sendfile support.