Moodle APIs  3.8
Moodle 3.8.6 (Build: 20201109)
plagiarismlib.php File Reference

plagiarismlib.php - Contains core Plagiarism related functions. More...


 plagiarism_get_file_results ($cmid, $userid, $file)
 returns array of plagiarism details about specified file More...
 plagiarism_get_form_elements_module ($mform, $context, $modulename="")
 adds the list of plagiarism settings to a form - called inside modules that have enabled plagiarism More...
if(!defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL')) plagiarism_get_links ($linkarray)
 displays the similarity score and provides a link to the full report if allowed. More...
 plagiarism_load_available_plugins ()
 helper function - also loads lib file of plagiarism plugin More...
 plagiarism_print_disclosure ($cmid)
 Function that prints the student disclosure notifying that the files will be checked for plagiarism. More...
 plagiarism_save_form_elements ($data)
 saves/updates plagiarism settings from a modules config page - called by course/modedit.php More...
 plagiarism_update_status ($course, $cm)
 updates the status of all files within a module More...

Detailed Description

plagiarismlib.php - Contains core Plagiarism related functions.

Moodle 2.0

@subpackage plagiarism

License GNU GPL v3 or later