Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
quiz Directory Reference


directory  accessrule
directory  classes
directory  db
directory  report


file  accessmanager.php
 Classes to enforce the various access rules that can apply to a quiz.
file  accessmanager_form.php
 Defines the form that limits student's access to attempt a quiz.
file  addrandomform.php
 Defines the Moodle forum used to add random questions to the quiz.
file  attemptlib.php
 Back-end code for handling data about quizzes and the current user's attempt.
file  cronlib.php
 Library code used by quiz cron.
file  lib.php
 Library of functions for the quiz module.
file  locallib.php
 Library of functions used by the quiz module.
file  mod_form.php
 Defines the quiz module ettings form.
file  override_form.php
 Settings form for overrides in the quiz module.
file  renderer.php
 Defines the renderer for the quiz module.
file  settings.php
 Administration settings definitions for the quiz module.
file  version.php
 Quiz activity version information.