Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
attemptlib.php File Reference

Back-end code for handling data about quizzes and the current user's attempt. More...


class  moodle_quiz_exception
 Class for quiz exceptions. More...
class  quiz
 A class encapsulating a quiz and the questions it contains, and making the information available to scripts like view.php. More...
class  quiz_attempt
 This class extends the quiz class to hold data about the state of a particular attempt, in addition to the data about the quiz. More...
class  quiz_attempt_nav_panel
 Specialisation of quiz_nav_panel_base for the attempt quiz page. More...
class  quiz_nav_panel_base
 Represents the navigation panel, and builds a block_contents to allow it to be output. More...
class  quiz_nav_question_button
 Represents a single link in the navigation panel. More...
class  quiz_nav_section_heading
 Represents a heading in the navigation panel. More...
class  quiz_review_nav_panel
 Specialisation of quiz_nav_panel_base for the review quiz page. More...

Detailed Description

Back-end code for handling data about quizzes and the current user's attempt.

There are classes for loading all the information about a quiz and attempts, and for displaying the navigation panel.

License GNU GPL v3 or later