Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
classes Directory Reference


directory  event
directory  privacy
directory  task


file  annotation.php
 This file contains the annotation class for the assignfeedback_editpdf plugin.
file  combined_document.php
 This file contains the combined document class for the assignfeedback_editpdf plugin.
file  comment.php
 This file contains the comment class for the assignfeedback_editpdf plugin.
file  comments_quick_list.php
 This file contains the functions for managing a users comments quicklist.
file  document_services.php
 This file contains the ingest manager for the assignfeedback_editpdf plugin.
file  page_editor.php
 This file contains the editor class for the assignfeedback_editpdf plugin.
file  pdf.php
 Library code for manipulating PDFs.
file  renderer.php
 This file contains the definition for the library class for edit PDF renderer.
file  widget.php
 This file contains the definition for the library class for edit PDF renderer.