Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
assign Directory Reference


directory  classes
directory  db
directory  tests


file  adminlib.php
 This file contains the classes for the admin settings of the assign module.
file  assignmentplugin.php
 This file contains the functions for assign_plugin abstract class.
file  batchsetallocatedmarkerform.php
 This file contains the forms to set the allocated marker for selected submissions.
file  batchsetmarkingworkflowstateform.php
 This file contains the forms to set the marking workflow for selected submissions.
file  extensionform.php
 This file contains the forms to create and edit an instance of this module.
file  externallib.php
 External assign API.
file  feedbackplugin.php
 This file contains the function for feedback_plugin abstract class.
file  gradeform.php
 This file contains the forms to create and edit an instance of this module.
file  gradingbatchoperationsform.php
 This file contains the forms to create and edit an instance of this module.
file  gradingoptionsform.php
 This file contains the forms to create and edit an instance of this module.
file  gradingtable.php
 This file contains the definition for the grading table which subclassses easy_table.
file  lib.php
 This file contains the moodle hooks for the assign module.
file  locallib.php
 This file contains the definition for the class assignment.
file  mod_form.php
 This file contains the forms to create and edit an instance of this module.
file  override_form.php
 Settings form for overrides in the assign module.
file  quickgradingform.php
 This file contains the forms to create and edit an instance of this module.
file  renderable.php
 This file contains the definition for the renderable classes for the assignment.
file  renderer.php
 This file contains a renderer for the assignment class.
file  settings.php
 This file adds the settings pages to the navigation menu.
file  submission_form.php
 This file contains the submission form used by the assign module.
file  submissionconfirmform.php
 This file contains the submission confirmation form.
file  submissionplugin.php
 This file contains the definition for the abstract class for submission_plugin.
file  upgradelib.php
 This file contains the upgrade code to upgrade from mod_assignment to mod_assign.
file  version.php
 Version information.