Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
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quiz_overview_report Class Reference

Quiz report subclass for the overview (grades) report. More...

Inheritance diagram for quiz_overview_report:
quiz_attempts_report quiz_default_report

Public Member Functions

 display ($quiz, $cm, $course)
 Override this function to displays the report. More...
 get_current_group ($cm, $course, $context)
 Get the current group for the user user looking at the report. More...
 print_header_and_tabs ($cm, $course, $quiz, $reportmode='overview')
 Initialise some parts of $PAGE and start output. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static get_bands_count_and_width ($quiz)
 Get the bands configuration for the quiz. More...
static get_bands_labels ($bands, $bandwidth, $quiz)
 Get the bands labels. More...

Public Attributes

string const ALL_WITH = 'all_with'
 constant used for the options, means all users with attempts.
int const DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 30
 default page size for reports.
string const ENROLLED_ALL = 'enrolled_any'
 constant used for the options, means all enrolled users.
string const ENROLLED_WITH = 'enrolled_with'
 constant used for the options, means only enrolled users with attempts.
string const ENROLLED_WITHOUT = 'enrolled_without'
 constant used for the options, means only enrolled users without attempts.

Protected Member Functions

 add_grade_columns ($quiz, $usercanseegrades, &$columns, &$headers, $includefeedback=true)
 Add all the grade and feedback columns, if applicable, to the $columns and $headers arrays. More...
 add_state_column (&$columns, &$headers)
 Add the state column to the $columns and $headers arrays. More...
 add_time_columns (&$columns, &$headers)
 Add all the time-related columns to the $columns and $headers arrays. More...
 add_user_columns ($table, &$columns, &$headers)
 Add all the user-related columns to the $columns and $headers arrays. More...
 clear_regrade_table ($quiz, core\dml\sql_join $groupstudentsjoins)
 Remove all information about pending/complete regrades from the database. More...
 configure_user_columns ($table)
 Set the display options for the user-related columns in the table. More...
 count_question_attempts_needing_regrade ($quiz, core\dml\sql_join $groupstudentsjoins)
 Count the number of attempts in need of a regrade. More...
 delete_selected_attempts ($quiz, $cm, $attemptids, core\dml\sql_join $allowedjoins)
 Delete the quiz attempts. More...
 finish_regrade ($nexturl)
 Finish displaying the regrade progress page. More...
 get_base_url ()
 Get the base URL for this report. More...
 get_students_joins ($cm, $course=null)
 Get sql fragments (joins) which can be used to build queries that will select an appropriate set of students to show in the reports. More...
 has_regraded_questions ($from, $where, $params)
 Are there any pending regrades in the table we are going to show? More...
 init ($mode, $formclass, $quiz, $cm, $course)
 Initialise various aspects of this report. More...
 load_relevant_students ($cm, $course=null)
 Get information about which students to show in the report. More...
 print_standard_header_and_messages ($cm, $course, $quiz, $options, $currentgroup, $hasquestions, $hasstudents)
 Outputs the things you commonly want at the top of a quiz report. More...
 process_actions ($quiz, $cm, $currentgroup, core\dml\sql_join $groupstudentsjoins, core\dml\sql_join $allowedjoins, $redirecturl)
 Extends parent function processing any submitted actions. More...
 regrade_attempt ($attempt, $dryrun=false, $slots=null)
 Regrade a particular quiz attempt. More...
 regrade_attempts ($quiz, $dryrun=false, core\dml\sql_join$groupstudentsjoins=null, $attemptids=array())
 Regrade attempts for this quiz, exactly which attempts are regraded is controlled by the parameters. More...
 regrade_attempts_needing_it ($quiz, core\dml\sql_join $groupstudentsjoins)
 Regrade those questions in those attempts that are marked as needing regrading in the quiz_overview_regrades table. More...
 regrade_batch_of_attempts ($quiz, array $attempts, bool $dryrun, core\dml\sql_join $groupstudentsjoins)
 This is a helper used by regrade_attempts() and regrade_attempts_needing_it(). More...
 set_up_table_columns ($table, $columns, $headers, $reporturl, mod_quiz_attempts_report_options $options, $collapsible)
 Set up the table. More...
 start_regrade ($quiz, $cm)
 Check necessary capabilities, and start the display of the regrade progress page. More...
 unlock_session ()
 Unlock the session and allow the regrading process to run in the background.
 update_overall_grades ($quiz)
 Update the final grades for all attempts. More...

Static Protected Member Functions

static get_chart ($labels, $data)
 Get a chart. More...

Protected Attributes

object $context
 the quiz context.
mod_quiz_attempts_report_form $form
 The settings form to use.
bool $hasgroupstudents
 whether there are actually students to show, given the options.
string $mode
 the mode this report is.
string $qmsubselect
 SQL fragment for selecting the attempt that gave the final grade, if applicable.
boolean $showgrades = null
 caches the results of should_show_grades().

Detailed Description

Quiz report subclass for the overview (grades) report.

License GNU GPL v3 or later

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_grade_columns()

quiz_attempts_report::add_grade_columns (   $quiz,
  $includefeedback = true 

Add all the grade and feedback columns, if applicable, to the $columns and $headers arrays.

object$quizthe quiz settings.
bool$usercanseegradeswhether the user is allowed to see grades for this quiz.
array$columnsthe list of columns. Added to.
array$headersthe columns headings. Added to.
bool$includefeedbackwhether to include the feedbacktext columns

◆ add_state_column()

quiz_attempts_report::add_state_column ( $columns,

Add the state column to the $columns and $headers arrays.

array$columnsthe list of columns. Added to.
array$headersthe columns headings. Added to.

◆ add_time_columns()

quiz_attempts_report::add_time_columns ( $columns,

Add all the time-related columns to the $columns and $headers arrays.

array$columnsthe list of columns. Added to.
array$headersthe columns headings. Added to.

◆ add_user_columns()

quiz_attempts_report::add_user_columns (   $table,

Add all the user-related columns to the $columns and $headers arrays.

table_sql$tablethe table being constructed.
array$columnsthe list of columns. Added to.
array$headersthe columns headings. Added to.

◆ clear_regrade_table()

quiz_overview_report::clear_regrade_table (   $quiz,
core\dml\sql_join  $groupstudentsjoins 

Remove all information about pending/complete regrades from the database.

object$quizthe quiz settings.
core::dml::sql_join$groupstudentsjoins(joins, wheres, params). If this is given, only data relating to these users is cleared.

◆ configure_user_columns()

quiz_attempts_report::configure_user_columns (   $table)

Set the display options for the user-related columns in the table.

table_sql$tablethe table being constructed.

◆ count_question_attempts_needing_regrade()

quiz_overview_report::count_question_attempts_needing_regrade (   $quiz,
core\dml\sql_join  $groupstudentsjoins 

Count the number of attempts in need of a regrade.

object$quizthe quiz settings.
core::dml::sql_join$groupstudentsjoins(joins, wheres, params) If this is given, only data relating to these users is cleared.
Return values
intthe number of attempts.

◆ delete_selected_attempts()

quiz_attempts_report::delete_selected_attempts (   $quiz,
core\dml\sql_join  $allowedjoins 

Delete the quiz attempts.

object$quizthe quiz settings. Attempts that don't belong to this quiz are not deleted.
object$cmthe course_module object.
array$attemptidsthe list of attempt ids to delete.
core::dml::sql_join$allowedjoins(joins, wheres, params) This list of userids that are visible in the report. Users can only delete attempts that they are allowed to see in the report. Empty means all users.

Reimplemented in testable_quiz_attempts_report.

◆ display()

quiz_overview_report::display (   $cm,

Override this function to displays the report.

$cmthe course-module for this quiz.
$coursethe coures we are in.
$quizthis quiz.

Reimplemented from quiz_default_report.

◆ finish_regrade()

quiz_overview_report::finish_regrade (   $nexturl)

Finish displaying the regrade progress page.

moodle_url$nexturlwhere to send the user after the regrade. @uses exit. This method never returns.

◆ get_bands_count_and_width()

static quiz_overview_report::get_bands_count_and_width (   $quiz)

Get the bands configuration for the quiz.

This returns the configuration for having between 11 and 20 bars in a chart based on the maximum grade to be given on a quiz. The width of a band is the number of grade points it encapsulates.

object$quizThe quiz object.
Return values
arrayContains the number of bands, and their width.

◆ get_bands_labels()

static quiz_overview_report::get_bands_labels (   $bands,

Get the bands labels.

int$bandsThe number of bands.
int$bandwidthThe band width.
object$quizThe quiz object.
Return values
string[]The labels.

◆ get_base_url()

quiz_attempts_report::get_base_url ( )

Get the base URL for this report.

Return values
moodle_urlthe URL.

◆ get_chart()

static quiz_overview_report::get_chart (   $labels,

Get a chart.

string[]$labelsChart labels.
int[]$dataThe data.
Return values

◆ get_current_group()

quiz_default_report::get_current_group (   $cm,

Get the current group for the user user looking at the report.

object$cmthe course_module information.
object$couresthe course settings.
context$contextthe quiz context.
Return values
intthe current group id, if applicable. 0 for all users, NO_GROUPS_ALLOWED if the user cannot see any group.

◆ get_students_joins()

quiz_attempts_report::get_students_joins (   $cm,
  $course = null 

Get sql fragments (joins) which can be used to build queries that will select an appropriate set of students to show in the reports.

object$cmthe course module.
object$coursethe course settings.
Return values
arraywith four elements: 0 => integer the current group id (0 for none). 1 => core::dml::sql_join Contains joins, wheres, params for all the students in this course. 2 => core::dml::sql_join Contains joins, wheres, params for all the students in the current group. 3 => core::dml::sql_join Contains joins, wheres, params for all the students to show in the report. Will be the same as either element 1 or 2.

◆ has_regraded_questions()

quiz_overview_report::has_regraded_questions (   $from,

Are there any pending regrades in the table we are going to show?

string$fromtables used by the main query.
string$wherewhere clause used by the main query.
array$paramsrequired by the SQL.
Return values
boolwhether there are pending regrades.

◆ init()

quiz_attempts_report::init (   $mode,

Initialise various aspects of this report.

Return values
arraywith four elements: 0 => integer the current group id (0 for none). 1 => core::dml::sql_join Contains joins, wheres, params for all the students in this course. 2 => core::dml::sql_join Contains joins, wheres, params for all the students in the current group. 3 => core::dml::sql_join Contains joins, wheres, params for all the students to show in the report. Will be the same as either element 1 or 2.

◆ load_relevant_students()

quiz_attempts_report::load_relevant_students (   $cm,
  $course = null 

Get information about which students to show in the report.

object$cmthe coures module.
object$coursethe course settings.
Return values
arraywith four elements: 0 => integer the current group id (0 for none). 1 => array ids of all the students in this course. 2 => array ids of all the students in the current group. 3 => array ids of all the students to show in the report. Will be the same as either element 1 or 2.
since Moodle 3.2 Please use get_students_joins() instead.

◆ print_header_and_tabs()

quiz_default_report::print_header_and_tabs (   $cm,
  $reportmode = 'overview' 

Initialise some parts of $PAGE and start output.

object$cmthe course_module information.
object$couresthe course settings.
object$quizthe quiz settings.
string$reportmodethe report name.

Reimplemented in quiz_grading_report.

◆ print_standard_header_and_messages()

quiz_attempts_report::print_standard_header_and_messages (   $cm,

Outputs the things you commonly want at the top of a quiz report.

Calls through to print_header_and_tabs() and then outputs the standard group selector, number of attempts summary, and messages to cover common cases when the report can't be shown.

stdClass$cmthe course_module information.
stdClass$coursethe course settings.
stdClass$quizthe quiz settings.
mod_quiz_attempts_report_options$optionsthe current report settings.
int$currentgroupthe current group.
bool$hasquestionswhether there are any questions in the quiz.
bool$hasstudentswhether there are any relevant students.

◆ process_actions()

quiz_overview_report::process_actions (   $quiz,
core\dml\sql_join  $groupstudentsjoins,
core\dml\sql_join  $allowedjoins,

Extends parent function processing any submitted actions.

core::dml::sql_join$groupstudentsjoins(joins, wheres, params)
core::dml::sql_join$allowedjoins(joins, wheres, params)

Reimplemented from quiz_attempts_report.

◆ regrade_attempt()

quiz_overview_report::regrade_attempt (   $attempt,
  $dryrun = false,
  $slots = null 

Regrade a particular quiz attempt.

Either for real ($dryrun = false), or as a pretend regrade to see which fractions would change. The outcome is stored in the quiz_overview_regrades table.

Note, $attempt is not upgraded in the database. The caller needs to do that. However, $attempt->sumgrades is updated, if this is not a dry run.

object$attemptthe quiz attempt to regrade.
bool$dryrunif true, do a pretend regrade, otherwise do it for real.
array$slotsif null, regrade all questions, otherwise, just regrade the quetsions with those slots.

◆ regrade_attempts()

quiz_overview_report::regrade_attempts (   $quiz,
  $dryrun = false,
core\dml\  sql_join$groupstudentsjoins = null,
  $attemptids = array() 

Regrade attempts for this quiz, exactly which attempts are regraded is controlled by the parameters.

object$quizthe quiz settings.
bool$dryrunif true, do a pretend regrade, otherwise do it for real.
core::dml::sql_join | array$groupstudentsjoinsempty for all attempts, otherwise regrade attempts for these users.
array$attemptidsblank for all attempts, otherwise only regrade attempts whose id is in this list.

◆ regrade_attempts_needing_it()

quiz_overview_report::regrade_attempts_needing_it (   $quiz,
core\dml\sql_join  $groupstudentsjoins 

Regrade those questions in those attempts that are marked as needing regrading in the quiz_overview_regrades table.

object$quizthe quiz settings.
core::dml::sql_join$groupstudentsjoinsempty for all attempts, otherwise regrade attempts for these users.

◆ regrade_batch_of_attempts()

quiz_overview_report::regrade_batch_of_attempts (   $quiz,
array  $attempts,
bool  $dryrun,
core\dml\sql_join  $groupstudentsjoins 

This is a helper used by regrade_attempts() and regrade_attempts_needing_it().

Given an array of attempts, it regrades them all, or does a dry run. Each object in the attempts array must be a row from the quiz_attempts table, with the get_all_user_name_fields from the user table joined in. In addition, if $attempt->regradeonlyslots is set, then only those slots are regraded, otherwise all slots are regraded.

object$quizthe quiz settings.
array$attemptsof data from the quiz_attempts table, with extra data as above.
bool$dryrunif true, do a pretend regrade, otherwise do it for real.
core::dml::sql_join$groupstudentsjoinsempty for all attempts, otherwise regrade attempts

◆ set_up_table_columns()

quiz_attempts_report::set_up_table_columns (   $table,
mod_quiz_attempts_report_options  $options,

Set up the table.

table_sql$tablethe table being constructed.
array$columnsthe list of columns.
array$headersthe columns headings.
moodle_url$reporturlthe URL of this report.
mod_quiz_attempts_report_options$optionsthe display options.
bool$collapsiblewhether to allow columns in the report to be collapsed.

◆ start_regrade()

quiz_overview_report::start_regrade (   $quiz,

Check necessary capabilities, and start the display of the regrade progress page.

object$quizthe quiz settings.
object$cmthe cm object for the quiz.

◆ update_overall_grades()

quiz_overview_report::update_overall_grades (   $quiz)

Update the final grades for all attempts.

This method is used following a regrade.

object$quizthe quiz settings.
array$useridsonly update scores for these userids.
array$attemptidsattemptids only update scores for these attempt ids.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: