Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
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testable_quiz_attempts_report Class Reference

Makes some protected methods of quiz_attempts_report public to facilitate testing. More...

Inheritance diagram for testable_quiz_attempts_report:
quiz_attempts_report quiz_default_report

Public Member Functions

 delete_selected_attempts ($quiz, $cm, $attemptids, core\dml\sql_join $allowedjoins)
 Testable delete_selected_attempts function. More...
 display ($cm, $course, $quiz)
 Override this function to displays the report. More...
 get_current_group ($cm, $course, $context)
 Get the current group for the user user looking at the report. More...
 print_header_and_tabs ($cm, $course, $quiz, $reportmode='overview')
 Initialise some parts of $PAGE and start output. More...

Public Attributes

string const ALL_WITH = 'all_with'
 constant used for the options, means all users with attempts.
int const DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 30
 default page size for reports.
string const ENROLLED_ALL = 'enrolled_any'
 constant used for the options, means all enrolled users.
string const ENROLLED_WITH = 'enrolled_with'
 constant used for the options, means only enrolled users with attempts.
string const ENROLLED_WITHOUT = 'enrolled_without'
 constant used for the options, means only enrolled users without attempts.

Protected Member Functions

 add_grade_columns ($quiz, $usercanseegrades, &$columns, &$headers, $includefeedback=true)
 Add all the grade and feedback columns, if applicable, to the $columns and $headers arrays. More...
 add_state_column (&$columns, &$headers)
 Add the state column to the $columns and $headers arrays. More...
 add_time_columns (&$columns, &$headers)
 Add all the time-related columns to the $columns and $headers arrays. More...
 add_user_columns ($table, &$columns, &$headers)
 Add all the user-related columns to the $columns and $headers arrays. More...
 configure_user_columns ($table)
 Set the display options for the user-related columns in the table. More...
 get_base_url ()
 Get the base URL for this report. More...
 get_students_joins ($cm, $course=null)
 Get sql fragments (joins) which can be used to build queries that will select an appropriate set of students to show in the reports. More...
 init ($mode, $formclass, $quiz, $cm, $course)
 Initialise various aspects of this report. More...
 load_relevant_students ($cm, $course=null)
 Get information about which students to show in the report. More...
 print_standard_header_and_messages ($cm, $course, $quiz, $options, $currentgroup, $hasquestions, $hasstudents)
 Outputs the things you commonly want at the top of a quiz report. More...
 process_actions ($quiz, $cm, $currentgroup, core\dml\sql_join $groupstudentsjoins, core\dml\sql_join $allowedjoins, $redirecturl)
 Process any submitted actions. More...
 set_up_table_columns ($table, $columns, $headers, $reporturl, mod_quiz_attempts_report_options $options, $collapsible)
 Set up the table. More...

Protected Attributes

object $context
 the quiz context.
mod_quiz_attempts_report_form $form
 The settings form to use.
string $mode
 the mode this report is.
string $qmsubselect
 SQL fragment for selecting the attempt that gave the final grade, if applicable.
boolean $showgrades = null
 caches the results of should_show_grades().

Detailed Description

Makes some protected methods of quiz_attempts_report public to facilitate testing.

License GNU GPL v3 or later

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_grade_columns()

quiz_attempts_report::add_grade_columns (   $quiz,
  $includefeedback = true 

Add all the grade and feedback columns, if applicable, to the $columns and $headers arrays.

object$quizthe quiz settings.
bool$usercanseegradeswhether the user is allowed to see grades for this quiz.
array$columnsthe list of columns. Added to.
array$headersthe columns headings. Added to.
bool$includefeedbackwhether to include the feedbacktext columns

◆ add_state_column()

quiz_attempts_report::add_state_column ( $columns,

Add the state column to the $columns and $headers arrays.

array$columnsthe list of columns. Added to.
array$headersthe columns headings. Added to.

◆ add_time_columns()

quiz_attempts_report::add_time_columns ( $columns,

Add all the time-related columns to the $columns and $headers arrays.

array$columnsthe list of columns. Added to.
array$headersthe columns headings. Added to.

◆ add_user_columns()

quiz_attempts_report::add_user_columns (   $table,

Add all the user-related columns to the $columns and $headers arrays.

table_sql$tablethe table being constructed.
array$columnsthe list of columns. Added to.
array$headersthe columns headings. Added to.

◆ configure_user_columns()

quiz_attempts_report::configure_user_columns (   $table)

Set the display options for the user-related columns in the table.

table_sql$tablethe table being constructed.

◆ delete_selected_attempts()

testable_quiz_attempts_report::delete_selected_attempts (   $quiz,
core\dml\sql_join  $allowedjoins 

Testable delete_selected_attempts function.


Reimplemented from quiz_attempts_report.

◆ display()

testable_quiz_attempts_report::display (   $cm,

Override this function to displays the report.

object$cmthe course-module for this quiz.
object$coursethe course we are in.
object$quizthis quiz.

Reimplemented from quiz_default_report.

◆ get_base_url()

quiz_attempts_report::get_base_url ( )

Get the base URL for this report.

Return values
moodle_urlthe URL.

◆ get_current_group()

quiz_default_report::get_current_group (   $cm,

Get the current group for the user user looking at the report.

object$cmthe course_module information.
object$couresthe course settings.
context$contextthe quiz context.
Return values
intthe current group id, if applicable. 0 for all users, NO_GROUPS_ALLOWED if the user cannot see any group.

◆ get_students_joins()

quiz_attempts_report::get_students_joins (   $cm,
  $course = null 

Get sql fragments (joins) which can be used to build queries that will select an appropriate set of students to show in the reports.

object$cmthe course module.
object$coursethe course settings.
Return values
arraywith four elements: 0 => integer the current group id (0 for none). 1 => core::dml::sql_join Contains joins, wheres, params for all the students in this course. 2 => core::dml::sql_join Contains joins, wheres, params for all the students in the current group. 3 => core::dml::sql_join Contains joins, wheres, params for all the students to show in the report. Will be the same as either element 1 or 2.

◆ init()

quiz_attempts_report::init (   $mode,

Initialise various aspects of this report.

Return values
arraywith four elements: 0 => integer the current group id (0 for none). 1 => core::dml::sql_join Contains joins, wheres, params for all the students in this course. 2 => core::dml::sql_join Contains joins, wheres, params for all the students in the current group. 3 => core::dml::sql_join Contains joins, wheres, params for all the students to show in the report. Will be the same as either element 1 or 2.

◆ load_relevant_students()

quiz_attempts_report::load_relevant_students (   $cm,
  $course = null 

Get information about which students to show in the report.

object$cmthe coures module.
object$coursethe course settings.
Return values
arraywith four elements: 0 => integer the current group id (0 for none). 1 => array ids of all the students in this course. 2 => array ids of all the students in the current group. 3 => array ids of all the students to show in the report. Will be the same as either element 1 or 2.
since Moodle 3.2 Please use get_students_joins() instead.

◆ print_header_and_tabs()

quiz_default_report::print_header_and_tabs (   $cm,
  $reportmode = 'overview' 

Initialise some parts of $PAGE and start output.

object$cmthe course_module information.
object$couresthe course settings.
object$quizthe quiz settings.
string$reportmodethe report name.

Reimplemented in quiz_grading_report.

◆ print_standard_header_and_messages()

quiz_attempts_report::print_standard_header_and_messages (   $cm,

Outputs the things you commonly want at the top of a quiz report.

Calls through to print_header_and_tabs() and then outputs the standard group selector, number of attempts summary, and messages to cover common cases when the report can't be shown.

stdClass$cmthe course_module information.
stdClass$coursethe course settings.
stdClass$quizthe quiz settings.
mod_quiz_attempts_report_options$optionsthe current report settings.
int$currentgroupthe current group.
bool$hasquestionswhether there are any questions in the quiz.
bool$hasstudentswhether there are any relevant students.

◆ process_actions()

quiz_attempts_report::process_actions (   $quiz,
core\dml\sql_join  $groupstudentsjoins,
core\dml\sql_join  $allowedjoins,

Process any submitted actions.

object$quizthe quiz settings.
object$cmthe cm object for the quiz.
int$currentgroupthe currently selected group.
core::dml::sql_join$groupstudentsjoins(joins, wheres, params) the students in the current group.
core::dml::sql_join$allowedjoins(joins, wheres, params) the users whose attempt this user is allowed to modify.
moodle_url$redirecturlwhere to redircet to after a successful action.

Reimplemented in quiz_overview_report.

◆ set_up_table_columns()

quiz_attempts_report::set_up_table_columns (   $table,
mod_quiz_attempts_report_options  $options,

Set up the table.

table_sql$tablethe table being constructed.
array$columnsthe list of columns.
array$headersthe columns headings.
moodle_url$reporturlthe URL of this report.
mod_quiz_attempts_report_options$optionsthe display options.
bool$collapsiblewhether to allow columns in the report to be collapsed.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: