Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Files | Namespaces | Classes | Functions | Variables


file  external.php
 This is the external API for this component.
file  import_backup_helper.php
 Contains the import_backup_helper class.
file  import_handler_info.php
 Contains the import_handler_info class.
file  import_handler_registry.php
 Contains the import_handler_registry class.
file  import_info.php
 Contains the import_info class.
file  import_processor.php
 Contains the import_processor class.
file  import_strategy.php
 Contains the import_strategy interface.
file  import_strategy_file.php
 Contains the import_strategy_file class.
file  lib.php
 This page lists public api for tool_moodlenet plugin.
file  moodlenet_user_profile.php
 Moodle net user profile class.
file  profile_manager.php
 Profile manager class.
file  provider.php
 Privacy class for tool_moodlenet.
file  remote_resource.php
 Contains the remote_resource class definition.
file  renderer.php
file  select_page.php
 Select page renderable.
file  services.php
 Tool Moodle.Net webservice definitions.
file  settings.php
 Puts the plugin actions into the admin settings tree.
file  upgrade.php
 Upgrade script for tool_moodlenet.
file  url.php
 Contains the url class, providing a representation of a url and operations on its component parts.
file  version.php
 Version file for tool_moodlenet.


namespace  tool_moodlenet
namespace  tool_moodlenet\local
namespace  tool_moodlenet\output
namespace  tool_moodlenet\privacy


class  tool_moodlenet\external
 This is the external API for this component. More...
class  tool_moodlenet\local\import_backup_helper
 The import_backup_helper class. More...
class  tool_moodlenet\local\import_handler_info
 The import_handler_info class. More...
class  tool_moodlenet\local\import_handler_registry
 The import_handler_registry class. More...
class  tool_moodlenet\local\import_info
 Class import_info, describing objects which represent a resource being imported by a user. More...
class  tool_moodlenet\local\import_processor
 The import_processor class. More...
interface  tool_moodlenet\local\import_strategy
 The import_strategy interface. More...
class  tool_moodlenet\local\import_strategy_file
 The import_strategy_file class. More...
class  tool_moodlenet\local\import_strategy_link
 The import_strategy_link class. More...
class  tool_moodlenet\local\remote_resource
 The remote_resource class. More...
class  tool_moodlenet\local\url
 The url class, providing a representation of a url and operations on its component parts. More...
class  tool_moodlenet\moodlenet_user_profile
 A class to represent the moodlenet profile. More...
class  tool_moodlenet\output\renderer
 Renderer class. More...
class  tool_moodlenet\output\select_page
 Select page renderable. More...
class  tool_moodlenet\privacy\provider
 Privacy class for tool_moodlenet. More...
class  tool_moodlenet\profile_manager
 Class for handling interaction with the moodlenet profile. More...


 generate_mnet_endpoint (string $profileurl, int $course, int $section=0)
 Generate the endpoint url to the user's moodlenet site. More...
 tool_moodlenet_custom_chooser_footer (int $courseid, int $sectionid)
 Hooking function to build up the initial Activity Chooser footer information for MoodleNet. More...
 xmldb_tool_moodlenet_upgrade (int $oldversion)
 Upgrade the plugin. More...


 $plugin = 2020060900
$plugin component = 'tool_moodlenet'
$plugin maturity = MATURITY_ALPHA
const MOODLENET_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT "lms/moodle/search"
 The default endpoint to MoodleNet.
$plugin version = 2020061503

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ generate_mnet_endpoint()

generate_mnet_endpoint ( string  $profileurl,
int  $course,
int  $section = 0 

Generate the endpoint url to the user's moodlenet site.

string$profileurlThe user's moodlenet profile page
int$courseThe moodle course the mnet resource will be added to
int$sectionThe section of the course will be added to. Defaults to the 0th element.
Return values
stringthe resulting endpoint

◆ tool_moodlenet_custom_chooser_footer()

tool_moodlenet_custom_chooser_footer ( int  $courseid,
int  $sectionid 

Hooking function to build up the initial Activity Chooser footer information for MoodleNet.

int$courseidThe course the user is currently in and wants to add resources to
int$sectionidThe section the user is currently in and wants to add resources to
Return values

◆ xmldb_tool_moodlenet_upgrade()

xmldb_tool_moodlenet_upgrade ( int  $oldversion)

Upgrade the plugin.

Return values
boolalways true

Variable Documentation

◆ $functions

Initial value:
= [
'tool_moodlenet_verify_webfinger' => [
'classname' => 'tool_moodlenet\external',
'methodname' => 'verify_webfinger',
'description' => 'Verify if the passed information resolves into a WebFinger profile URL',
'type' => 'read',
'ajax' => true,
'tool_moodlenet_search_courses' => [
'classname' => 'tool_moodlenet\external',
'methodname' => 'search_courses',
'description' => 'For some given input search for a course that matches',
'type' => 'read',
'ajax' => true,
Moodle mobile app service name.
Definition: moodlelib.php:501