Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Functions | Variables
lib.php File Reference

This page lists public api for tool_moodlenet plugin. More...


 generate_mnet_endpoint (string $profileurl, int $course, int $section=0)
 Generate the endpoint url to the user's moodlenet site. More...
 tool_moodlenet_custom_chooser_footer (int $courseid, int $sectionid)
 Hooking function to build up the initial Activity Chooser footer information for MoodleNet. More...


const MOODLENET_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT "lms/moodle/search"
 The default endpoint to MoodleNet.

Detailed Description

This page lists public api for tool_moodlenet plugin.

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