Moodle APIs  3.8
Moodle 3.8.6 (Build: 20201109)
course Directory Reference


directory  tests


file  completion_form.php
 Edit course completion settings - the form definition.
file  dnduploadlib.php
 Library to handle drag and drop course uploads.
file  edit_form.php
 The form for handling editing a course.
file  editsection_form.php
 Default form for editing course section.
file  externallib.php
 External course API.
file  lib.php
 Library of useful functions.
file  modlib.php
 Library of functions specific to course/modedit.php and course API functions.
file  moodleform_mod.php
file  recent_form.php
 Display all recent activity in a flexible way.
file  renderer.php
 Renderer for use with the course section and all the goodness that falls within it.
file  request_form.php
 Forms associated with requesting courses, and having requests approved.
file  reset_form.php
 Provides the course_reset_form class.
file  switchrole_form.php
 Switch roles form.
file  tags_form.php
 Edit course tags form.