Moodle APIs  3.8
Moodle 3.8.6 (Build: 20201109)
question Directory Reference


directory  format


file  category_class.php
 A class for representing question categories.
file  category_form.php
 Defines the form for editing question categories.
file  editlib.php
 Functions used to show question editing interface.
file  export_form.php
 Defines the export questions form.
file  format.php
 Defines the base class for question import and export formats.
file  import_form.php
 Defines the import questions form.
file  lib.php
 Question related functions.
file  move_form.php
 Form for moving questions between categories.
file  previewlib.php
 Library functions used by question/preview.php.
file  renderer.php
 Renderers for outputting parts of the question bank.
file  upgrade.php
 This file contains datbase upgrade code that is called from lib/db/upgrade.php, and also check methods that can be used for pre-install checks via admin/environment.php and lib/environmentlib.php.