Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
classes Directory Reference


directory  privacy


file  action.php
 Representation of a suggested action.
file  admin_setting_predictor.php
 Extension to show an error message if the selected predictor is not available.
file  analysable.php
 Any element analysers can analyse.
file  analysis.php
 Runs an analysis of the site.
file  bulk_action.php
 Representation of a suggested bulk action.
file  calculable.php
 Calculable dataset items abstract class.
file  calculation_info.php
 Extra information generated during the analysis by calculable elements.
file  classifier.php
 Classifier interface.
file  course.php
 Moodle course analysable.
file  dataset_manager.php
 Datasets manager.
file  default_bulk_actions.php
 Default list of bulk actions to reuse across different targets as presets.
file  insights_generator.php
 Insights generator.
file  manager.php
 Analytics basic actions manager.
file  model.php
 Prediction model representation.
file  model_config.php
 Model configuration manager.
file  packable.php
 Exportable machine learning backend interface.
file  prediction.php
 Representation of a prediction.
file  prediction_action.php
 Representation of a suggested action associated with a prediction.
file  predictor.php
 Predictions processor interface.
file  regressor.php
 Regressors interface.
file  requirements_exception.php
 Model requirements exception.
file  site.php
 Moodle site analysable.
file  stats.php
 Provides the core_analytics::stats class.
file  user.php
 Moodle user analysable.