Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
form Directory Reference


directory  classes


file  advcheckbox.php
 Advanced checkbox type form element.
file  autocomplete.php
 autocomplete type form element
file  button.php
 Button form element.
file  cancel.php
 Button form element.
file  checkbox.php
 checkbox form element
file  cohort.php
 Course selector field.
file  course.php
 Course selector field.
file  dateselector.php
 Group of date input element.
file  datetimeselector.php
 Group of date and time input element.
file  defaultcustom.php
 Creates an element with a dropdown Default/Custom and an input for the value (text or date_selector)
file  duration.php
 Duration form element.
file  editor.php
 Editor input element.
file  filemanager.php
 FileManager form element.
file  filepicker.php
 Filepicker form element.
file  filetypes.php
 Provides the MoodleQuickForm_filetypes class.
file  float.php
 Float type form element.
file  grading.php
 Advance grading form element.
file  group.php
 Form element group.
file  header.php
 Header form element.
file  hidden.php
 Hidden type form element.
file  htmleditor.php
 htmleditor type form element
file  listing.php
 Listing form element.
file  modgrade.php
 Drop down form element to select the grade.
file  modvisible.php
 Drop down form element to select visibility in an activity mod update form.
file  password.php
 Password type form element.
file  passwordunmask.php
 Password type form element with unmask option.
file  questioncategory.php
 Drop down for question categories.
file  radio.php
 radio type form element
file  recaptcha.php
 recaptcha type form element
file  searchableselector.php
 Searchable selector field (alias for autocomplete).
file  select.php
 select type form element
file  selectgroups.php
 select type form element
file  selectwithlink.php
file  selectyesno.php
 Yes/No drop down type form element.
file  static.php
 Text type form element.
file  submit.php
 submit type form element
file  tags.php
 Tag autocomplete field.
file  templatable_form_element.php
 Adds export_for_template behaviour to an mform element in a consistent and predictable way.
file  text.php
 Text type form element.
file  textarea.php
 Textarea type form element.
file  url.php
 url type form element
file  warning.php
 static warning element