Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
event Directory Reference


file  comment_created.php
 The mod_data comment created event.
file  comment_deleted.php
 The mod_data comment deleted event.
file  course_module_instance_list_viewed.php
 The mod_data instance list viewed event.
file  course_module_viewed.php
 The mod_data course module viewed event.
file  field_created.php
 The mod_data field created event.
file  field_deleted.php
 The mod_data field deleted event.
file  field_updated.php
 The mod_data field updated event.
file  record_created.php
 The mod_data record created event.
file  record_deleted.php
 The mod_data record deleted event.
file  record_updated.php
 The mod_data record updated event.
file  template_updated.php
 The mod_data template updated event.
file  template_viewed.php
 The mod_data template viewed event.