Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
classes Directory Reference


directory  access
directory  antivirus
directory  check
directory  dataformat
directory  dml
directory  event
directory  external
directory  files
directory  form
directory  hub
directory  lock
directory  log
directory  message
directory  oauth2
directory  output
directory  plugininfo
directory  privacy
directory  progress
directory  session
directory  task
directory  update
directory  upgrade


file  chart_axis.php
 Chart axis.
file  chart_bar.php
 Chart bar.
file  chart_base.php
 Chart base.
file  chart_line.php
 Chart line.
file  chart_pie.php
 Chart pie.
file  chart_series.php
 Chart series.
file  collator.php
 Defines string apis.
file  component.php
 Components (core subsystems + plugins) related code.
file  cssparser.php
 Moodle implementation of CSS parsing.
file  dataformat.php
 Class containing utility methods for dataformats.
file  date.php
 Core date and time related code.
file  filetypes.php
 Class to manage the custom filetypes list that is stored in a config variable.
file  geopattern.php
 Geopatterns for images.
file  grades_external.php
 Core grades external functions.
file  grading_external.php
 External grading API.
file  invalid_persistent_exception.php
 Invalid persistent exception.
file  ip_utils.php
 Contains a simple class providing some useful internet protocol-related functions.
file  minify.php
 JS and CSS compression.
file  notification.php
 User Alert notifications.
file  persistent.php
 Abstract class for objects saved to the DB.
file  php_time_limit.php
 PHP time limit management.
file  plugin_manager.php
 Defines classes used for plugins management.
file  qrcode.php
 Class for generating QR codes.
file  requirejs.php
 RequireJS helper functions.
file  rtlcss.php
 Moodle implementation of RTLCSS.
file  scss.php
 Moodle implementation of SCSS.
file  shutdown_manager.php
 Shutdown management class.
file  string_manager.php
 String manager interface.
file  string_manager_install.php
 Installation time string manager.
file  string_manager_standard.php
 Standard string manager.
file  text.php
 Defines string apis.
file  user.php
 User class.
file  useragent.php
 Environment class to aid with the detection and establishment of the working environment.
file  userfeedback.php
 This file contains the core_userfeedback class.
file  uuid.php
 V4 UUID generator.