Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
request Directory Reference


directory  plugin
directory  subsystem


file  approved_contextlist.php
 An implementation of a contextlist which has been filtered and approved.
file  approved_userlist.php
 An implementation of a userlist which has been filtered and approved.
file  content_writer.php
 This file contains the interface required to implmeent a content writer.
file  context_aware_provider.php
 File containing the provider interface for plugins needing access to all approved contexts to fill in relevant contextual data.
file  contextlist.php
 Privacy Fetch Result Set.
file  contextlist_base.php
 Base implementation of a contextlist.
file  contextlist_collection.php
 This file defines the contextlist_collection class object.
file  core_data_provider.php
 This file contains the core_privacy::local::request::core_data_provider interface to describe classes which provide data in some form to core.
file  core_user_data_provider.php
 This file contains the core_privacy::local::request::core_user_data_provider interface to describe classes which provide user data in some form to core.
file  core_userlist_provider.php
 This file contains an interface to describe classes which provide user data in some form to core.
file  data_provider.php
 This file contains the core_privacy::local::request::data_provider interface to describe a class which provides data in some form.
file  helper.php
 This file contains the core_privacy::local::request helper.
file  moodle_content_writer.php
 This file contains the moodle format implementation of the content writer.
file  shared_data_provider.php
 This file contains the core_privacy::local::request::shared_data_provider interface to describe a class which provides data in some form.
file  shared_userlist_provider.php
 This file contains an interface to describe classes which provide user data in some form for shared providers.
file  transform.php
 This file contains the core_privacy::local::request helper.
file  user_preference_provider.php
 This file contains the core_privacy::local::request::user_preference_provider interface to describe a class which provides preference data in some form to core.
file  userlist.php
 List of users from the Privacy API Search functions.
file  userlist_base.php
 Base implementation of a userlist.
file  userlist_collection.php
 This file defines the userlist_collection class object.
file  userlist_provider.php
 This file contains an interface to describe classes which userlist support.
file  writer.php
 This file contains the interface required to implmeent a content writer.