Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
behat Directory Reference


file  behat_theme_classic_behat_admin.php
 Step definitions related to administration overrides for the Classic theme.
file  behat_theme_classic_behat_blocks.php
 Step definitions related to blocks overrides for the Classic theme.
file  behat_theme_classic_behat_course.php
 Behat course-related step definition overrides for the Classic theme.
file  behat_theme_classic_behat_grade.php
 Behat grade related step definition overrides for the Classic theme.
file  behat_theme_classic_behat_mod_forum.php
 Step definitions related to mod_forum overrides for the Classic theme.
file  behat_theme_classic_behat_mod_quiz.php
 Step definitions related to mod_quiz overrides for the Classic theme.
file  behat_theme_classic_behat_navigation.php
 Navigation step definition overrides for the Classic theme.
file  behat_theme_classic_behat_repository_upload.php
 Override definitions for the upload repository type for the Classic theme.