Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
feedback Directory Reference


directory  classes
directory  db
directory  item


file  choose_group_form.php
 prints the form to choose the group you want to analyse
file  edit_form.php
 prints the forms to choose an item-typ to create items and to choose a template to use
file  import_form.php
 prints the forms to choose an xml-template file to import items
file  lib.php
 Library of functions and constants for module feedback includes the main-part of feedback-functions.
file  mod_form.php
 print the form to add or edit a feedback-instance
file  tabs.php
 prints the tabbed bar
file  use_templ_form.php
 prints the form to confirm use template
file  version.php
 Feedback version information.