Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Files | Namespaces | Classes | Functions | Variables


file  assessment_form.php
 This file defines an mform to assess a submission by numerrors grading strategy.
file  backup_workshopform_numerrors_subplugin.class.php
file  edit_form.php
 This file defines an mform to edit "Number of errors" grading strategy forms.
file  install.php
 This file replaces the legacy STATEMENTS section in db/install.xml, lib.php/modulename_install() post installation hook and partially defaults.php.
file  lib.php
 Provides support for the conversion of moodle1 backup to the moodle2 format.
file  lib.php
 This file defines a class with "Number of errors" grading strategy logic.
file  provider.php
 Provides the class workshopform_numerrors::privacy::provider.
file  restore_workshopform_numerrors_subplugin.class.php
file  settings.php
 The configuration variables for "Number of errors" grading strategy.
file  upgrade.php
 Keeps track of upgrades to the workshop numerrors grading strategy.
file  version.php
 Defines the version of workshop Number of errors grading strategy subplugin.


namespace  workshopform_numerrors\privacy


class  backup_workshopform_numerrors_subplugin
 Provides the information to backup numerrors grading strategy information. More...
class  moodle1_workshopform_numerrors_handler
 Conversion handler for the numerrors grading strategy data. More...
class  restore_workshopform_numerrors_subplugin
 restore subplugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one workshopform_numerrors subplugin. More...
class  workshop_edit_numerrors_strategy_form
 Class for editing "Number of errors" grading strategy forms. More...
class  workshop_numerrors_assessment_form
 Class representing a form for assessing submissions by numerrors grading strategy. More...
class  workshop_numerrors_strategy
 "Number of errors" grading strategy logic. More...
class  workshopform_numerrors\privacy\provider
 Privacy API implementation for the Number of errors strategy. More...


 workshopform_numerrors_pluginfile ($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, array $args, $forcedownload, array $options=array())
 workshopform_numerrors_upgrade_element (stdclass $old, $newworkshopid)
 Transforms a given record from workshop_elements_old into an object to be saved into workshopform_numerrors. More...
 xmldb_workshopform_numerrors_install ()
 Post installation procedure.
 xmldb_workshopform_numerrors_upgrade ($oldversion)
 Performs upgrade of the database structure and data. More...


 $plugin = 2020060900
$plugin component = 'workshopform_numerrors'
$plugin version = 2020061500

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ workshopform_numerrors_upgrade_element()

workshopform_numerrors_upgrade_element ( stdclass  $old,

Transforms a given record from workshop_elements_old into an object to be saved into workshopform_numerrors.

stdClass$oldlegacy record from workshop_elements_old
int$newworkshopidid of the new workshop instance that replaced the previous one
Return values
stdclassto be saved in workshopform_numerrors

◆ xmldb_workshopform_numerrors_upgrade()

xmldb_workshopform_numerrors_upgrade (   $oldversion)

Performs upgrade of the database structure and data.

int$oldversionthe version we are upgrading from
Return values