Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Files | Namespaces | Classes | Functions | Variables


file  autogroup_form.php
 Auto group form.
file  behat_groups.php
 Behat groups-related steps definitions.
file  externallib.php
 External groups API.
file  group_details.php
 Group details page.
file  group_form.php
 A form for the creation and editing of groups.
file  group_updated.php
 Group updated event.
file  grouping_created.php
 Grouping created event.
file  grouping_form.php
 A form for creating and editing groupings.
file  grouplib.php
file  import_form.php
 A form for group import.
file  index_page.php
 Group index page.
file  lib.php
 Extra library for groups and groupings.
file  renderer.php
file  tabs.php
 Prints navigation tabs.
file  user_groups_editable.php
 Contains class core_group::output::user_groups_editable.


namespace  core\event
namespace  core_group\output
namespace  core_group\privacy


class  autogroup_form
 Auto group form class. More...
class  behat_groups
class  core\event\group_updated
 Group updated event class. More...
class  core\event\grouping_created
 Grouping created event class. More...
class  core_group\output\group_details
 Group details page class. More...
class  core_group\output\index_page
 Group index page class. More...
class  core_group\output\renderer
 Renderer class. More...
class  core_group\output\user_groups_editable
 Class to display list of user groups. More...
class  core_group\privacy\provider
 Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_group. More...
class  core_group_external
class  group_form
 Group form class. More...
class  grouping_form
 Grouping form class. More...
class  groups_import_form
 Groups import form class. More...


 _group_verify_activegroup ($courseid, $groupmode, $groupingid, array $allowedgroups)
 Internal method, sets up $SESSION->activegroup and verifies previous value. More...
 core_group_inplace_editable ($itemtype, $itemid, $newvalue)
 Callback for inplace editable API. More...
 groups_add_member ($grouporid, $userorid, $component=null, $itemid=0)
 Adds a specified user to a group. More...
 groups_allgroups_course_menu ($course, $urlroot, $update=false, $activegroup=0)
 Generates html to print menu selector for course level, listing all groups. More...
 groups_assign_grouping ($groupingid, $groupid, $timeadded=null, $invalidatecache=true)
 Assigns group into grouping. More...
 groups_cache_groupdata ($courseid, cache $cache=null)
 Caches group data for a particular course to speed up subsequent requests. More...
 groups_calculate_role_people ($rs, $context)
 Internal function used by groups_get_members_by_role to handle the results of a database query that includes a list of users and possible roles on a course. More...
 groups_create_group ($data, $editform=false, $editoroptions=false)
 Add a new group. More...
 groups_create_grouping ($data, $editoroptions=null)
 Add a new grouping. More...
 groups_delete_group ($grouporid)
 Delete a group best effort, first removing members and links with courses and groupings. More...
 groups_delete_group_members ($courseid, $userid=0, $unused=false)
 Remove all users (or one user) from all groups in course. More...
 groups_delete_grouping ($groupingorid)
 Delete grouping. More...
 groups_delete_groupings ($courseid, $showfeedback=false)
 Delete all groupings from course. More...
 groups_delete_groupings_groups ($courseid, $showfeedback=false)
 Remove all groups from all groupings in course. More...
 groups_delete_groups ($courseid, $showfeedback=false)
 Delete all groups from course. More...
 groups_get_activity_allowed_groups ($cm, $userid=0)
 groups_get_activity_group ($cm, $update=false, $allowedgroups=null)
 groups_get_activity_groupmode ($cm, $course=null)
 groups_get_activity_shared_group_members ($cm, $userid=null)
 Returns users who share group membership with the specified user in the given actiivty. More...
 groups_get_all_groupings ($courseid)
 groups_get_all_groups ($courseid, $userid=0, $groupingid=0, $fields='g.*', $withmembers=false)
 groups_get_course_data ($courseid, cache $cache=null)
 Gets group data for a course. More...
 groups_get_course_group ($course, $update=false, $allowedgroups=null)
 groups_get_course_groupmode ($course)
 groups_get_group ($groupid, $fields=' *', $strictness=IGNORE_MISSING)
 groups_get_group_by_idnumber ($courseid, $idnumber)
 groups_get_group_by_name ($courseid, $name)
 groups_get_group_name ($groupid)
 groups_get_grouping ($groupingid, $fields=' *', $strictness=IGNORE_MISSING)
 groups_get_grouping_by_idnumber ($courseid, $idnumber)
 groups_get_grouping_by_name ($courseid, $name)
 groups_get_grouping_members ($groupingid, $fields='u.*', $sort='lastname ASC')
 groups_get_grouping_name ($groupingid)
 groups_get_groups_members ($groupsids, $extrafields=null, $sort='lastname ASC')
 Returns the users in the specified groups. More...
 groups_get_members ($groupid, $fields='u.*', $sort='lastname ASC')
 groups_get_members_by_role ($groupid, $courseid, $fields='u.*', $sort=null, $extrawheretest='', $whereorsortparams=array())
 Lists users in a group based on their role on the course. More...
 groups_get_members_ids_sql ($groupids, context $context=null, $groupsjointype=GROUPS_JOIN_ANY)
 Get sql and parameters that will return user ids for a group or groups. More...
 groups_get_members_join ($groupids, $useridcolumn, context $context=null, int $jointype=GROUPS_JOIN_ANY)
 Get sql join to return users in a group. More...
 groups_get_my_groups ()
 groups_get_possible_roles ($context)
 Obtains a list of the possible roles that group members might come from, on a course. More...
 groups_get_potential_members ($courseid, $roleid=null, $source=null, $orderby='lastname ASC, firstname ASC', $notingroup=null, $onlyactiveenrolments=false, $extrafields=[])
 Gets potential group members for grouping. More...
 groups_get_user_groups ($courseid, $userid=0)
 groups_group_exists ($groupid)
 groups_group_visible ($groupid, $course, $cm=null, $userid=null)
 Determine if a given group is visible to user or not in a given context. More...
 groups_has_membership ($cm, $userid=null)
 groups_is_member ($groupid, $userid=null)
 groups_list_to_menu ($groups)
 Turn an array of groups into an array of menu options. More...
 groups_parse_name ($format, $groupnumber)
 Parse a group name for characters to replace. More...
 groups_print_activity_menu ($cm, $urlroot, $return=false, $hideallparticipants=false)
 groups_print_course_menu ($course, $urlroot, $return=false)
 groups_remove_member ($grouporid, $userorid)
 Deletes the link between the specified user and group. More...
 groups_remove_member_allowed ($grouporid, $userorid)
 Checks whether the current user is permitted (using the normal UI) to remove a specific group member, assuming that they have access to remove group members in general. More...
 groups_sort_menu_options ($allowedgroups, $usergroups)
 Takes user's allowed groups and own groups and formats for use in group selector menu If user has allowed groups + own groups will add to an optgroup Own groups are removed from allowed groups. More...
 groups_sync_with_enrolment ($enrolname, $courseid=0, $gidfield='customint2')
 Synchronises enrolments with the group membership. More...
 groups_unassign_grouping ($groupingid, $groupid, $invalidatecache=true)
 Unassigns group from grouping. More...
 groups_update_group ($data, $editform=false, $editoroptions=false)
 Update group. More...
 groups_update_group_icon ($group, $data, $editform)
 Update the group icon from form data. More...
 groups_update_grouping ($data, $editoroptions=null)
 Update grouping. More...
 groups_user_groups_visible ($course, $userid, $cm=null)
 Determine if the current user can see at least one of the groups of the specified user. More...


 $row = array()
 $row []
 'All' join type, used when filtering by groups (logical AND)
 'Any' join type, used when filtering by groups (logical OR)
 'None' join type, used when filtering by groups (logical NOT)
 if (!defined( 'MOODLE_INTERNAL'))
 if (!defined( 'MOODLE_INTERNAL'))
 if (!defined( 'MOODLE_INTERNAL'))
const NOGROUPS 0
 Groups not used in course or activity.
 Groups used, users do not see other groups.
 This is for filtering users without any group.
 Groups used, students see other groups.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ _group_verify_activegroup()

_group_verify_activegroup (   $courseid,
array  $allowedgroups 

Internal method, sets up $SESSION->activegroup and verifies previous value.

int | string$groupmodeSEPARATEGROUPS, VISIBLEGROUPS or 'aag' (access all groups)
int$groupingid0 means all groups
array$allowedgroupslist of groups user can see

◆ core_group_inplace_editable()

core_group_inplace_editable (   $itemtype,

Callback for inplace editable API.

string$itemtype- Only user_groups is supported.
string$itemid- Userid and groupid separated by a :
string$newvalue- json encoded list of groupids.
Return values

◆ groups_add_member()

groups_add_member (   $grouporid,
  $component = null,
  $itemid = 0 

Adds a specified user to a group.

mixed$grouporidThe group id or group object
mixed$useroridThe user id or user object
string$componentOptional component name e.g. 'enrol_imsenterprise'
int$itemidOptional itemid associated with component
Return values
boolTrue if user added successfully or the user is already a member of the group, false otherwise.

◆ groups_allgroups_course_menu()

groups_allgroups_course_menu (   $course,
  $update = false,
  $activegroup = 0 

Generates html to print menu selector for course level, listing all groups.

Note: This api does not do any group mode check use groups_print_course_menu() instead if you want proper checks.

stdclass$coursecourse object.
string | moodle_url$urlrootreturn address. Accepts either a string or a moodle_url.
bool$updateset this to true to update current active group based on the group param.
int$activegroupChange group active to this group if $update set to true.
Return values
stringhtml or void

◆ groups_assign_grouping()

groups_assign_grouping (   $groupingid,
  $timeadded = null,
  $invalidatecache = true 

Assigns group into grouping.

int$timeaddedThe time the group was added to the grouping.
bool$invalidatecacheIf set to true the course group cache and the user group cache will be invalidated as well.
Return values
booltrue or exception

◆ groups_cache_groupdata()

groups_cache_groupdata (   $courseid,
cache  $cache = null 

Caches group data for a particular course to speed up subsequent requests.

int$courseidThe course id to cache data for.
cache$cacheThe cache if it has already been initialised. If not a new one will be created.
Return values
stdClassA data object containing groups, groupings, and mappings.

◆ groups_calculate_role_people()

groups_calculate_role_people (   $rs,

Internal function used by groups_get_members_by_role to handle the results of a database query that includes a list of users and possible roles on a course.

moodle_recordset$rsThe record set (may be false)
int$contextID of course context
Return values
arrayAs described in groups_get_members_by_role

◆ groups_create_group()

groups_create_group (   $data,
  $editform = false,
  $editoroptions = false 

Add a new group.

stdClass$datagroup properties
Return values
idof group or false if error

◆ groups_create_grouping()

groups_create_grouping (   $data,
  $editoroptions = null 

Add a new grouping.

stdClass$datagrouping properties
Return values
idof grouping or false if error

◆ groups_delete_group()

groups_delete_group (   $grouporid)

Delete a group best effort, first removing members and links with courses and groupings.

Removes group avatar too.

mixed$grouporidThe id of group to delete or full group object
Return values
boolTrue if deletion was successful, false otherwise

◆ groups_delete_group_members()

groups_delete_group_members (   $courseid,
  $userid = 0,
  $unused = false 

Remove all users (or one user) from all groups in course.

int$userid0 means all users
bool$unused- formerly $showfeedback, is no longer used.
Return values

◆ groups_delete_grouping()

groups_delete_grouping (   $groupingorid)

Delete grouping.

Return values

◆ groups_delete_groupings()

groups_delete_groupings (   $courseid,
  $showfeedback = false 

Delete all groupings from course.

Return values

◆ groups_delete_groupings_groups()

groups_delete_groupings_groups (   $courseid,
  $showfeedback = false 

Remove all groups from all groupings in course.

Return values

◆ groups_delete_groups()

groups_delete_groups (   $courseid,
  $showfeedback = false 

Delete all groups from course.

Return values

◆ groups_get_activity_shared_group_members()

groups_get_activity_shared_group_members (   $cm,
  $userid = null 

Returns users who share group membership with the specified user in the given actiivty.

stdClass | cm_info$cmcourse module
int$useriduser id (empty for current user)
Return values
arraya list of user
Moodle 3.3

◆ groups_get_course_data()

groups_get_course_data (   $courseid,
cache  $cache = null 

Gets group data for a course.

This returns an object with the following properties:

  • groups : An array of all the groups in the course.
  • groupings : An array of all the groupings within the course.
  • mappings : An array of group to grouping mappings.
int$courseidThe course id to get data for.
cache$cacheThe cache if it has already been initialised. If not a new one will be created.
Return values

◆ groups_get_groups_members()

groups_get_groups_members (   $groupsids,
  $extrafields = null,
  $sort = 'lastname ASC' 

Returns the users in the specified groups.

This function does not return complete user objects by default. It returns the user_picture basic fields.

array$groupsidsThe list of groups ids to check
array$extrafieldsextra fields to be included in result
int$sortoptional sorting of returned users
Return values
array|boolReturns an array of the users for the specified group or false if no users or an error returned.
Moodle 3.3

◆ groups_get_members_by_role()

groups_get_members_by_role (   $groupid,
  $fields = 'u.*',
  $sort = null,
  $extrawheretest = '',
  $whereorsortparams = array() 

Lists users in a group based on their role on the course.

Returns false if there's an error or there are no users in the group. Otherwise returns an array of role ID => role data, where role data includes: (role) $id, $shortname, $name $users: array of objects for each user which include the specified fields Users who do not have a role are stored in the returned array with key '-' and pseudo-role details (including a name, 'No role'). Users with multiple roles, same deal with key '*' and name 'Multiple roles'. You can find out which roles each has by looking in the $roles array of the user object.

int$courseidCourse ID (should match the group's course)
string$fieldsList of fields from user table prefixed with u, default 'u.*'
string$sortSQL ORDER BY clause, default (when null passed) is what comes from users_order_by_sql.
string$extrawheretestextra SQL conditions ANDed with the existing where clause.
array$whereorsortparamsany parameters required by $extrawheretest (named parameters).
Return values
arrayComplex array as described above

◆ groups_get_members_ids_sql()

groups_get_members_ids_sql (   $groupids,
context  $context = null,
  $groupsjointype = GROUPS_JOIN_ANY 

Get sql and parameters that will return user ids for a group or groups.

int | array$groupidsWhere this is an array of multiple groups, it will match on members of any of the groups
context$contextCourse context or a context within a course. Mandatory when $groupid = USERSWITHOUTGROUP
int$groupsjointypeJoin type logic used. Defaults to 'Any' (logical OR).
Return values
coding_exceptionif empty or invalid context submitted when $groupid = USERSWITHOUTGROUP

◆ groups_get_members_join()

groups_get_members_join (   $groupids,
context  $context = null,
int  $jointype = GROUPS_JOIN_ANY 

Get sql join to return users in a group.

int | array$groupidsThe groupids, 0 or [] means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
string$useridcolumnThe column of the user id from the calling SQL, e.g.
context$contextCourse context or a context within a course. Mandatory when $groupids includes USERSWITHOUTGROUP
int$jointypeJoin type logic used. Defaults to 'Any' (logical OR).
Return values
core::dml::sql_joinContains joins, wheres, params
coding_exceptionif empty or invalid context submitted when $groupid = USERSWITHOUTGROUP

◆ groups_get_possible_roles()

groups_get_possible_roles (   $context)

Obtains a list of the possible roles that group members might come from, on a course.

Generally this includes only profile roles.

context$contextContext of course
Return values
Arrayof role ID integers, or false if error/none.

◆ groups_get_potential_members()

groups_get_potential_members (   $courseid,
  $roleid = null,
  $source = null,
  $orderby = 'lastname ASC,
firstname ASC'  ,
  $notingroup = null,
  $onlyactiveenrolments = false,
  $extrafields = [] 

Gets potential group members for grouping.

int$courseidThe id of the course
int$roleidThe role to select users from
mixed$sourcerestrict to cohort, grouping or group id
string$orderbyThe column to sort users by
int$notingrouprestrict to users not in existing groups
bool$onlyactiveenrolmentsrestrict to users who have an active enrolment in the course
array$extrafieldsExtra user fields to return
Return values
arrayAn array of the users

◆ groups_group_visible()

groups_group_visible (   $groupid,
  $cm = null,
  $userid = null 

Determine if a given group is visible to user or not in a given context.

Moodle 2.6
int$groupidGroup id to test. 0 for all groups.
stdClass$courseCourse object.
stdClass$cmCourse module object.
int$useriduser id to test against. Defaults to $USER.
Return values
booleantrue if visible, false otherwise

◆ groups_list_to_menu()

groups_list_to_menu (   $groups)

Turn an array of groups into an array of menu options.

array$groupsof group objects.
Return values
arraygroupid => formatted group name.

◆ groups_parse_name()

groups_parse_name (   $format,

Parse a group name for characters to replace.

string$formatThe format a group name will follow
int$groupnumberThe number of the group to be used in the parsed format string
Return values
stringthe parsed format string

◆ groups_remove_member()

groups_remove_member (   $grouporid,

Deletes the link between the specified user and group.

mixed$grouporidThe group id or group object
mixed$useroridThe user id or user object
Return values
boolTrue if deletion was successful, false otherwise

◆ groups_remove_member_allowed()

groups_remove_member_allowed (   $grouporid,

Checks whether the current user is permitted (using the normal UI) to remove a specific group member, assuming that they have access to remove group members in general.

For automatically-created group member entries, this checks with the relevant plugin to see whether it is permitted. The default, if the plugin doesn't provide a function, is true.

For other entries (and any which have already been deleted/don't exist) it just returns true.

mixed$grouporidThe group id or group object
mixed$useroridThe user id or user object
Return values
boolTrue if permitted, false otherwise

◆ groups_sort_menu_options()

groups_sort_menu_options (   $allowedgroups,

Takes user's allowed groups and own groups and formats for use in group selector menu If user has allowed groups + own groups will add to an optgroup Own groups are removed from allowed groups.

array$allowedgroupsAll groups user is allowed to see
array$usergroupsGroups user belongs to
Return values

◆ groups_sync_with_enrolment()

groups_sync_with_enrolment (   $enrolname,
  $courseid = 0,
  $gidfield = 'customint2' 

Synchronises enrolments with the group membership.

Designed for enrolment methods provide automatic synchronisation between enrolled users and group membership, such as enrol_cohort and enrol_meta .

string$enrolnamename of enrolment method without prefix
int$courseidcourse id where sync needs to be performed (0 for all courses)
string$gidfieldname of the field in 'enrol' table that stores group id
Return values
arrayReturns the list of removed and added users. Each record contains fields: userid, enrolid, courseid, groupid, groupname

◆ groups_unassign_grouping()

groups_unassign_grouping (   $groupingid,
  $invalidatecache = true 

Unassigns group from grouping.

bool$invalidatecacheIf set to true the course group cache and the user group cache will be invalidated as well.
Return values

◆ groups_update_group()

groups_update_group (   $data,
  $editform = false,
  $editoroptions = false 

Update group.

stdClass$datagroup properties (with magic quotes)
Return values
booltrue or exception

◆ groups_update_group_icon()

groups_update_group_icon (   $group,

Update the group icon from form data.

stdClass$groupgroup information

◆ groups_update_grouping()

groups_update_grouping (   $data,
  $editoroptions = null 

Update grouping.

stdClass$datagrouping properties (with magic quotes)
Return values
booltrue or exception

◆ groups_user_groups_visible()

groups_user_groups_visible (   $course,
  $cm = null 

Determine if the current user can see at least one of the groups of the specified user.

stdClass$courseCourse object.
int$useriduser id to check against.
stdClass$cmCourse module object. Optional, just for checking at activity level instead course one.
Return values
booleantrue if visible, false otherwise
Moodle 2.9

Variable Documentation

◆ $row

Initial value:
= new tabobject('groups',
new moodle_url('/group/index.php', array('id' => $courseid)),
Class for creating and manipulating urls.
Definition: weblib.php:255
Stores one tab.
Definition: outputcomponents.php:3846