Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Files | Namespaces | Classes | Functions


file  action_column_base.php
 A base class for actions that are an icon that lets you manipulate the question in some way.
file  all_calculated_for_qubaid_condition.php
 A collection of all the question statistics calculated for an activity instance ie.
file  analyser.php
 This file contains the code to analyse all the responses to a particular question.
file  analysis_for_actual_response.php
file  analysis_for_class.php
file  analysis_for_question.php
 This file contains the code to analyse all the responses to a particular question.
file  analysis_for_question_all_tries.php
 This file contains a class to analyse all the responses for multiple tries at a particular question.
file  analysis_for_subpart.php
 Data structure to count responses for each of the sub parts of a question.
file  behat_core_question.php
 Behat navigation hooks for core_question.
file  behat_core_question_generator.php
 Behat data generator for core_question.
file  behat_question.php
 Behat question-related steps definitions.
file  behat_question_base.php
 Behat question-related helper code.
file  calculated_for_subquestion.php
 Class for storing calculated sub question statistics and intermediate calculation values.
file  calculated_question_summary.php
 Question statistics calculations class.
file  category_condition.php
 A search class to control from which category questions are listed.
file  checkbox_column.php
 A column with a checkbox for each question with name q{questionid}.
file  column_base.php
 Base class for representing a column in a question_bank_view.
file  condition.php
 Defines an abstract class for filtering/searching the question bank.
file  copy_action_column.php
 Question bank column for the duplicate action icon.
file  creator_name_column.php
 A column type for the name of the question creator.
file  datalib.php
 Code for loading and saving question attempts to and from the database.
file  delete_action_column.php
 action to delete (or hide) a question, or restore a previously hidden question.
file  edit_action_column.php
 Base class for question bank columns that just contain an action icon.
file  edit_menu_column.php
 A question bank column which gathers together all the actions into a menu.
file  export_xml_action_column.php
 Question bank column export the question in Moodle XML format.
file  external.php
 External question API.
file  hidden_condition.php
 A search class to control whether hidden / deleted questions are hidden in the list.
file  least_used_strategy.php
 A question_variant_selection_strategy that randomly selects variants that were not used yet.
file  lib.php
 Question related functions.
file  menu_action_column_base.php
 Base class to make it easier to implement actions that are menuable_actions.
file  menuable_action.php
 Interface to indicate that a question bank column can go in the action menu.
file  modifier_name_column.php
 A column type for the name of the question last modifier.
file  preview_action_column.php
 Question bank columns for the preview action icon.
file  privacy_helper.php
 Helper for privacy tests.
file  provider.php
 Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_question.
file  qbank_chooser.php
 The qbank_chooser renderable.
file  qbank_chooser_item.php
 The qbank_chooser_item renderable.
file  question_icon_exporter.php
 Class for exporting a question icon from an stdClass.
file  question_name_column.php
 A column type for the name of the question name.
file  question_name_idnumber_tags_column.php
 A question bank column showing the question name with idnumber and tags.
file  question_summary_exporter.php
 Class for exporting a question summary from an stdClass.
file  question_text_row.php
 A column type for the name of the question name.
file  question_type_column.php
 A column type for the name of the question type.
file  random_question_loader.php
 A class for efficiently finds questions at random from the question bank.
file  row_base.php
 Base class for 'columns' that are actually displayed as a row following the main question row.
file  tag_condition.php
 A condition for adding filtering by tag to the question bank.
file  tags_action_column.php
 The question tags column subclass.
file  tags_form.php
 The mform to manage question tags.
file  view.php
 Class to print a view of the question bank.


namespace  core_question\bank
namespace  core_question\bank\search
namespace  core_question\engine\variants
namespace  core_question\external
namespace  core_question\form
namespace  core_question\output
namespace  core_question\privacy
namespace  core_question\statistics\questions
namespace  core_question\statistics\responses


class  behat_core_question
class  behat_core_question_generator
 Behat data generator for core_question. More...
class  behat_question
class  behat_question_base
class  core_question\bank\action_column_base
 A base class for actions that are an icon that lets you manipulate the question in some way. More...
class  core_question\bank\checkbox_column
 A column with a checkbox for each question with name q{questionid}. More...
class  core_question\bank\column_base
 Base class for representing a column in a question_bank_view. More...
class  core_question\bank\copy_action_column
 Question bank column for the duplicate action icon. More...
class  core_question\bank\creator_name_column
 A column type for the name of the question creator. More...
class  core_question\bank\delete_action_column
 action to delete (or hide) a question, or restore a previously hidden question. More...
class  core_question\bank\edit_action_column
 Base class for question bank columns that just contain an action icon. More...
class  core_question\bank\edit_menu_column
 A question bank column which gathers together all the actions into a menu. More...
class  core_question\bank\export_xml_action_column
 Question bank column export the question in Moodle XML format. More...
class  core_question\bank\menu_action_column_base
 Base class to make it easier to implement actions that are menuable_actions. More...
interface  core_question\bank\menuable_action
 Interface to indicate that a question bank column can go in the action menu. More...
class  core_question\bank\modifier_name_column
 A column type for the name of the question last modifier. More...
class  core_question\bank\preview_action_column
 Question bank columns for the preview action icon. More...
class  core_question\bank\question_name_column
 A column type for the name of the question name. More...
class  core_question\bank\question_name_idnumber_tags_column
 A question bank column showing the question name with idnumber and tags. More...
class  core_question\bank\question_text_row
 A column type for the name of the question name. More...
class  core_question\bank\question_type_column
 A column type for the name of the question type. More...
class  core_question\bank\random_question_loader
 This class efficiently finds questions at random from the question bank. More...
class  core_question\bank\row_base
 Base class for 'columns' that are actually displayed as a row following the main question row. More...
class  core_question\bank\search\category_condition
 This class controls from which category questions are listed. More...
class  core_question\bank\search\condition
 An abstract class for filtering/searching questions. More...
class  core_question\bank\search\hidden_condition
 This class controls whether hidden / deleted questions are hidden in the list. More...
class  core_question\bank\search\tag_condition
 Question bank search class to allow searching/filtering by tags on a question. More...
class  core_question\bank\tags_action_column
 Action to add and remove tags to questions. More...
class  core_question\bank\view
 This class prints a view of the question bank, including. More...
class  core_question\engine\variants\least_used_strategy
 A question_variant_selection_strategy that randomly selects variants that were not used yet. More...
class  core_question\external\question_icon_exporter
 Class for exporting a question from an stdClass. More...
class  core_question\external\question_summary_exporter
 Class for exporting a question summary from an stdClass. More...
class  core_question\form\tags
 The mform class for manage question tags. More...
class  core_question\output\qbank_chooser
 The qbank_chooser renderable class. More...
class  core_question\output\qbank_chooser_item
 The qbank_chooser_item renderable class. More...
class  core_question\privacy\provider
 Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_question. More...
class  core_question\statistics\questions\all_calculated_for_qubaid_condition
 A collection of all the question statistics calculated for an activity instance. More...
class  core_question\statistics\questions\calculated_for_subquestion
 A class to store calculated stats for a sub question. More...
class  core_question\statistics\questions\calculated_question_summary
 Class calculated_question_summary. More...
class  core_question\statistics\responses\analyser
 This class can compute, store and cache the analysis of the responses to a particular question. More...
class  core_question\statistics\responses\analysis_for_actual_response
 The leafs of the analysis data structure. More...
class  core_question\statistics\responses\analysis_for_class
 Counts a class of responses for this sub part of the question. More...
class  core_question\statistics\responses\analysis_for_question
 Analysis for possible responses for parts of a question. More...
class  core_question\statistics\responses\analysis_for_question_all_tries
 Analysis for possible responses for parts of a question with multiple submitted responses. More...
class  core_question\statistics\responses\analysis_for_subpart
 Representing the analysis of each of the sub parts of each variant of the question. More...
class  core_question_external
class  qubaid_condition
 This class represents a restriction on the set of question_usage ids to include in a larger database query. More...
class  qubaid_join
 This class represents a restriction on the set of question_usage ids to include in a larger database query based on JOINing to some other tables. More...
class  qubaid_list
 This class represents a restriction on the set of question_usage ids to include in a larger database query based on an explicit list of ids. More...
class  question_engine_data_mapper
 This class controls the loading and saving of question engine data to and from the database. More...
class  question_engine_unit_of_work
 Implementation of the unit of work pattern for the question engine. More...
class  question_file_loader
 This class is the mirror image of question_file_saver. More...
class  question_file_saver
 This class represents the promise to save some files from a particular draft file area into a particular file area. More...
interface  question_response_files
 The interface implemented by question_file_saver and question_file_loader. More...


 core_question_output_fragment_tags_form ($args)
 Question tags fragment callback. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ core_question_output_fragment_tags_form()

core_question_output_fragment_tags_form (   $args)

Question tags fragment callback.

array$argsArguments to the form.
Return values
null|stringThe rendered form.