Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Files | Namespaces | Classes | Functions | Variables


file  access.php
 Capabilities for LTI enrolment plugin.
file  backup_enrol_lti_plugin.class.php
 Defines the backup_enrol_lti_plugin class.
file  data_connector.php
 Extends the IMS Tool provider library data connector for moodle.
file  helper.php
 LTI enrolment plugin helper.
file  lib.php
 LTI enrolment plugin main library file.
file  manage_table.php
 Displays enrolment LTI instances.
file  provider.php
 Privacy Subsystem implementation for enrol_lti.
file  registration.php
 Tool registration page class.
file  renderer.php
 Renderer class for LTI enrolment.
file  restore_enrol_lti_plugin.class.php
 Defines the restore_enrol_lti_plugin class.
file  settings.php
 General plugin functions.
file  sync_grades.php
 Handles synchronising grades for the enrolment LTI.
file  sync_members.php
 Handles synchronising members using the enrolment LTI.
file  tasks.php
 Enrol LTI tasks.
file  tool_provider.php
 Extends the IMS Tool provider library for the LTI enrolment.
file  upgrade.php
 This file keeps track of upgrades to the lti enrolment plugin.
file  version.php
 LTI enrolment plugin version information.


namespace  enrol_lti
namespace  enrol_lti\output
namespace  enrol_lti\privacy
namespace  enrol_lti\task


class  backup_enrol_lti_plugin
 Define all the backup steps. More...
class  enrol_lti\data_connector
 Extends the IMS Tool provider library data connector for moodle. More...
class  enrol_lti\helper
 LTI enrolment plugin helper class. More...
class  enrol_lti\manage_table
 Handles displaying enrolment LTI instances. More...
class  enrol_lti\output\registration
 Tool registration page class. More...
class  enrol_lti\output\renderer
 Renderer class for LTI enrolment. More...
class  enrol_lti\privacy\provider
 Privacy Subsystem for enrol_lti. More...
class  enrol_lti\task\sync_grades
 Task for synchronising grades for the enrolment LTI. More...
class  enrol_lti\task\sync_members
 Task for synchronising members using the enrolment LTI. More...
class  enrol_lti\tool_provider
 Extends the IMS Tool provider library for the LTI enrolment. More...
class  enrol_lti_plugin
 LTI enrolment plugin class. More...
class  restore_enrol_lti_plugin
 Define all the restore steps. More...


 enrol_lti_extend_navigation_course ($navigation, $course, $context)
 Display the LTI link in the course administration menu. More...
 xmldb_enrol_lti_upgrade ($oldversion)
 xmldb_lti_upgrade is the function that upgrades the lti module database when is needed More...


global enrol_lti::$CFG
 $plugin = 2020060900
$plugin component = 'enrol_lti'
$plugin version = 2020061500

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ enrol_lti_extend_navigation_course()

enrol_lti_extend_navigation_course (   $navigation,

Display the LTI link in the course administration menu.

settings_navigation$navigationThe settings navigation object
stdClass$courseThe course
stdclass$contextCourse context

◆ xmldb_enrol_lti_upgrade()

xmldb_enrol_lti_upgrade (   $oldversion)

xmldb_lti_upgrade is the function that upgrades the lti module database when is needed

This function is automaticly called when version number in version.php changes.

int$oldversionNew old version number.
Return values

Variable Documentation

◆ $capabilities

Initial value:
= array(
'enrol/lti:config' => array(
'captype' => 'write',
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_COURSE,
'archetypes' => array(
'manager' => CAP_ALLOW,
'editingteacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
'enrol/lti:unenrol' => array(
'captype' => 'write',
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_COURSE,
'archetypes' => array(
'manager' => CAP_ALLOW,
'editingteacher' => CAP_ALLOW,
Course context level - one instances for each course.
Definition: accesslib.php:128
Allow permission, overrides CAP_PREVENT defined in parent contexts.
Definition: accesslib.php:115

◆ $tasks

Initial value:
= array(
'classname' => 'enrol_lti\task\sync_grades',
'blocking' => 0,
'minute' => '*/30',
'hour' => '*',
'day' => '*',
'dayofweek' => '*',
'month' => '*'
'classname' => 'enrol_lti\task\sync_members',
'blocking' => 0,
'minute' => '*/30',
'hour' => '*',
'day' => '*',
'dayofweek' => '*',
'month' => '*'