Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Files | Namespaces | Classes | Functions | Variables


file  access.php
 Plugin capabilities.
file  accessdate.php
 Access Date filter.
file  base.php
 Filter base.
file  base.php
 Target base.
file  behat_tool_usertours.php
 User tour related steps definitions.
file  block.php
 Block target.
file  cache.php
 Cache manager.
file  caches.php
 Plugin cache definitions.
file  category.php
 Category filter.
file  configuration.php
 Step configuration detail class.
file  course.php
 Course filter.
file  courseformat.php
 Course format filter.
file  editstep.php
 Form for editing steps.
file  edittour.php
 Form for editing tours.
file  helper.php
 Tour helper.
file  helper_trait.php
 Helpers for unit tests.
file  importtour.php
 Form for editing tours.
file  install.php
 Install code for tours.
file  lib.php
file  manager.php
 Tour manager.
file  provider.php
 Privacy Subsystem implementation for tool_usertours.
file  renderer.php
file  role.php
 Theme filter.
file  selector.php
 Selector target.
file  services.php
 List of Web Services for the tool_usertours plugin.
file  settings.php
 Settings page.
file  step.php
 Tour Step Renderable.
file  step.php
 Step class.
file  step_list.php
 Table to show the list of steps in a tour.
file  step_shown.php
 The tool_usertours step_shown event.
file  target.php
 Target class.
file  theme.php
 Theme filter.
file  tour.php
 Web Service functions for steps.
file  tour.php
 Tour renderable.
file  tour.php
 Tour class.
file  tour_ended.php
 The tool_usertours tour_ended event.
file  tour_list.php
 Table to show the list of tours.
file  tour_reset.php
 The tool_usertours tour_reset event.
file  tour_started.php
 The tool_usertours tour_started event.
file  unattached.php
 A step designed to be orphaned.
file  upgrade.php
 Upgrade code for install.
file  version.php
 Version information.


namespace  tool_usertours
namespace  tool_usertours\event
namespace  tool_usertours\external
namespace  tool_usertours\local\filter
namespace  tool_usertours\local\forms
namespace  tool_usertours\local\table
namespace  tool_usertours\local\target
namespace  tool_usertours\output
namespace  tool_usertours\privacy


class  behat_tool_usertours
class  tool_usertours\cache
 Cache manager. More...
class  tool_usertours\configuration
 Step configuration detail class. More...
class  tool_usertours\event\step_shown
class  tool_usertours\event\tour_ended
class  tool_usertours\event\tour_reset
class  tool_usertours\event\tour_started
class  tool_usertours\external\tour
 Web Service functions for steps. More...
class  tool_usertours\helper
 Tour helper. More...
class  tool_usertours\local\filter\accessdate
 Access date filter. More...
class  tool_usertours\local\filter\base
 Filter base. More...
class  tool_usertours\local\filter\category
 Category filter. More...
class  tool_usertours\local\filter\course
 Course filter. More...
class  tool_usertours\local\filter\courseformat
 Course format filter. More...
class  tool_usertours\local\filter\role
 Theme filter. More...
class  tool_usertours\local\filter\theme
 Theme filter. More...
class  tool_usertours\local\forms\editstep
 Form for editing steps. More...
class  tool_usertours\local\forms\edittour
 Form for editing tours. More...
class  tool_usertours\local\forms\importtour
 Form for importing tours. More...
class  tool_usertours\local\table\step_list
 Table to show the list of steps in a tour. More...
class  tool_usertours\local\table\tour_list
 Table to show the list of tours. More...
class  tool_usertours\local\target\base
 Target base. More...
class  tool_usertours\local\target\block
 Block target. More...
class  tool_usertours\local\target\selector
 Selector target. More...
class  tool_usertours\local\target\unattached
 A step designed to be orphaned. More...
class  tool_usertours\manager
 Tour manager. More...
class  tool_usertours\output\renderer
 Renderer. More...
class  tool_usertours\output\step
 Tour Step Renderable. More...
class  tool_usertours\output\tour
 Tour renderable. More...
class  tool_usertours\privacy\provider
 Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the user tours feature. More...
class  tool_usertours\step
 Step class. More...
class  tool_usertours\target
 Target class. More...
class  tool_usertours\tour
 Tour class. More...


 tool_usertours_before_footer ()
 Add JS to bootstrap tours. More...
 tool_usertours_extend_navigation_user ()
 Extend the user navigation to bootstrap tours.
 tool_usertours_get_fontawesome_icon_map ()
 Map icons for font-awesome themes.
 tool_usertours_inplace_editable ($itemtype, $itemid, $newvalue)
 Manage inplace editable saves. More...
 xmldb_tool_usertours_install ()
 Perform the post-install procedures.
 xmldb_tool_usertours_upgrade ($oldversion)
 Upgrade the user tours plugin. More...


 $plugin = 2020060900
$plugin component = 'tool_usertours'
$plugin version = 2020061502

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ tool_usertours_before_footer()

tool_usertours_before_footer ( )

Add JS to bootstrap tours.

Only in Moodle 3.3+

◆ tool_usertours_inplace_editable()

tool_usertours_inplace_editable (   $itemtype,

Manage inplace editable saves.

string$itemtypeThe type of item.
int$itemidThe ID of the item.
mixed$newvalueThe new value
Return values

◆ xmldb_tool_usertours_upgrade()

xmldb_tool_usertours_upgrade (   $oldversion)

Upgrade the user tours plugin.

int$oldversionThe old version of the user tours plugin
Return values

Variable Documentation

◆ $capabilities [1/2]

Initial value:
= array(
'tool/usertours:managetours' => [
'captype' => 'write',
'riskbitmask' => RISK_XSS,
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_SYSTEM,
'archetypes' => [
'manager' => CAP_ALLOW,
System context level - only one instance in every system.
Definition: accesslib.php:122
Allow permission, overrides CAP_PREVENT defined in parent contexts.
Definition: accesslib.php:115
const RISK_XSS
Capability allows user to add scripted content - see
Definition: accesslib.php:143

◆ $capabilities [2/2]

Initial value:
= [

◆ $definitions

Initial value:
= array(
'tourdata' => array(
'simplekeys' => true,
'simpledata' => true,
'staticacceleration' => true,
'staticaccelerationsize' => 1,
'stepdata' => array(
'simplekeys' => true,
'simpledata' => true,
'staticacceleration' => true,
'staticaccelerationsize' => 1,
Application caches.
Definition: store.php:138