Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Files | Namespaces | Classes | Functions | Variables


file  access.php
 Plugin capabilities.
file  contentbank_browser.php
 Utility class for browsing of content bank files.
file  contentbank_browser_context_course.php
 Utility class for browsing of content bank files in the course context.
file  contentbank_browser_context_coursecat.php
 Utility class for browsing of content bank files in the course category context.
file  contentbank_browser_context_system.php
 Utility class for browsing of content bank files in the system context.
file  contentbank_search.php
 Utility class for searching of content bank files.
file  helper.php
 Content bank files repository helpers.
file  install.php
 Installation file for the content bank repository.
file  lib.php
 This plugin is used to access the content bank files.
file  lib.php
 Content bank files repository data generator.
file  provider.php
 Privacy Subsystem implementation for repository_contentbank.
file  version.php
 Version details.


namespace  repository_contentbank
namespace  repository_contentbank\browser
namespace  repository_contentbank\privacy


class  repository_contentbank
 repository_contentbank class is used to browse the content bank files More...
class  repository_contentbank\browser\contentbank_browser
 Base class for the content bank browsers. More...
class  repository_contentbank\browser\contentbank_browser_context_course
 Represents the content bank browser in the course context. More...
class  repository_contentbank\browser\contentbank_browser_context_coursecat
 Represents the content bank browser in the course category context. More...
class  repository_contentbank\browser\contentbank_browser_context_system
 Represents the content bank browser in the system context. More...
class  repository_contentbank\contentbank_search
 Represents the content bank search related functionality. More...
class  repository_contentbank\helper
 Helper class for content bank files repository. More...
class  repository_contentbank\privacy\provider
 Privacy Subsystem for repository_contentbank implementing null_provider. More...
class  repository_contentbank_generator


 xmldb_repository_contentbank_install ()
 Create a default instance of the content bank repository. More...


 $plugin = 2020060900
$plugin component = 'repository_contentbank'
$plugin version = 2020061500

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ xmldb_repository_contentbank_install()

xmldb_repository_contentbank_install ( )

Create a default instance of the content bank repository.

Return values
boolA status indicating success or failure