Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Files | Namespaces | Classes | Functions | Variables


file  access.php
 Capabilities for self enrolment plugin.
file  deleteselectedusers_form.php
 The form to confirm the intention to bulk delete users enrolments.
file  deleteselectedusers_operation.php
 A bulk operation for the self enrolment plugin to delete selected users enrolments.
file  editselectedusers_form.php
 The form to collect required information when bulk editing users enrolments.
file  editselectedusers_operation.php
 A bulk operation for the manual enrolment plugin to edit selected users.
file  empty_form.php
 Empty enrol_self form.
file  externallib.php
 Self enrol plugin external functions.
file  install.php
 Self enrol plugin installation script.
file  lib.php
 Self enrolment plugin.
file  locallib.php
 Self enrol plugin implementation.
file  messages.php
 Defines message providers for self enrolments.
file  provider.php
 Privacy Subsystem implementation for enrol_self.
file  send_expiry_notifications.php
 Send expiry notifications task.
file  services.php
 Self enrol plugin external functions and service definitions.
file  settings.php
 Self enrolment plugin settings and presets.
file  sync_enrolments.php
 Sync enrolments task.
file  tasks.php
 Task definition for enrol_self.
file  upgrade.php
 This file keeps track of upgrades to the self enrolment plugin.
file  version.php
 Self enrolment plugin version specification.


namespace  enrol_self\privacy
namespace  enrol_self\task


class  enrol_self\privacy\provider
 Privacy Subsystem for enrol_self implementing null_provider. More...
class  enrol_self\task\send_expiry_notifications
 Send expiry notifications task. More...
class  enrol_self\task\sync_enrolments
 Sync enrolments task. More...
class  enrol_self_deleteselectedusers_form
 The form to confirm the intention to bulk delete users enrolments. More...
class  enrol_self_deleteselectedusers_operation
 A bulk operation for the self enrolment plugin to delete selected users enrolments. More...
class  enrol_self_editselectedusers_form
 The form to collect required information when bulk editing users enrolments. More...
class  enrol_self_editselectedusers_operation
 A bulk operation for the manual enrolment plugin to edit selected users. More...
class  enrol_self_empty_form
class  enrol_self_enrol_form
class  enrol_self_external
 Self enrolment external functions. More...
class  enrol_self_plugin
 Self enrolment plugin implementation. More...


 enrol_self_check_group_enrolment_key ($courseid, $enrolpassword)
 Check if the given password match a group enrolment key in the specified course. More...
 enrol_self_get_fontawesome_icon_map ()
 Get icon mapping for font-awesome.
 xmldb_enrol_self_install ()
 xmldb_enrol_self_upgrade ($oldversion)


 $plugin = 2020060900
$plugin component = 'enrol_self'
$plugin version = 2020061500

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ enrol_self_check_group_enrolment_key()

enrol_self_check_group_enrolment_key (   $courseid,

Check if the given password match a group enrolment key in the specified course.

int$courseidcourse id
string$enrolpasswordenrolment password
Return values
boolTrue if match
Moodle 3.0

Variable Documentation

◆ $functions

Initial value:
= array(
'enrol_self_get_instance_info' => array(
'classname' => 'enrol_self_external',
'methodname' => 'get_instance_info',
'classpath' => 'enrol/self/externallib.php',
'description' => 'self enrolment instance information.',
'type' => 'read',
'enrol_self_enrol_user' => array(
'classname' => 'enrol_self_external',
'methodname' => 'enrol_user',
'classpath' => 'enrol/self/externallib.php',
'description' => 'Self enrol the current user in the given course.',
'type' => 'write',
Moodle mobile app service name.
Definition: moodlelib.php:501

◆ $messageproviders

Initial value:
= array (
'expiry_notification' => array(),

◆ $tasks

Initial value:
= array(
'classname' => '\enrol_self\task\sync_enrolments',
'blocking' => 0,
'minute' => '*/10',
'hour' => '*',
'day' => '*',
'month' => '*',
'dayofweek' => '*',
'disabled' => 0
'classname' => '\enrol_self\task\send_expiry_notifications',
'blocking' => 0,
'minute' => '*/10',
'hour' => '*',
'day' => '*',
'month' => '*',
'dayofweek' => '*',
'disabled' => 0