Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
mod_glossary_generator Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for mod_glossary_generator:
testing_module_generator component_generator_base

Public Member Functions

 create_category ($glossary, $record=array(), $entries=array())
 create_content ($glossary, $record=array(), $aliases=array())
 create_content ($instance, $record=array())
 Generates a piece of content for the module. More...
 create_entry (array $data)
 Create an entry. More...
 create_instance ($record=null, array $options=null)
 Creates an instance of the module for testing purposes. More...
 get_modulename ()
 Returns module name. More...
 reset ()
 To be called from data reset code only, do not use in tests. More...

Protected Member Functions

 post_add_instance ($id, $cmid)
 Called after *_add_instance() More...
 precreate_course_module ($courseid, array $options)
 Create course module and link it to course. More...
 prepare_moduleinfo_record ($record, $options)
 Merges together arguments $record and $options and fills default module fields that are shared by all module types. More...
 set_user (?stdClass $user=null)
 Set the current user during data generation. More...

Protected Attributes

int $categorycount = 0
 keep track of how many entries have been created.
testing_data_generator $datagenerator
int $entrycount = 0
 keep track of how many entries have been created.
number $instancecount = 0
 of created instances

Member Function Documentation

◆ create_content()

testing_module_generator::create_content (   $instance,
  $record = array() 

Generates a piece of content for the module.

User is usually taken from global $USER variable.

stdClass$instanceobject returned from create_instance() call
stdClass | array$record
Return values
stdClassgenerated object
coding_exceptionif function is not implemented by module

Reimplemented in mod_h5pactivity_generator, mod_book_generator, mod_forum_generator, mod_lesson_generator, and mod_wiki_generator.

◆ create_entry()

mod_glossary_generator::create_entry ( array  $data)

Create an entry.

array$dataData to create the entry record. In addition to columns in the entry table, the following attributes are supported:
  • glossaryid (required): Id of the glossary where the entry will be created.
  • categoryids: Array of ids for the categories this entry belongs to.
Return values
stdClassEntry record.

◆ create_instance()

mod_glossary_generator::create_instance (   $record = null,
array  $options = null 

Creates an instance of the module for testing purposes.

Module type will be taken from the class name. Each module type may overwrite this function to add other default values used by it.

array | stdClass$recorddata for module being generated. Requires 'course' key (an id or the full object). Also can have any fields from add module form.
null | array$optionsgeneral options for course module. Since 2.6 it is possible to omit this argument by merging options into $record
Return values
stdClassrecord from module-defined table with additional field cmid (corresponding id in course_modules table)

Reimplemented from testing_module_generator.

◆ get_modulename()

testing_module_generator::get_modulename ( )

Returns module name.

Return values
stringname of module that this class describes
coding_exceptionif class invalid

◆ post_add_instance()

testing_module_generator::post_add_instance (   $id,

Called after *_add_instance()

Since 2.6 it is recommended to use function add_moduleinfo() to create a module.

since 2.6
See also
Return values
stdClassmodule instance

◆ precreate_course_module()

testing_module_generator::precreate_course_module (   $courseid,
array  $options 

Create course module and link it to course.

Since 2.6 it is recommended to use function add_moduleinfo() to create a module.

since 2.6
See also
array$optionssection, visible
Return values
integer::$cminstance id

◆ prepare_moduleinfo_record()

testing_module_generator::prepare_moduleinfo_record (   $record,

Merges together arguments $record and $options and fills default module fields that are shared by all module types.

object | array$recordfields (different from defaults) for this module
null | array$optionsfor backward-compatibility this may include fields from course_modules table. They are merged into $record
coding_exceptionif $record->course is not specified

◆ reset()

mod_glossary_generator::reset ( )

To be called from data reset code only, do not use in tests.

Return values

Reimplemented from testing_module_generator.

◆ set_user()

component_generator_base::set_user ( ?stdClass  $user = null)

Set the current user during data generation.

This should be avoided wherever possible, but in some situations underlying code will insert data as the current user.


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