Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Files | Classes | Functions | Variables


file  datasetdefinitions_form.php
 Defines the editing form for the calculated question data set definitions.
file  datasetitems_form.php
 Defines the editing form for the calculated question data set items.
file  edit_calculated_form.php
 Defines the editing form for the calculated question type.
file  edit_calculatedmulti_form.php
 Defines the editing form for calculated multiple-choice questions.
file  edit_calculatedsimple_form.php
 Defines the editing form for the calculated simplequestion type.
file  edit_description_form.php
 Defines the editing form for the description question type.
file  edit_essay_form.php
 Defines the editing form for the essay question type.
file  edit_missingtype_form.php
 Defines the editing form for the 'missingtype' question type.
file  edit_multianswer_form.php
 Defines the editing form for the multi-answer question type.
file  edit_multichoice_form.php
 Defines the editing form for the multiple choice question type.
file  edit_numerical_form.php
 Defines the editing form for the numerical question type.
file  edit_random_form.php
 Defines the editing form for the random question type.
file  edit_shortanswer_form.php
 Defines the editing form for the shortanswer question type.
file  edit_truefalse_form.php
 Defines the editing form for the true-false question type.
file  helper.php
 Test helpers for the calculated question type.
file  helper.php
 Test helpers for the calculated question type.
file  helper.php
 Test helpers for the simple calculated question type.
file  helper.php
 Test helpers for the numerical question type.
file  helper.php
 Test helpers for the truefalse question type.
file  lib.php
 @subpackage calculated
file  lib.php
 @subpackage essay
file  lib.php
 @subpackage multianswer
file  lib.php
 @subpackage multichoice
file  lib.php
 @subpackage numerical
file  lib.php
 @subpackage shortanswer
file  lib.php
 @subpackage truefalse
file  question.php
 Calculated question definition class.
file  question.php
 Calculated multiple-choice question definition class.
file  question.php
 Calculated (simple) question definition class.
file  question.php
 Description 'question' definition class.
file  question.php
 Essay question definition class.
file  question.php
 Defines the 'qtype_missingtype' question definition class.
file  question.php
 Multianswer question definition class.
file  question.php
 Multiple choice question definition classes.
file  question.php
 Numerical question definition class.
file  question.php
 Short answer question definition class.
file  question.php
 True-false question definition class.
file  questiontype.php
 Question type class for the calculated question type.
file  questiontype.php
 Question type class for the calculated multiple-choice question type.
file  questiontype.php
 Question type class for the simple calculated question type.
file  questiontype.php
 Question type class for the description 'question' type.
file  questiontype.php
 Question type class for the essay question type.
file  questiontype.php
 Question type class for the 'missingtype' type.
file  questiontype.php
 Question type class for the multi-answer question type.
file  questiontype.php
 The questiontype class for the multiple choice question type.
file  questiontype.php
 Question type class for the numerical question type.
file  questiontype.php
 Question type class for the random question type.
file  questiontype.php
 Question type class for the short answer question type.
file  questiontype.php
 Question type class for the true-false question type.
file  renderer.php
 Calculated question renderer class.
file  renderer.php
 Calculated multiple-choice question renderer class.
file  renderer.php
 Calculated (simple) question renderer class.
file  renderer.php
 Description 'question' renderer class.
file  renderer.php
 Essay question renderer class.
file  renderer.php
 Defines the 'missingtype' question renderer class.
file  renderer.php
 Multianswer question renderer classes.
file  renderer.php
 Multiple choice question renderer classes.
file  renderer.php
 Short answer question renderer class.
file  renderer.php
 True-false question renderer class.
file  upgrade.php
 Calculated question type upgrade code.
file  upgrade.php
 Essay question type upgrade code.
file  upgrade.php
 Multi-answer question type upgrade code.
file  upgrade.php
 Multiple choice question type upgrade code.
file  upgrade.php
 Numerical question type upgrade code.
file  upgrade.php
 Short-answer question type upgrade code.
file  upgradelib.php
 Upgrade library code for the calculated question type.
file  upgradelib.php
 Upgrade library code for the calculated multiple-choice question type.
file  upgradelib.php
 Upgrade library code for the simple calculated question type.
file  upgradelib.php
 Upgrade library code for the description question type.
file  upgradelib.php
 Upgrade library code for the essay question type.
file  upgradelib.php
 Upgrade library code for the multianswer question type.
file  upgradelib.php
 Upgrade library code for the multichoice question type.
file  upgradelib.php
 Upgrade library code for the numerical question type.
file  upgradelib.php
 Upgrade library code for the shortanswer question type.
file  upgradelib.php
 Upgrade library code for the truefalse question type.
file  version.php
 Version information for the calculated question type.
file  version.php
 Version information for the calculated multiple-choice question type.
file  version.php
 Version information for the simple calculated question type.
file  version.php
 Version information for the description 'question' type.
file  version.php
 Version information for the essay question type.
file  version.php
 Version information for missing question type plugin.
file  version.php
 Version information for the multi-answer question type.
file  version.php
 Version information for the multiple choice question type.
file  version.php
 Version information for the numerical question type.
file  version.php
 Version information for the random question type.
file  version.php
 Short answer question type version information.
file  version.php
 Version information for the true/false question type.


class  moodle1_qtype_calculated_handler
 Calculated question type conversion handler. More...
class  moodle1_qtype_essay_handler
 Short answer question type conversion handler. More...
class  moodle1_qtype_multianswer_handler
 Multianswer (aka embedded, cloze) question type conversion handler. More...
class  moodle1_qtype_multichoice_handler
 Multichoice question type conversion handler. More...
class  moodle1_qtype_numerical_handler
 Multichoice question type conversion handler. More...
class  moodle1_qtype_shortanswer_handler
 Short answer question type conversion handler. More...
class  moodle1_qtype_truefalse_handler
 True/false question type conversion handler. More...
class  qtype_calculated
 The calculated question type. More...
class  qtype_calculated_dataset_loader
 This class is responsible for loading the dataset that a question needs from the database. More...
class  qtype_calculated_edit_form
 Calculated question type editing form definition. More...
class  qtype_calculated_qe2_attempt_updater
 Class for converting attempt data for calculated questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine. More...
class  qtype_calculated_question
 Represents a calculated question. More...
class  qtype_calculated_question_helper
 Helper class for questions that use datasets. More...
interface  qtype_calculated_question_with_expressions
 This interface defines the method that a quetsion type must implement if it is to work with qtype_calculated_question_helper. More...
class  qtype_calculated_renderer
 Generates the output for calculated questions. More...
class  qtype_calculated_test_dataset_loader
 Test implementation of qtype_calculated_dataset_loader. More...
class  qtype_calculated_test_helper
 Test helper class for the calculated question type. More...
class  qtype_calculated_variable_substituter
 This class holds the current values of all the variables used by a calculated question. More...
class  qtype_calculatedmulti
 The calculated multiple-choice question type. More...
class  qtype_calculatedmulti_calculate_helper
 Helper to abstract common code between qtype_calculatedmulti_single_question and qtype_calculatedmulti_multi_question. More...
class  qtype_calculatedmulti_edit_form
 Calculated multiple-choice question editing form. More...
class  qtype_calculatedmulti_multi_question
 Represents a calculated multiple-choice multiple-response question. More...
class  qtype_calculatedmulti_qe2_attempt_updater
 Class for converting attempt data for calculated multiple-choice questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine. More...
class  qtype_calculatedmulti_renderer
 Generates the output for calculated multiple-choice questions. More...
class  qtype_calculatedmulti_single_question
 Represents a calculated multiple-choice multiple-response question. More...
class  qtype_calculatedmulti_test_helper
 Test helper class for the calculated multiple-choice question type. More...
class  qtype_calculatedsimple
 The simple calculated question type. More...
class  qtype_calculatedsimple_edit_form
 Editing form for the calculated simplequestion type. More...
class  qtype_calculatedsimple_qe2_attempt_updater
 Class for converting attempt data for simple calculated questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine. More...
class  qtype_calculatedsimple_question
 Represents a simple calculated question. More...
class  qtype_calculatedsimple_renderer
 Generates the output for simple calculated questions. More...
class  qtype_calculatedsimple_test_helper
 Test helper class for the simple calculated question type. More...
class  qtype_description
 The description 'question' type. More...
class  qtype_description_edit_form
 Description editing form definition. More...
class  qtype_description_qe2_attempt_updater
 Class for converting attempt data for description questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine. More...
class  qtype_description_question
 Represents a description 'question'. More...
class  qtype_description_renderer
 Generates the output for description 'question's. More...
class  qtype_essay
 The essay question type. More...
class  qtype_essay_edit_form
 Essay question type editing form. More...
class  qtype_essay_format_editor_renderer
 An essay format renderer for essays where the student should use the HTML editor without the file picker. More...
class  qtype_essay_format_editorfilepicker_renderer
 An essay format renderer for essays where the student should use the HTML editor with the file picker. More...
class  qtype_essay_format_monospaced_renderer
 An essay format renderer for essays where the student should use a plain input box with a monospaced font. More...
class  qtype_essay_format_noinline_renderer
 An essay format renderer for essays where the student should not enter any inline response. More...
class  qtype_essay_format_plain_renderer
 An essay format renderer for essays where the student should use a plain input box, but with a normal, proportional font. More...
class  qtype_essay_format_renderer_base
 A base class to abstract out the differences between different type of response format. More...
class  qtype_essay_qe2_attempt_updater
 Class for converting attempt data for essay questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine. More...
class  qtype_essay_question
 Represents an essay question. More...
class  qtype_essay_renderer
 Generates the output for essay questions. More...
class  qtype_missingtype
 Missing question type class. More...
class  qtype_missingtype_edit_form
 This question renderer class is used when the actual question type of this question cannot be found. More...
class  qtype_missingtype_question
 This question definition class is used when the actual question type of this question cannot be found. More...
class  qtype_missingtype_renderer
 This question renderer class is used when the actual question type of this question cannot be found. More...
class  qtype_multianswer
 The multi-answer question type class. More...
class  qtype_multianswer_edit_form
 Form for editing multi-answer questions. More...
class  qtype_multianswer_multichoice_horizontal_renderer
 Render an embedded multiple-choice question vertically, like for a normal multiple-choice question. More...
class  qtype_multianswer_multichoice_inline_renderer
 Render an embedded multiple-choice question that is displayed as a select menu. More...
class  qtype_multianswer_multichoice_vertical_renderer
 Render an embedded multiple-choice question vertically, like for a normal multiple-choice question. More...
class  qtype_multianswer_multiresponse_horizontal_renderer
 Render an embedded multiple-response question horizontally. More...
class  qtype_multianswer_multiresponse_vertical_renderer
 Class qtype_multianswer_multiresponse_renderer. More...
class  qtype_multianswer_qe2_attempt_updater
 Class for converting attempt data for multianswer questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine. More...
class  qtype_multianswer_question
 Represents a multianswer question. More...
class  qtype_multianswer_renderer
 Base class for generating the bits of output common to multianswer (Cloze) questions. More...
class  qtype_multianswer_subq_renderer_base
 Subclass for generating the bits of output specific to shortanswer subquestions. More...
class  qtype_multianswer_textfield_renderer
 Subclass for generating the bits of output specific to shortanswer subquestions. More...
class  qtype_multichoice
 The multiple choice question type. More...
class  qtype_multichoice_base
 Base class for multiple choice questions. More...
class  qtype_multichoice_edit_form
 Multiple choice editing form definition. More...
class  qtype_multichoice_multi_question
 Represents a multiple choice question where multiple choices can be selected. More...
class  qtype_multichoice_multi_renderer
 Subclass for generating the bits of output specific to multiple choice multi=select questions. More...
class  qtype_multichoice_qe2_attempt_updater
 Class for converting attempt data for multichoice questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine. More...
class  qtype_multichoice_renderer_base
 Base class for generating the bits of output common to multiple choice single and multiple questions. More...
class  qtype_multichoice_single_question
 Represents a multiple choice question where only one choice should be selected. More...
class  qtype_multichoice_single_renderer
 Subclass for generating the bits of output specific to multiple choice single questions. More...
class  qtype_numerical
 The numerical question type class. More...
class  qtype_numerical_answer
 Subclass of question_answer with the extra information required by the numerical question type. More...
class  qtype_numerical_answer_processor
 This class processes numbers with units. More...
class  qtype_numerical_edit_form
 numerical editing form definition. More...
class  qtype_numerical_qe2_attempt_updater
 Class for converting attempt data for numerical questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine. More...
class  qtype_numerical_question
 Represents a numerical question. More...
class  qtype_numerical_test_helper
 Test helper class for the numerical question type. More...
class  qtype_random
 The random question type. More...
class  qtype_random_edit_form
 random editing form definition. More...
class  qtype_shortanswer
 The short answer question type. More...
class  qtype_shortanswer_edit_form
 Short answer question editing form definition. More...
class  qtype_shortanswer_qe2_attempt_updater
 Class for converting attempt data for shortanswer questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine. More...
class  qtype_shortanswer_question
 Represents a short answer question. More...
class  qtype_shortanswer_renderer
 Generates the output for short answer questions. More...
class  qtype_truefalse
 The true-false question type class. More...
class  qtype_truefalse_edit_form
 True-false question editing form definition. More...
class  qtype_truefalse_qe2_attempt_updater
 Class for converting attempt data for truefalse questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine. More...
class  qtype_truefalse_question
 Represents a true-false question. More...
class  qtype_truefalse_renderer
 Generates the output for true-false questions. More...
class  qtype_truefalse_test_helper
 Test helper class for the truefalse question type. More...
class  question_dataset_dependent_definitions_form
 Calculated question data set definitions editing form definition. More...
class  question_dataset_dependent_items_form
 Calculated question data set items editing form definition. More...


 qtype_calculated_calculate_answer ($formula, $individualdata, $tolerance, $tolerancetype, $answerlength, $answerformat='1', $unit='')
 qtype_calculated_find_formula_errors ($formula)
 Validate a forumula. More...
 qtype_calculated_find_formula_errors_in_text ($text)
 Validate all the forumulas in a bit of text. More...
 qtype_multianswer_extract_question ($text)
 qtype_multianswer_initialise_multichoice_subquestion ($wrapped)
 Initialise subquestion fields that are constant across all MULTICHOICE types. More...
 qtype_multianswer_validate_question (stdClass $question)
 Validate a multianswer question. More...
 xmldb_qtype_calculated_upgrade ($oldversion)
 Upgrade code for the calculated question type. More...
 xmldb_qtype_essay_upgrade ($oldversion)
 Upgrade code for the essay question type. More...
 xmldb_qtype_multianswer_upgrade ($oldversion)
 Upgrade code for the multi-answer question type. More...
 xmldb_qtype_multichoice_upgrade ($oldversion)
 Upgrade code for the multiple choice question type. More...
 xmldb_qtype_numerical_upgrade ($oldversion)
 Upgrade code for the numerical question type. More...
 xmldb_qtype_shortanswer_upgrade ($oldversion)
 Upgrade code for the essay question type. More...


global $CFG
global $CFG
global $CFG
global $CFG
 $plugin = 2020060900
 $plugin = 2020060900
 $plugin = 2020060900
 $plugin = 2020060900
 $plugin = 2020060900
 $plugin = 2020060900
 $plugin = 2020060900
 $plugin = 2020060900
 $plugin = 2020060900
 $plugin = 2020060900
 $plugin = 2020060900
 $plugin = 2020060900
const ANSWER_ALTERNATIVE_ANSWER_REGEX '.+?(?<!\\\\|&|&amp;)(?=[~#}]|$)'
const ANSWER_ALTERNATIVE_FEEDBACK_REGEX '.*?(?<!::::::::)(?=[~}]|$)'
const ANSWER_ALTERNATIVE_FRACTION_REGEX '=|%(-?[0-9]+(?:[.,][0-9]*)?)%'
const ANSWER_START_REGEX '\{([0-9]*):(' . ANSWER_TYPE_DEF_REGEX . '):'
$plugin component = 'qtype_calculated'
$plugin component = 'qtype_calculatedmulti'
$plugin component = 'qtype_calculatedsimple'
$plugin component = 'qtype_description'
$plugin component = 'qtype_essay'
$plugin component = 'qtype_missingtype'
$plugin component = 'qtype_multianswer'
$plugin component = 'qtype_multichoice'
$plugin component = 'qtype_numerical'
$plugin component = 'qtype_random'
$plugin component = 'qtype_shortanswer'
$plugin component = 'qtype_truefalse'
$plugin dependencies
$plugin dependencies
$plugin dependencies
$plugin dependencies
$plugin maturity = MATURITY_STABLE
$plugin maturity = MATURITY_STABLE
$plugin maturity = MATURITY_STABLE
$plugin maturity = MATURITY_STABLE
$plugin maturity = MATURITY_STABLE
$plugin maturity = MATURITY_STABLE
$plugin maturity = MATURITY_STABLE
$plugin maturity = MATURITY_STABLE
$plugin maturity = MATURITY_STABLE
$plugin maturity = MATURITY_STABLE
$plugin maturity = MATURITY_STABLE
$plugin maturity = MATURITY_STABLE
const NUMBER_REGEX '-?(([0-9]+[.,]?[0-9]*|[.,][0-9]+)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)'
$plugin version = 2020061500
$plugin version = 2020061500
$plugin version = 2020061500
$plugin version = 2020061500
$plugin version = 2020061500
$plugin version = 2020061500
$plugin version = 2020061500
$plugin version = 2020061500
$plugin version = 2020061500
$plugin version = 2020061500
$plugin version = 2020061500
$plugin version = 2020061500

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ qtype_calculated_find_formula_errors()

qtype_calculated_find_formula_errors (   $formula)

Validate a forumula.

string$formulathe formula to validate.
Return values
string|booleanfalse if there are no problems. Otherwise a string error message.

◆ qtype_calculated_find_formula_errors_in_text()

qtype_calculated_find_formula_errors_in_text (   $text)

Validate all the forumulas in a bit of text.

string$textthe text in which to validate the formulas.
Return values
string|booleanfalse if there are no problems. Otherwise a string error message.

◆ qtype_multianswer_initialise_multichoice_subquestion()

qtype_multianswer_initialise_multichoice_subquestion (   $wrapped)

Initialise subquestion fields that are constant across all MULTICHOICE types.

objet$wrappedThe subquestion to initialise

◆ qtype_multianswer_validate_question()

qtype_multianswer_validate_question ( stdClass  $question)

Validate a multianswer question.

object$questionThe multianswer question to validate as returned by qtype_multianswer_extract_question
Return values
arrayArray of error messages with questions field names as keys.

◆ xmldb_qtype_calculated_upgrade()

xmldb_qtype_calculated_upgrade (   $oldversion)

Upgrade code for the calculated question type.

int$oldversionthe version we are upgrading from.

◆ xmldb_qtype_essay_upgrade()

xmldb_qtype_essay_upgrade (   $oldversion)

Upgrade code for the essay question type.

int$oldversionthe version we are upgrading from.

◆ xmldb_qtype_multianswer_upgrade()

xmldb_qtype_multianswer_upgrade (   $oldversion)

Upgrade code for the multi-answer question type.

int$oldversionthe version we are upgrading from.

◆ xmldb_qtype_multichoice_upgrade()

xmldb_qtype_multichoice_upgrade (   $oldversion)

Upgrade code for the multiple choice question type.

int$oldversionthe version we are upgrading from.

◆ xmldb_qtype_numerical_upgrade()

xmldb_qtype_numerical_upgrade (   $oldversion)

Upgrade code for the numerical question type.

int$oldversionthe version we are upgrading from.

◆ xmldb_qtype_shortanswer_upgrade()

xmldb_qtype_shortanswer_upgrade (   $oldversion)

Upgrade code for the essay question type.

int$oldversionthe version we are upgrading from.

Variable Documentation

◆ dependencies [1/4]

$plugin dependencies
Initial value:
= array(
'qtype_numerical' => 2020060900,

◆ dependencies [2/4]

$plugin dependencies
Initial value:
= array(
'qtype_numerical' => 2020060900,
'qtype_calculated' => 2020060900,
'qtype_multichoice' => 2020060900,

◆ dependencies [3/4]

$plugin dependencies
Initial value:
= array(
'qtype_numerical' => 2020060900,
'qtype_calculated' => 2020060900,

◆ dependencies [4/4]

$plugin dependencies
Initial value:
= array(
'qtype_multichoice' => 2020060900,
'qtype_numerical' => 2020060900,
'qtype_shortanswer' => 2020060900,