Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Files | Namespaces | Classes | Variables


file  api.php
 Class for listing mustache templates.
file  external.php
 This is the external API for this tool.
file  list_templates_page.php
 Class containing data for list_templates page.
file  provider.php
 Privacy Subsystem implementation for tool_templatelibrary.
file  renderer.php
 Renderer class for template library.
file  services.php
 Template library webservice definitions.
file  settings.php
 Links and settings.
file  version.php
 Plugin version info.


namespace  tool_templatelibrary
namespace  tool_templatelibrary\output
namespace  tool_templatelibrary\privacy


class  tool_templatelibrary\api
 API exposed by tool_templatelibrary. More...
class  tool_templatelibrary\external
 This is the external API for this tool. More...
class  tool_templatelibrary\output\list_templates_page
 Class containing data for list_templates page. More...
class  tool_templatelibrary\output\renderer
 Renderer class for template library. More...
class  tool_templatelibrary\privacy\provider
 Privacy Subsystem for tool_templatelibrary implementing null_provider. More...


 $plugin = 2020060900
$plugin component = 'tool_templatelibrary'
$plugin version = 2020061500

Detailed Description

Variable Documentation

◆ $functions

Initial value:
= array(
'tool_templatelibrary_list_templates' => array(
'classname' => 'tool_templatelibrary\external',
'methodname' => 'list_templates',
'classpath' => '',
'description' => 'List/search templates by component.',
'type' => 'read',
'capabilities'=> '',
'ajax' => true,
'loginrequired' => false,
'tool_templatelibrary_load_canonical_template' => array(
'classname' => 'tool_templatelibrary\external',
'methodname' => 'load_canonical_template',
'description' => 'Load a canonical template by name (not the theme overidden one).',
'type' => 'read',
'ajax' => true,
'loginrequired' => false,

◆ $temp

Initial value:
get_string('pluginname', 'tool_templatelibrary'),
new moodle_url('/admin/tool/templatelibrary/index.php')
Links external PHP pages into the admin tree.
Definition: adminlib.php:1193
Class for creating and manipulating urls.
Definition: weblib.php:255