Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Classes | Functions | Variables
pdflib.php File Reference

pdflib.php - Moodle PDF library More...


class  pdf
 Wrapper class that extends TCPDF (lib/tcpdf/tcpdf.php). More...


 tcpdf_init_k_font_path ()
 Init K_PATH_FONTS and PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN constant. More...


const K_BLANK_IMAGE K_PATH_IMAGES . 'pix/spacer.gif'
 blank image
 height of cell repect font height
const K_PATH_CACHE $CFG->cachedir . '/tcpdf/'
 cache directory for temporary files (full path)
const K_PATH_IMAGES $CFG->dirroot . '/'
 images directory
const K_PATH_MAIN $CFG->dirroot.'/lib/tcpdf/'
 tcpdf installation path
const K_PATH_URL $CFG->wwwroot . '/lib/tcpdf/'
 URL path to tcpdf installation folder.
const K_SMALL_RATIO 2/3
 reduction factor for small font
 tell tcpdf it is configured here instead of in its own config file
 Throw exceptions from errors so they can be caught and recovered from.

Detailed Description

pdflib.php - Moodle PDF library

We currently use the TCPDF library by Nicola Asuni.

The default location for fonts that are included with TCPDF is lib/tcpdf/fonts/. If PDF_CUSTOM_FONT_PATH exists, this directory will be used instead of lib/tcpdf/fonts/, the default location is $CFG->dataroot.'/fonts/'.

You should always copy all fonts from lib/tcpdf/fonts/ to your PDF_CUSTOM_FONT_PATH and then add extra fonts. Alternatively you may download all TCPDF fonts from and extract them to PDF_CUSTOM_FONT_PATH directory.

You can specify your own default font family in config.php by defining PDF_DEFAULT_FONT constant there.

If you want to add True Type fonts such as "Arial Unicode MS", you need to create a simple script and then execute it, it should add new file to your fonts directory: <?php require('config.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/pdflib.php'); TCPDF_FONTS::addTTFfont('/full_path_to/ARIALUNI.TTF', 'TrueTypeUnicode'); This script will convert the TTF file to format compatible with TCPDF.

Please note you need to have appropriate license to use the font files on your server!

Example usage: $doc = new pdf; $doc->setPrintHeader(false); $doc->setPrintFooter(false); $doc->AddPage(); $doc->Write(5, 'Hello World!'); $doc->Output();

License GNU GPL v3 or later