Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Files | Namespaces | Classes | Functions | Variables


file  api.php
 Api customfield package.
file  category.php
 Customfield category persistent class.
file  category_controller.php
 Customfield catecory controller class.
file  category_created.php
 Custom field category created event.
file  category_deleted.php
 Custom field category created event.
file  category_updated.php
 Custom field category updated event.
file  customfield_provider.php
 Contains interface customfield_provider.
file  data.php
 Data persistent class.
file  data_controller.php
 Customfield component data controller abstract class.
file  externallib.php
 External interface library for customfields component.
file  field.php
 Field persistent class.
file  field_config_form.php
 Customfield package.
file  field_controller.php
 Field controller abstract class.
file  field_created.php
 Custom field created event.
file  field_data.php
 core_customfield field value renderable.
file  field_deleted.php
 Custom field updated event.
file  field_updated.php
 Custom field updated event.
file  handler.php
 The abstract custom fields handler.
file  lib.php
file  lib.php
 Customfield data generator.
file  management.php
 Customfield component output.
file  provider.php
 Customfield component provider class.
file  renderer.php


namespace  core_customfield
namespace  core_customfield\event
namespace  core_customfield\output
namespace  core_customfield\privacy


class  core_customfield\api
 Class api. More...
class  core_customfield\category
 Class category. More...
class  core_customfield\category_controller
 Class category. More...
class  core_customfield\data
 Class data. More...
class  core_customfield\data_controller
 Base class for custom fields data controllers. More...
class  core_customfield\event\category_created
 Custom field category created event class. More...
class  core_customfield\event\category_deleted
 Custom field category created event class. More...
class  core_customfield\event\category_updated
 Custom field category updated event class. More...
class  core_customfield\event\field_created
 Custom field created event class. More...
class  core_customfield\event\field_deleted
 Custom field updated event class. More...
class  core_customfield\event\field_updated
 Custom field updated event class. More...
class  core_customfield\field
 Class field. More...
class  core_customfield\field_config_form
 Class field_config_form. More...
class  core_customfield\field_controller
 Base class for custom fields controllers. More...
class  core_customfield\handler
 Base class for custom fields handlers. More...
class  core_customfield\output\field_data
 core_customfield field value renderable class. More...
class  core_customfield\output\management
 Class management. More...
class  core_customfield\output\renderer
 Renderer class. More...
interface  core_customfield\privacy\customfield_provider
 Interface customfield_provider, all customfield plugins need to implement it. More...
class  core_customfield\privacy\provider
 Class provider. More...
class  core_customfield_external
 Class core_customfield_external. More...
class  core_customfield_generator


 core_customfield_inplace_editable ($itemtype, $itemid, $newvalue)
 Edit customfield elements inplace. More...
 core_customfield_pluginfile ($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload, array $options=array())
 Serve the files from the core_customfield file areas. More...


global core_customfield::$CFG

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ core_customfield_inplace_editable()

core_customfield_inplace_editable (   $itemtype,

Edit customfield elements inplace.

Return values

◆ core_customfield_pluginfile()

core_customfield_pluginfile (   $course,
array  $options = array() 

Serve the files from the core_customfield file areas.

stdClass$coursethe course object
stdClass$cmthe course module object
context$contextthe context
string$fileareathe name of the file area
array$argsextra arguments (itemid, path)
bool$forcedownloadwhether or not force download
array$optionsadditional options affecting the file serving
Return values
boolfalse if the file not found, just send the file otherwise and do not return