Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
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restore_execution_step Class Reference

Abstract class defining the needed stuff to execute code on restore. More...

Inheritance diagram for restore_execution_step:
restore_step base_step executable loggable restore_activity_search_index restore_block_search_index restore_calendar_action_events restore_course_legacy_files_step restore_course_search_index restore_create_and_clean_temp_stuff restore_create_included_users restore_create_question_files restore_decode_interlinks restore_default_enrolments_step restore_drop_and_clean_temp_stuff restore_execute_after_restore restore_fix_restorer_access_step restore_load_and_map_roles restore_load_categories_and_questions restore_load_included_inforef_records restore_load_included_users restore_move_module_questions_categories restore_process_categories_and_questions restore_process_course_modules_availability restore_process_file_aliases_queue restore_process_included_users restore_rebuild_course_cache restore_review_pending_block_positions restore_update_availability

Public Member Functions

 apply_date_offset ($value)
 Apply course startdate offset based in original course startdate and course_offset_startdate setting Note we are using one static cache here, but by restoreid, so it's ok for concurrence/multiple executions in the same request. More...
 decrypt ($value)
 Returns symmetric-key AES-256 decryption of base64 encoded contents. More...
 destroy ()
 Destroy all circular references. More...
 execute ()
 This function will perform all the actions necessary to achieve the execution of the plan/part/task. More...
 get_name ()
 log ($message, $level, $a=null, $depth=null, $display=false)
 This function will be responsible for handling the params, and to call to the corresponding logger->process() once all modifications in params have been performed. More...
 set_task ($task)

Protected Member Functions

 define_execution ()
 Function that will contain all the code to be executed. More...
 get_basepath ()
 get_courseid ()
 get_logger ()
 get_restoreid ()
 get_setting ($name)
 get_setting_value ($name)
 get_settings ()
 Protected API starts here.
 setting_exists ($name)

Protected Attributes


Detailed Description

Abstract class defining the needed stuff to execute code on restore.

TODO: Finish phpdocs

Member Function Documentation

◆ apply_date_offset()

restore_step::apply_date_offset (   $value)

Apply course startdate offset based in original course startdate and course_offset_startdate setting Note we are using one static cache here, but by restoreid, so it's ok for concurrence/multiple executions in the same request.

Note: The policy is to roll date only for configurations and not for user data. see MDL-9367.

int$valueTime value (seconds since epoch), or empty for nothing
Return values
intTime value after applying the date offset, or empty for nothing

◆ decrypt()

restore_step::decrypt (   $value)

Returns symmetric-key AES-256 decryption of base64 encoded contents.

This method is used in restore operations to decrypt contents encrypted with encrypted_final_element automatically decoding (base64) and decrypting contents using the key stored in backup_encryptkey config.

Requires openssl, cipher availability, and key existence (backup automatically sets it if missing). Integrity is provided via HMAC.

string$valueencrypted_final_element value to decode and decrypt.
Return values
string|nulldecoded and decrypted value or null if the operation can not be performed.

◆ define_execution()

restore_execution_step::define_execution ( )

◆ destroy()

base_step::destroy ( )

Destroy all circular references.

It helps PHP 5.2 a lot!

◆ execute()

restore_execution_step::execute ( )

This function will perform all the actions necessary to achieve the execution of the plan/part/task.

Implements executable.

◆ log()

base_step::log (   $message,
  $a = null,
  $depth = null,
  $display = false 

This function will be responsible for handling the params, and to call to the corresponding logger->process() once all modifications in params have been performed.

Implements loggable.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: