Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Files | Namespaces | Classes | Functions


file  accumulative_parts.php
 Range processor splitting the course in parts and accumulating data from the start.
file  action.php
 Representation of a suggested action.
file  admin_setting_predictor.php
 Extension to show an error message if the selected predictor is not available.
file  after_now.php
 Interface for time-splitting methods whose ranges' times are after time().
file  after_start.php
 Time splitting method that generates predictions X days/weeks/months after the analysable start.
file  analysable.php
 Any element analysers can analyse.
file  analysis.php
 Runs an analysis of the site.
file  analytics.php
 Adds settings links to admin tree.
file  base.php
 Analysers base class.
file  base.php
 Abstract base indicator.
file  base.php
 Abstract base target.
file  base.php
 Base time splitting method.
file  before_now.php
 Interface for time-splitting methods whose ranges' times are before time().
file  binary.php
 Abstract binary indicator.
file  binary.php
 Binary classifier target.
file  bulk_action.php
 Representation of a suggested bulk action.
file  by_course.php
 Abstract analyser in course basis.
file  calculable.php
 Calculable dataset items abstract class.
file  calculation_info.php
 Extra information generated during the analysis by calculable elements.
file  classifier.php
 Classifier interface.
file  community_of_inquiry_activities_completed_by.php
 Unit tests for activities completed by classification.
file  community_of_inquiry_activity.php
 Community of inquiry abstract indicator.
file  course.php
 Moodle course analysable.
file  dataset_manager.php
 Datasets manager.
file  default_bulk_actions.php
 Default list of bulk actions to reuse across different targets as presets.
file  discrete.php
 Abstract discrete indicator.
file  discrete.php
 Discrete values target.
file  equal_parts.php
 X parts time splitting method.
file  insights_generator.php
 Insights generator.
file  insights_viewed.php
 Insights page viewed event.
file  lib.php
 The interface library between the core and the subsystem.
file  linear.php
 Abstract linear indicator.
file  linear.php
 Linear values target.
file  manager.php
 Analytics basic actions manager.
file  model.php
 Prediction model representation.
file  model_config.php
 Model configuration manager.
file  one_month_after_start.php
 Time splitting method that generates predictions one month after the analysable start.
file  one_week_after_start.php
 Time splitting method that generates predictions one week after the analysable start.
file  packable.php
 Exportable machine learning backend interface.
file  past_3_days.php
 Time splitting method that generates predictions every 3 days.
file  past_month.php
 Time splitting method that generates monthly predictions.
file  past_periodic.php
 Time splitting method that generates predictions regularly.
file  past_week.php
 Time splitting method that generates weekly predictions.
file  periodic.php
 Time splitting method that generates predictions regularly.
file  prediction.php
 Representation of a prediction.
file  prediction_action.php
 Representation of a suggested action associated with a prediction.
file  prediction_action_started.php
 Prediction action clicked event.
file  predictor.php
 Predictions processor interface.
file  regressor.php
 Regressors interface.
file  requirements_exception.php
 Model requirements exception.
file  result.php
 Keeps track of the analysis results.
file  result_array.php
 Keeps track of the analysis results by storing the results in an array.
file  result_file.php
 Keeps track of the analysis results by storing the results in files.
file  site.php
 Moodle site analysable.
file  sitewide.php
 Site-level contents abstract analysable.
file  stats.php
 Provides the core_analytics::stats class.
file  ten_percent_after_start.php
 Time splitting method that generates predictions 3 days after the analysable start.
file  upcoming_3_days.php
 Time splitting method that generates insights every three days and calculates indicators using upcoming dates.
file  upcoming_fortnight.php
 Time splitting method that generates insights every fortnight and calculates indicators using upcoming dates.
file  upcoming_periodic.php
 Time splitting method that generates predictions periodically.
file  upcoming_week.php
 Time splitting method that generates weekly predictions.
file  user.php
 Moodle user analysable.


namespace  core\analytics\time_splitting
namespace  core\event
namespace  core_analytics
namespace  core_analytics\local\analyser
namespace  core_analytics\local\analysis
namespace  core_analytics\local\indicator
namespace  core_analytics\local\target
namespace  core_analytics\local\time_splitting
namespace  core_analytics\privacy


class  community_of_inquiry_activities_completed_by_testcase
 Unit tests for activities completed by classification. More...
class  core\analytics\time_splitting\one_month_after_start
 Time splitting method that generates predictions one month after the analysable start. More...
class  core\analytics\time_splitting\one_week_after_start
 Time splitting method that generates predictions one week after the analysable start. More...
class  core\analytics\time_splitting\past_3_days
 Time splitting method that generates predictions every 3 days. More...
class  core\analytics\time_splitting\past_month
 Time splitting method that generates monthly predictions. More...
class  core\analytics\time_splitting\past_week
 Time splitting method that generates weekly predictions. More...
class  core\analytics\time_splitting\ten_percent_after_start
 Time splitting method that generates predictions 3 days after the analysable start. More...
class  core\analytics\time_splitting\upcoming_3_days
 Time splitting method that generates insights every three days and calculates indicators using upcoming dates. More...
class  core\analytics\time_splitting\upcoming_fortnight
 Time splitting method that generates insights every fortnight and calculates indicators using upcoming dates. More...
class  core\analytics\time_splitting\upcoming_week
 Time splitting method that generates weekly predictions. More...
class  core\event\insights_viewed
 Event triggered after a user views the insights page. More...
class  core\event\prediction_action_started
 Event triggered after a user clicked on one of the prediction suggested actions. More...
class  core_analytics\action
 Representation of a suggested action. More...
class  core_analytics\admin_setting_predictor
 Extension to show an error message if the selected predictor is not available. More...
interface  core_analytics\analysable
 Any element analysers can analyse. More...
class  core_analytics\analysis
 Runs an analysis of the site. More...
class  core_analytics\bulk_action
 Representation of a suggested bulk action. More...
class  core_analytics\calculable
 Calculable dataset items abstract class. More...
class  core_analytics\calculation_info
 Extra information generated during the analysis by calculable elements. More...
interface  core_analytics\classifier
 Classifier interface. More...
class  core_analytics\course
 Moodle course analysable. More...
class  core_analytics\dataset_manager
 Datasets manager. More...
class  core_analytics\default_bulk_actions
 Default list of bulk actions to reuse across different targets as presets. More...
class  core_analytics\insights_generator
 Insights generator. More...
class  core_analytics\local\analyser\base
 Analysers base class. More...
class  core_analytics\local\analyser\by_course
 Abstract analyser in course basis. More...
class  core_analytics\local\analyser\sitewide
 Site-level contents abstract analysable. More...
class  core_analytics\local\analysis\result
 Keeps track of the analysis results. More...
class  core_analytics\local\analysis\result_array
 Keeps track of the analysis results by storing the results in an array. More...
class  core_analytics\local\analysis\result_file
 Keeps track of the analysis results by storing the results in files. More...
class  core_analytics\local\indicator\base
 Abstract base indicator. More...
class  core_analytics\local\indicator\binary
 Abstract binary indicator. More...
class  core_analytics\local\indicator\community_of_inquiry_activity
 Community of inquire abstract indicator. More...
class  core_analytics\local\indicator\discrete
 Abstract discrete indicator. More...
class  core_analytics\local\indicator\linear
 Abstract linear indicator. More...
class  core_analytics\local\target\base
 Abstract base target. More...
class  core_analytics\local\target\binary
 Binary classifier target. More...
class  core_analytics\local\target\discrete
 Discrete values target. More...
class  core_analytics\local\target\linear
 Linear values target. More...
class  core_analytics\local\time_splitting\accumulative_parts
 Range processor splitting the course in parts and accumulating data from the start. More...
interface  core_analytics\local\time_splitting\after_now
 Interface for time-splitting methods whose ranges' times are after time(). More...
class  core_analytics\local\time_splitting\after_start
 Time splitting method that generates predictions X days/weeks/months after the analysable start. More...
class  core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base
 Base time splitting method. More...
interface  core_analytics\local\time_splitting\before_now
 Interface for time-splitting methods whose ranges' times are before time(). More...
class  core_analytics\local\time_splitting\equal_parts
 X parts time splitting method. More...
class  core_analytics\local\time_splitting\past_periodic
 Time splitting method that generates predictions periodically. More...
class  core_analytics\local\time_splitting\periodic
 Time splitting method that generates predictions periodically. More...
class  core_analytics\local\time_splitting\upcoming_periodic
 Time splitting method that generates predictions periodically. More...
class  core_analytics\manager
 Analytics basic actions manager. More...
class  core_analytics\model_config
 Model configuration manager. More...
interface  core_analytics\packable
 Exportable machine learning backend interface. More...
class  core_analytics\prediction
 Representation of a prediction. More...
class  core_analytics\prediction_action
 Representation of a suggested action associated with a prediction. More...
interface  core_analytics\predictor
 Predictors interface. More...
class  core_analytics\privacy\provider
 Privacy Subsystem for core_analytics implementing metadata and plugin providers. More...
interface  core_analytics\regressor
 Regressors interface. More...
class  core_analytics\requirements_exception
 Dummy class to identify model requirements exceptions. More...
class  core_analytics\site
 Moodle site analysable. More...
class  core_analytics\stats
 Provides stats and meta information about the analytics usage on this site. More...
class  core_analytics\user
 Moodle user analysable. More...


 core_analytics_inplace_editable ($itemtype, $itemid, $newvalue)
 Implements the inplace editable feature. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ core_analytics_inplace_editable()

core_analytics_inplace_editable (   $itemtype,

Implements the inplace editable feature.

string$itemtypeType if the inplace editable element
int$itemidIdentifier of the element
string$newvalueNew value for the element
Return values