Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Files | Functions | Variables


file  install.php
 Post installation and migration code.
file  install.php
 Post installation and migration code.
file  install.php
 Post installation and migration code.
file  install.php
 Post installation and migration code.
file  install.php
 Post installation and migration code.
file  lib.php
 Version details.
file  lib.php
 This file contains public API of outline report.
file  lib.php
 This file contains functions used by the participation report.
file  lib.php
 This file contains functions used by the progress report.
file  lib.php
 This file contains functions used by the log reports.
file  locallib.php
 This file contains functions used by the outline reports.
file  locallib.php
 Reports implementation.
file  settings.php
 Settings for the backups report.
file  settings.php
 Report settings.
file  settings.php
 Report settings.
file  settings.php
 Settings and links.
file  settings.php
 Version info.
file  version.php
 Version details.
file  version.php
 Version details.
file  version.php
 Version details.
file  version.php
 Version info.
file  version.php
 Version info.
file  version.php
 Version info.
file  version.php
 Version details.
file  version.php
 Version info.
file  version.php
 Version info.


 report_completion_extend_navigation_course ($navigation, $course, $context)
 This function extends the navigation with the report items. More...
 report_completion_extend_navigation_user ($navigation, $user, $course)
 This function extends the course navigation with the report items. More...
 report_completion_page_type_list ($pagetype, $parentcontext, $currentcontext)
 Return a list of page types. More...
 report_outline_extend_navigation_course ($navigation, $course, $context)
 This function extends the course navigation with the report items. More...
 report_outline_extend_navigation_user ($navigation, $user, $course)
 This function extends the course navigation with the report items. More...
 report_outline_get_common_log_variables ()
 Returns an array of the commonly used log variables by the outline report. More...
 report_outline_myprofile_navigation (core_user\output\myprofile\tree $tree, $user, $iscurrentuser, $course)
 Add nodes to myprofile page. More...
 report_outline_page_type_list ($pagetype, $parentcontext, $currentcontext)
 Return a list of page types. More...
 report_outline_print_row ($mod, $instance, $result)
 report_outline_supports_logstore ($instance)
 Callback to verify if the given instance of store is supported by this report or not. More...
 report_outline_user_complete ($userid, $cmid, $module, $instanceid)
 Display the most commonly used user complete information. More...
 report_outline_user_outline ($userid, $cmid, $module, $instanceid)
 Return the most commonly used user outline information. More...
 report_participation_extend_navigation_course ($navigation, $course, $context)
 This function extends the navigation with the report items. More...
 report_participation_page_type_list ($pagetype, $parentcontext, $currentcontext)
 Return a list of page types. More...
 report_participation_supports_logstore ($instance)
 Callback to verify if the given instance of store is supported by this report or not. More...
 report_progress_extend_navigation_course ($navigation, $course, $context)
 This function extends the navigation with the report items. More...
 report_progress_page_type_list ($pagetype, $parentcontext, $currentcontext)
 Return a list of page types. More...
 report_stats_extend_navigation_course ($navigation, $course, $context)
 This function extends the navigation with the report items. More...
 report_stats_extend_navigation_user ($navigation, $user, $course)
 This function extends the course navigation with the report items. More...
 report_stats_mode_menu ($course, $mode, $time, $url)
 report_stats_myprofile_navigation (core_user\output\myprofile\tree $tree, $user, $iscurrentuser, $course)
 Add nodes to myprofile page. More...
 report_stats_page_type_list ($pagetype, $parentcontext, $currentcontext)
 Return a list of page types. More...
 report_stats_print_chart ($courseid, $report, $time, $mode, $userid=0, $roleid=0)
 Fetch statistics data and generate a line chart. More...
 report_stats_report ($course, $report, $mode, $user, $roleid, $time)
 report_stats_supports_logstore ($instance)
 Callback to verify if the given instance of store is supported by this report or not. More...
 report_stats_timeoptions ($mode)
 xmldb_report_completion_install ()
 xmldb_report_outline_install ()
 xmldb_report_participation_install ()
 xmldb_report_progress_install ()
 xmldb_report_stats_install ()


 $plugin = 2020060900
 $plugin = 2020060900
 $plugin = 2020060900
 $plugin = 2020060900
 $plugin = 2020060900
 $plugin = 2020060900
 $plugin = 2020060900
 $plugin = 2020060900
 $plugin = 2020060900
 $settings = null
 $settings = null
 $settings = null
 $settings = null
 $settings = null
$plugin component = 'report_backups'
$plugin component = 'report_completion'
$plugin component = 'report_configlog'
$plugin component = 'report_courseoverview'
$plugin component = 'report_outline'
$plugin component = 'report_participation'
$plugin component = 'report_progress'
$plugin component = 'report_questioninstances'
$plugin component = 'report_stats'
$plugin version = 2020061500
$plugin version = 2020061500
$plugin version = 2020061500
$plugin version = 2020061500
$plugin version = 2020061500
$plugin version = 2020061500
$plugin version = 2020061500
$plugin version = 2020061500
$plugin version = 2020061500

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ report_completion_extend_navigation_course()

report_completion_extend_navigation_course (   $navigation,

This function extends the navigation with the report items.

navigation_node$navigationThe navigation node to extend
stdClass$courseThe course to object for the report
stdClass$contextThe context of the course

◆ report_completion_extend_navigation_user()

report_completion_extend_navigation_user (   $navigation,

This function extends the course navigation with the report items.

navigation_node$navigationThe navigation node to extend
stdClass$courseThe course to object for the report

◆ report_completion_page_type_list()

report_completion_page_type_list (   $pagetype,

Return a list of page types.

string$pagetypecurrent page type
stdClass$parentcontextBlock's parent context
stdClass$currentcontextCurrent context of block
Return values

◆ report_outline_extend_navigation_course()

report_outline_extend_navigation_course (   $navigation,

This function extends the course navigation with the report items.

navigation_node$navigationThe navigation node to extend
stdClass$courseThe course to object for the report
stdClass$contextThe context of the course

◆ report_outline_extend_navigation_user()

report_outline_extend_navigation_user (   $navigation,

This function extends the course navigation with the report items.

navigation_node$navigationThe navigation node to extend
stdClass$courseThe course to object for the report

◆ report_outline_get_common_log_variables()

report_outline_get_common_log_variables ( )

Returns an array of the commonly used log variables by the outline report.

Return values
arraythe array of variables used

◆ report_outline_myprofile_navigation()

report_outline_myprofile_navigation ( core_user\output\myprofile\tree  $tree,

Add nodes to myprofile page.

core_user::output::myprofile::tree$treeTree object
stdClass$useruser object
stdClass$courseCourse object
Return values

◆ report_outline_page_type_list()

report_outline_page_type_list (   $pagetype,

Return a list of page types.

string$pagetypecurrent page type
stdClass$parentcontextBlock's parent context
stdClass$currentcontextCurrent context of block
Return values

◆ report_outline_supports_logstore()

report_outline_supports_logstore (   $instance)

Callback to verify if the given instance of store is supported by this report or not.

string$instancestore instance.
Return values
boolreturns true if the store is supported by the report, false otherwise.

◆ report_outline_user_complete()

report_outline_user_complete (   $userid,

Display the most commonly used user complete information.

int$useridthe id of the user
int$cmidthe course module id
string$modulethe name of the module (eg. 'book')
int$instanceid(eg. the 'id' in the 'book' table)
Return values

◆ report_outline_user_outline()

report_outline_user_outline (   $userid,

Return the most commonly used user outline information.

int$useridthe id of the user
int$cmidthe course module id
string$modulethe name of the module (eg. 'book')
int$instanceid(eg. the 'id' in the 'book' table)
Return values
stdClass|nullif any information is found then a stdClass containing this info is returned, else null is.

◆ report_participation_extend_navigation_course()

report_participation_extend_navigation_course (   $navigation,

This function extends the navigation with the report items.

navigation_node$navigationThe navigation node to extend
stdClass$courseThe course to object for the report
stdClass$contextThe context of the course

◆ report_participation_page_type_list()

report_participation_page_type_list (   $pagetype,

Return a list of page types.

string$pagetypecurrent page type
stdClass$parentcontextBlock's parent context
stdClass$currentcontextCurrent context of block
Return values

◆ report_participation_supports_logstore()

report_participation_supports_logstore (   $instance)

Callback to verify if the given instance of store is supported by this report or not.

string$instancestore instance.
Return values
boolreturns true if the store is supported by the report, false otherwise.

◆ report_progress_extend_navigation_course()

report_progress_extend_navigation_course (   $navigation,

This function extends the navigation with the report items.

navigation_node$navigationThe navigation node to extend
stdClass$courseThe course to object for the report
stdClass$contextThe context of the course

◆ report_progress_page_type_list()

report_progress_page_type_list (   $pagetype,

Return a list of page types.

string$pagetypecurrent page type
stdClass$parentcontextBlock's parent context
stdClass$currentcontextCurrent context of block
Return values

◆ report_stats_extend_navigation_course()

report_stats_extend_navigation_course (   $navigation,

This function extends the navigation with the report items.

navigation_node$navigationThe navigation node to extend
stdClass$courseThe course to object for the report
stdClass$contextThe context of the course

◆ report_stats_extend_navigation_user()

report_stats_extend_navigation_user (   $navigation,

This function extends the course navigation with the report items.

navigation_node$navigationThe navigation node to extend
stdClass$courseThe course to object for the report

◆ report_stats_myprofile_navigation()

report_stats_myprofile_navigation ( core_user\output\myprofile\tree  $tree,

Add nodes to myprofile page.

core_user::output::myprofile::tree$treeTree object
stdClass$useruser object
stdClass$courseCourse object
Return values

◆ report_stats_page_type_list()

report_stats_page_type_list (   $pagetype,

Return a list of page types.

string$pagetypecurrent page type
stdClass$parentcontextBlock's parent context
stdClass$currentcontextCurrent context of block
Return values

◆ report_stats_print_chart()

report_stats_print_chart (   $courseid,
  $userid = 0,
  $roleid = 0 

Fetch statistics data and generate a line chart.

The statistic chart can be view, posts separated by roles and dates.

int$courseidcourse id.
int$reportthe report type constant eg. STATS_REPORT_LOGINS as defined on statslib.
int$timetimestamp of the selected time period.
int$modethe report mode, eg. STATS_MODE_DETAILED as defined on statslib.
int$useridselected user id.
int$roleidselected role id.

◆ report_stats_supports_logstore()

report_stats_supports_logstore (   $instance)

Callback to verify if the given instance of store is supported by this report or not.

string$instancestore instance.
Return values
boolreturns true if the store is supported by the report, false otherwise.