Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Files | Namespaces | Classes | Functions | Variables


file  access.php
 Capability definitions for this module.
file  api.php
 Class containing helper methods for processing data requests.
file  behat_tool_dataprivacy.php
 Step definitions to generate database fixtures for the data privacy tool.
file  caches.php
 tool_dataprivacy cache definitions.
file  categories.php
 Categories renderable.
file  category.php
 Class for loading/storing data categories from the DB.
file  category.php
 This file contains the form add/update a data category.
file  category_exporter.php
 Class for exporting data category.
file  context_instance.php
 Class for loading/storing context instances data from the DB.
file  context_instance.php
 This file contains the form add/update context instance data.
file  context_instance_exporter.php
 Class for exporting context instance.
file  contextlevel.php
 Class for loading/storing context level data from the DB.
file  contextlevel.php
 This file contains the form add/update context level data.
file  createdatarequest_form.php
 The contact form to the site's Data Protection Officer.
file  crud_element.php
 Abstract renderer for independent renderable elements.
file  data_deletion_page.php
 Class containing data for a user's data requests.
file  data_privacy_testcase.php
 Parent class for tests which need data privacy functionality.
file  data_registry.php
 Data registry business logic methods.
file  data_registry_compliance_page.php
 Contains the data registry compliance renderable.
file  data_registry_page.php
 Data registry renderable.
file  data_request.php
 Class for loading/storing data requests from the DB.
file  data_request_exporter.php
 Class for exporting user evidence with all competencies.
file  data_requests_page.php
 Class containing data for a user's data requests.
file  data_requests_table.php
 Contains the class used for the displaying the data requests table.
file  defaults_page.php
 Class containing data for the data registry defaults.
file  delete_existing_deleted_users.php
 Scheduled task to create delete data request for pre-existing deleted users.
file  delete_expired_contexts.php
 Scheduled task to delete expired context instances once they are approved for deletion.
file  delete_expired_requests.php
 Scheduled task to delete files and update statuses of expired data requests.
file  events.php
 This file defines observers needed by the plugin.
file  expired_context.php
 Class that represents an expired context.
file  expired_contexts_manager.php
 Expired contexts manager.
file  expired_contexts_table.php
 Contains the class used for the displaying the expired contexts table.
file  expired_retention_period.php
 Scheduled task to flag contexts as expired.
file  expiry_info.php
 Expiry Data.
file  external.php
 Class containing the external API functions functions for the Data Privacy tool.
file  filtered_userlist.php
 An implementation of a userlist which has been filtered and approved.
file  helper.php
 Collection of helper functions for the data privacy tool.
file  lib.php
 Data privacy plugin library.
file  lib.php
 Data privacy tool data generator.
file  manager_observer.php
 Class tool_dataprivacy::manager_observer.
file  messages.php
 Defines message providers (types of messages being sent)
file  my_data_requests_page.php
 Class containing data for a user's data requests.
file  name_description_exporter.php
 Class for exporting an object containing a name and a description.
file  page_helper.php
 Page helper.
file  process_data_request_task.php
 Adhoc task that processes an approved data request and prepares/deletes the user's data.
file  provider.php
 Privacy class for requesting user data.
file  purpose.php
 This file contains the form add/update a data purpose.
file  purpose.php
 Class for loading/storing data purposes from the DB.
file  purpose_exporter.php
 Class for exporting data purpose.
file  purpose_override.php
 Class for loading/storing data purpose overrides from the DB.
file  purposes.php
 Purposes renderable.
file  renderer.php
 Renderer class for tool_dataprivacy.
file  request_filter.php
 Class containing the filter options data for rendering the autocomplete element for the data requests page.
file  services.php
 Chat external functions and service definitions.
file  settings.php
 Adds Data privacy-related settings.
file  summary_page.php
 Summary page renderable.
file  tasks.php
 This file defines tasks performed by the tool.
file  upgrade.php
 tool_dataprivacy plugin upgrade code
file  user_deleted_observer.php
 Event observers supported by this module.
file  version.php
 Data privacy plugin version information.


namespace  tool_dataprivacy
namespace  tool_dataprivacy\event
namespace  tool_dataprivacy\external
namespace  tool_dataprivacy\form
namespace  tool_dataprivacy\local
namespace  tool_dataprivacy\output
namespace  tool_dataprivacy\privacy
namespace  tool_dataprivacy\task


class  behat_tool_dataprivacy
class  data_privacy_testcase
 Parent class for tests which need data privacy functionality. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\api
 Class containing helper methods for processing data requests. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\category
 Class for loading/storing data categories from the DB. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\context_instance
 Class for loading/storing context instances data from the DB. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\contextlevel
 Class for loading/storing context level data from the DB. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\data_registry
 Data registry business logic methods. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\data_request
 Class for loading/storing data requests from the DB. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\event\user_deleted_observer
 Event observers supported by this module. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\expired_context
 Class that represents an expired context. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\expired_contexts_manager
 Expired contexts manager. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\expiry_info
 Expiry Data. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\external
 Class external. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\external\category_exporter
 Class for exporting field data. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\external\context_instance_exporter
 Class for exporting context instance. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\external\data_request_exporter
 Class for exporting user evidence with all competencies. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\external\name_description_exporter
 Class that exports an object containing a name and a description. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\external\purpose_exporter
 Class for exporting field data. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\filtered_userlist
 An implementation of a userlist which can be filtered by role. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\form\category
 Data category form. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\form\context_instance
 Context instance data form. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\form\contextlevel
 Context level data form. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\form\purpose
 Data purpose form. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\local\helper
 Class containing helper functions for the data privacy tool. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\manager_observer
 A failure observer for the core_privacy::manager. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\metadata_registry
 Class containing helper methods for processing data requests. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\output\categories
 Class containing the categories page renderable. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\output\crud_element
 Abstract renderer for independent renderable elements. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\output\data_deletion_page
 Class containing data for a user's data requests. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\output\data_registry_compliance_page
 Class containing the data registry compliance renderable. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\output\data_registry_page
 Class containing the data registry renderable. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\output\data_requests_page
 Class containing data for a user's data requests. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\output\data_requests_table
 The class for displaying the data requests table. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\output\defaults_page
 Class containing data for the data registry defaults. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\output\expired_contexts_table
 The class for displaying the expired contexts table. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\output\my_data_requests_page
 Class containing data for a user's data requests. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\output\purposes
 Class containing the purposes page renderable. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\output\renderer
 Renderer class for tool_dataprivacy. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\output\request_filter
 Class containing the filter options data for rendering the autocomplete element for the data requests page. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\output\summary_page
 Class containing the summary page renderable. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\page_helper
 Page helper. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\privacy\provider
 Privacy class for requesting user data. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\purpose
 Class for loading/storing data purposes from the DB. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\purpose_override
 Class for loading/storing data purpose overrides from the DB. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\task\delete_existing_deleted_users
 Scheduled task to create delete data request for pre-existing deleted users. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\task\delete_expired_contexts
 Scheduled task to delete expired context instances once they are approved for deletion. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\task\delete_expired_requests
 Scheduled task to delete files and update request statuses once they expire. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\task\expired_retention_period
 Scheduled task to flag contexts as expired. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy\task\process_data_request_task
 Class that processes an approved data request and prepares/deletes the user's data. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy_data_request_form
 The contact form to the site's Data Protection Officer. More...
class  tool_dataprivacy_generator


 tool_dataprivacy_myprofile_navigation (tree $tree, $user, $iscurrentuser, $course)
 Add nodes to myprofile page. More...
 tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_addcategory_form ($args)
 Fragment to add a new category. More...
 tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_addpurpose_form ($args)
 Fragment to add a new purpose. More...
 tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_context_form ($args)
 Fragment to edit a context purpose and category. More...
 tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_contextlevel_form ($args)
 Fragment to edit a contextlevel purpose and category. More...
 tool_dataprivacy_pluginfile ($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload, array $options=array())
 Serves any files associated with the data privacy settings. More...
 tool_dataprivacy_standard_footer_html ()
 Callback to add footer elements. More...
 xmldb_tool_dataprivacy_upgrade ($oldversion)
 Function to upgrade tool_dataprivacy. More...


 $plugin = 2020060900
$plugin component = 'tool_dataprivacy'
$plugin version = 2020061501

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ tool_dataprivacy_myprofile_navigation()

tool_dataprivacy_myprofile_navigation ( tree  $tree,

Add nodes to myprofile page.

tree$treeTree object
stdClass$userUser object
stdClass$courseCourse object
Return values

◆ tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_addcategory_form()

tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_addcategory_form (   $args)

Fragment to add a new category.

array$argsThe fragment arguments.
Return values
stringThe rendered mform fragment.

◆ tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_addpurpose_form()

tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_addpurpose_form (   $args)

Fragment to add a new purpose.

array$argsThe fragment arguments.
Return values
stringThe rendered mform fragment.

◆ tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_context_form()

tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_context_form (   $args)

Fragment to edit a context purpose and category.

array$argsThe fragment arguments.
Return values
stringThe rendered mform fragment.

◆ tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_contextlevel_form()

tool_dataprivacy_output_fragment_contextlevel_form (   $args)

Fragment to edit a contextlevel purpose and category.

array$argsThe fragment arguments.
Return values
stringThe rendered mform fragment.

◆ tool_dataprivacy_pluginfile()

tool_dataprivacy_pluginfile (   $course,
array  $options = array() 

Serves any files associated with the data privacy settings.

stdClass$courseCourse object
stdClass$cmCourse module object
string$fileareaFile area for data privacy
bool$forcedownloadIf we are forcing the download
array$optionsMore options
Return values
boolReturns false if we don't find a file.

◆ tool_dataprivacy_standard_footer_html()

tool_dataprivacy_standard_footer_html ( )

Callback to add footer elements.

Return values
stringHTML footer content

◆ xmldb_tool_dataprivacy_upgrade()

xmldb_tool_dataprivacy_upgrade (   $oldversion)

Function to upgrade tool_dataprivacy.

int$oldversionthe version we are upgrading from
Return values

Variable Documentation

◆ $definitions

Initial value:
= array(
'purpose' => array(
'simplekeys' => true,
'simpledata' => true,
'staticacceleration' => true,
'staticaccelerationsize' => 30,
'purpose_overrides' => array(
'simplekeys' => true,
'simpledata' => false,
'staticacceleration' => true,
'staticaccelerationsize' => 50,
'contextlevel' => array(
'simplekeys' => true,
'simpledata' => true,
'staticacceleration' => true,
'staticaccelerationsize' => 10,
Application caches.
Definition: store.php:138

◆ $messageproviders

Initial value:
= [
'contactdataprotectionofficer' => [
'defaults' => [
'capability' => 'tool/dataprivacy:managedatarequests'
'datarequestprocessingresults' => [
'defaults' => [
'notifyexceptions' => [
'defaults' => [
'capability' => 'tool/dataprivacy:managedatarequests'
Define contants for messaging default settings population.
Definition: lib.php:44

◆ $observers

Initial value:
= [
'eventname' => '\core\event\user_deleted',
'callback' => '\tool_dataprivacy\event\user_deleted_observer::create_delete_data_request',