Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Files | Namespaces | Classes | Functions | Variables


file  access.php
 Define capabilities for plugin.
file  access_manager.php
 Manage the access to the quiz.
file  access_prevented.php
 Event for when access to a quiz is prevented by this subplugin.
file  backup_quizaccess_seb_subplugin.class.php
 Backup instructions for the seb (Safe Exam Browser) quiz access subplugin.
file  behat_quizaccess_seb_generator.php
 Behat data generator the quizaccess_seb plugin.
file  caches.php
 Plugin cache definitions.
file  config_key.php
 Class for generating and representing a Safe Exam Browser config key.
file  helper.php
 Helper class.
file  hideif_rule.php
 Class to store data for "hide if" rules for the settings form.
file  install.php
 Install script for plugin.
file  lib.php
 Main library of plugin.
file  lib.php
 Data generator the quizaccess_seb plugin.
file  property_list.php
 Wrapper for CFPropertyList to handle low level iteration.
file  provider.php
 Privacy Subsystem implementation for quizaccess_seb.
file  quiz_settings.php
 Entity model representing quiz settings for the seb plugin.
file  restore_quizaccess_seb_subplugin.class.php
 Restore instructions for the seb (Safe Exam Browser) quiz access subplugin.
file  rule.php
 Implementation of the quizaccess_seb plugin.
file  settings.php
 Global configuration settings for the quizaccess_seb plugin.
file  settings_provider.php
 Class for providing quiz settings, to make setting up quiz form manageable.
file  template.php
 Form for manipulating with the template records.
file  template.php
 Entity model representing template settings for the seb plugin.
file  template_controller.php
 Class for manipulating with the template records.
file  template_created.php
 Event for when a template is created.
file  template_deleted.php
 Event for when a template is deleted.
file  template_disabled.php
 Event for when a template is disabled.
file  template_enabled.php
 Event for when a template is enabled.
file  template_list.php
 Templates table.
file  template_updated.php
 Event for when a template is updated.
file  test_helper_trait.php
 A test helper trait.
file  upgrade.php
 Upgrade script for plugin.
file  version.php
 Version information for the quizaccess_seb plugin.


namespace  quizaccess_seb
namespace  quizaccess_seb\event
namespace  quizaccess_seb\local\form
namespace  quizaccess_seb\local\table
namespace  quizaccess_seb\privacy


class  backup_quizaccess_seb_subplugin
 Backup instructions for the seb (Safe Exam Browser) quiz access subplugin. More...
class  behat_quizaccess_seb_generator
 Behat data generator for quizaccess_seb. More...
class  quizaccess_seb
 Implementation of the quizaccess_seb plugin. More...
class  quizaccess_seb\access_manager
 Manage the access to the quiz. More...
class  quizaccess_seb\config_key
 Class for generating and representing a Safe Exam Browser config key. More...
class  quizaccess_seb\event\access_prevented
 Event for when access to a quiz is prevented by this subplugin. More...
class  quizaccess_seb\event\template_created
 Event for when a template is created. More...
class  quizaccess_seb\event\template_deleted
 Event for when a template is deleted. More...
class  quizaccess_seb\event\template_disabled
 Event for when a template is disabled. More...
class  quizaccess_seb\event\template_enabled
 Event for when a template is enabled. More...
class  quizaccess_seb\event\template_updated
 Event for when a template is updated. More...
class  quizaccess_seb\helper
 Helper class. More...
class  quizaccess_seb\hideif_rule
 Class to store data for "hide if" rules for the settings form. More...
class  quizaccess_seb\link_generator
 Generate the links to open/download the Safe Exam Browser with correct settings. More...
class  quizaccess_seb\local\form\template
 Form for manipulating with the template records. More...
class  quizaccess_seb\local\table\template_list
 Templates table. More...
class  quizaccess_seb\privacy\provider
 Privacy Subsystem implementation for quizaccess_seb. More...
class  quizaccess_seb\property_list
 Wrapper for CFPropertyList to handle low level iteration. More...
class  quizaccess_seb\quiz_settings
 Entity model representing quiz settings for the seb plugin. More...
class  quizaccess_seb\settings_provider
 Helper class for providing quiz settings, to make setting up quiz form manageable. More...
class  quizaccess_seb\template
 Entity model representing template settings for the seb plugin. More...
class  quizaccess_seb\template_controller
 Class for manipulating with the template records. More...
class  quizaccess_seb_generator
 Data generator the quizaccess_seb plugin. More...
class  restore_quizaccess_seb_subplugin
 Restore instructions for the seb (Safe Exam Browser) quiz access subplugin. More...


 assign_user_capability ($capability, $contextid, $roleid=null)
 Assign a capability to $USER The function creates a student $USER if $USER->id is empty. More...
 attempt_quiz ($quiz, $user)
 Answer questions for a quiz + user. More...
 create_module_test_file (string $xml, string $cmid)
 Create a file in a modules filearea. More...
 create_template (string $xml=null)
 Create test template. More...
 create_test_draftarea_file (string $xml)
 Creates a file in the user draft area. More...
 create_test_quiz ($course, $requiresafeexambrowser=settings_provider::USE_SEB_NO)
 Create a test quiz for the specified course. More...
 get_access_manager ()
 Get access manager for testing. More...
 get_test_settings ()
 Get a test object containing mock test settings. More...
 make_rule ()
 A helper method to make the rule form the currently created quiz and course. More...
 quizaccess_seb_pluginfile ($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload, array $options=array())
 Serve the files. More...
 set_up_quiz_view_page ()
 A helper method to set up quiz view page.
 strip_all_prefixes (\stdClass $settings)
 Strip the seb_ prefix from each setting key. More...
 xmldb_quizaccess_seb_install ()
 Custom code to be run on installing the plugin.
 xmldb_quizaccess_seb_upgrade ($oldversion)
 Function to upgrade quizaccess_seb plugin. More...


global $ADMIN
global $CFG
global $CFG
 $plugin = 2020060900
stdClass $quiz
 $quiz A test quiz.
stdClass $user
 $user A test logged-in user.
$plugin component = 'quizaccess_seb'
$plugin maturity = MATURITY_STABLE
trait quizaccess_seb_test_helper_trait
 A test helper trait. More...
$plugin version = 2020061500

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ assign_user_capability()

assign_user_capability (   $capability,
  $roleid = null 

Assign a capability to $USER The function creates a student $USER if $USER->id is empty.

string$capabilityCapability name.
int$contextidContext ID.
int$roleidRole ID.
Return values
intThe role id - mainly returned for creation, so calling function can reuse it.

◆ attempt_quiz()

attempt_quiz (   $quiz,

Answer questions for a quiz + user.

stdClass$quizQuiz to attempt.
stdClass$userA user to attempt the quiz.
Return values

◆ create_module_test_file()

create_module_test_file ( string  $xml,
string  $cmid 

Create a file in a modules filearea.

string$xmlXML content of the file.
string$cmidCourse module id.
Return values
intItem ID of file.

◆ create_template()

create_template ( string  $xml = null)

Create test template.

string | null$xmlTemplate content.
Return values
quizaccess_seb::templateJust created template.

◆ create_test_draftarea_file()

create_test_draftarea_file ( string  $xml)

Creates a file in the user draft area.

Return values
intThe user draftarea id

◆ create_test_quiz()

create_test_quiz (   $course,
  $requiresafeexambrowser = settings_provider::USE_SEB_NO 

Create a test quiz for the specified course.

int$requiresafeexambrowserHow to use SEB for this quiz?
Return values

◆ get_access_manager()

get_access_manager ( )

Get access manager for testing.

Return values

◆ get_test_settings()

get_test_settings ( )

Get a test object containing mock test settings.

Return values

◆ make_rule()

make_rule ( )

A helper method to make the rule form the currently created quiz and course.

Return values

◆ quizaccess_seb_pluginfile()

quizaccess_seb_pluginfile (   $course,
array  $options = array() 

Serve the files.

stdClass$coursethe course object
stdClass$cmthe course module object
context$contextthe context
string$fileareathe name of the file area
array$argsextra arguments (itemid, path)
bool$forcedownloadwhether or not force download
array$optionsadditional options affecting the file serving
Return values
boolfalse if the file not found, just send the file otherwise and do not return anything

◆ strip_all_prefixes()

strip_all_prefixes ( \stdClass  $settings)

Strip the seb_ prefix from each setting key.

stdClass$settingsObject containing settings.
Return values
stdClassThe modified settings object.

◆ xmldb_quizaccess_seb_upgrade()

xmldb_quizaccess_seb_upgrade (   $oldversion)

Function to upgrade quizaccess_seb plugin.

int$oldversionThe version we are upgrading from.
Return values

Variable Documentation

◆ $definitions

Initial value:
= [
'quizsettings' => [
'simplekeys' => true,
'simpledata' => true,
'staticacceleration' => true,
'config' => [
'simplekeys' => true,
'simpledata' => true,
'staticacceleration' => true,
'configkey' => [
'simplekeys' => true,
'simpledata' => true,
'staticacceleration' => true,
Application caches.
Definition: store.php:138

◆ quizaccess_seb_test_helper_trait

trait quizaccess_seb_test_helper_trait
Initial value:
protected stdClass $course

A test helper trait.

It has some common helper methods.

License GNU GPL v3 or later