Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Files | Namespaces | Classes | Functions | Variables


file  access.php
 Plugin capabilities.
file  assignment.php
 Subplugin info class.
file  backup_assignment_activity_task.class.php
 Defines backup_assignment_activity_task class.
file  backup_assignment_stepslib.php
 @subpackage backup-moodle2
file  events.php
 Definition of assignment event handlers.
file  install.php
 Disable the assignment module for new installs.
file  lib.php
 Provides support for the conversion of moodle1 backup to the moodle2 format Based off of a template @
file  lib.php
 assignment_base is the base class for assignment types
file  lib.php
 mod_assignment data generator
file  log.php
 Definition of log events.
file  messages.php
 Defines message providers (types of messages being sent)
file  mod_form.php
 This file contains the forms to create and edit an instance of this module.
file  provider.php
 Privacy Subsystem implementation for mod_assignment.
file  restore_assignment_activity_task.class.php
 @subpackage backup-moodle2
file  restore_assignment_stepslib.php
 @subpackage backup-moodle2
file  version.php
 Version information.


namespace  mod_assignment\plugininfo
namespace  mod_assignment\privacy


class  backup_assignment_activity_structure_step
 Define all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_assignment_activity_task. More...
class  backup_assignment_activity_task
 Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Assignment instance. More...
class  mod_assignment\plugininfo\assignment
class  mod_assignment\privacy\provider
 Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for mod_assignment. More...
class  mod_assignment_generator
class  mod_assignment_mod_form
 Disabled assignment settings form. More...
class  moodle1_assignment_subplugin_handler
 Base class for the assignment subplugin handler Extend this for your own subplugin conversion handling purposes. More...
class  moodle1_assignment_unsupported_subplugin_handler
 This class handles subplugins that do not exist or that are not supported. More...
class  moodle1_mod_assignment_handler
 Assignment conversion handler. More...
class  restore_assignment_activity_structure_step
 Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_assignment_activity_task. More...
class  restore_assignment_activity_task
 assignment restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity More...


 assignment_add_instance ($assignment, $mform=null)
 Adds an assignment instance. More...
 assignment_delete_instance ($id)
 Deletes an assignment instance. More...
 assignment_supports ($feature)
 xmldb_assignment_install ()
 Code run after the mod_assignment module database tables have been created. More...


global mod_assignment\privacy::$CFG
 $handlers = array()
 $plugin = 2020060900
$plugin component = 'mod_assignment'
$plugin cron = 60
$plugin version = 2020061500

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ assignment_add_instance()

assignment_add_instance (   $assignment,
  $mform = null 

Adds an assignment instance.

Only used by generators so we can create old assignments to test the upgrade.

Return values
intintance id

◆ assignment_delete_instance()

assignment_delete_instance (   $id)

Deletes an assignment instance.


◆ assignment_supports()

assignment_supports (   $feature)
string$featureFEATURE_xx constant for requested feature
Return values
mixedTrue if module supports feature, null if doesn't know

◆ xmldb_assignment_install()

xmldb_assignment_install ( )

Code run after the mod_assignment module database tables have been created.

Disables this plugin for new installs

Return values

Variable Documentation

◆ $logs

Initial value:
= array(
array('module'=>'assignment', 'action'=>'view', 'mtable'=>'assignment', 'field'=>'name'),
array('module'=>'assignment', 'action'=>'add', 'mtable'=>'assignment', 'field'=>'name'),
array('module'=>'assignment', 'action'=>'update', 'mtable'=>'assignment', 'field'=>'name'),
array('module'=>'assignment', 'action'=>'view submission', 'mtable'=>'assignment', 'field'=>'name'),
array('module'=>'assignment', 'action'=>'upload', 'mtable'=>'assignment', 'field'=>'name'),

◆ $messageproviders

Initial value:
= array (
'assignment_updates' => array (