| mod_wiki_get_tagged_pages ($tag, $exclusivemode=false, $fromctx=0, $ctx=0, $rec=1, $page=0) |
| Returns wiki pages tagged with a specified tag.
| wiki_add_comment ($context, $pageid, $content, $editor) |
| Add comments ro database.
| wiki_add_progress ($pageid, $oldversionid, $versionid, $progress) |
| wiki_add_subwiki ($wikiid, $groupid, $userid=0) |
| Add a new sub wiki instance.
| wiki_build_tree ($page, $node, &$keys) |
| Generate wiki's page tree.
| wiki_can_create_pages ($context, $user=null) |
| Check if the user can create pages in a certain wiki.
| wiki_count_wiki_page_versions ($pageid) |
| Count the number of page version.
| wiki_create_page ($swid, $title, $format, $userid) |
| Create a new wiki page, if the page exists, return existing pageid.
| wiki_delete_comment ($idcomment, $context, $pageid) |
| Delete comments from database.
| wiki_delete_comments_wiki () |
| Delete al comments from wiki.
mixed | wiki_delete_links ($linkid=null, $topageid=null, $frompageid=null, $subwikiid=null) |
| Deletes wiki_links.
| wiki_delete_locks ($pageid, $userid=null, $section=null, $delete_from_db=true, $delete_section_and_page=false) |
| Deletes wiki_locks that are not in use.
| wiki_delete_old_locks () |
| Deletes wiki_locks that expired 1 hour ago.
| wiki_delete_page_versions ($deleteversions, $context=null) |
| Delete specificed versions of a page or versions created by users if version is 0 then it will remove all versions of the page.
| wiki_delete_pages ($context, $pageids=null, $subwikiid=null) |
| Delete pages and all related data.
| wiki_delete_synonym ($subwikiid, $pageid=null) |
| Delete wiki synonyms related to subwikiid or page.
| wiki_get_comment ($commentid) |
| wiki_get_comments ($contextid, $pageid) |
| Returns all comments by context and pageid.
| wiki_get_contributions ($swid, $userid) |
| Get pages which user have been edited.
| wiki_get_current_version ($pageid) |
| Get latest version of wiki page.
| wiki_get_first_page ($subwikid, $module=null) |
| Get first page of wiki instace.
| wiki_get_formats () |
| Text format supported by wiki module.
| wiki_get_last_version ($pageid) |
| Alias of wiki_get_current_version @TODO, does the exactly same thing as wiki_get_current_version, should be removed.
| wiki_get_linked_from_pages ($pageid) |
| Get linked from page.
| wiki_get_linked_pages ($pageid) |
| Get linked pages from page.
| wiki_get_linked_to_pages ($pageid) |
| Get linked from page.
| wiki_get_missing_or_empty_pages ($swid) |
| Get missing or empty pages in wiki.
object | wiki_get_orphaned_pages ($swid) |
| Return a list of orphaned wikis for one specific subwiki.
| wiki_get_page ($pageid) |
| Get a wiki page by pageid.
| wiki_get_page_by_title ($swid, $title) |
| Get a wiki page by page title.
| wiki_get_page_list ($swid, $sort='title ASC') |
| Get pages list in wiki.
| wiki_get_possible_subwiki_by_group ($wikiid, $groupid, $userid=0) |
| Get a sub wiki instance by wiki id, group id and user id.
| wiki_get_section_page ($page, $section) |
| Get page section.
| wiki_get_subwiki ($subwikiid) |
| Get a sub wiki instace by instance id.
| wiki_get_subwiki_by_group ($wikiid, $groupid, $userid=0) |
| Get a sub wiki instance by wiki id and group id.
| wiki_get_subwiki_by_group_and_user_with_validation ($wiki, $groupid, $userid) |
| Utility function for getting a subwiki by group and user, validating that the user can view it.
| wiki_get_subwikis ($wikiid) |
| Get sub wiki instances with same wiki id.
| wiki_get_updated_pages_by_subwiki ($swid) |
| Get updated pages from wiki.
| wiki_get_user_info ($userid) |
| Get user data.
| wiki_get_version ($versionid) |
| Get a version record by record id.
| wiki_get_visible_subwikis ($wiki, $cm=null, $context=null) |
| Get all the possible subwikis visible to the user in a wiki.
| wiki_get_wiki ($wikiid) |
| Get a wiki instance.
| wiki_get_wiki_from_pageid ($pageid) |
| Get a wiki instance by pageid.
| wiki_get_wiki_page_id ($pageid, $id) |
| wiki_get_wiki_page_version ($pageid, $version) |
| Get a specific version of page.
| wiki_get_wiki_page_versions ($pageid, $limitfrom, $limitnum) |
| Get version list.
| wiki_increment_pageviews ($page) |
| Increase page view nubmer.
| wiki_is_page_section_locked ($pageid, $userid, $section=null) |
| Checks if a page-section is locked.
| wiki_make_cache_expire ($pagename) |
| wiki_parse_content ($markup, $pagecontent, $options=array()) |
| Parses a string with the wiki markup language in $markup.
| wiki_parser_get_token ($markup, $name) |
| Returns the token used by a wiki language to represent a given tag or "object" (bold -> **)
| wiki_parser_link ($link, $options=null) |
| This function is the parser callback to parse wiki links.
| wiki_parser_real_path ($url, $context, $component, $filearea, $swid) |
| Returns an absolute path link, unless there is no such link.
| wiki_parser_table ($table) |
| Returns the table fully parsed (HTML)
| wiki_print_edit_form_default_fields ($format, $pageid, $version=-1, $upload=false, $deleteuploads=array()) |
| Prints default edit form fields and buttons.
| wiki_print_page_content ($page, $context, $subwikiid) |
| wiki_print_upload_table ($context, $filearea, $fileitemid, $deleteuploads=array()) |
| Prints a table with the files attached to a wiki page.
| wiki_refresh_cachedcontent ($page, $newcontent=null) |
| wiki_refresh_page_links ($page, $links) |
| wiki_restore_page ($wikipage, $version, $context) |
| Restore a page with specified version.
| wiki_save_page ($wikipage, $newcontent, $userid) |
| Save page content.
| wiki_save_section ($wikipage, $sectiontitle, $sectioncontent, $userid) |
| wiki_search_all ($swid, $search) |
| Search wiki title and content.
| wiki_search_content ($swid, $search) |
| Search wiki content.
| wiki_search_title ($swid, $search) |
| Search wiki title.
| wiki_set_lock ($pageid, $userid, $section=null, $insert=false) |
| Inserts or updates a wiki_locks record.
| wiki_trim_string ($text, $limit=25) |
| This function trims any given text and returns it with some dots at the end.
| wiki_user_can_edit ($subwiki) |
| Checks if current user can edit a subwiki.
| wiki_user_can_view ($subwiki, $wiki=null) |
| Checks if current user can view a subwiki.