Moodle APIs 4.3
Moodle 4.3.6 (Build: 20240812)
questionlib.php File Reference


 _tidy_question ($question, $category, array $tagobjects=null, array $filtercourses=null)
 Private function to factor common code out of get_question_options().
 add_indented_names ($categories, $nochildrenof=-1)
 Format categories into an indented list reflecting the tree structure.
 core_question_find_next_unused_idnumber (?string $oldidnumber, int $categoryid)
 If $oldidnumber ends in some digits then return the next available idnumber of the same form.
 core_question_question_preview_pluginfile ($previewcontext, $questionid, $filecontext, $filecomponent, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload, $options=[])
 Serve questiontext files in the question text when they are displayed in this report.
 delete_question_bank_entry ($entryid)
 Check if there is more versions left for the entry.
 flatten_category_tree (&$categories, $id, $depth=0, $nochildrenof=-1)
 Private method, only for the use of add_indented_names().
 get_categories_for_contexts ($contexts, $sortorder='parent, sortorder, name ASC', $top=false)
 Get all the category objects, including a count of the number of questions in that category, for all the categories in the lists $contexts.
 get_import_export_formats ($type)
 Get list of available import or export formats.
 get_next_version (int $questionbankentryid)
 Get the next version number to create base on a Question bank entry id.
 get_question_bank_entry (int $questionid)
 Get the question_bank_entry object given a question id.
 get_question_options (&$questions, $loadtags=false, $filtercourses=null)
 Updates the question objects with question type specific information by calling {.
 get_question_version ($questionid)
 Get the question versions given a question id in a descending sort .
 idnumber_exist_in_question_category ($questionidnumber, $categoryid, $limitfrom=0, $limitnum=1)
 Check if an idnumber exist in the category.
 is_latest (string $version, string $questionbankentryid)
 Checks if question is the latest version.
 match_grade_options ($gradeoptionsfull, $grade, $matchgrades='error')
 Check whether a given grade is one of a list of allowed options.
 move_question_set_references (int $oldcategoryid, int $newcatgoryid, int $oldcontextid, int $newcontextid, bool $delete=false)
 Update the questioncontextid field for all question_set_references records given a new context id.
 print_question_icon ($question)
 Print the icon for the question type.
 question_add_context_in_key ($categories)
 Add context in categories key.
 question_category_delete_safe ($category)
 Category is about to be deleted, 1/ All questions are deleted for this question category.
 question_category_in_use ($categoryid, $recursive=false)
 Tests whether any question in a category is used by any part of Moodle.
 question_category_options ($contexts, $top=false, $currentcat=0, $popupform=false, $nochildrenof=-1, $escapecontextnames=true)
 Output an array of question categories.
 question_category_select_menu ($contexts, $top=false, $currentcat=0, $selected="", $nochildrenof=-1)
 Output a select menu of question categories.
 question_categorylist ($categoryid)
 Get the list of categories.
 question_categorylist_parents (int $categoryid)
 Get all parent categories of a given question category in descending order.
 question_context_has_any_questions ($context)
 Determine whether there are any questions belonging to this context, that is whether any of its question categories contain any questions.
 question_default_export_filename ($course, $category)
 Create a reasonable default file name for exporting questions from a particular category.
 question_delete_activity ($cm, $notused=false)
 All question categories and their questions are deleted for this activity.
 question_delete_context ($contextid)
 All question categories and their questions are deleted for this context id.
 question_delete_course ($course, $notused=false)
 All question categories and their questions are deleted for this course.
 question_delete_course_category ($category, $newcategory, $notused=false)
 Category is about to be deleted, 1/ All question categories and their questions are deleted for this course category.
 question_delete_question ($questionid)
 Deletes question and all associated data from the database.
 question_edit_url ($context)
 Gets the question edit url.
 question_extend_settings_navigation (navigation_node $navigationnode, $context, $baseurl='/question/edit.php')
 Adds question bank setting links to the given navigation node if caps are met and loads the navigation from the plugins.
 question_fix_top_names ($categories, $escape=true)
 Finds top categories in the given categories hierarchy and replace their name with a proper localised string.
 question_get_all_capabilities ()
 Get the question bank caps.
 question_get_default_category ($contextid)
 Get the default category for the context.
 question_get_export_single_question_url ($question)
 Get the URL to export a single question (exportone.php).
 question_get_question_capabilities ()
 Get the array of capabilities for question.
 question_get_top_categories_for_contexts ($contextids)
 Gets the list of top categories in the given contexts in the array("categoryid,categorycontextid") format.
 question_get_top_category ($contextid, $create=false)
 Gets the top category in the given context.
 question_has_capability_on ($questionorid, $cap, $notused=-1)
 Check capability on category.
 question_hash ($question)
 Creates a stamp that uniquely identifies this version of the question.
 question_load_questions ($questionids, $extrafields='', $join='')
 Load a set of questions, given a list of ids.
 question_make_default_categories ($contexts)
 Gets the default category in the most specific context.
 question_make_export_url ($contextid, $categoryid, $format, $withcategories, $withcontexts, $filename)
 Create url for question export.
 question_module_uses_questions ($modname)
 Does an activity module use the question bank?
 question_move_category_to_context ($categoryid, $oldcontextid, $newcontextid)
 This function helps move a question cateogry to a new context by moving all the files belonging to all the questions to the new context.
 question_move_question_tags_to_new_context (array $questions, context $newcontext)
 This function will handle moving all tag instances to a new context for a given list of questions.
 question_move_questions_to_category ($questionids, $newcategoryid)
 This function should be considered private to the question bank, it is called from question/editlib.php question/contextmoveq.php and a few similar places to to the work of actually moving questions and associated data.
 question_page_type_list ($pagetype, $parentcontext, $currentcontext)
 Return a list of page types.
 question_pluginfile ($course, $context, $component, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload, $options=[])
 Called by pluginfile.php to serve files related to the 'question' core component and for files belonging to qtypes.
 question_preload_questions ($questionids=null, $extrafields='', $join='', $extraparams=[], $orderby='')
 Given a list of ids, load the basic information about a set of questions from the questions table.
 question_preview_popup_params ()
 Popup params for the question preview.
 question_preview_url ($questionid, $preferredbehaviour=null, $maxmark=null, $displayoptions=null, $variant=null, $context=null)
 Generate the URL for starting a new preview of a given question with the given options.
 question_remove_stale_questions_from_category ($categoryid)
 Remove stale questions from a category.
 question_reorder_qtypes ($sortedqtypes, $tomove, $direction)
 Move one question type in a list of question types.
 question_require_capability_on ($question, $cap)
 Require capability on question.
 question_rewrite_question_preview_urls ($text, $questionid, $filecontextid, $filecomponent, $filearea, $itemid, $previewcontextid, $previewcomponent, $options=null)
 Rewrite the PLUGINFILE urls in part of the content of a question, for use when viewing the question outside an attempt (for example, in the question bank listing or in the quiz statistics report).
 question_rewrite_question_urls ($text, $file, $contextid, $component, $filearea, array $ids, $itemid, array $options=null)
 Helps call file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls with the right parameters.
 question_save_from_deletion ($questionids, $newcontextid, $oldplace, $newcategory=null)
 Creates a new category to save the questions in use.
 question_save_qtype_order ($neworder, $config=null)
 Save a new question type order to the config_plugins table.
 question_sort_tags ($tagobjects, $categorycontext, $filtercourses=null)
 Sort question tags by course or normal tags.
 questions_in_use ($questionids)
 Check if the question is used.
 sort_categories_by_tree (&$categories, $id=0, $level=1)
 Returns the categories with their names ordered following parent-child relationships.


 Constant determines the number of answer boxes supplied in the editing form for multiple choice and similar question types.
 Constant determines the number of answer boxes to add in the editing form for multiple choice and similar question types when the user presses 'add form fields button'.
 Constant determines the number of answer boxes supplied in the editing form for multiple choice and similar question types to start with, with the option of adding QUESTION_NUMANS_ADD more answers.