Moodle APIs 4.3
Moodle 4.3.6 (Build: 20240812)


 _group_verify_activegroup ($courseid, $groupmode, $groupingid, array $allowedgroups)
 Internal method, sets up $SESSION->activegroup and verifies previous value.
 groups_allgroups_course_menu ($course, $urlroot, $update=false, $activegroup=0)
 Generates html to print menu selector for course level, listing all groups.
 groups_cache_groupdata ($courseid, cache $cache=null)
 Caches group data for a particular course to speed up subsequent requests.
 groups_get_activity_allowed_groups ($cm, $userid=0)
 Gets a list of groups that the user is allowed to access within the specified activity.
 groups_get_activity_group ($cm, $update=false, $allowedgroups=null)
 Returns group active in activity, changes the group by default if 'group' page param present.
 groups_get_activity_groupmode ($cm, $course=null)
 Returns effective groupmode used in activity, course setting overrides activity setting if groupmodeforce enabled.
 groups_get_activity_shared_group_members ($cm, $userid=null)
 Returns users who share group membership with the specified user in the given actiivty.
 groups_get_all_groupings ($courseid)
 Gets an array of all groupings in a specified course.
 groups_get_all_groups ($courseid, $userid=0, $groupingid=0, $fields='g.*', $withmembers=false, $participationonly=false)
 Gets array of all groups in a specified course (subject to the conditions imposed by the other arguments).
 groups_get_course_data ($courseid, cache $cache=null)
 Gets group data for a course.
 groups_get_course_group ($course, $update=false, $allowedgroups=null)
 Returns group active in course, changes the group by default if 'group' page param present.
 groups_get_course_groupmode ($course)
 Returns effective groupmode used in course.
 groups_get_group ($groupid, $fields=' *', $strictness=IGNORE_MISSING, $withcustomfields=false)
 Get the group object.
 groups_get_group_by_idnumber ($courseid, $idnumber)
 Returns the groupid of a group with the idnumber specified for the course.
 groups_get_group_by_name ($courseid, $name)
 Returns the groupid of a group with the name specified for the course.
 groups_get_group_name ($groupid)
 Gets the name of a group with a specified id.
 groups_get_grouping ($groupingid, $fields=' *', $strictness=IGNORE_MISSING, $withcustomfields=false)
 Get the grouping object.
 groups_get_grouping_by_idnumber ($courseid, $idnumber)
 Returns the groupingid of a grouping with the idnumber specified for the course.
 groups_get_grouping_by_name ($courseid, $name)
 Returns the groupingid of a grouping with the name specified for the course.
 groups_get_grouping_members ($groupingid, $fields='u.*', $sort='lastname ASC')
 Returns the users in the specified grouping.
 groups_get_grouping_name ($groupingid)
 Gets the name of a grouping with a specified id.
 groups_get_groups_members ($groupsids, $extrafields=null, $sort='lastname ASC')
 Returns the users in the specified groups.
 groups_get_members ($groupid, $fields='u.*', $sort='lastname ASC')
 Returns the users in the specified group.
 groups_get_members_ids_sql ($groupids, context $context=null, $groupsjointype=GROUPS_JOIN_ANY)
 Get sql and parameters that will return user ids for a group or groups.
 groups_get_members_join ($groupids, $useridcolumn, context $context=null, int $jointype=GROUPS_JOIN_ANY)
 Get sql join to return users in a group.
 groups_get_my_groups ()
 Gets array of all groups in current user.
 groups_get_names_concat_sql (int $courseid, string $separator=', ')
 Returns array with SQL and parameters returning userids and concatenated group names for given course.
 groups_get_user_groups (int $courseid, int $userid=0, bool $includehidden=false)
 Returns info about user's groups in course.
 groups_group_exists ($groupid)
 Determines if a group with a given groupid exists.
 groups_group_visible ($groupid, $course, $cm=null, $userid=null)
 Determine if a given group is visible to user or not in a given context.
 groups_has_membership ($cm, $userid=null)
 Determines if current or specified is member of any active group in activity.
 groups_is_member ($groupid, $userid=null)
 Determines if the user is a member of the given group.
 groups_list_to_menu ($groups)
 Turn an array of groups into an array of menu options.
 groups_print_activity_menu ($cm, $urlroot, $return=false, $hideallparticipants=false)
 Print group menu selector for activity.
 groups_print_course_menu ($course, $urlroot, $return=false)
 Print group menu selector for course level.
 groups_sort_menu_options ($allowedgroups, $usergroups)
 Takes user's allowed groups and own groups and formats for use in group selector menu If user has allowed groups + own groups will add to an optgroup Own groups are removed from allowed groups.
 groups_user_groups_visible ($course, $userid, $cm=null)
 Determine if the current user can see at least one of the groups of the specified user.


 'All' join type, used when filtering by groups (logical AND)
 'Any' join type, used when filtering by groups (logical OR)
 'None' join type, used when filtering by groups (logical NOT)
 All users can see this group and its members.
 Members of this group can see this group and other members.
 No-one can see this group or its members.
 Members of this group can see the group and their own membership, but not each other's membership.
const NOGROUPS 0
 Groups not used in course or activity.
 Groups used, users do not see other groups.
 This is for filtering users without any group.
 Groups used, students see other groups.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ _group_verify_activegroup()

_group_verify_activegroup ( $courseid,
array $allowedgroups )

Internal method, sets up $SESSION->activegroup and verifies previous value.

int | string$groupmodeSEPARATEGROUPS, VISIBLEGROUPS or 'aag' (access all groups)
int$groupingid0 means all groups
array$allowedgroupslist of groups user can see

◆ groups_allgroups_course_menu()

groups_allgroups_course_menu ( $course,
$update = false,
$activegroup = 0 )

Generates html to print menu selector for course level, listing all groups.

Note: This api does not do any group mode check use groups_print_course_menu() instead if you want proper checks.

stdclass$coursecourse object.
string | moodle_url$urlrootreturn address. Accepts either a string or a moodle_url.
bool$updateset this to true to update current active group based on the group param.
int$activegroupChange group active to this group if $update set to true.
Return values
stringhtml or void

◆ groups_cache_groupdata()

groups_cache_groupdata ( $courseid,
cache $cache = null )

Caches group data for a particular course to speed up subsequent requests.

int$courseidThe course id to cache data for.
cache$cacheThe cache if it has already been initialised. If not a new one will be created.
Return values
stdClassA data object containing groups, groupings, and mappings.

◆ groups_get_activity_allowed_groups()

groups_get_activity_allowed_groups ( $cm,
$userid = 0 )

Gets a list of groups that the user is allowed to access within the specified activity.

stdClass | cm_info$cmCourse-module
int$useridUser ID (defaults to current user)
Return values
arrayAn array of group objects, or false if none

◆ groups_get_activity_group()

groups_get_activity_group ( $cm,
$update = false,
$allowedgroups = null )

Returns group active in activity, changes the group by default if 'group' page param present.

stdClass | cm_info$cmcourse module object
bool$updatechange active group if group param submitted
array$allowedgroupslist of groups user may access (INTERNAL, to be used only from groups_print_activity_menu())
Return values
mixedfalse if groups not used, int if groups used, 0 means all groups (access must be verified in SEPARATE mode)

◆ groups_get_activity_groupmode()

groups_get_activity_groupmode ( $cm,
$course = null )

Returns effective groupmode used in activity, course setting overrides activity setting if groupmodeforce enabled.

If $cm is an instance of cm_info it is easier to use $cm->effectivegroupmode

cm_info | stdClass$cmthe course module object. Only the ->course and ->groupmode need to be set.
stdClass$courseobject optional course object to improve perf
Return values
intgroup mode

◆ groups_get_activity_shared_group_members()

groups_get_activity_shared_group_members ( $cm,
$userid = null )

Returns users who share group membership with the specified user in the given actiivty.

stdClass | cm_info$cmcourse module
int$useriduser id (empty for current user)
Return values
arraya list of user
Moodle 3.3

◆ groups_get_all_groupings()

groups_get_all_groupings ( $courseid)

Gets an array of all groupings in a specified course.

This value is cached for a single course (so you can call it repeatedly for the same course without a performance penalty).

int$courseidreturn all groupings from course with this courseid
Return values
arrayReturns an array of the grouping objects (empty if none)

◆ groups_get_all_groups()

groups_get_all_groups ( $courseid,
$userid = 0,
$groupingid = 0,
$fields = 'g.*',
$withmembers = false,
$participationonly = false )

Gets array of all groups in a specified course (subject to the conditions imposed by the other arguments).

If a user does not have moodle/course:viewhiddengroups, the list of groups and members will be restricted based on the visibility setting of each group.

int$courseidThe id of the course.
int | int[]$useridoptional user id or array of ids, returns only groups continaing one or more of those users.
int$groupingidoptional returns only groups in the specified grouping.
string$fieldsdefaults to g.*. This allows you to vary which fields are returned. If $groupingid is specified, the groupings_groups table will be available with alias gg. If $userid is specified, the groups_members table will be available as gm.
bool$withmembersif true return an extra field members (int[]) which is the list of userids that are members of each group. For this to work, (or g.*) must be included in $fields. In this case, the final results will always be an array indexed by group id.
bool$participationonlyOnly return groups where the participation field is true.
Return values
arrayreturns an array of the group objects (unless you have done something very weird with the $fields option).

◆ groups_get_course_data()

groups_get_course_data ( $courseid,
cache $cache = null )

Gets group data for a course.

This returns an object with the following properties:

  • groups : An array of all the groups in the course.
  • groupings : An array of all the groupings within the course.
  • mappings : An array of group to grouping mappings.
int$courseidThe course id to get data for.
cache$cacheThe cache if it has already been initialised. If not a new one will be created.
Return values

◆ groups_get_course_group()

groups_get_course_group ( $course,
$update = false,
$allowedgroups = null )

Returns group active in course, changes the group by default if 'group' page param present.

stdClass$coursecourse bject
bool$updatechange active group if group param submitted
array$allowedgroupslist of groups user may access (INTERNAL, to be used only from groups_print_course_menu())
Return values
mixedfalse if groups not used, int if groups used, 0 means all groups (access must be verified in SEPARATE mode)

◆ groups_get_course_groupmode()

groups_get_course_groupmode ( $course)

Returns effective groupmode used in course.

stdClass$coursecourse object.
Return values
intgroup mode

◆ groups_get_group()

groups_get_group ( $groupid,
$fields = '*',
$strictness = IGNORE_MISSING,
$withcustomfields = false )

Get the group object.

int$groupidID of the group.
string$fields(default is all fields)
int$strictness(IGNORE_MISSING - default)
Return values
bool|stdClassgroup object or false if not found

◆ groups_get_group_by_idnumber()

groups_get_group_by_idnumber ( $courseid,
$idnumber )

Returns the groupid of a group with the idnumber specified for the course.

Group idnumbers should be unique within course

int$courseidThe id of the course
string$idnumberidnumber of group
Return values

◆ groups_get_group_by_name()

groups_get_group_by_name ( $courseid,
$name )

Returns the groupid of a group with the name specified for the course.

Group names should be unique in course

int$courseidThe id of the course
string$namename of group (without magic quotes)
Return values

◆ groups_get_group_name()

groups_get_group_name ( $groupid)

Gets the name of a group with a specified id.

Before output, you should call {

See also
format_string} on the result
int$groupidThe id of the group
Return values
stringThe name of the group

◆ groups_get_grouping()

groups_get_grouping ( $groupingid,
$fields = '*',
$strictness = IGNORE_MISSING,
$withcustomfields = false )

Get the grouping object.

int$groupingidID of the group.
int$strictness(IGNORE_MISSING - default)
Return values
stdClassgroup object

◆ groups_get_grouping_by_idnumber()

groups_get_grouping_by_idnumber ( $courseid,
$idnumber )

Returns the groupingid of a grouping with the idnumber specified for the course.

Grouping names should be unique within course

int$courseidThe id of the course
string$idnumberidnumber of the group
Return values

◆ groups_get_grouping_by_name()

groups_get_grouping_by_name ( $courseid,
$name )

Returns the groupingid of a grouping with the name specified for the course.

Grouping names should be unique in course

int$courseidThe id of the course
string$namename of group (without magic quotes)
Return values

◆ groups_get_grouping_members()

groups_get_grouping_members ( $groupingid,
$fields = 'u.*',
$sort = 'lastname ASC' )

Returns the users in the specified grouping.

int$groupingidThe groupingid to get the users for
string$fieldsThe fields to return
string$sortoptional sorting of returned users
Return values
array|boolReturns an array of the users for the specified group or false if no users or an error returned.

◆ groups_get_grouping_name()

groups_get_grouping_name ( $groupingid)

Gets the name of a grouping with a specified id.

Before output, you should call {

See also
format_string} on the result
int$groupingidThe id of the grouping
Return values
stringThe name of the grouping

◆ groups_get_groups_members()

groups_get_groups_members ( $groupsids,
$extrafields = null,
$sort = 'lastname ASC' )

Returns the users in the specified groups.

This function does not return complete user objects by default. It returns the user_picture basic fields.

array$groupsidsThe list of groups ids to check
array$extrafieldsextra fields to be included in result
int$sortoptional sorting of returned users
Return values
array|boolReturns an array of the users for the specified group or false if no users or an error returned.
Moodle 3.3

◆ groups_get_members()

groups_get_members ( $groupid,
$fields = 'u.*',
$sort = 'lastname ASC' )

Returns the users in the specified group.

int$groupidThe groupid to get the users for
int$fieldsThe fields to return
int$sortoptional sorting of returned users
Return values
arrayReturns an array of the users for the specified group

◆ groups_get_members_ids_sql()

groups_get_members_ids_sql ( $groupids,
context $context = null,
$groupsjointype = GROUPS_JOIN_ANY )

Get sql and parameters that will return user ids for a group or groups.

int | array$groupidsWhere this is an array of multiple groups, it will match on members of any of the groups
context$contextCourse context or a context within a course. Mandatory when $groupid = USERSWITHOUTGROUP
int$groupsjointypeJoin type logic used. Defaults to 'Any' (logical OR).
Return values
coding_exceptionif empty or invalid context submitted when $groupid = USERSWITHOUTGROUP

◆ groups_get_members_join()

groups_get_members_join ( $groupids,
context $context = null,
int $jointype = GROUPS_JOIN_ANY )

Get sql join to return users in a group.

int | array$groupidsThe groupids, 0 or [] means all groups and USERSWITHOUTGROUP no group
string$useridcolumnThe column of the user id from the calling SQL, e.g.
context$contextCourse context or a context within a course. Mandatory when $groupids includes USERSWITHOUTGROUP
int$jointypeJoin type logic used. Defaults to 'Any' (logical OR).
Return values
core\dml\sql_joinContains joins, wheres, params
coding_exceptionif empty or invalid context submitted when $groupid = USERSWITHOUTGROUP

◆ groups_get_my_groups()

groups_get_my_groups ( )

Gets array of all groups in current user.

Moodle 2.5
Return values
arrayReturns an array of the group objects.

◆ groups_get_names_concat_sql()

groups_get_names_concat_sql ( int $courseid,
string $separator = ',
'  )

Returns array with SQL and parameters returning userids and concatenated group names for given course.

This function uses 'gn[0-9]+_' prefix for table names and parameters

Return values
array[$sql, $params]

◆ groups_get_user_groups()

groups_get_user_groups ( int $courseid,
int $userid = 0,
bool $includehidden = false )

Returns info about user's groups in course.

int$userid$USER if not specified
bool$includehiddenInclude groups with GROUP_VISIBILITY_NONE that the user is a member of, but is not allowed to see themselves. Use this parameter with care - it is the responsibility of the calling code to ensure these groups are not exposed to the user, as this could have privacy implications.
Return values
arrayArray[groupingid][groupid] including grouping id 0 which means all groups

◆ groups_group_exists()

groups_group_exists ( $groupid)

Determines if a group with a given groupid exists.

int$groupidThe groupid to check for
Return values
boolTrue if the group exists, false otherwise or if an error occurred.

◆ groups_group_visible()

groups_group_visible ( $groupid,
$cm = null,
$userid = null )

Determine if a given group is visible to user or not in a given context.

Moodle 2.6
int$groupidGroup id to test. 0 for all groups.
stdClass$courseCourse object.
stdClass$cmCourse module object.
int$useriduser id to test against. Defaults to $USER.
Return values
booleantrue if visible, false otherwise

◆ groups_has_membership()

groups_has_membership ( $cm,
$userid = null )

Determines if current or specified is member of any active group in activity.

@staticvar array $cache

stdClass | cm_info$cmcourse module object
int$useridid of user, null means $USER->id
Return values
booltrue if user member of at least one group used in activity

◆ groups_is_member()

groups_is_member ( $groupid,
$userid = null )

Determines if the user is a member of the given group.

If $userid is null, use the global object.

int$groupidThe group to check for membership.
int$useridThe user to check against the group.
Return values
boolTrue if the user is a member, false otherwise.

◆ groups_list_to_menu()

groups_list_to_menu ( $groups)

Turn an array of groups into an array of menu options.

array$groupsof group objects.
Return values
arraygroupid => formatted group name.

◆ groups_print_activity_menu()

groups_print_activity_menu ( $cm,
$return = false,
$hideallparticipants = false )

Print group menu selector for activity.

stdClass | cm_info$cmcourse module object
string | moodle_url$urlrootreturn address that users get to if they choose an option; should include any parameters needed, e.g. "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/view.php?id=34"
bool$returnreturn as string instead of printing
bool$hideallparticipantsIf true, this prevents the 'All participants' option from appearing in cases where it normally would. This is intended for use only by activities that cannot display all groups together. (Note that selecting this option does not prevent groups_get_activity_group from returning 0; it will still do that if the user has chosen 'all participants' in another activity, or not chosen anything.)
Return values
mixedvoid or string depending on $return param

◆ groups_print_course_menu()

groups_print_course_menu ( $course,
$return = false )

Print group menu selector for course level.

stdClass$coursecourse object
mixed$urlrootreturn address. Accepts either a string or a moodle_url
bool$returnreturn as string instead of printing
Return values
mixedvoid or string depending on $return param

◆ groups_sort_menu_options()

groups_sort_menu_options ( $allowedgroups,
$usergroups )

Takes user's allowed groups and own groups and formats for use in group selector menu If user has allowed groups + own groups will add to an optgroup Own groups are removed from allowed groups.

array$allowedgroupsAll groups user is allowed to see
array$usergroupsGroups user belongs to
Return values

◆ groups_user_groups_visible()

groups_user_groups_visible ( $course,
$cm = null )

Determine if the current user can see at least one of the groups of the specified user.

stdClass$courseCourse object.
int$useriduser id to check against.
stdClass$cmCourse module object. Optional, just for checking at activity level instead course one.
Return values
booleantrue if visible, false otherwise
Moodle 2.9

Variable Documentation



No-one can see this group or its members.

Members of the group will not know they are in the group.