| byteserving_send_file ($handle, $mimetype, $ranges, $filesize) |
| Send requested byterange of file.
| download_file_content ($url, $headers=null, $postdata=null, $fullresponse=false, $timeout=300, $connecttimeout=20, $skipcertverify=false, $tofile=NULL, $calctimeout=false) |
| Fetches content of file from Internet (using proxy if defined).
| file_area_contains_subdirs (context $context, $component, $filearea, $itemid) |
| Detects if area contains subdirs, this is intended for file areas that are attached to content migrated from 1.x where subdirs were allowed everywhere.
| file_copy_file_to_file_area ($file, $filename, $itemid) |
| Copies a file from one file area to another.
| file_correct_filepath ($str) |
| Convert any string to a valid filepath.
stdClass | file_encode_url ($urlbase, $path, $forcedownload=false, $https=false) |
| Encodes file serving url.
| file_extension_icon ($filename, $unused=null) |
| Returns the relative icon path for a given file name.
| file_extension_in_typegroup ($filename, $groups, $checktype=false) |
| Checks if file with name $filename has one of the extensions in groups $groups.
| file_file_icon ($file, $unused=null) |
| Return the relative icon path for a given file.
| file_folder_icon ($unused=null) |
| Return the relative icon path for a folder image.
| file_get_all_files_in_draftarea (int $draftitemid, string $filepath='/') |
| Returns all of the files in the draftarea.
| file_get_drafarea_files ($draftitemid, $filepath='/') |
| Listing all files (including folders) in current path (draft area) used by file manager.
| file_get_drafarea_folders ($draftitemid, $filepath, &$data) |
| Generate a folder tree of draft area of current USER recursively.
stdClass | file_get_draft_area_info ($draftitemid, $filepath='/') |
| Returns information about files in a draft area.
| file_get_file_area_info ($contextid, $component, $filearea, $itemid=0, $filepath='/') |
| Returns information about files in an area.
| file_get_submitted_draft_itemid ($elname) |
| Returns draft area itemid for a given element.
| file_get_typegroup ($element, $groups) |
| Returns array of elements of type $element in type group(s)
moodle_database | file_get_unused_draft_itemid () |
| Generate a draft itemid.
| file_get_upload_error ($errorcode) |
| Returns description of upload error.
moodle_database | file_get_user_used_space () |
| Get used space of files $DB @global stdClass $USER.
| file_is_draft_area_limit_reached ($draftitemid, $areamaxbytes, $newfilesize=0, $includereferences=false) |
| Returns whether a draft area has exceeded/will exceed its size limit.
| file_is_draft_areas_limit_reached (int $userid) |
| Returns whether a user has reached their draft area upload rate.
| file_is_executable ($filename) |
| Tells whether the filename is executable.
| file_is_svg_image_from_mimetype (string $mimetype) |
| Attempt to determine whether the specified mime-type is an SVG image or not.
| file_merge_draft_area_into_draft_area ($getfromdraftid, $mergeintodraftid) |
| Merge files from two draftarea areas.
| file_merge_draft_areas ($draftitemid, $usercontextid, $text, $forcehttps=false) |
| Finds all draft areas used in a textarea and copies the files into the primary textarea.
| file_merge_files_from_draft_area_into_filearea ($draftitemid, $contextid, $component, $filearea, $itemid, array $options=null) |
| Add files from a draft area into a final area.
| file_mimetype_icon ($mimetype, $unused=null) |
| Returns the relative icon path for a given mime type.
| file_mimetype_in_typegroup ($mimetype, $groups) |
| Checks if mimetype $mimetype belongs to one of the groups $groups.
| file_overwrite_existing_draftfile (stored_file $newfile, stored_file $existingfile) |
| Overwrite an existing file in a draft area.
| file_pluginfile ($relativepath, $forcedownload, $preview=null, $offline=false, $embed=false) |
| This function delegates file serving to individual plugins.
| file_postupdate_standard_editor ($data, $field, array $options, $context, $component=null, $filearea=null, $itemid=null) |
| Prepares the content of the 'editor' form element with embedded media files to be saved in database.
| file_postupdate_standard_filemanager ($data, $field, array $options, $context, $component, $filearea, $itemid) |
| Saves files modified by File manager formslib element.
stdClass | file_prepare_draft_area (&$draftitemid, $contextid, $component, $filearea, $itemid, array $options=null, $text=null) |
| Initialise a draft file area from a real one by copying the files.
| file_prepare_standard_editor ($data, $field, array $options, $context=null, $component=null, $filearea=null, $itemid=null) |
| Prepares 'editor' formslib element from data in database.
| file_prepare_standard_filemanager ($data, $field, array $options, $context=null, $component=null, $filearea=null, $itemid=null) |
| Saves text and files modified by Editor formslib element.
| file_remove_editor_orphaned_files ($editor) |
| Removes those files from the user drafts filearea which are not referenced in the editor text.
| file_replace_file_area_in_text ($file, $newid, $text, $forcehttps=false) |
| Rewrites a file area in arbitrary text.
moodle_database | file_reset_sortorder ($contextid, $component, $filearea, $itemid=false) |
| reset file sort order number to 0 $DB
| file_restore_source_field_from_draft_file ($storedfile) |
| Restore the original source field from draft files.
| file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls ($text, $file, $contextid, $component, $filearea, $itemid, array $options=null) |
| Convert encoded URLs in $text from the @PLUGINFILE@/... form to an actual URL.
| file_rewrite_urls_to_pluginfile ($text, $draftitemid, $forcehttps=false) |
| Convert the draft file area URLs in some content to @PLUGINFILE@ tokens ready to be saved in the database.
| file_safe_save_content ($content, $destination) |
| Safely save content to a certain path.
stdClass | file_save_draft_area_files ($draftitemid, $contextid, $component, $filearea, $itemid, array $options=null, $text=null, $forcehttps=false) |
| Saves files from a draft file area to a real one (merging the list of files).
moodle_database | file_set_sortorder ($contextid, $component, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename, $sortorder) |
| Set file sort order.
| format_array_postdata_for_curlcall ($arraydata, $currentdata, &$data) |
| Recursive function formating an array in POST parameter.
| format_postdata_for_curlcall ($postdata) |
| Transform a PHP array into POST parameter (see the recursive function format_array_postdata_for_curlcall)
| fulldelete ($location) |
| Recursively delete the file or folder with path $location.
| get_mimetype_description ($obj, $capitalise=false) |
| Obtains descriptions for file types (e.g.
| get_mimetype_for_sending ($filename='') |
| Determine a file's MIME type based on the given filename using the function mimeinfo.
& | get_mimetypes_array () |
| Returns a list of information about file types based on extensions.
| get_moodle_proxy_url () |
| Returns the moodle proxy configuration as a formatted url.
| mimeinfo ($element, $filename) |
| Obtains information about a filetype based on its extension.
| mimeinfo_from_type ($element, $mimetype) |
| Obtains information about a filetype based on the MIME type rather than the other way around.
| readfile_accel ($file, $mimetype, $accelerate) |
| Enhanced readfile() with optional acceleration.
| readfile_allow_large ($path, $filesize=-1) |
| The readfile function can fail when files are larger than 2GB (even on 64-bit platforms).
| readstring_accel ($string, $mimetype, $accelerate=false) |
| Similar to readfile_accel() but designed for strings.
| send_content_uncached ($content, $filename) |
| Serve content which is not meant to be cached.
| send_file ($path, $filename, $lifetime=null, $filter=0, $pathisstring=false, $forcedownload=false, $mimetype='', $dontdie=false, array $options=array()) |
| Handles the sending of file data to the user's browser, including support for byteranges etc.
stdClass | send_file_not_found () |
| Requested file is not found or not accessible, does not return, terminates script.
| send_header_404 () |
| Helper function to send correct 404 for server.
| send_stored_file ($storedfile, $lifetime=null, $filter=0, $forcedownload=false, array $options=array()) |
| Handles the sending of file data to the user's browser, including support for byteranges etc.
| send_temp_file ($path, $filename, $pathisstring=false) |
| Handles the sending of temporary file to user, download is forced.
| send_temp_file_finished ($path) |
| Internal callback function used by send_temp_file()